Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 247, Huskies with ID cards

Chapter 247, Huskies with ID cards

Li Guo can't wait to see Zhu Ziheng, who may be the first "Golden Core Stage" of New China.

When Li Guo left, Xiao Ha kept biting Li Guo's trouser leg.

"Take me away, we'll set off at dawn, and I'm going to Sichuan too!"

"You are a member of the investigation team." Li Guo said with a smile, "Let's talk about it after you ask for leave."

"Woof, I'm no longer a regular worker, I'm a temporary contract worker now, it's easy to ask for leave."

Xiao Ha rushed back to the bureau, and then came out with his ID.

The above is Xiaoha Hanhan's headshot. It also shows that Xiaoha is also an officially recognized "resident of the People's Republic of China" and is a temporary worker of the Huizhou investigation team. He is paid a fixed salary of 4000 yuan and a housing provident fund of 2000 yuan every month. , medical insurance and social security are complete, and there are dog food and food tickets. With this ticket, you can go to the investigation bureau of the police station to eat and drink at any time. Dog food is free of charge
Xiao Hu is a husky with an ID card instead of a dog certificate. As a husky, he can take public transportation, take an airplane, and enter and exit public places such as restaurants and shopping malls.

Li Guo said thoughtfully, as if he understood some official attitudes towards alien creatures.

"It seems that creatures like Xiaoha who are born with intelligence will also be recognized as human beings."

As long as you are in China and sincerely in China, you are a Chinese.

Li Guo laughed afterwards.

"Okay, it's good to take you to increase your knowledge."

Then Xiaoha also told Li Guo the reason why he wanted to enter Sichuan. It turned out that the mysterious person who gave him some advice before had his pheromone in Sichuan.

As a husky with both curiosity and playfulness, of course Xiaoha wants to visit that dear friend in Sichuan and Sichuan, but in the end he is just a husky, and there will be a lot of trouble when taking transportation.

Officially recognized his resident status, he has an ID card, can take transportation, and can go in and out of public places. Back then, in the eyes of most people, he was a husky, and he was just a dog.

How can a dog behave like a human in public.

Even though he is smarter than most adults, he doesn't yell in public, his language logic is better than the average person, he doesn't defecate anywhere, he takes a bath once a day, and he also grooms himself well Frost—but he's just a dog, too.

It's not Xiaoha's fault, nor is it human's fault, because except for Xiaoha, most of his kind are just beasts who can roar in public, defecate anywhere, and do all the things that wild animals can do.

Li Guo touched Xiao Ha's head with some distress: "Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyped understanding are inevitable. After all, the recovery of spiritual energy has just begun, and some things will be slow to be understood by the public, which is considered wronged you."

Li Guo conservatively estimated that it would take at least one generation for these intelligent beasts to be seen directly, instead of being treated as animals that can be discarded and taken at will.

The right to speak comes from quantity and quality. Even if there are very few chimpanzees who are like Winston, it does not prevent the majority of chimpanzees from being chimpanzees.
However, Xiao Ha shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I won't grow up if I'm not you humans."

Li Guo laughed.

"In that case, let's go."

During the trip to Sichuan and Sichuan, it is still a bit troublesome to take transportation, after all, with Xiaoha.

In the beginning, there were still a lot of turmoil. Xiaoha could not get on the train theoretically. However, after Li Guo showed his resident ID card, everything was fine. After the high-speed rail staff asked the leader for instructions, he agreed to take the train.

Clean, rational, and humorous in conversation, but even so, the officials still let Xiaoha wear a muzzle. This is not because he doesn't believe Xiaoha, but because he is afraid that Xiaoha, a "beast", will appear in the carriage and scare other passengers.

Faced with being put on a mask, Xiaoha thanked the high-speed rail officials instead. This mask can avoid his troubles, and it can also avoid the troubles of passengers.

The employees of the high-speed railway believe in Xiaoha's IQ and EQ, which are many times stronger than most people.

After getting on the high-speed rail, there were still a lot of troubles, which caused a small wave of protests. After all, it is expressly forbidden to bring pets on the train, but Xiao Ha still let the train compartments by virtue of his eloquence and "dog charm". Everyone in the room was convinced, and everyone was amused, and they also knew that the person in front of them was an intelligent creature. In a short time, they changed from disdain and disgust to posting photos on Weibo circle of friends.
After posting on Weibo, everyone knew that Xiao Ha is a well-known "Internet celebrity dog" who has participated in the development of Penglai. As a member of the Huizhou investigation team, he has repeatedly solved cases and made many contributions. The first supernatural dog with a resident ID card since its establishment
At this point, most people think that what is in front of them is not a husky, but a lively young man about 18 years old, humorous and cheerful.

"Where did you learn this?" Li Guo couldn't help but admire Xiaoha beside him.

Emotional intelligence may be innate, but eloquence is definitely not——

"That mysterious person, when he was here with me, he watched Guo Degang's Deyun Club with me every day, and he learned after watching too much." Xiaoha said naturally.

Li Guo expressed his admiration
After driving for two days, Li Guo and Xiao Ha finally arrived at the city of Sichuan and Shu after a lot of travelling.

Li Guo came a few days earlier due to his relationship with Xiaoha, and it will take a few days for Zhu Ziheng's Golden Elixir Banquet to start.

Since it was a few days earlier, let's take Xiaoha to find that mysterious young man first. Li Guo also wants to visit this man and learn some knowledge about "demons" from him.

Maybe it's still a 'dao friend'.

Li Guo walked on the street with Xiao Ha, and people all showed a state of neither rush nor slow, neither slow nor slow, young people are also in this state.

As the saying goes, don't go to Sichuan if you are young, and don't go out to Shu if you are old, you can know how slow the pace of life in this place is. Compared with Li Guo, who is used to living in the coastal areas of the Pearl River Delta, it has a different flavor.

"In the Pearl River Delta region, everyone should be squeezing the subway and bus to go to work at this time." Li Guo sighed, enjoying the leisurely time.

At the same time, Xiaoha on the side was also sniffling, looking for the pheromones he had left on the mysterious person.

"Wang's smell is a bit strong here."

After all, some time has passed, and the pheromones have dissipated. Xiaoha still searched and came to the local 'Qing City Third People's Hospital'.

"Here's his pheromone."

When Li Guo brought Xiaoha into the hospital, he was stopped directly.

Pets are not allowed to enter the hospital, even if Xiao Ha took out his ID card.

Of course, Li Guo can understand this. After all, hospitals are different from other public places and are more sensitive than them.

"I'll go in and find it myself. Tell me the appearance or information of your year-forgotten friend."

"Woof." Xiaoha also understood the hospital's approach quite well, so he stood at the door and said while recalling and thinking: "It seems that he asked me to call him Lao Wang and Wang Jingtian? He said he was a doctor."

Li Guo nodded.

"That should be the doctor in this hospital."

After entering this hospital, Li Guo could directly feel the joys and sorrows, the ups and downs, and it was indeed a place where the seven emotions and six desires, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy gather and disperse.

Love parting, can't ask for it, parting is bitter.

The doctors here are very busy, so busy that they have no time to deal with Li Guo, the intruding Taoist.

Li Guo didn't bother the doctors either, and found a place to sit quietly.

It wasn't until sunset and moonrise that the situation in this hospital eased up.

"Life and death parting, joys and sorrows." Li Guo sighed: "I have a little understanding of life and death, but it's a pity that the poor road is not the road of life and death."

If Liu Heng could honestly feel the truth of 'years', he might not have to think about relying on refining the secret treasures of the earth's veins to make up for himself by cutting down creatures to live and work in peace and contentment.

"Tongtian Dao can also be turned into crooked ways, what a pity!"

Finally, when Li Guo was thinking, he finally caught a doctor who went out to drink water. At this moment, the middle-aged doctor was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief in the busy day and drink a cup of hot water to soak wolfberries.

Li Guo stood up and stepped forward to ask.

"Supreme God."

"Who are you?" Facing Li Guo's sudden questioning, the middle-aged doctor was bald, and his complexion and attitude were not very good.

I've been exhausted by life and work, and I've worked overtime so far, so my temper will naturally not get any better.

However, when he really saw the white-robed Taoist in front of him clearly, his eyes froze.

The temperament is dusty and handsome, like a fairy

Human beings have always been visual animals. No matter men or women, when facing people with outstanding appearance, they will subconsciously relax some boundaries in their hearts.

Li Guo is not handsome, but his temperament is still very charming.

"What's the matter? For medical-related matters, you should register first. If you are a patient's family member, you should go to the attending doctor." The middle-aged doctor's tone was much softer, and the change in attitude was quite real.

"The poor are here to find someone." Li Guo just smiled and said, "May I ask if Layman Wang Jingtian works here?"

The middle-aged doctor was taken aback for a moment and asked in doubt.

"What do you want to see Dr. Wang for?"

"Pindao came here on behalf of a friend. Dr. Wang went to Huizhou before, and met him by chance, but he left in a hurry without leaving any contact information. The more regretful the friend was, he followed the address he left to find him. Going to talk to him again."

What Li Guo said was half-truth and half-false, to avoid unnecessary trouble - after all, it is quite troublesome to explain the matter of becoming a close friend with Husky.

However, the middle-aged doctor shook his head and said.

"So that's the case. I'm really sorry. Dr. Wang has long since disappeared and is not in the hospital. Even his parents can't find him now."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged doctor's originally depressed eyes became even more depressed.

Li Guo looked surprised.

Wang Jingtian is missing?

How did Xiaoha's pheromone get here?
(End of this chapter)

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