Chapter 246
Long Bo was very happy to meet Li Guo, and gave him a small machine bird as a gift.

Li Guo also promised to show him some new things when he came back from the human world next time.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Gongshu Ling, it's good to go and have a look."

Li Guo took a look at his own cultivation, and found that the spiritual energy in the dantian of the Lingtai was still full, and he would be able to break through to the golden elixir soon, so there was no rush.

Regarding breaking through to the Golden Core, Li Guo faintly felt that an opportunity was needed to achieve the Great Perfection of spirit, energy and spirit.

After stuffing Dabai with bags of puffed food, he returned to the human world with Immortal Shi Yimu.

After returning to the human world, it was already seven o'clock at night, and the sky turned dark. Many people hadn't left work yet, enjoying the blessings of 996.

And Li Guo was unambiguous, took advantage of the night, controlled the flying sword, and returned to Huizhou like a flowing fire.

When I come back now, I already feel a bit like the vicissitudes of life.

"It seems like I haven't been back here for a long time." Li Guo sighed, leaving many memories of home in this small town.

After thinking for a long time, Li Guo walked towards the police station without thinking too much.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" The little policeman in charge of guard looked at Li Guo suspiciously, obviously he didn't know Li Guo.

"Ye Tong." Li Guo smiled.

"May I ask who are you?" The little policeman was even more puzzled, but Ye Tong was...
"Just say that real Li is looking for it." Li Guo nodded.

"Oh, wait a moment."

Not long after this person went in to report, Ye Tong came out.

Looking at her brand new uniform and the badge belonging to the direct department of the ninth department on her shoulder, Li Guo can also know that she has been promoted.

As the leader of the local investigation team——

But Gu Taisan and Li Guo knew about it, he went directly to help Zhang Tianyang, and Ye Tong naturally filled the vacant position.

"Li Daochang."

Ye Tong looked at the young Li Guo in front of him, but his temperament had changed a bit from before, and he was also moved. He thought in his heart that the person in front of him was a little more fairy-like than before, and a little more lively and lively that belonged to the outside world. It lacks a trace of urban atmosphere.

It's getting closer to being a fairy.
Ye Tong said with emotion.

"you've changed"

"Poverty hasn't changed." Li Guo smiled and said, "What has changed is you, a layman."

Ye Tong was stunned for a moment, his eyes slightly sad, and finally he smiled helplessly.

"After all, people have to grow up."

Compared with before, Ye Tong has matured a lot, and she is no longer the stunned young policewoman who rented the room next door.

It didn't take long before such a change happened.

In the vicissitudes of life, no one remains the same, all things change, but I remain the same!
After Li Guo asked about his Dao heart, he asked seriously.

"By the way, where is Miss Gongshuling?"

"Oh Gongshu Ling." Ye Tong also returned to normal, and said, "She works in a convenience store."

"Is it no longer necessary to do research with the research institute?" Li Guo was a little surprised that he still had time to work part-time.

"It's no longer necessary. I heard from Yang Boyong and the others that the data that should be collected has been collected. We just need to ensure that Gongshuling checks in with us once a week and accepts limited monitoring."

Ye Tong paused and said, "We have issued the People's Republic of China ID card to Gongshuling."

This is an acknowledgment from the inside out that Gong Shuling is a Chinese. He is a 'person'.

"Pindao thanked you on his behalf."

Li Guo smiled, babbled for a while, then turned and left.

Ye Tong watched from behind, didn't hold back, just said goodbye gently.

A little girl on the side wondered that she was also one of the members of the investigation team.

"Boss, don't you really want to talk to Master Li?"

Ye Tong watched Li Guo's back disappear, and finally said with a smile: "Let's go, let's continue to work overtime. I heard that there is a very powerful thief in Huamao Building. He actually used his ability to steal things. What do you think he is doing?" it is good"

After speaking, Ye Tong returned to the work sequence of the investigation team.

Come in a hurry.

Go in a hurry.

"Meeting is like meeting for the first time."

Li Guo hummed a little tune quietly, the tune was quite out of tune, and it turned out that Li Guo didn't have much singing ability either.

Under Ye Tong's instructions, Li Guo came to a nearby convenience store, and sure enough, he saw Gongshu Ling working as a clerk in the convenience store to pay another person's bill.

"Hello, the total is 11.2 yuan, thank you for your patronage."

Gongshu Ling passed the goods to the young man opposite with a blank face. Although his face was cold and without a smile, the young man on the opposite side still blushed, saying thank you and asking for WeChat at the same time.

To Li Guo's surprise, Gong Shuling actually gave this guy WeChat
Judging by the young man's expression, Li Guo guessed that he had already made up the name of the child in his head.

After he finished paying the bill, Li Guo walked in.

Gongshuling was also expressionless when he saw Li Guo.


"Is it so easy to give your WeChat ID to someone else?" Li Guo couldn't help but cry.

"I have two WeChat IDs." Gong Shuling said with a cold expression, "I read one and not the other."

Too real
"Eh, you can easily hurt others like this." Li Guo's mouth twitched.

However, Gong Shuling was puzzled.

"Really, when I didn't give them before, they would exude a bad mood, but if I give them, they will be happy."

Gongshuling's understanding of people is still at the superficial stage.

If you don't give hope at the beginning, you may be sad for a second, but if you give hope and then despair, it may cause psychological shadow area.
Fortunately, he found out, and Li Guo hurriedly told Gong Shuling some similar life principles.

Gongshuling suddenly realized for a while.

"Human beings are so complicated that they don't understand."

"If you don't understand, please understand slowly." Li Guo smiled and bought a bottle of Coke before leaving.

"Three yuan." Gong Shuling paused and said, "I'll pay you."

"Thank you."

Li Guo left with Coke and didn't chatter too much with Gong Shuling. He came here just to confirm whether she was Gong Shuling or not, and whether she had been taken away by 'Princess Longji' without anyone noticing.

Looking at it now, she is still that 'puppet spirit' Gong Shuling.

That being the case, Li Guo felt relieved, this automatic puppet was a friend after all, and it would be a pity if he was taken away by the so-called gods and demons without anyone noticing.

And when Li Guo was about to turn around and leave, he saw a familiar voice again.

This familiar figure plopped into Li Guo's arms at an extremely fast speed.

The blue and white striped fur, the mean eyes, is that Xiaoha.

However, at this time, Xiao Ha was uttering words.

"You haven't seen me for a long time."

"Can you speak human language?"

"What's so hard to say in human language?" Xiaoha stuck out his tongue, and Li Guo was quite impressed by his well-spoken Mandarin.

Those who used to need Qianyantong to communicate with each other can now communicate directly.

"You are advanced." Li Guo took a closer look, only to find that Xiaoha has advanced. If it was Lv2, it is now Lv3, which is equivalent to the middle and late stage of Qi refining.

The advancement of the realm of strength has brought about the growth of spiritual wisdom, allowing Xiaoha to speak out.

Li Guo touched Xiao Ha's head and said with a smile.

"You should be called a demon now."

"Wow! Not yet." Xiao Ha stuck out his tongue and said, "The one who can transform into a human is a demon."

Li Guo was a little surprised and said, "Do you still know the concept of transforming into a human?"

"Wang, a brother-in-law told me before, that we beasts can be transformed into humans when we reach a certain level." Xiaoha licked his tongue and said: "He said that I was almost about to transform into a form, and there was no opportunity. If there is a chance, it will bring the opportunity to me and let me change form."

"He actually knows so much, is he someone from 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'? Or a folk expert"

Li Guo thought while stroking Dabai's fur, how many inheritances and knowledge there are in this magical land of China, even the officials themselves don't know, and if they want to play tricks to lure people out, they can't know all of them.

When Li Guo was masturbating Xiaoha, Li Guo sat on the stone chair and played with his mobile phone, enjoying the hard-won leisure time.

When I swiped to the list of secrets, I found that there were some changes after this trip to Kowloon.

The top five are still as immobile as a mountain, and those behind are almost postponed or are challenged to fall behind.

And among these gaudy names, Li Guo saw his own name.

"Heavenly Sword Li Guo fought against the Japanese powerhouse Sasaki Musashi on Kowloon Island. He broke the sword with his swordsmanship, and also solved a major disaster on Kowloon Island, so the ranking rose to No.9."

"Have you climbed to No.9? It's okay."

The solution to the culprit naturally refers to Liu Heng, the "Antarctic Immortal". The country has not been able to announce the specific news, so it can only be described in this way.

It's a pity that only No.9
But at this time, when Li Guo looked at it again, the description of Shushan Zhu Ziheng, who ranked first, changed.

"Because you have enlightenment in martial arts, I want to invite the strong to watch martial arts to a banquet, to exchange martial arts together, to promote the advanced development of socialist harmonious martial arts, and to carry forward the core values. If you think you are strong, you can enter Shu."

Invite the strong to watch martial arts and exchange?
Li Guo was a little confused, and invited others to Shushan for no reason.
However, after thinking for a while, it seemed that there was a thread connecting them, and it suddenly became clear.

"Friend Zhu Ziheng is blessed to the soul, do you feel that you are about to break through?"

He is about to break through the golden elixir stage, so he needs the strong to sharpen their minds and swords, so he wants to invite people from the top of the earth to help him punch and sharpen his energy.

"It's the same purpose as I went to Kowloon before, except that when I went to Kowloon, there weren't so many strong people here." Li Guo murmured, and suddenly felt a little interested, wanting to watch some people who break the innate enter the golden alchemy What will it be like.

Just when Li Guo was looking for a reason to go to Shushan, he found an unread message on WeChat. When he clicked on it, he found it was from Bai Wuji.

"Really Li, since I don't know your address, I have no choice but to send an invitation in this way—my uncle wants to sharpen his sword with you, can you come?"

Want to use me to sharpen the sword.
The text reveals an indomitable edge.

Li Guo smiled and replied.


(End of this chapter)

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