Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 250, Where do you need to talk about morals and morals to you evil spirits?

Chapter 250, Where do you need to talk about morals and morals to you evil spirits?
With the clue of the new flower shop owner, Li Guo went to the destination to investigate.

It is a not too big youth hostel, it looks quite deserted.

This kind of youth hostels are rented for sojourners. It is not the tourist season, and the business is naturally deserted.

When approaching the youth hostel, Xiao Ha stopped, frowned and said, "It smells like blood."

"bloody smell"

Li Guo didn't smell any blood, after all, his nose was not as sensitive as a dog's.

He entered the youth hostel calmly, and saw that the boss was enjoying himself playing mobile games.

"I'll open a room."

"There are no more rooms." The middle-aged boss said while playing a mobile game without raising his head.

No room left?
Li Guo frowned and said, how could there be no room in this seemingly deserted hotel.

"Is that so? I thought there would be plenty of rooms during non-tourist seasons."

"Someone booked all the rooms a few days ago."

"Oh." Li Guo patted the boss on the shoulder.

The boss finally got impatient: "They say there is no room."

After raising his head, he met Li Guo's deep eyes.

At this time, Li Guo continued to speak, his tone was calm and peaceful, as if in a cloud: "What kind of person is that person, what is his name?"

"It's a man, I don't know his last name, I don't know his first name, he didn't register his ID card"

The boss looked confused and answered honestly. Then he woke up with a start, and found that he seemed to have said something that could not be said.

This is the case with youth hostels. Because they are not formal enough, you can stay in them without bringing your ID card. It is a favored place for fringe elements.

Even if something happens, or if there is any disturbance, it will be tacitly shared with the boss.

So Li Guo didn't ask the boss if there was any unusual movement, but just murmured.

"Then do you still remember which room this girl lives in?" Li Guo took out the photo of the girl he asked for from the old lady, squinted his eyes and said, "This girl is involved in a murder case, you are obliged to cooperate with our investigation."

The boss gave a shock. This youth hostel has taken in a lot of petty thieves, but it has confiscated those who committed homicide.

And people who do this kind of business naturally don't have any morals, and soon, they gave Li Guo his position
"Don't act rashly."

Li Guo glanced at the second floor, and told Xiaoha to wait on the first floor. While he went upstairs quietly, he also used the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu to change his appearance into that of the boss.

After crossing the messy and dimly lit corridor, Li Guo came to the room the boss said, and knocked lightly on the door.

"who is it?"

A lazy and pleasant voice sounded, and it sounded as soft as bone and warm.

Li Guo said in the boss's voice: "Oh, I'm the hotel owner, can I open the door?"

The voice inside seemed to think for a moment, and then opened the door.

The one who caught my eyes was indeed that Huajie, with a beautiful appearance, silky eyebrows, and her own charm.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jie leaned on the door rail.

"Oh, I want to register for identification."

As soon as Li Guo finished asking, he felt that Hua Jie's eyes were much sharper.

"Don't you need identity registration here?" Hua Jie squinted her eyes.

"Hey, the police have been very strict recently. I heard the news that they will come to our place for a scan tomorrow. I can't do without an ID card." Li Guo pretended to be helpless and said, "I don't want to if it's really okay. Offend you, the guest."

Hua Jie stared at Li Guo, his eyes flickered for a while, and finally said.

"That can't be helped, I'll leave later"

"Hey, no, you have to ask for an ID card even if you have lived in it. The police will check it seven days a week. As long as you have lived in it, you have to check it. Then check my account book and monitor it. I can't tell why. be punished."

Li Guo seems to be very stubborn about this, and must have an ID card.

The corners of Hua Jie's mouth twitched, with an uncertain face, she said.

"Wait for my husband to come back and register with his ID card."

"Don't you have an ID card?" Li Guo pretended to be confused.

"You're asking too many questions."

Hua Jie narrowed her eyes, as if she was sizing up the 'innkeeper' in front of her.

Li Guo shrugged.

"Okay, your husband's ID card is also fine, just give it to me when he comes back"

However, just when Li Guo was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly turned around again and took out Karma.

The long knife scorched his eyes, Suzaku burst into flames, and cut the big bed in two with one knife.

The big bed was broken, and there was a man who looked a bit fat in his middle age, with a stunned face on his dull face.

This person is Wang Jingtian!
Hua Jie's face was dull, and she screamed when she realized that she had been tricked.

The voice was so sharp that it seemed not human.

Li Guo's expressionless face changed back to its original appearance, and he said calmly.

"Hua Jie, you are 26 years old and unmarried this year. Where did your husband come from? And according to the testimony of your former landlord, that old lady, who is this man?"

From the moment he entered the door, Li Guo felt something was wrong.

"You're not Hua Jie at all."

Just as Li Guo wanted to ask, this weak-looking Wang Jingtian suddenly punched Li Guo.

The fist is covered with rocks and looks quite heavy.

"Still an awakener."

Whether the fist is heavy or not, Li Guo doesn't want to experience it, and has no chance to experience it. Wang Jingtian's punching posture and walking posture are too rigid, even in the Qi refining stage, he can handle it with ease.

A child with a musket He was still a child.

However, Wang Jingtian roared heart-piercingly: "Xiaojie! Run!"

Hua Jie looked at Wang Jingtian who was throwing punches, his eyes seemed a little dull, but in the end he let out a wow, and a piercing sound rang out.

Sound is a channel for transmitting information. There is language between human beings, and there is also language between animals.
Not long after the sound sounded, the roof of the youth hotel was broken, and a group of men and women fell from the sky, some of whose faces looked inhuman.

It is said that the essence of the awakened is beyond human beings.

Then the guys in front of me are inhuman in the physical sense, that’s what they are in essence
Li Guo looked at these people, then looked at Wang Jingtian and Hua Jie, and said as if he suddenly realized.

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder you are so familiar with all kinds of monsters, so you got mixed up with a group of monsters."

"Kill him, he knows our secret"

Hua Jie raised her head and said sharply.

However, a man with a mouse face above said in a hoarse voice: "It is clear that you exposed the secret. I will deal with you later."

Hua Jie's face twitched, she closed her eyes deeply, and went to help Wang Jingtian up.

"Are you OK"

"I am fine."

Wang Jingtian had just been kicked by Li Guo, and a little bit of blood spat out on the shirt on his chest.

This made Hua Jie look at Li Guo even more disgustingly, his eyes turned vertical pupils, which looked quite disgusting
Li Guo's expression remained the same, looking at Wang Jingtian who was weak and pitiful and still vomiting blood.

"What are you looking at, aren't you convinced?"

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Guo also connected everything together.

Why did Wang Jingtian's body appear in the hospital, and why did Wang Jingtian himself appear here.

"You took advantage of Xiaoha." Li Guo squinted at Wang Jingtian and said.

Wang Jingtian lowered his head, with a guilty expression on his face, and finally said firmly: "I really want to make friends with him."

Li Guo has noticed since he came to the hospital that Xiaoha is a popular "Internet celebrity dog" and his abilities are well known. It is precisely because of this popularity that Wang Jingtian followed Xiaoha and planned to use Xiaoha. suspended animation.

"You first conveyed your world-weary thoughts to Liu Wen, making people have the illusion that it is not surprising that you committed suicide, pretending to be in a bad state of mind, and then using Dean Zhang Heng's peaceful personality to mislead you with Xiaoha's ability. His 'death' has been proved, and there will be no more people named Wang Jingtian in this world." Li Guoping was furious, and said calmly, "From now on, there will be another 'human traitor' who is in collusion with monsters."

Facing the coercion of Li Guo's sword, instead of backing down, Wang Jingtian stepped forward and roared.

"Human beings are not pure at all, not as pure as demons at all!"

Wang Jingtian wanted to argue with reason, but the monsters around him didn't give face so much and showed their abilities.

"What you mean by purity is the purity of killing the original owner and replacing it?" Li Guo didn't want to talk nonsense either.

The rat-faced man waved his hands in a strange gesture, and waves of strange sound waves twisted out of his hands, like bats, which made Li Guo's ears feel uncomfortable.

The cat-faced old lady at the side looked like a cat, raising Senhan's claws to attack Li Guo, and there was green poisonous gas on it.

Li Guo yelled the name of the move, the sword was majestic and full of righteousness.

"A thousand knives are endless."

One knife turned into a thousand swords, and the knife cut on the flesh. If it hits, even the steel body could not bear it. The cat-faced monster instinctively dodged away, but was pierced between the eyebrows by the hidden sword Zangkong.

Before he died, he was still looking at Li Guo, as if he was still wondering why there was a sword hidden in the knife, and why there was a sword inside when he clearly shouted "Thousands of swords are inexhaustible"
Li Guo didn't have the slightest awareness of using dirty tricks, but said very confidently.

"To deal with you evil spirits and crooked ways, there is no need to talk about morals."

(End of this chapter)

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