Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 240, Heavenly Immortals, Gods and Demons, Would You Rather Have Kindness?

Chapter 240, Heavenly Immortals, Gods and Demons, Would You Rather Have Kindness?

As soon as this voice came out, even the dirty thoughts in the mind of Huang Zhongri, who was dreaming about things, were wiped out, and it was really like a bucket of cold water pouring over his head, wow, wow, wow, wow.

"Is she your ally?" Li Guo looked at the calm Liu Heng.

"No." The self-proclaimed 'Four Wasted Star Lord' answered first, "I'm just a servant."

Li Guo continued to speak calmly.

"Sure enough, you are the reincarnation of 'Fengshenyanyi', and you still belong to the 'Heavenly Court'. You keep saying that you want to be the ruler, but you are still the one who is dominated. This is very different from your idea."

It is the basic quality of a warrior to find a spiritual loophole and start attacking. If you provoke the opponent, the blood pressure will be full, and the loopholes will be bigger when you attack.

Hearing what Li Guo said, Liu Heng didn't react at all, and the eyes of the "Four Wasted Stars" suddenly darkened, and his blood pressure was instantly full, as if he would choose someone to devour at any time.

However, Liu Heng was not annoyed, but just smiled.

"Precisely to become a ruler, that's why I joined the 'Heavenly Court'."

"I said Master Li. Do you know what the meaning of the existence of 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' is?"

Li Guo shook his head and noticed something at the same time.

When Liu Heng mentioned the existence of 'Feng Shen Yan Yi', he was not obliterated.

Is this 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' changing the rules or what?
While Li Guo was thinking about it, Liu Heng said indifferently: "Of course. It's for enshrining the gods. Using the world of reincarnation as a chessboard, reenact the prosperous age of enshrining the gods in ancient times, reach the sky in one step, and come to the world again."

"Become a fairy, become a god, rule the world with the majesty of heaven"

What Liu Heng said was full of pride, he really had the pride of being a fairy.

However, after thinking for a while, Li Guo smiled and said: "Even if the purpose of 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' is to 'Feng Shen', it's not about you. Your 'Heavenly Court' is just an organization for reincarnated people to keep warm. It's called Heavenly Court. Well, the story will not matter, the essence has not changed, it is just a high-level play house, do you think that if you call the Heavenly Court, you are the gods of the Heavenly Court? Really ridiculous."

"Gods, demons and ghosts, would you rather have a kind? Today we are false, and when we grow stronger in the future, we will turn the false into real. Even if there is a "Heavenly Court" personally appointed by "Fengshen Yanyi", then as long as our "Heavenly Court" is enough strong, then we are the real 'Heavenly Court'."

When he got here, Li Guo also had to admire Liu Heng's spiritual cultivation, as if it was watertight, and he deserved to be a spiritual practitioner.

At this time, Liu Heng looked at Li Guo and exclaimed.

"Tianwai Shenjian Li Zhenren, I heard that 'Taibai' seemed to be interested in you, so I sent a reincarnation to look for you. I didn't understand before. I thought you were just a lucky kid. Now it seems that when It’s really smart and brave.”

Liu Heng stretched out his hand to Li Guo and praised.

"Join us, Master Li, I can give you a lot, the road of gods and demons is at your feet."

"You still want to recruit me at this point?" Li Guo said with narrowed eyes.

"Strictly speaking, we don't have a death feud, do we?" Liu Heng put his hands on his back, and said lightly: "The old man plotted against you, because he wanted to ignore Zhang Tianyang's chess piece, and he didn't give up on the matter of framing you." How much trouble did you cause? On the contrary, you showed your excellence in front of this old man."

"If you are willing to join the old man's command, this human secret treasure refined with the energy of the Nine Dragons will be given to you as a gift, so that your cultivation can be improved to a higher level."

Rao Yi Li Guo was taken aback when he heard it.

It was really unexpected that Liu Heng would try to recruit himself.

Most importantly, he also took out the secret treasure refined by the Nine Dragon Qi Vessel as a condition.

Li Guo murmured.

"You can even kill people for this refining secret treasure, but you are willing to use it to recruit the poor."

"Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts." Liu Heng talked eloquently: "Kill Jin Chengyi because his value is not as good as the Nine Dragons Secret Treasure, and I am willing to use it to recruit you because your value is worth using the Nine Dragons Secret Treasure to recruit you. In the future, I can find greater benefits for this old man than Kowloon Secret Treasure."

"Everything in the world can be clearly marked with a price. So, Li Zhenren, what is your choice? Do you settle your differences with us and join us with the secret treasure of Nine Dragons, or you still choose to work for Zhang Tianyang."

He used He's Bi as a bait to attract heroes from all over the world, just to cover for him to refine the secret treasure, during which he worked hard and calculated.

Now, this secret treasure that was obtained with great painstaking efforts was thrown out without hesitation.

Li Guo didn't know how to evaluate the old man in front of him.

He can't be called a hero, but his scheming is truly terrifying.

Liu Heng didn't seem to be in a hurry for Li Guo's answer, after all, in his opinion, this temptation was too much.

As long as you have some knowledge, you can't refuse at all.

"Indeed, the 'bait' you throw out is really worth a lot of treasures made from the veins of a local dragon." Li Guo said lightly: "What about the treasures that are obtained at the cost of living and working in peace and contentment for the people in this place?" Can it be strong?"

"Yes." The smile on Liu Heng's face was even stronger, and he felt that this was a sign that Li Guo was going to agree.

However, Li Guo shook his head suddenly.

"Although this is full of 'bait', Pindao still refuses."

At this time, Li Guo's spiritual power was swimming beside him, and the karmic fire sword appeared in his hand, like a magma cast, with the samurai karmic fire entwined on it, as if it could burn away all sins.

"Young man, do you know what you rejected?" Liu Heng squinted and said, "Do you know how much the secret treasure refined by the Nine Dragon Qi Veins is worth? You are entangled with the Dragon Qi of the Earth Vessels. In a sense, you are equivalent to directly incarnating for Kowloon's 'Human Way', the power of humanity goes hand in hand, and it is not an exaggeration to cultivate Tao with half the effort. Even so, you refuse?"

"That's right, Pindao refused." Li Guo said calmly.

"You are very greedy."

Liu Heng thought that the price he offered was not enough.

And that's the most he can offer.

Li Guo said.

"No matter how much price you throw out, Pindao will not agree."

Not for money, that is loyalty.

"Then you die with your loyalty to Zhang Tianyang." Liu Heng's whole body was agitated, and he sneered: "It's ridiculous to work for that old fox. You don't think you are being used by him."

"Heh, when I realized that I was thrown over like a pawn, I was already thinking of giving Zhang Tianyang some flair, but I couldn't make him so happy."

Li Guo smiled faintly: "If you hadn't deliberately lured me into the game at the beginning, maybe I wouldn't have met you now."

After hearing this, the spiritual power around Liu Heng froze, and he said in a daze.

"Then why didn't you agree to the old man?"

Listening to this, it seems that there is no absolute opposition between the two parties.

So, why can't we cooperate and win-win?
Li Guo's aura gradually rose, and he said lightly.

"Because someone bought your life from Pindao."

"Who?" Liu Heng was even more confused.

"A little boy."

The Yehuo knife was filled with Suzaku Yehuo, Li Guoping raised the knife and pointed at Liu Heng: "A boy who didn't spend his birthday with his father."

That street warden's life!
"Can a little boy pay the price of an old man's life? Does he come from some hidden world? It's strange, it's really strange."

Liu Heng was very confused, and he didn't explore why he bought his life - he didn't remember how many people he had had enemies with.

Li Guo immediately felt that Liu Heng was a little pitiful.

But don't pity him.

"Forget it, since we can't understand and reconcile each other, then we have to fight to the end."

Liu Heng decided not to think about who wanted to kill him and why he wanted to kill him.

Just kill the person in front of you.

At this time, Liu Heng looked at Li Guo who was showing his fierce face and said with eloquence: "I know that you have an adventure, and now your cultivation base is in the foundation building stage, and you have a magic weapon that is not weak, but this old man also has a magic weapon that is not weak, so it is the same with your cultivation base." In addition to the fact that this old man has a lot of help, what do you use to fight this old man?"

"Self-proclaimed Taoist, do you have any face?"

Li Guo also had to admire.Liu Heng is not only shameless, but also shameless and confident.

At this time, the body of the 'Four Wasted Stars' began to change. His originally slender body became extremely strong, and his face changed from a charming and charming woman's face to a pockmarked face with small eyes and a flat nose, with an unshaven beard and a little obscene.

Maybe this is what he originally looked like.

"It turned out to be a big guy in women's clothing." Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said.

The Four Waste Star Lord seemed to hate this title, and said with a grim look at Li Guo.

"I hate how you look at it from every angle."

"Each each other."

At this time, the figure of this "big guy in women's clothing" suddenly began to change, and it was covered with rocks and flames, and several types of spiritual power were mixed together. Fire is water, Yin is Yang.

Watching this scene, Li Guo finally knew how that sense of familiarity came from.

What is in front of you is that the exercises of the four waste stars and the 'Eight Nine Xuan Gong' have the same origin.

"Four Wasted Star Monarchs. The legendary Yuan Hongxiu also practiced eighty-nine profound arts." Li Guo murmured, "So that's what it is, that's how it is. You are the best at changing things. You did those imitation cases."

"You still have some knowledge, but what Xiao Hong cultivated is not the Bajiu Xuangong, but the 'Phaseless Divine Art' derived from the Bajiu Xuangong. He lost the disadvantages of the Bajiu Xuangong's physical invincibility and resource consumption, but took the best from it. One thing that is good at imitation is that you can imitate other people's true powers during the foundation building stage, and if you have hair, you can even perfectly copy the other person's appearance and body." Liu Heng smiled and said: "In some cases, the power is even greater than that of eight people. Nine Mysterious Kung Fu, after all, Eighty Nine Mysterious Kung Fu cannot be changed arbitrarily during the Foundation Establishment period."

Two fights against one, in Liu Heng's view, it is easy to fight.

At this time, Liu Heng's figure suddenly became unreal, and some intangible substances that I don't know how to describe wrapped around his body.

In Li Guo's eyes, Liu Heng's 'concept' began to blur.

"This old man doesn't have any obsession with mental cleanliness that he has to fight alone, so when facing you, this old man will deal with you with Xiao Hong."

Liu Heng put his hands on his back, and said the matter of 'we singled you out' very frankly.

Even if he is doing the most obscene things, he will face them with the most righteous expression.

Li Guo turned a deaf ear to it, and said indifferently: "The sword is famous for its karmic fire, burns all sins, and breaks through the fire of the cage."

Strong self-confidence is also a kind of spiritual confrontation-in simple terms, it is to report the name, not to lose, not to lose.

Liu Heng was naturally not to be outdone, and said the same.

"The name of my practice is 'Yueyue', which is taken from time"

"You are clearly afraid of the passage of time, but you chose 'time' as a practice." Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said, when talking with Liu Heng earlier, he also found that he was very concerned about the passage of time.

Old man, it's all like this.

Liu Heng turned a deaf ear and said with a smile.

"It is precisely because I am afraid of the 'years' that I have to face the 'years' directly, face the deepest fear, and turn the 'years' that made me old and my limbs unable to work into strength."

Li Guo sighed.

This Liu Heng's spirit is really impeccable, no matter how much he talks, it can't affect his spirit.

In a sense, Li Guo still admires him very much, so he can only fight hand to hand.

Burn the long sword with fire, and burn the scroll with karmic fire.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that the one in front of him is not a rabbit, and he is not a lion either.

(End of this chapter)

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