Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 226, there is one more person who did not come

Chapter 226, there is one more person who did not come

Although it is martial arts, the effect is no worse than some supernatural powers.

One static and one movement, one positive and one negative, these two moves just confirmed the way of sword and sword.


Li Guo took out these two martial arts books and started to read them.

Neither book, however, bears any writing on it.

All content is blank.

Li Guo looked at this content, slightly dazed.

Could it be that Brother System is playing tricks on himself?

But Li Guo knew that although Brother System had a bad mouth sometimes, he would not lie - non-recyclable garbage is non-recyclable garbage, and he would never use the name of a "cheat book" to fool people.

Li Guo silently stood on the bluestone, looking at the two 'books' without writing.





Li Guo seemed to be in a daze, he was motionless, he neither vomited nor practiced exercises, he looked like he was in a daze

A few days and nights later, Li Guo tore up the two so-called 'cheat books' in his hands.

"Isn't this peerless magical skill recorded in the book?"

Float the fragments of the two 'cheat books' into the sky.

During the falling of the shredded paper, Li Guo 'saw' it.

I saw it with my heart.

The trajectory of the fragments, the true meaning contained in the fragments.

Summon the streamer, fire, dance swords and swords.

A sword hides nothing, and a thousand swords are inexhaustible.

"As expected, it is a peerless martial art. It is more troublesome to practice than eight or nine Xuangong." Li Guo performed these two styles roughly. There are only ten swords without a thousand swords.

Only scratched the surface.

To truly learn, one needs enlightenment.

said the system.

"There are not many people who enter Taoism through martial arts. It is common for advanced martial arts to be comparable to Xuangong, and even more so to immortals."

Li Guo nodded, he could feel it from the beginning of practice.

If you can learn Thousand Swords End and One Sword Canopy, you will become a real killer.

Compared with the five thunders, Taoist skills such as Tianlei Slash are more powerful.

When recalling the true meaning just now, Li Guo looked at the time, but it has passed a long time, and the time to discuss with Zhang Tianyang is gradually approaching.

"It's time to go back." Before leaving, Li Guo asked, "Brother System, are you ready?"

"This system is ready, and the cracking of 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' has been completed."


Li Guo first went to Suzaku's palace to find Yuxi, and then Dabai. After discussing with the two of them what they needed to do next, he cast Yimu Xiandun to leave Fangcunshan.

After Li Guo disappeared, the green trees on Fangcun Mountain changed and began to coil and grow.

At the same time, it was clearly noon, but the sky that was supposed to be bright and bright began to darken.

All creatures in this world looked up at the sky.

Why did the Golden Crow sun, which has been so normal for thousands of years, go out abnormally today?

In the conference room of 'Penglai', people came in one after another.

Taoist Zhu Lanshan and Qixiu, the two wore Taoist robes, and their temperament became more refined and refined.

The Buddhist monk saw the Zen master in the sky, wearing a Zen monk's robe, and there was a hidden Buddha's light shining all over his body.

Confucian Xiang Yan, old in long gown, holding ancient prose, walking and reading all the way, immersed in it, but his whole body seems to have eyes, which does not affect walking at all.

Legalist Ouyang Jin, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looks like an elite, with a thorny aura.

The military strategist Liang Shaolong, wearing a black Tang suit, is extremely powerful.

Physician Liu Min, dressed in a small suit, was as cold as ice and extremely capable.

Even Luo Qianhua, the successor of the miscellaneous family, was bound and pushed in a wheelchair.

Heirs and heads of hundreds of families gathered together.

"Worthy of being a descendant of a hundred schools of thought, this aura is really not built." Zhang Tianyang felt emotional and asked himself. Originally, he thought that the aura of the official personnel on his side was enough. Important officials also gathered here, and at this time, they seemed to be countered by the power of the hundred schools.

At this time, a beautiful woman in a wheelchair was pushed in, and after entering, she said calmly.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this meeting."

As soon as this beautiful woman came out, her aura was immediately suppressed by the officials.

Luo Yantang, the deputy chief of Section Ninth.

Everyone knows that one of the deputy chiefs of the ninth department is Zhu Wuxian, the strongest in China, but the other one is He Fangsheng.
It was Luo Yantang in front of him.

Few people know what her abilities are, but no one underestimates her for it.

Being able to stand in the same position as Zhu Wuxian is enough to represent many things.

Seeing the silence in the air, Luo Yantang first smiled, and then said.

"Presumably everyone should already know that in our country, an existence called 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' suddenly appeared. This thing mysteriously controls our citizens, spread like a virus, and seriously affected us. It affects our national security, no matter from which point of view, it is a cancer that must be eradicated."

"That's true, some of our Wudang disciples have disappeared." Zhu Lanshan sighed, "There are also some disciples who don't know where to get the strange skills, and their kung fu is advancing by leaps and bounds. Even if I am old and dim-sighted, I can still see the problem." gone."

"We have learned that this 'Fengshen Yanyi' is spread more like a pyramid scheme, one spreads to ten, and ten spreads to hundreds. If we don't stop it, our entire China may become his slave."

However, at this time, an important official with a high status frowned.

"Is it possible that it is an opportunity for us in China? You know, we have obtained a lot of technology from it, which has brought our scientific research level to a higher level."

"There is no free lunch in the world." Xiang Yan, an old Confucianist, said indifferently: "We can talk about what He wants. If His purpose is to open up a different world, we can cooperate and provide manpower, even the most elite soldiers, everyone. It’s completely win-win, He doesn’t have to be like a cat-and-mouse game, directly enticing unarmed ordinary people to join Him in this game with an 80% mortality rate.”

"What does this show? It shows that His fundamental purpose may not be as simple as using these people to open up another world."

Xiang Yan said: "As Chief Luo said, since this strange existence that may come from another dimension did not come with good intentions, there is some ulterior purpose behind it."

Zhang Tianyang continued to talk.

"With big data, we're only seeing two things."

"First, the number of missing persons has increased rapidly."

"Secondly, the social stability has dropped sharply, and there have been many "magic arts" in the world. The cultivation methods of these magic arts are extremely harmful, but their characteristic is that they can be practiced at an extremely fast speed. In an extremely high mission environment, many people will choose these harmful quick-fix magic skills in order to survive."

After a while of analysis by everyone, the VIP who wanted to eat a 'free lunch' also shut up.

However, at this moment, Zen Master Kong Jian, who was surrounded by the Buddha's light, said with a faint smile.

"Amitabha, since Deputy Section Chief Luo summoned us, there must be some measures."

"Of course. We can make something similar to 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'. Something that sends people into a different world. If it goes well, we can directly start developing the resources of the other world."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and the expressions of those who looked at the official were a little uneasy.

The official science is already so developed, can such a thing be done?Even the official officials looked at Luo Yantang in astonishment.

At this time, Luo Yantang said lightly.

"As long as you can cooperate, work together, and use your knowledge, money, houses, cars, land, and exercises to resist the temptation of 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'."

If you want to fight against the temptation of "Fengshen Yanyi" to the public, then come up with the temptation yourself.

"I think the things we produced may not be as attractive as 'Cultivating Immortals'." Ouyang Jin pondered: "Who doesn't envy immortals?"

The biggest allure of Fengshen Yanyi is that.

He might really be able to seal the gods.

It is a lie to only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals
It is more attractive to become a fairy or a Buddha.

"If you want to become an immortal and prove the Tao, you don't even need to see if you have two skills." Luo Qianhua shook his head and said, "There is no one in a hundred who has achieved success in martial arts, let alone those who practice immortality and prove the Tao. In "The Romance of the Gods", the single-time death rate is as high as 80%, not to mention how many people can persist in repeated, increasingly difficult reincarnations?"

"Believe me, for the age of awakening, becoming a fairy and becoming a Buddha is definitely the first goal in the hearts of many young people. Even if they are not that kind of material, they will work hard towards that direction." On the other side, an important official suddenly Liao Dun said: "We have sent an anonymous questionnaire survey in the school, and there are enough samples to show."

The heads of several families discussed together, only the representatives of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism were relatively calm, as if you were discussing whatever you wanted.

At this time, Ouyang Jin said suddenly.

"What can we get?"

On the other side, a certain official official also suddenly said: "Regarding this matter, I think the comrades in our department will pay more."

"Yeah, things like opening up a different world"

A meeting immediately became a little tumultuous.

We were still discussing safety issues just now, and now we are discussing the distribution of benefits.

"This is too real." Zhu Lanshan looked at the people who were discussing in full swing, and muttered: "This has begun to divide up the benefits before it even starts."

Qi Xiu said lightly.

"Everyone has their own position, and they must be responsible for the people under them. They represent not a single person, but a group. Perhaps when setting up a hundred colleges, several patriarchs can selflessly dedicate part of their knowledge , After all, this is also an internal matter of Baijia, but now we have to cooperate with the official, and we have to come up with more things, if some things are not clearly stated, it will be difficult in the future."

"Of course the old man knows."

Zhu Lanshan shook his head. He has experienced a lot of battles when he is old, so he naturally understands such things.

Luo Yantang looked at the people discussing, first clapped his hands, and then said calmly.

"About this matter, let's wait for now. There is another person who did not come to this meeting. When he comes, it will not be too late to discuss the distribution of benefits?"

"Who else hasn't come?" The important officials on the side looked around in disapproval.

I found that all the people who are qualified to participate in this matter and the distribution of benefits are already here, how can there be anyone else?
While several people were discussing in full swing, the door opened.

A handsome Taoist without any entourage came in from the door with a few sleeves.

"Sorry, Pindao is late."

(End of this chapter)

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