Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 242, fueling the flames

Chapter 242, fueling the flames

Thousands of knives continue, and one knives are stronger than one knives.

Liu Heng's eyes remained confused and puzzled until his death.

Why, don't even give him the chance to know the answer
At this time, Li Guo only felt that his thoughts were clear for a while, the shackles of his mind were gone, and cause and effect were no longer there.

The unnamed street warden can be rested in peace.

Li Guo also collapsed for a while, this Liu Heng still puts a lot of pressure on people, not because of his strength, but because his steps are not subtle, but he is full of purposeful calculations.

One layer buckles one ring, and the conspiracy is used to hide the conspiracy.

Li Guo looked at what Liu Heng 'dropped'.

The thousand knives just chopped all over his body. If there is anything that can't be broken, it's probably only the baby.

At this time, Li Guo picked up the two jade beads, which he usually played with, but they looked like treasures. l

[(Unfinished) Yin-Yang and One Qi Bead (Yin): Inheriting the power of Yin in the two Qis of Yin and Yang, it can urge people to be hit by cloudy clouds and confuse people's eyes. 】

[(Unfinished) Yin-Yang One Qi Bead (Yang): Inheriting the Yang power of the Yin-Yang two Qi, it can urge people to be hit by the blazing sun, burning the body and heart. 】

[Yin-Yang One Qi Bead and Yin-Yang Two Qi Beads are refined with the power of high-level humane earth veins to obtain Yin-Yang Two Qi Beads, which can be turned into Shinto treasures, which can assist in cultivation, purify vows and distracting thoughts, and are of great benefit to Shinto practice. 】

Li Guo looked at these two jade beads, suddenly realized that this is the treasure he planned to sacrifice the power of the earth veins, but unfortunately he did not succeed.

Among them, the biggest effect is probably to assist in cultivation, and it can also purify the distracting thoughts in the vow.

How terrifying is the power of wish power? Li Guo is very knowledgeable. Master Singh has been made mentally ill by the power of incense and fire.

Li Guo put away the jade beads. Although he didn't know how to sacrifice with the power of the earth's veins, the effects of the treasures were not weak.

At the same time, he turned his eyes to Sasaki Musashi who was on the sidelines, and the battle between him and Yuan Hong was coming to an end.

Sasaki Musashi swung his sword, and the swallow returned.

But the Taidao pierced straight into the neck of the 'Four Wasted Stars', not penetrating half an inch.

Blood splashed directly from Yuan Hong's neck.

However, in the face of this hard-won victory, Sasaki Musashi was not only not happy, but also a little confused. Just now they were still pulling each other evenly, and the slash just now was just a tentative slash, and he never thought of killing.

"You want to die."

"En." Yuan Hong didn't stop the wound at all, and let life flow out of his throat, his eyes were calm, as if he was not facing death.

"Why?" Sasaki Musashi was puzzled.

"He's dead, I can't live alone."

Yuan Hong looked at the defeated Liu Heng on the other side, his eyes were calm for a while.

Sasaki Musashi was stunned for a moment, his eyes were more serious than ever before.

"Your Excellency is loyal, I admire you."

Sasaki Musashi withdrew his sword and looked at Yuan Hong with unprecedented respect.

Yuan Hong was a little dazed, but a smile bloomed on his ugly and wretched face.

"You are the second person to look at me with equal eyes, and the first person to look at me with respect. Thank you, if it's not a matter of position, I really hope to be friends with you."

After speaking, Yuan Hong calmly walked towards Liu Heng's corpse, leaned directly beside him, and murmured.

"Unforgettable after all"

Yuan Hong recalled the first half of his life.

He was discriminated against and ridiculed because of gender cognitive impairment, and he was bullied even more because of his appearance.

He was already used to all this, but the man came to him with kindness and looked at him with eyes that looked at ordinary people.

Even his parents never looked at him with such eyes, but these eyes appeared on strangers.

'Give you a chance to be yourself, do you want it? '

'want. '

'follow me. '

Joining "Fengshen Yanyi", exchanged for the skills that can change the appearance, and can live as a woman openly.

It's great to meet you
"Wherever you go, I will follow you."

Yuan Hong died of exhaustion——

"Loyalty and righteousness are both perfect, but evil is full."

Li Guo looked at the two corpses clinging to each other in front of him, raised the karmic fire knife, and stirred up the flames.

The corpse burns, turns into dust and smoke and blends into the heaven and earth, the body dies and the person perishes, and enters the cycle of rebirth.

And Sasaki Musashi on the side also mourned the corpse in front of him in a unique way of mourning in Japan.

While burning the corpse, Li Guo smiled at Sasaki Musashi, "I never thought you would come to help the poor."

Although it is not difficult to fight two against one, Sasaki Musashi's heart is worthy of recognition.

"It's hard to find an opponent." Sasaki Musashi shook his head and said, "It would be a pity if you were defeated before I played chess."

After saying that, Sasaki Musashi turned around and left gracefully. Before leaving, he sprinkled a piece of cherry petals on the corpse in the fire as a mourning for Yuan Hong.

Now, Yuan Hong was also his recognized enemy.

The fire of karma burned all the karma, Li Guo also took back the long knife in his hand, and waited silently.

Huang Zhongri, who was on the side, had recovered from the negative state of 'Years'. Looking at the messy villa area, the psychological shadow was not insignificant, especially when there were two burned corpses in his backyard.

Huang Zhongri couldn't help asking himself what he did wrong.
However, at this moment, a fruit suddenly appeared in Huang Zhongri's hand.

The red is similar to black, and there is a slight flash of brilliance, which is extraordinary.

"This is a spiritual fruit that I got by chance. Eating it can increase your lifespan by 20 years, strengthen your body, and make your body light." Li Guo sat on the stone chair and said calmly, "It can be regarded as compensation for destroying your house."

This is the fruit brought by Yu Xi before. It can keep the body young and live long, but it can activate blood cells and body organs to achieve the purpose of prolonging life. strengthened.

It is only useful to ordinary people.

"Two twenty years of life?"

Huang Zhongri was not an idiot, his expression suddenly changed from dull to ecstatic.

All of a sudden, it changed from a disaster from heaven to an opportunity from heaven.

"Leave first, let the people in the house leave the house with you." Li Guo directed Huang Zhongri like the owner of the house.


Don't say let people leave, let him get away mellowly and burn the house down.

An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time. If money can sell time, Huang Zhongri is willing to give up his family wealth.

Soon, under Huang Zhongri's dismissal, Nuo Da's villa was empty.

But Li Guo just said lightly while drinking tea.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, come out."

After a while, a person emerged from the grass.

"Really Li has the ability to deal with people in his cultivation base, I really feel ashamed of myself."

It was Jiang Cheng, the leader of the investigation team who spoke.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng still has the image of a young warrior, but he is more mature and prudent.

"Since when did you stay there?" Li Guo said seriously.

"When your fight is over." Jiang Cheng came to sit down beside Li Guo, and said, "When I received the news that you took Liu Heng out, I knew you were going to fight."

Li Guo looked at the local investigation team leader and said calmly.

"You already knew that Liu Heng had a problem?"

"Liu Heng stays here as a mere man. It is impossible to say that he has no problems at all." Jiang Cheng paused and said, "We just don't know that the person who has problems this time is really he."

Jiang Cheng was very calm, did not shirk his responsibility, and did not deliberately defend himself.

Li Guo said seriously.

"So, I need an explanation."

"All right."

Jiang Cheng offered Li Guo a cigarette and asked, "Smoking?"

"Don't smoke."

"Okay" Jiang Cheng lit a cigarette, and began to puff: "Actually, this time, the 'Struggle for the World' is also the official's way to fuel the flames."

Li Guo listened intently, wanting to hear what Jiang Cheng had to say.

"First of all, it is the background. The background is the two new faces on the celestial list. The two newly promoted Lv6, one is Karna from India, and the other is Chacha Anuman from Thailand. You know, at this corner In the era of overtaking, if any country has such a 'nuclear bomb' player, it will be eligible to be on the negotiating table."

Li Guo nodded. If the capital that turned the table was nuclear weapons before, then it is now a strong person in the Tianbang. Because of this, none of the strong people in the Tianbang will step out of the country. The last weapon to use.

"It is precisely because these two originally backward countries have quietly produced two strong men that everyone is so shocked and vigilant." Jiang Cheng said seriously: "I don't know exactly what resources and conditions Lv6 needs. , but at present, neither we nor the United States can only provide one Lv6-level ability user."

"What gave India and Thailand the opportunity to support the strong in the Tianbang? How did they support them? We also want to know about the cultivation systems and awakening systems of various countries."

When No. [-] and No. [-] in the world are pulling each other, those below are all making a fortune silently.

"Under this background, coupled with the birth of the so-called 'Heshibi' this time, we have tacitly promoted this news with the United States. Even the people of the country believe it is true, attracting heroes from all over the world, or We are here to compete for He's Bi, or to try a sword fight. In short, our purpose is to find out their cultivation system and information about their powerhouses."

It was a deception, a joint deception of the first and the second.

It's like saying to the outside world, 'Look, No. [-] and No. [-] in the world are fighting over this, so it must be true, we're going to take advantage. '.

"But the officials also know that there must be tricks in spreading this news, so we commissioned our investigation team to find out the third chess player hidden on the chessboard. How can a big country play chess and let a villain do it?" Jiang Jiang Cheng paused, and said helplessly, "But Mr. Zhang was still worried, so he led you here."

"Facts have proved that it was Pindao who found out this chess player." Li Guo nodded.

Faced with Li Guo's sarcasm, Jiang Cheng could only stand and be beaten, and then said.

"I can't refute it. After all, I have known Liu Heng for many years, and I also know his character traits. He is neither humble nor overbearing. He will not be inferior to others, and he will not do things beyond his ability."

Li Guo said calmly.

"But when he has this ability, the character traits of this wolf's ambition are fully revealed."

"That's right, this is also where I made a mistake. The whole of Kowloon is so big. He usually runs his Lianxiang Restaurant honestly. There is a three-point line between his house and the restaurant. How can he have the ability to stir up troubles?" Rain?" Jiang Cheng said with a very headache: "We only know that he has some small abilities that can stimulate the mind, but we don't know that he can achieve the state of confronting the local list."

Obviously, he didn't know about the 'Fengshen Yanyi'. For now, this thing that can give people a chance of longevity is just an urban legend.

It is precisely because of this very 'secret' blind spot that it is unexpected that a person who was ordinary a few days ago has suddenly become a strong man who can carry a tripod.

This is really incredible.

"Because of this blind spot, you ignored Liu Heng and regarded him as 'unqualified'." Li Guo finally understood.

Jiang Cheng had been ignoring Liu Heng before, because his identity and ability were not enough to enter the candidate list of suspects.

"Who would have thought that a person who stays at home at three points and one line would have a chance to become a strong player?"

Jiang Cheng's tone fluctuated a bit, and Li Guo could tell.

He was actually very curious about where Liu Heng's adventure came from.

After all, everyone wants to be strong
(End of this chapter)

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