Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 249, Unexpected clues

Chapter 249, Unexpected clues
For this reason, Liu Wen was completely depressed. If there was a glimmer of hope for his best friend who disappeared, but now his body is dead and his bones are cold, there is really no hope. After learning about this, Liu Wen also invited a Fake, I plan to use a few days to drink away my worries.

The dean Zhang Heng didn't say much, and approved his leave.

As for Liu Wen, there is Xiao Ha, who has truly experienced the distance between life and death this time.

The newly made friends seem to be still yesterday, and the voice, appearance and appearance are still there, but now they are separated forever.

"Xiaoha." Li Guo touched Xiaoha's furry head, then looked at Liu Wen and said, "You take Xiaoha too, you both need alcohol anesthesia."

Liu Wen naturally understood the friendship between his best friend and the talking husky in front of him, and finally smiled reluctantly.

"I didn't expect that Sedum, who had only me as a friend, could make new friends before he died. It's not bad. Let's have a drink later."

At this moment, Li Guocai slowly suppressed his smile, and asked Dean Zhang Heng about the situation in front of him.

"Do you know if Wang Jingtian offended anyone before his death?"

"For so many years of practicing medicine, he has offended many people, such as the family members of the deceased. A few days ago, there was a family member of a patient who went too far. It was obvious that his own negligence caused the child to miss the golden rescue period, but he still came to the hospital to make a fuss and claimed to Hack Dr. Wang to death."

Zhang Heng's implication was the patient's family members—and he himself thought so, thinking that the murderer was the patient's family members.

Otherwise, who can offend a person whose daily life is to go to and from get off work at two o'clock and one line?

As the director of the hospital, he has seen too many unreasonable family members, so he naturally wears colored glasses.

"Of course, it could have been suicide."

Zhang Heng added indifferently: "In our line of work, the pressure is quite high."

Li Guo could only silently feel in his heart that the pressure on the medical workers was not normal, so he continued to ask.

"Then what about his past relationship experience?"

"I don't have any emotional experience. At least I don't know. He has a dull personality. He doesn't go to the sorority held by the hospital. The only friend he has is Liu Wen who came with him when he was a student." Zhang Heng recalled: "In short, he never She looks very ordinary in every way, with ordinary appearance, ordinary behavior, and ordinary personality."

It is such an 'ordinary' person who understands the concept of a demon and knows when Xiaoha can transform into form, so he is not 'ordinary' in any way.

After questioning for a while, Li Guo planned to investigate from the family members of the deceased. From the current point of view, he did have a motive for committing the crime.

After saying that, Li Guo came to the bedside of the dean's office and opened the window.

Watching this scene, Zhang Heng moved his body subconsciously, wanting to pounce - the last time someone opened the window in front of him like this was preparing to jump off the building.

Li Guo also noticed Zhang Heng's subconscious small movements, and then laughed, using the heart-sounding voice of the title of 'Preacher'.

"Dean Zhang, you are more like a doctor now."

The previous Dean Zhang who wanted to cover up whenever something happened.

Now this Dean Zhang who saw Li Guo wanted to 'jump off the building' and planned to fly to save him.

Dean Zhang was shocked.

All kinds of memories remind me of the green young man who recited the Hippocratic Manifesto when he left school, and now the dean who does not seek merit but only seeks fault.
It seems that two lives have been human beings, as if they have been separated from each other.

At this time, in front of Dean Zhang, Li Guo jumped out of the window lightly.

Stepping on the flowing light and flying sword to escape, leaving only a little bit of fire, and the words of questioning just now.

It took a long time for Dean Zhang to come over, looking at the fire marks left by the Suzaku flying sword, he murmured in horror.

"Who on earth is he a god?"

The real immortal Yujian rides the wind.

Just leave your heart in the world.
In the noisy mahjong parlor, the smell of smoke, alcohol, and all kinds of smells mixed together, forming an extremely pungent smell.

Li Guo frowned, why is this man's house so smoky.

"Haha! I'm confused! Losing money, losing money, losing money"

"It's really bad luck." A middle-aged man handed over the money sullenly, and said badly: "I owe you this time, and I will pay you back next time."

The aunt looked at the middle-aged man, raised her eyebrows and said.

"I said Lao Ye, but I know that you have made a fortune recently, how could you have no money? Give me the money quickly, you old Lai Lai does this every time"

"The indemnity from the hospital hasn't arrived yet, wait a minute." The middle-aged man took a sip of wine sullenly, and said with a blushing face, "I won't owe you, Lao Ye, can you still trust my character? "

"Oh, I just can't trust your character, Lao Ye. There is no one here who is worse than your character."

The mahjong table was filled with joyful atmosphere, which made the middle-aged man named Lao Ye embarrassed for a while, but he couldn't refute.

Just when he was still about to refute, the green-clothed Taoist approached him.

The old leaf looked at the Taoist priest in green shirt approaching, and said subconsciously.

"Who are you, why are you in my house?"

"Does the death of Dr. Wang have something to do with you?" Li Guo asked blankly. The same is true, being pressed too hard to move.

Lao Ye, who was drunk, frivolous, and without any strength, was suddenly frightened into a daze, and said subconsciously.

"Without him. He died? What does it have to do with me! The hospital has lost all the money, why should I trouble him?"

Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said.

"You really didn't do it?"

"I'm wronged. I don't have time to beat people when I don't have time to play mahjong."

Lao Ye had runny nose and tears, looking extremely ugly.

He has neither the heart nor the guts to kill.

After staring at it for a while, Li Guo turned around and left, at the same time gave a fountain of life to the ghost beside him.

After Li Guo left, Lao Ye stood up sweating profusely as if he had been pardoned, and forced a smile.

"Let's continue playing mahjong."

He didn't care at all that a stranger broke into his house just now, he just wanted to gamble and play mahjong.

However, the three poker players in front of him stared at Lao Ye with a very strange voice, and the aunt among them yelled, used both hands and feet, and ran away without looking back, not even asking for money.

"Strange, what's wrong with this old woman who wants money and life?"

But Lao Ye felt that his head and feet were suddenly cold, and he began to sweat, and his back felt like a thorn on his back.

The north wind blows, and the south wind blows.

Lao Ye's face froze, his heart was throbbing, and he turned around with difficulty.

A blue child with a blue body was standing behind him, looking at him with talking eyes.

Why—to kill me.
"It's not him, who could it be? Or could it really be world-weary suicide?"

If Wang Jingtian really committed suicide because of world-weariness, Li Guo would not be surprised. After all, the profession of a doctor bears the dual pressure of body and mind.If something really happened, it could really be the string that broke him.

However, Li Guo was thinking about some doubts.

If he really committed suicide due to world-weariness, why would he still want to be Xiaoha's friend and become a close friend, knowing that he can't even make friends of the same kind, and would make friends of different kinds?And he knows so much about monsters.
"His interpersonal relationship is also very simple. Liu Wen is a friend and Xiao Ha is a friend. There is no girl he likes, but there should be girls who like him."

While analyzing, Li Guo came to the barbecue stall where Liu Wen and Xiao Ha were.

One person and one dog are drinking cold wine, telling their sadness with wine.

Xiaoha drank a lot, this is the first time he felt how heavy it is to 'lose'.

Liu Wen's personality is similar to Wang Jingtian's. Both of them are not good at socializing, so they can attract each other as friends. The only difference is that Liu Wen has a family.
"Stop drinking, Pindao has something to ask you."

"What is it?" Liu Wen was in a state of half-drunk and half-awake, and it was a good time to ask questions.

"Did he really have no relationship with anyone other than you?" Li Guo continued to ask.

"Really not. His parents died young, and he grew up studying alone. He has a dull personality. I don't know if he likes men." Liu Wen seemed to be stunned for a moment after teasing his dead friend, and said: "Oh No, the little girl in the florist shop. In the past, Lao Zhang would always deliberately take a long way to buy flowers in that florist shop, saying that they were for the little girl who was a patient. Now it seems that it is a poor disguise."

There are actually brand new clues, which surprised Li Guo, so he hurriedly asked.

"Where is the flower shop?"

"It's right at the corner of the hospital when you turn left." After saying this, Liu Wen lay down on his stomach, completely drunk.

However, Xiaoha on the side jumped up, with clear eyes, and said.

"Wang, I will accompany you when the time comes."

Li Guo watched him drink almost a dozen beers, but he didn't pass out like Liu Wen.

After all, Xiao Ha has a good cultivation base, and beer is not so easy to make him drunk.

"Send Layman Liu back first."

Li Guo sent Liu Wen back to the hospital first, and followed Liu Wen's advice to the flower shop the next day. There were waterside pavilions filled with flowers of various colors, which looked quite gorgeous.

The flower shop was still open, but the person who opened the door was an old woman who looked about 60 years old and wore a flowered shirt.

This old woman is obviously not of the same type as the 'little girl' Liu Wen mentioned.

At this time, Xiaoha sniffed his nose, and pondered: "There is my pheromone smell left here. He came here after he came to look for me, and he stayed here for a while."

Still stayed for a while.
Li Guo was full of doubts, and after pondering for a moment, he stepped forward and asked.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, I have something to ask the poor Taoist."

"What's the matter?" The old lady asked doubtfully while cutting flowers.

"Where is the girl who worked in this flower shop before?" Li Guo paused and said, "It was a doctor who entrusted Pindao to find her."

The old woman was taken aback for a moment, then said.

"You mean Xiaojie? She left a long time ago and gave me the entire flower shop."

"The flower shop has been sold to you, did you explain why?" Li Guo saw that the flower shop was not small, and it was backed by the hospital, so the business should be good. It was unreasonable to suddenly sell the flower shop.

"No, I just said that I'm going back to my hometown to get married. What other reason can I have?"

The old woman's tone was still a little happy, obviously she bought this flower shop without much cost.


"Then do you know where she is now?"

"Ask where she is." The old woman looked at Li Guo warily, "Why should I tell you?"

Li Guo smiled helplessly, he must have been regarded as a suspicious person,

After showing Xiaoha's investigation team ID, Li Guo also got an address, which is the place where the former proprietress of the flower shop temporarily lives
At the same time, the old woman instantly turned into a Chaoyang crowd, wishing to reveal all the things she knew, and said.

"Let me tell you, Xiaojie still has some differences from ordinary people. As a woman, she doesn't like men, but she likes women. And she still wants to be the man's side. Her irritating props are still Stay here, do you want to go and see?"

From the corner of his eye, Li Guo immediately caught sight of the 'diaphragmatic props' in the utility room, and immediately turned to leave the corner of his mouth twitching. These props were too exciting for him.
(End of this chapter)

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