Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 229, Heroes of the World

Chapter 229, Heroes of the World

After the arrangement is complete, the system beeps.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the first phase of the task, revitalizing the Dao Gate, and successfully entering the world of the Oblique Moon Temple."

"Reward: Purple Talisman·Dun X1."

"Purple Talisman Dun: Randomly teleported to a safe corner of the earth, it can be used in combat."

"Eighty Nine Profound Techniques (Golden Elixir Chapter)"

"Overlord's sword technique."

"Shenji Youlongbu."

Li Guo looked at a series of various rewards, but only two of them could arouse his interest.

The golden elixir chapter of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, I really came to my pillow when I was tired, and it really came in time. Now Li Guo is about to break through to the golden elixir stage, and the follow-up exercises are also needed.

After roughly reading the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu Golden Pill Chapter, Li Guo felt more and more correct and justified in starting this "Story of Gods and Demons".

Tolerant of thousands and thousands of changes, as long as you have the original flesh and blood, you can change thousands of times, change from the level of DNA, truly break away from the scope of "common sense" understanding, and step into the road to heaven. Similarly, Cultivation is also extremely resource-intensive, and it is really possible to use money to pile up physical bodies.

There is also 'Purple Talisman·Dun', which is really a magic tool. With this magic tool, you can die in any way. Anyway, with this escape tool, you can't die anyway. Of course, there is only one chance to die. After all, there is only one spell.

The remaining unused exercises and props can be used as exchange rewards and placed on "Shenmozhiyi", which is considered to be the best use of them.

"Unlock function: data acquisition."

"Anyone who participates in the reincarnation of 'Gods and Demons' will record everything they see and hear in the database of this system. The host can pay the merit value to check at any time. The merit value of the payment will fluctuate according to the actual situation. Welcome to the host. Patronize."

Li Guo: "."

At first, Li Guo thought it was 'check at any time', but he didn't expect the system to be so annoying, and he paused for a while, Li Guo complained silently about it.

"Brother System, you really know how to do business."

"Didn't you say it yourself? Knowledge is the most precious thing." The system said flatly: "There is no free lunch in the world. If there is, then there must be something tricky in it that you don't know about."

It's started again, Brother System's philosophical time.

Of course, Li Guo understands the truth, 500 merit points are actually not expensive, only the price of five stones.
Now we just need to wait for the country to complete its operations and open up. That's right, Li Guo has no intention of exploring another world by himself.

According to the system's detection, the specifications of these different worlds are not as advanced as Fangcunshan's world, and the concentration of aura in some places is even lower than that of the earth. The upper limit of strength is definitely not as high as Fangcunlingshan's world.

For Li Guo's meaning, what is more important here is 'resources', resources that are easily obtained for him.

Spiritual grasses and elixir, treasures and spiritual objects, these are all things that help the growth of Bajiu Xuangong.

Alien martial arts is not Li Guo's favorite. He can't learn these things by himself, but if he can get them, he still wants to take a look. It's not bad to use them to prove enlightenment.

After coming out of Penglai, Li Guo saw Zhang Tianyang, a middle-aged man with no cultivation but not weaker than others.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang looked at Li Guo and said with emotion: "I have thought about it a lot, but I didn't expect you to come from that 'slanted moon' sitting high in the sky. Since I saw the Crane Immortal and Tiger Immortal in the video last time After that, I will never forget that heroic posture for a long time, it is exactly the same as your heroic posture in Heyuan Jiankaitianmen."

"The two of us are familiar with each other, so let's stop being bureaucratic." Li Guo said with a smile: "Is there something you want to say with the poor? This flattery is too blunt."

Who is Zhang Tianyang, he has always been flattered by others, but he has never flattered others, so he is so blunt, so I give 0 points.

"I'm looking for you because I have something to say? Don't say flattery is so ugly, it's obviously my truth." Zhang Tianyang said helplessly: "Actually, I have something to wait for you. I want to treat you to a drink." How about a glass of wine? I know a good pub."

Li Guo paused and said.


Wouldn't it be nice to have someone treat you?
Li Guo got into Zhang Tianyang's Volkswagen car and walked all the way.

Originally, Li Guo thought that Zhang Tianyang would bring some more advanced venues, but in fact, he was wrong.

Zhang Tianyang took Li Guo into a very deep alley, into a dilapidated restaurant with only two wooden tables and a few plastic stools.

The signboard of this restaurant is also quite retro, and there is a sign with the word 'wine' hanging in front of the door.

Zhang Tianyang waved skillfully.

"Boss, serve the wine."


The boss is an old man who seems to be in good spirits. At this time, he went to heat up a pot of rice wine.

Two bowls of wine, a stack of peanuts, half a catty of beef.

"The wine is good."

Li Guo sniffed the warm rice wine, and the mellow and sweet smell hit him instantly.

"The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. This shop has been in business for 50 years. Since my father's generation, I have come here to drink the boss's hot rice wine." Zhang Tianyang drank a bowl of rice wine, and then said: "Now my father has Let’s go, this wine shop is still open.”

Li Guo said in admiration.

"The wine that has gone through time will be mellow, and it really does not deceive me."

Similarly, he raised his head and drank a bowl of wine.

The alcohol content of the rice wine was not high, but Zhang Tianyang already looked a little tipsy.

Alcohol is not intoxicating, people are self-intoxicating.

"It's not easy, our country has come to this point." Zhang Tianyang said with emotion.

"One hundred and two Qinguans finally belonged to Chu. After going through difficult years, hard work will finally pay off that day." Li Guo said with a slight smile: "At that time, who would have known that our country could win that war now?" Victory, and has grown rapidly to this day."

Zhang Tianyang also nodded.

"With the opportunities of this era, only a few countries have the opportunity to stand on this stage."

Li Guo said with great interest, he didn't know what the current world situation was like for Zhang Tianyang, an internal high-level executive.

"You mean German?"

"Germany?" Zhang Tianyang ate a mouthful of beef, and then said with a smile: "Back then, the battlefield has already dampened its spirit, the inheritance has not survived, and the thorough industrialization has been completely abandoned now."

Li Guo nodded, now the evaluation of national strength and the completeness of inheriting ancient knowledge are also on the hook.

"Japan? They have done a good job in respecting ancient times and nostalgia, and their knowledge of inheritance is not small."

"Small land, in the final analysis, is based on the knowledge passed down from the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Now that the Yin-Yang family has almost been wiped out, what power will it have to rise again?"

"Egypt and India? Both are ancient civilizations, and some civilizations have a longer and more profound inheritance than our country." Li Guo continued.

"India does have some ways, and the inheritance is quite complete. It's a pity that the caste theory in India is deeply ingrained. They only practice the afterlife, not the present life. Even if they have supernatural powers, they will just let it go." Zhang Tianyang paused: "Then It’s their roots that have a problem, and they are destined not to be able to get up.”

"As for the ancient country of Egypt, the history is precipitating, and the innate is sufficient. It's a pity that it is helpless, in a chaotic area, and there are giant disturbances. It is also doomed to fail to develop. Unless the chaos is eliminated, it may rise in the future, but it is definitely not now."

Li Guo said with great interest.

"Mr. Zhang thinks there are no heroes left in the world?"

Zhang Tianyang drank rice wine and said to himself.

"The heroic countries in the world belong to China and the United States."

China and America
Li Guo was a little confused.

"The United States has only been founded for a hundred years, so what kind of inheritance does it have?"

"Before the awakening of psychic energy, the United States should be the strongest country on earth, with the strongest national power, the strongest military force, the strongest economic strength, and the strongest scientific research capabilities." Zhang Tianyang said lightly: "Even if the psychic energy is awakened, we Huaxia overtakes in a corner, but it doesn't mean that the United States will die."

"The most important thing in a country is to live and work in peace and contentment. If the economy is not good enough to live and work in peace and contentment, how can it be called a good country?"

Zhang Tianyang said: "Nowadays, the United States doesn't need to do anything, just move its mouth, and some small countries around it can bow their heads and surrender, and they have to surrender for the sake of the people."

"It's the same for those with supernatural powers. If you move your fingers and hit the sugar-coated shells, there will definitely be people who can't hold back and invest in others. Why do you need to have your own background?"

Li Guo nodded, that is indeed the case.

I have to admit that although the national strength is catching up now, there is still a gap in the economy, for example, the leader of a supernatural family can be bought.

There is too much money over there, and some loyal people can't bear it
With heavy rewards, there must be traitors.

"Although the United States is still extremely powerful, it will still make people laugh." Zhang Tianyang smiled and said: "The second echelon. That is, the list equivalent to our country's list, there are two-thirds of the strong Absorbed from other countries, no one on the list is a native of the United States, which is ridiculous."

"So on the whole, the country of heroes in the world belongs to China."

Domineering, domineering.

Li Guo smiled, agreeing on this point.

In terms of overall strength, it can be said to be on an equal footing with the United States.

If more benefits can be obtained in this other world through "Strange Stories from Gods and Demons", overtaking the comprehensive national power will be even more immediate.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang said regretfully.

"It's a pity that my physical fitness is mediocre. I was ill in my early years and got sick. I can't practice kung fu. I am entangled in mundane things every day. I have nothing to do with the kung fu of cultivating xinxing, and I haven't awakened powerful abilities. On this stage, I can only be a a cheering audience."

Another bowl of rice wine was eaten, and the regret was beyond words.

It's really a pity to be born in this great era and not be able to appreciate the scenery of this era.

Even though his status is not low, a man is still a teenager until his death. Who has never thought of Yujian holding wine and being at ease?

Li Guo just responded with a bowl of rice wine.

It's a pity for Zhang Tianyang's youthful feelings.

"Since Mr. Zhang can't, then Pindao will do it for you. I will meet the heroes of the world for you, and I will treat you as if you have been there." Li Guo said with interest.

"for me."

Zhang Tianyang's eyes brightened slightly, he knew how to be a hero in his own body, and he really wanted to try.

But a pity.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang's eyes gradually converged, from that 'boy' back to 'middle-aged'.

Facing the reality, Zhang Tianyang, who represents the interests of the country, is the provincial head of the Ninth Division.

"So, Master Li, do you want to meet the heroes of this world for a while?"

"Oh? So what?" Li Guo was a little curious, and just mentioned it casually just now, just talking about it.

The world is so big and there are so many heroes, it's impossible to meet them casually.

And Zhang Tianyang served Li Guo a bowl of rice wine in person, and at the same time, said seriously.

"Of course, it was originally scheduled for [-] days later, the heroes of the world will gather in Huaxia."

"All nations come to court, heroes contend for the front. Compete for superiority, for success or failure."

(End of this chapter)

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