Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 225, 1 Secret Treasure Comes Out, 1 Body Cultivated to the East

Chapter 225, as soon as the secret treasure is released, the cultivation base flows eastward
Just when Dabai went to look for the potato chips he brought back as a matter of course, he saw a book next to the potato chips.

Dabai originally wanted to ignore the book and eat potato chips, but the pages of the book were blown away by the wind.

"Elementary Mathematics."

Dabai was attracted by the math book that was blown away by the wind. Soon, he stared at the book with interest, and then picked up the book.

Eating potato chips with left hand, flipping math books with right hand
"Dabai also reads math books?" Li Guo saw it, but complained in his heart. With Dabai's concentration, reading this book is probably the limit.

After all, as a divine beast, he doesn't even like to practice.

Of course, he didn't object to seeing Li Guo, maybe he just loves mathematics so much.

Afterwards, Li Guo took the novel of "Three Young Masters of the Tang Family" to Yingzhao's floating island.

"Senior Yingzhao, the poor are here."

When Li Guo arrived, the adult ginseng came over with tea and offered Li Guo a pot of fresh ginseng tea.

Obviously the last time I came, I haven't come yet.

This is too real.

Adult ginseng said respectfully.

"Really, please use tea."

"Thank you."

Li Guo took the rich ginseng tea and took a deep breath, the rich medicinal power made people intoxicated.

Beautiful, very beautiful.

At this time, the adult ginseng retreated, Li Guo smelled the ginseng tea silently, and then pretended to sigh.

"Hey, ginseng tea is still too bitter. It might be better if it has a little bit of sweetness."

The big wolfberry came over silently, and silently cut a little bit of his finger into the ginseng tea.

Wannian wolfberry and Wannian ginseng, this pot of tea even exudes a faint shimmer.

Li Guo smelled it again, and said again.

"Sweet and bitter, but the astringency is still too strong."

The big ganoderma lucidum came over silently, and also cut some into it.

This time the tea water did not emit a faint light, but a golden light dissipated, as if a treasure was born.

After the big Ganoderma lucidum was cut, Yingzhao finally came out, folded his hands on his chest, frowned and said: "Little Taoist, don't overdo it, your cultivation level is not enough to digest the full power of the medicine, and now the three-flavored elixir is the limit .”

"I'm sorry, Senior Yingzhao, it's really that the poor really need to cultivate and enter the country at this time." Li Guo smiled slightly, which was considered a small revenge.

Yingzhao is quite a stinky guy. Every time he came to look for him, he was actually in the medicine garden, and he had to wait for an hour or two before he would come out.

No, he came out in 5 minutes after asking for tea several times, no time wasted.

At this time, Yingzhao also entered the topic, and said lightly.

"What I want."

"You may not have brought what Pindao asked for."

"Hmph." Yingzhao flicked his fingers and shot out a golden core.

"Thank you, Senior Yingzhao."

Li Guo took the golden pill and said with a smile.

"This is a novel that Pindao downloaded for you. There is also a short video in it. You should watch it too."

Yingzhao took the SD card, and the originally haughty and indifferent eyes finally showed some interest.

It's not that the novel is too good-looking, but that this floating island is too boring.

For thousands of years, being bound here, day after day of planting, alchemy, planting, alchemy, a little bit of strange entertainment can make him donate precious golden elixir.

Seeing Yingzhao's hunger for the SD card, Li Guo also softened his heart. After thinking about it, the reason why he is so stinky and hangs people here is probably because he wants to feel more of the "human" breath, so that people Stay a little longer, and then said: "Senior Yingzhao, Pindao will try his best to get you out of this place."

I don't know if these words moved Yingzhao, he said after a moment of silence.

"Hmph, to put it lightly, the emperor's decree is a 'rule', and his rules are not something ordinary people can break."

"It's man-made, isn't it?" Li Guo smiled slightly, not paying attention to the so-called emperor's rules.

According to the legend, there are quite a few beings who are higher than the Heavenly Emperor. Besides, it is just a random edict from him, so how could it be higher?

At this time, Yingzhao turned his head away and said while walking towards the medicine garden.

"Whatever you want."

His tone seems to be much softer
After visiting Yingzhao, Li Guo came to Suzaku's palace.

At this moment, the owner of the Suzaku Palace has been able to stabilize her form, and will not jump wildly between the Yujie form and the Lolita form.

But unfortunately, Suzaku seems to think that the girl form saves energy, so she has been fixed in this form. When it is time to fight or use spiritual power, she will enter the royal sister form.

How should I put it, Li Guo still prefers the eclectic girl form.

Palace Master Suzaku looked at the math book, and said with great interest: "If you didn't say that this is a method of arithmetic, I would think that these are the merits of the Dao that directly point to the essence."


"The so-called practice is essentially the process of understanding the nature of the world from various angles, so you human monks must realize the Tao before you can cross the Tao." Palace Master Suzaku said while flipping through the books: "Take some of the theoretical knowledge of the catastrophe period into consideration." What monks can comprehend is directly adapted to the level that ordinary people can understand, using this kind of driving called "formula" to express it with a mortal body, with a mortal mind, to comprehend the Dao, you human beings should not be underestimated."

While reading, Li Guo actually felt that the aura around Palace Master Suzaku became more solid.

This shocked Li Guo a little. These books not only gave Suzaku Palace Master knowledge, but also allowed her to understand more "Tao".

Sure enough, knowledge itself is the most powerful force no matter where it is.

"If there are so many 'rules', maybe we can do it." Palace Master Suzaku stared at the books on the ground with some fanaticism. In her opinion, these are no different from the exercises for becoming a god and proving the Tao.

"We'll do it. Come on and escape from this world"

Palace Master Suzaku murmured, as if she was telling someone, her tone was a little sad.

Li Guo understood who she was talking to.

It was said to the bird in the cage who accompanied her through a long time, but eventually died at the limit of her lifespan.
Soon, Palace Master Suzaku came out of that slightly sad state and asked Li Guodao.

"By the way, did you get any secret treasure?"

"Secret treasure? No?" Li Guo wondered what kind of secret treasure he could obtain.

"No? As soon as you came in, both Yuxi and Bengong could smell the unconcealable scent of secret treasure on your body." The owner of Suzaku shrugged and said, "Is it because I'm worried that Bengong will be greedy for your secret treasure? Don't worry, Bengong Just curious."

Whether it was Suzaku or Yu Xi, Li Guo had full trust, and he really didn't have any secret treasures.

But soon, Li Guo thought of something, and told Yu Xi and Palace Master Suzaku about "Fengshen Yanyi", basically everything except the system.

At this moment, Palace Master Suzaku was a little surprised.

"This is troublesome. It turns out that you are bound by the secret treasure, not the secret treasure."

"Is it troublesome to bind the secret treasure?" Li Guo asked calmly, not saying that the Fengshenyanyi on his body had been uninstalled by the system brother, leaving only a layer of empty shell for camouflage.

"Have you never heard of this allusion? As soon as the secret treasure is released, the whole body will flow eastward." Palace Mistress Suzaku said with one hand on her chin: "If you fall into the trap of the secret treasure, even the Da Luo Jinxian can only be slaughtered. During the battle of the Yin and Shang Conferring Gods, how many people with profound cultivation bases did not understand the rules of secret treasures and were tricked by others."

Li Guo was terrified when he heard this.

I didn't expect the secret treasure to have such an allusion.

Regarding the Battle of the Conferred Gods, it has long been filmed in various versions of TV dramas. Of course, Li Guo has also watched it. Naturally, he knows how many future mighty Buddhas are cheated by treasures. Some of them can even be played by children. A huge lethality.

Didn't expect that "Fengshen Yanyi" is actually a kind of secret treasure?
"Previously, Pindao always thought that a powerful person who penetrated heaven and earth was controlling all of this behind the scenes."

"This is a typical secret treasure." Suzaku Palace Master said seriously: "Within his rules, he is invincible, but outside of his rules, he is powerless."

Indeed, if this "Feng Shen Yan Yi" is really omniscient and omnipotent, the official people will not discuss it so cheerfully and have not been obliterated.

This gave Li Guo the confidence to fight against "Fengshen Yanyi".

"If you want to confront him, you must be careful of his secret treasure. It can forcibly pull the contractor away, put it into another space, and pull it back from another space. This kind of supernatural power is really unimaginable."

"Thank you, Palace Master, for reminding me, Pindao will naturally pay attention."

After leaving behind some teaching course videos of mathematics and physics, Li Guo left Suzaku's palace.

After returning to Fangcun Mountain, Li Guo found that Dabai was not there, and he did not know where he had gone, and he took the math books away.

Li Guo didn't care, Dabai was just so happy, he liked to wander around, it was the same before, Shenhu couldn't see the end, the devil knew what he was doing.

On the way to Dabai's departure, Li Guo went back to practice and draw a lottery by the way.

Killing the poisonous snake team and the traffickers gained a lot of merit points, no more than 3500 points.

"Is the host going to draw a lottery?" The system silently complained: "This system recommends that you wash your face first."


Li Guo, of course, dismissed the complaints about the system and went to take a shower.

The lottery is really a mystery.

"I hope to draw something useful."

Li Guo murmured, and started the lottery draw.



'The angular stone'

'rounded stone'

'Jade pendant full of impurities'

'Swordsmanship: A Thousand Swords Are Endless'

'A spirit spring full of impurities'

'Stone wrapped in gold paper'

'wet trash'

'Non-recyclable trash'

'Swordsmanship: one sword hides the sky

"Guide to Garbage Sorting"'

After the lottery draw along the way, Li Guo didn't want to complain anymore. The system now has more tricks. In addition to pulling out stones, it will also pull out some weird things, such as wet garbage and non-recyclable garbage.
There were a lot of flaws along the way, but this time he actually drew out the sword technique and saber technique, which surprised Li Guo greatly.

Take it out quickly.

These two books are martial arts.

It's not Xuangong spells, it's not spells, it's martial arts——

[A thousand knives are endless: one knives after another, there are still a thousand knives after a thousand knives, break the defense with endless knives, if you are not careful, you will be cut into pieces by a thousand knives]

[One sword hides the sky: the sword energy is hidden, stored but not released.Waiting for the opportunity to kill in the shadows. 】

(End of this chapter)

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