Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 241, The Power of Time

Chapter 241, The Power of Time

"Swords strike together."

Li Guo directly used the 'Burning Jade and Stone'. Once activated, the life force and spiritual power will be accelerated. Although it can be maintained by the fountain of life and the refining of Qi and God, it can be activated for a long time. After a period of time after the release Deficiency of Qi and blood is inevitable.

must be resolved as soon as possible.

At this time, Li Guo's body was covered with mysterious flame runes, like words handed down from ancient times.

"Secret method? Interesting." Liu Heng teased, the power of time flowing in his body.

Li Guo felt that he was affected, the coordination of his limbs became poor, and his five senses became dull. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but his skin actually wrinkled.

Huang Zhongri, who was on the side, had been affected by the power of 'Years', and his whole body was so weak that he collapsed to the ground, and looked at Li Guo with eyes asking for help.

This is the years, this is the power of aging.

After being affected for a long time, will it really be turned into a haze by the years?

Seeing Li Guo frowned, Liu Heng said lightly: "Have you realized it? The power of the years, before the spiritual energy revived, these years entangled the old man's body and mind like a nightmare, and the old man felt his own aging every day and night. The dilapidation of the world scares me, scares me. But now the old man has found his own way, embraces the years, overcomes the years, and reappears in the world in the name of the "True King of the South Pole" to conquer the earth."

"Heh, if you really grasp the power of time, why don't you let your body get rid of 'years' and become younger?"

Facing the senile aging, Li Guo laughed, and Liu Guang Yehuo let go.

"There are talents from generation to generation, old man, you have to admit that you are old"

"Hmph, you have a hard mouth." Liu Heng was not angry, but the "Four Wasted Star Kings" on the side was so angry that he took out a long iron rod from behind, intending to crush Li Guo directly with the iron rod, and turned over with all his strength concentrated.

However, just when Yuan Hong was about to kill Li Guo, a piece of primrose suddenly fell from the sky.

Out of vigilance, Yuan Hong immediately stepped back and looked at the falling cherry petals.

"Who is it?" Liu Heng frowned, he didn't expect someone to disturb the situation.

Li Guoruo said with a slight smile.

"Those who gain the way will be helped more, but those who have lost the way will be helped little."

Li Guo saw the source of the primrose. It was four slim girls carrying a mahogany sedan chair.

The curtain was lifted, revealing a beautiful face.

Sasaki Musashi slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Li Jun."

"Sasaki Musashi" Liu Heng's expression gradually became serious, why did Sasaki Musashi come here to disrupt the situation.

At this time, the peerless swordsman fell from the sedan chair, accompanied by the cherry blossoms falling.

As expected of him, even his appearance is so compelling.

Liu Heng pondered.

"Are you here to help Master Li?"

"No." Sasaki Musashi said flatly, "I just came to test the sword."

As he said that, Sasaki Musashi looked at the Four Wasted Star Lord, the master of women's clothing.

Facing this ugly and sturdy man wearing a red cheongsam, Sasaki Musashi's eyes did not shift or change at all, as clear as a stream and as a vast ocean.

This made Yuan Hong's expression a little dazed. After a moment of silence, he said, "Boss, I'll block him."

"Okay." Liu Heng thought for a while, and he still had some advantages in facing Li Guo.

At this time, Yuan Hong came in front of Sasaki Musashi, looked down at this handsome man, and said in a urn.

"You are the second person who doesn't look at me with discriminatory eyes, the first one is the boss."

"You are an enemy, an opponent." Facing Yuan Hong's words, Sasaki Musashi remained unmoved, but put his hand on the hilt of the knife, and said indifferently: "Since you are an opponent, there is no difference."

"Enough, your 'no difference' is enough to respect me."

Yuan Hong said while waving the long diamond stick in his hand, with softness and rigidity, and rigidity with cleverness.

"Based on your sentence 'there is no difference', I will keep your whole body later."

"One on one, you have no chance of winning."

Li Guo leaned over and rushed over, waving the Liuguang Yehuo in his hand.

Even though the speed of the body was "slowed down" by Liu Heng, it was still the body strengthened by the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu.

No matter how slow you are, it's faster than you bad old man.

However, when Li Guo slashed him with the saber, Liu Heng didn't hide, but took the saber with a smile.

Originally, Li Guo thought he could cut Liu Heng in two, but he didn't expect that he would stand there intact after a while.

The knife cut just now only hit the water pipe for watering the lawn, and the water splashed.

"The knife clearly cut you." Li Guo squinted his eyes, thinking about what went wrong with his sensory problems.

"Are you puzzled by the feeling that the old man has been chopped down, but the old man is standing here unscathed?"

Liu Heng said with a smile.


Li Guo knew that it was Liu Heng who was up to some tricks.

I don't know if Li Guo's embarrassment aroused Liu Heng's desire to express. At this time, he said: "You said that the old man's 'years' can only make people 'aging' but not 'young'. The old man's repair It’s true that it’s not good, it’s true, otherwise, this old man wouldn’t need the Nine Dragons Secret Treasure to improve his cultivation.”

"However, if you say that the old man can't make people 'young', then you are very wrong."

At this time, Liu Heng talked eloquently: "I just need to let your body age and make your spirit younger."

"Then Pindao's body will not be able to catch up with the strengthened spirit, so that Pindao feels that he has killed you. In fact, it is only Pindao's consciousness that has killed you." Li Guo said, waving the long knife in his hand. .

Liu Heng clapped his hands in admiration.

"Of course."

Even as an enemy, he hopes that others can interpret his subtle abilities.

However, Li Guo swung his knife again, and the speed of this knife was only faster than before.

Liu Heng just turned sideways and wanted to dodge: "It's useless."

However, just as Liu Heng was about to dodge, he was stabbed in the arm.

The knife with Suzaku Yehuo almost cut off his hand, if he didn't dodge so fast, it would have been a severed hand.

At this time, Liu Heng, who had always been calm and calm, finally showed his astonishment, and quickly took the pill to stop the bleeding.


"So what if the consciousness goes berserk?" Li Guo waved the long knife, evaporated the blood on it, and said lightly: "The consciousness can't keep up with the body, so let the body act on its own."

Liu Heng's face was pale. This time, he was pretending to be an accident. "Years" itself is a spiritual practice, not a physical body. This knife is no different from an ordinary person, with blood flowing, but with the help of pills, there is no problem. Big.

"So that's how it is. Martial and Dao dual cultivation, not only cultivating immortals and Taoism, but also martial arts, I admire this old man."

Liu Heng's expression became extremely calm, and after wiping the blood off his face, he returned to his breezy smile.

"This time, the old man is a failure. The old man with both martial arts skills is indeed not an opponent. When we meet again next time, the old man will also try to practice martial arts, so as not to be helpless in such a situation."

On the other side, Yuan Hong was fighting hard, but Liu Heng turned a deaf ear and slowly took out a purple charm from the Tang suit's arms.

"Then Master Li, there will be a period later, this knife, the old man will remember."

The purple charm burned, and Liu Heng's body gradually became blurred.

This is his hole card that can be calm all the time.

The spell that allows him to teleport to the settlement space of "Fengshen Yanyi" can be designated to a place within the radius of the teleportation time when it appears next time in the human world.

Li Guo watched Liu Heng's body become nothingness, but his expression was very calm and expressionless.

Liu Heng was a little puzzled. Originally, he wanted to admire Li Guo's incompetent and furious appearance up close, but the expression in front of him was not impotent and furious.
Suddenly, he had an ominous premonition.

"Impossible, 'He' is invincible, even across the heavens and worlds, he can kill the enemy, how could the spell of 'His' be seen through by a young monk in the foundation period?"

Liu Heng has been comforting himself
Li Guo said expressionlessly.

"Brother System, cut off the connection with 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'."

"Please host to pay 200 merit points."


Liu Heng in front of him had already felt the power of 'His' connecting him, and had already let go of most of his thoughts, but at this time the connection with 'His' suddenly disappeared, which made him stunned.

The body that was gradually blurred became solidified.
What Liu Heng faced was Li Guo who was close at hand.
His expression ranged from stunned, shocked, puzzled, to calm and puzzled.

Then it turned into a sigh.


Li Guo knew that he wanted to ask why his spell didn't work.

Even if you lose, you must lose clearly.

Li Guo also felt that as an enemy, he also had the right to know, so let him know.

At this time, Li Guo lowered his voice and said.

"Want to know?"


"Don't tell you."

The wrist is flipped, and the fire knife comes out.

A thousand knives are endless, knives are endless——

(End of this chapter)

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