Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 230, Rickets, don't enter this door

Chapter 230, Rickets, don't enter this door
Li Guo said with great interest.

"Heroes gather and the world fights for the top?"

"Who wants to go out at night in brocade clothes, gather together, and fight with the heroes of this world." Zhang Tianyang smiled, a glass of rice wine with beef, how pleasant it is.

"Where, where?"

"Harbour, Kowloon."

Zhang Tianyang continued.

"At that time, heroes from all over the world will compete here to compete for the top and compete for the top."

Spiritual energy revives, heroes fight for the front, finally this time has come.

For fame, for profit, for the sword of one's own body.

Li Guo was full of heroic yearning, but he was still very interested and said: "Then Mr. Zhang, is this government-led, or is it spontaneous by the people?"

"It seems to be spontaneous among the people." Zhang Tianyang said indifferently: "In fact, it is guided by the officials of various countries."

Sure enough
Show your muscles, show your talents.

These things must have been discussed a long time ago, otherwise the powerful awakened people from all over the world suddenly entered the country together, and the Chinese government would allow it?
It must have been discussed in secret.

"How about it, does Master Li want to meet the heroes of the world in the port area for a while?"


Li Guo drank the last bowl of wine and turned to leave, wishing to go immediately.

After Zhang Tianyang bid farewell to Li Guo, he drank alone in the tavern, and finally said with a smile.

"Uncle Yang."

"Why?" Uncle Yang is the owner of the tavern.

"We haven't played chess for many years." Zhang Tianyang said: "Let's play the next game."

"to make."

After thinking about it, Uncle Yang agreed. Anyway, the business of the tavern is not good now.

The chessboard is taken out.

Zhang Tianyang raised his head and drank a bowl of wine.

Drop the sunspots.

The waves scour all the romantic figures through the ages.

If you ask where is the hero?When looking at the present.

Li Guo was riding on the sea boat, facing the sea breeze and slapping wildly on the face, but his heart was clear.

Now, I am close to the peak of foundation building.

To sharpen the knife.

To sharpen the sword.

To grieve.

The sword, the mind, the body, the spirit, and the Taoism converge together, and one step into the alchemy is the road to heaven.

"Minato, is it fun?"

At this moment, a voice appeared in Li Guo's mind.

This voice is naturally 'Master'.

I don't know the reason, but the figure of Yu Xi in "Shan Hai Jing" seems to be more solid, and at this time, he can directly meet the soul across space-to put it bluntly, he can chat across space.

Li Guo originally wanted to try to see if he could chat with Dabai, but it was a pity that he and Dabai couldn't communicate directly, so he could only roughly feel that Dabai was hungry. Know.

So far, only I can chat with Yu Xi remotely.

"The port area is a famous gourmet city, and many snacks originate from here, such as egg waffles, bowls of wings, stinky tofu, lettuce and fish broth, fish balls, pudding, beef offal, checkered cakes, and fried squid. beard, siu mai, fried stuffed three treasures.”

Li Guo felt the sound of swallowing saliva.

"I'll bring you some next time." Li Guo stopped teasing Yu Xi, smiled and said, "It's considered a filial disciple."

"Well, remember to bring more sweets."

Along the way, we 'chat on WeChat' to relieve boredom, and the boat has arrived at the port of Kowloon.

Kowloon is a very magical place.

It not only has the unique prosperous style of the harbor area, but also has some ancient charm of the 90s of the last century, which makes people feel as if they are in the interlaced time.

"It is rumored that there used to be a walled city in Kowloon, Hong Kong District, but it is a pity that the process of modernization is unstoppable, so it has to be demolished."

Li Guo stepped off the boat, only saying that it was a pity.

Today, here and now, skin color and race don't matter.

Only with the sword in his hand, he sang a long song of Jianghu.

Kowloon Lotus House, a very famous restaurant in the Hong Kong area.

Chicken feet steamed buns, almost everyone who comes here will want to have a meal and appreciate the delicacies of this port area.

It seems that there is some kind of guidance from somewhere, and the strong people who come to this Jiulong District will all come to this Lianxiang Tower.

Li Guo also came to the Lianxiang Tower in Kowloon. The building has a history of a hundred years but still stands tall, with carved dragons on all sides, full of ancient charm, which is quite shocking compared with the surrounding commercial high-rises.

Just as Li Guo was about to go to the restaurant, he was stopped by someone.

"Young boy, wait for the first."

A bald middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a suit smiled slightly, "I'm not doing ordinary customer business today, sorry."

Faced with the obstruction of the middle-aged man, Li Guo laughed.

"If you don't do business with ordinary customers, then what business do you do with customers?"

"The strong."

Li Guo asked again.

"How to be strong?"

"Beat me, be strong."

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, his muscles swelled, and he looked full of strength.

Use an iron rod to dance vigorously.


"Come on." Li Guo carried it on his back with one hand, and made a 'come' motion with the other hand.

People around are also watching the situation of Lianxianglou.

Ordinary people are very smart, and they know something when they see that Lianxiang Building is not doing ordinary people's business today. In addition, the people of color and foreigners who are close to them all know that there is a big show to watch.

"Young boy, are you sure?" The middle-aged man squinted his eyes.

"bring it on."

"Be careful."

In the middle of the sentence, a diamond iron rod fell on the head, carrying the power to open mountains and crack rocks.

"His stick has no rules, but it is full of power." Not far away, a young Asian man wearing a shirt wondered: "Why is this so? I can't see through the martial arts of this gatekeeper. He has no rules at all. It's terrible." , It’s too scary, to actually practice martial arts to such a level.”

"Of course you can't see it, because he is a powerful awakener."

Another Asian man said contemptuously: "You can't even tell the difference between a martial artist and an awakened one, so don't come here to embarrass yourself, go home and eat milk."

The young man in the shirt blushed a little, as if he wanted to make a move, but a voice rang in his ears.

"In the street, fighting is prohibited. If you want to fight, go to Lianxiang Tower to fight. Once I see you fighting on the street, don't blame Jiang for being rude."

A sound like the roar of a tiger rang in his ears, and the Korean youth and the Japanese youth fell silent.

At this time, they looked at a young man with his arms crossed in the distance.

The young man just stood aside like a bronze statue, and he couldn't see that he had just warned others.

At this time, the Japanese youth and the Korean youth only felt aghast.

The sound was forced into a line, and the sound only sounded in their ears, and the people around didn't notice it at all.

"As expected of the land of China with the most complete heritage."

The two curled up their tails to be human.

On the other side, the young man looked towards the Lianxiang Tower, and murmured: "The 98th-ranked master 'one stick for the whole day', Cheng Shuntian, learned from Wulang Bagua stick, but his talent is weak, he hasn't learned any martial arts, so he can work hard for others, After more than [-] years of painstaking training, he still learned the technique of using the gossip stick, and after awakening his spiritual powers, he obtained the supernatural power of the diamond, and when combined with the techniques of using force to complement each other, he is also a hero on the list."

Cheng Shuntian, as the first guard of the Lianxiang Tower, guards to prevent cats and dogs from entering it.

However, at this time the young man looked to the other side, but he was a little confused.

"Why does the Taoist priest with a public face look so familiar? I always feel like I have seen it somewhere?"

the other side.

Faced with Cheng Shuntian's vajra iron rod, Li Guo didn't dodge or take out Liuguang Yehuo, but just raised his leg violently.

With one kick, the menacing vajra iron rod and Cheng Shuntian were kicked away.

The hands are still on the back, the pure white Taoist robe is floating, and the master is full of charm.

Before he could make a move, he fell down.

The people around were also startled by this leg.

"What a powerful force."

"Is this Taoist priest also a Power Awakened?"

"It's not like, I didn't see him using his ability. Could it be that he is a pure warrior?"

There was a lot of discussion, including the person involved, Cheng Shuntian, who was a little stunned and looked at the Vajra Stick not far away.

"I was actually beaten into the air by someone directly with my body"

As the person involved, he can naturally feel that Li Guo's kick is purely physical.

He lost without even seeing his ability, Cheng Shunfei had some self-doubt, he was probably a fake one.

The other party is also, I am afraid he is a dummy, this body is really inhuman.

"Can Pindao go in?"


"Thank you."

Li Guo entered the Lianxiang Building with a calm face.

When Li Guo went in, the people outside began to talk about it.

"It was actually blocked by someone with his body. Could it be that this Cheng Shuntian is not that strong?"

"Yes, no matter how strong the body is, there is a limit. The only reason is that Cheng Shuntian is too weak."

As soon as Li Guo went in, a second person challenged him.

It was the young Korean man who was discussing outside just now, and he spoke in jerky Chinese at this moment.

"Pu Wanchang, a boxer in the Republic of Korea, please enlighten me."

This scene made everyone despise him. He rushed forward just after the battle. No one knew what his intention was.

At this time, Cheng Shuntian also regained his composure, picked up the Vajra stick that had just dropped, and said calmly.

"bring it on."

As soon as Cheng Shuntian finished speaking, this Pu Wanchang swooped straight in, his hands were still shimmering.

This Pu Wanchang's boxing looks majestic and upright, fierce and indomitable, but when he came to charge, his hands suddenly became soft, the joints were staggered, and he attacked from both sides like a poisonous snake.

Most people really know his face.

"It's really shameless."

"Tsk, I think this brother Pu Wanchang is sincere, and wisdom is also a kind of strength. First show the enemy with strength, and then attack with softness."

Park Wanchang was in ecstasy, his hands moved softly, as long as he hit Cheng Shuntian's kidneys and waist, he couldn't get up again.
However, Park Wanchang thought he was right.

Cheng Shuntian discarded the vajra stick, clamped Park Wanchang's hands with both hands, and threw it out with a taekwondo technique.

Park Wanchang missed the target with both fists, and one hit him in the face, which can be described as extremely funny.

The air was suddenly quiet.

"I didn't expect Cheng Shuntian, as a power-type awakened person, to have such a profound skill in using power. He can be strong but soft, as heavy as a mountain, and as light as a feather. Isn't he really an awakened person and not a martial artist?" Day on the side The young man took a deep breath.

"The awakened power-type ability user is much, much stronger than Cheng Shuntian, but there is only one Cheng Shuntian on the list." The young man beside him showed admiration.

At this time, Cheng Shuntian picked up the Vajra stick, continued to stand in front of the door like a door god, and said calmly.

"Speculators, please go the other way."

"Ricky flies, don't enter this door."

"Today's Lianxiang Tower is the Lianxiang Tower of heroes."

These words are full of oppressive force. They are obviously not warriors, but they have the spirit of warriors.

The scene was silent.

But at the same time, everyone thought about it.
This Cheng Shuntian is not a fake
Since such a powerful Cheng Shuntian was defeated by one move, how strong should the Taoist priest who went in be?

(End of this chapter)

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