Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 248, Wang Jingtian is dead

Chapter 248, Wang Jingtian is dead
"Could you tell me the basic situation with Pindao?"

The middle-aged doctor really wants to say that you are not a policeman, so what is the use of telling you.

However, I don't know if I have been suppressed for too long, and I need a channel to talk and vent, and the doctor didn't refuse.

The doctor's name is Liu Wen, he is a doctor in this hospital, and Wang Jingtian's college classmate. At this time, he seems to be recalling, whispering.

"Back then, we all entered medical school with the desire to study medicine and save lives, and we also entered a third-class hospital as we wished. We thought we could treat diseases and save lives well. We went to work to see patients every day, and ate barbecue after get off work every day. Life"

"However, the spirit of our hearts seems to have been smoothed away by time. After entering this hospital, we found that our reality seems to be somewhat different from the reality of society."

Li Guo listened attentively and said, "How is it different?"

"Being a doctor is not so easy. You must not only have professional knowledge, but also have the eloquence to face the family's random questions." Liu Wen said with a look of interest: "Of course, the most important thing is to Know self-defense, if we don't know self-defense, I'm afraid we would have been beaten to death long ago."

"A few days ago, we were crying, thinking about why we had been studying medicine for so many years. We didn't make any money. We stayed up late and suffered from illnesses. After get off work, we had to be careful whether the family members of the patients would bring someone to us. A sap."

Liu Wen drank wolfberry water and said helplessly: "Sometimes I feel that I should stop being a doctor here and go to the Putian hospital. At least the treatment there is better. Although I may be beaten, at least I will pay after being beaten. Afford the medical bills."

"After you guys were talking about these things, he said he asked for leave to relax and go on a pilgrimage to the Pearl River Delta, the capital of psychic power. We also granted him a leave, and he also worked for a few days after he came back. The sky is also very sparse and ordinary, what to do, there is no sign of sudden disappearance at all."

Liu Wen paused and said.

"Actually, if he really came on a trip that he said he would leave, maybe he went through some things during that time and his mental state was a little unstable."

"What happened?" Li Guo wondered, did something else happen between them?
"A child patient with congenital heart disease fell ill." Liu Wen recalled: "Sedum himself was not in good health at the time, but he insisted on going to see a doctor for him. In the end, the child was not rescued because he was sent to the hospital. It was too late, and the best time for rescue was missed. However, this explanation was useless. That night, the child's family rushed into the hospital with a group of relatives and friends to ask for an explanation, and by the way, Sedum was beaten up. pause."

"After the incident subsided, we realized that the sick child obviously wouldn't miss the rescue time because his parents were playing mahjong, and they wanted to play another round of mahjong before sending the child to the hospital."

Liu Wen told the most creepy things in the calmest tone.

In order to play mahjong, he missed the time to send the child to the hospital, and in the end, he left everything on the doctor.

It's just too real.

Liu Wen continued.

"After that incident, one of Sedum's legs was broken. From then on, he always said that the world is not worth it. I was worried that he couldn't think about it and then he disappeared."

"Life is cold and warm." Li Guo shook his head and said.

"So I still hope there is no news about Sedum."

Liu Wen murmured: "Although he is missing, there are always some thoughts that are wrong. The most fearful thing is that he will not see people alive or dead, just like the world has evaporated."

This is the same mentality as many family members of "missing persons". They feel that their family members are just missing, not dead, and there is still hope.

Hold on to this 'hope' and wait, even if everyone knows it, they will wait, maybe, maybe they are still alive.
"I hope he's okay." Li Guo said indifferently, no matter from which point of view, it's a pity that a doctor is missing.

Liu Wen drank the goji berry water and said with a smile: "There is always life and death in life. We doctors are used to it. Even if Sedum is dead, I can accept it, maybe, haha."

After speaking, Liu Wen turned around and returned to his work station.

There seemed to be a faint sound of quarreling in the distance, as if they were saying "Why did you kill my mother, you lost money" and other noises, as well as the security guard's hectic but skilled pace.

Just like what Wang Jingtian said before his disappearance - the world seemed really not worth it to him.

Xiao Ha was leaning against the stone chair in the dark, wagging his tail, looking forward to see his best friend.

When Li Guo came out, he also told Xiao Ha what he had heard.

Wang Jingtian has disappeared, and no one knows where the doctor went.

After hearing this, Xiao Ha said blankly: "Keep my ability pheromone is still inside, why is it missing?"

"So, I will take you in to look for it in the dead of night. It may be inconvenient for you to go in now."

Li Guo is quite convinced of Xiao Ha's ability. He has made a lot of contributions in the past and is definitely a good hand in finding people. If Wang Jingtian is really in the hospital, he will definitely be able to find him.

At this time, Li Guo put a flying talisman on Xiaoha, making him sneak into the backyard of the hospital without anyone noticing.

The backyard was overgrown with weeds, and it looked quite gloomy, and there were even some wandering spirits who had lost their minds.

It was also easy, and Li Guo chanted the scriptures and sent them directly to rebirth and reincarnation, so that their souls could rest in peace.

However, at this moment, Xiaoha was motionless on this wasteland.

This scene made Li Guo have some bad feelings
Sure enough, the bad feeling came true, Xiao Ha said in an inexplicably disappointed and unbelievable tone.

"Old Wang is right below."

Saying that, Xiaoha started to dig the land, saying that dogs dig the land instinctively, and the speed is quite fast.
The movement of digging the ground was a bit loud, and after a while, it attracted the security guard on duty, who was a middle-aged uncle.

"What are you doing!"

The security uncle was also doing his duty. Facing the suspicious situation, he yelled at this side directly and walked over quickly.

Regardless of Xiaoha, he is still digging the land.

Just when the security uncle came over, Xiaoha just stopped digging.

Uncle Security was about to scold, but when he saw the place where the flashlight was shining, he let out a roar and sat down on the ground with a frightened expression on his face, as if he saw something horrifying.

Where the flashlight shines, it is a piece of human tibia
The appearance of the bones in the back hill of the hospital naturally caused an uproar. Even the other security personnel who were doing Tai Chi with the medical staff gathered here, looking nervously at Li Guo and Xiao Ha.

Li Guo's face was extremely calm, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations in the face of these security batons.

After a while, an old doctor who looked thin came here, looking at the bones on the ground, his expression changed.

"Dean Zhang Zhang, what should we do?"

The security guard on one side said nervously.

Dean Zhang Heng's face was uncertain, he had just been promoted to be the chief dean, and now something happened in the hospital.
"Don't call the police yet."

Just when Dean Zhang was ready to ask questions, Li Guo suddenly said: "This is the remains we excavated in your hospital."


"You are obliged to cooperate with our investigation." Li Guo continued to interrupt.


"Just rely on this." Li Guo turned around and said indifferently: "Xiaoha, show your ID."

Xiaoha took out his investigation team cooperation certificate.

Whether it was the surrounding security guards or Dean Zhang Heng who watched this time, they were all a little sluggish.

Husky's ID?

This husky belongs to the investigation team, is it the police?
"Wang has never seen a police dog before." Xiao Ha took it for granted, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

"No amount." Dean Zhang Heng wanted to say that he had seen it, but he wanted to say that he hadn't, but in the end he didn't know how to answer.

On the other side, a little nurse on duty recognized Xiaoha, and exclaimed: "Isn't this the Internet celebrity dog ​​from the Huizhou investigation team? People, the ability is to track and trace by being contaminated with pheromone, and they have made countless achievements, which is super powerful."

Zhang Heng gave the little nurse a vicious look.

Originally, she could pretend not to know her, but now she can't pretend anymore.

If it's about other things, you can speak hard, but it's about human life. Even Zhang Heng, a member of the investigation team from other provinces, can only admit it. As a half-official person, he knows how much authority the Ninth Section has.

Zhang Hengfu said softly.

"Do you have any questions?"

"The owner of this bone is suspected to be the missing doctor Wang Jingtian from your hospital." Li Guo knelt down, looked at the bone and asked, "Let's do a genetic test first."

"Wang Jingtian?"

Zhang Heng was stunned. He knew about this doctor who suddenly disappeared, so Zhang Heng lost his temper. After all, there is a shortage of doctors now, and any lack of one will disrupt the hospital's plan. He plans to wait for Wang Jingtian to come back. Criticize him.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing Wang Jingtian for a long time, he has already turned into a dead bone in the tomb.

Zhang Heng didn't hesitate too much, and quickly took samples for DNA testing.

After a while, the appraisal results came out, and the owner really belonged to Wang Jingtian.

(End of this chapter)

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