Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 251, '55 Kai' Li Guo

Chapter 251, '[-]-[-]' Li Guo

"Swords and Swords, Heavenly Sword." Wang Jingtian looked at this scene with a dull face, and murmured: "Jie'er, run quickly, he is in the top 10 of the list, you can't beat him."

Hua Jie grinned her teeth and remained unmoved, she just stood in front of Wang Jingtian, and didn't care about whether he was on the list or not, and her killing intent towards Li Guo was obvious.

"Yo, you guys also acted like a demon life and death." Li Guo's expression did not fluctuate, and he forced the mouse-faced monster back with a sword in his left hand, and said: "You keep saying that human beings are not as pure as demons, do you know that? This 'Hua Jie' turned into a human being, so do you know what happened to her predecessor, a college student who started a business?"

The corner of Wang Jingtian's mouth twitched, but he couldn't speak.

"The incarnations of everyone present here naturally took away the identity of a certain human being, but what about that person? Could it be that they all became the food of everyone's mouths, right?"

"Hmph, human beings just eat blood." The mouse-faced youth admitted it openly.

"Let's see." Li Guo said lightly: "Although transsexual romance is a taboo, given the openness of modern society, people will only find it curious at most, and it's not that they will come up to shout and kill, cast aside disgust, and the reason why you abandon human beings Identity, intending to invest in others, it is precisely because you know that your lover and these monsters are stained with human blood, so you choose to abandon your identity and invest in it, right?"

Li Guo's energy began to rise, and the karmic fire was long and the flame was burning.

"If you fall in love with a different kind, Pindao will send you blessings, but if you are helping evil spirits. Then don't blame Pindao for being ruthless with the sword in his hand."

At this time, the sound of fighting on the second floor also attracted the downstairs, and the boss was dumbfounded by the ghostly appearance as soon as he came up.

The rat-faced man said to the expressionless young man next to him, "Go and kill him."

The young man nodded, his hands turned into scythes like praying mantises, and he leaned forward, intending to cut it into two pieces.

But Xiaoha on the side rushed out, bit the young man's scythe, and grinned like a vicious dog.


The boss woke up with a sound from Xiaoha, and the boss came to his senses and ran out desperately.

By this time the young man still wanted to chase him online, but Xiao Ha still bit his scythe.

At this time, the dead face of the young man changed, and he said coldly.

"You are also a demon."


"You are a demon, so you should be on our side." The mouse-faced youth looked at Xiaoha and screamed, "Are you going to betray your clan? We demons are already struggling, and you still want to betray us. "

Xiaoha bared his teeth, his eyes flashed red, he didn't hesitate at what the mouse-faced youth said, and just said.

"What nonsense, Ben Wang only knows that I eat and use human beings, and I was raised by human beings since I was a child. Human beings treat me very well, and I treat human beings very well. That's enough. But if you eat human beings, I will arrest you Stay with you."

He is as proficient at being a "devil traitor" as Wang Jingtian is a "human traitor".

Different species stand on different positions from the ethnic groups
Seeing that Xiaoha didn't listen to the instigation, the mouse-faced young man turned to look at Li Guo, and gritted his teeth.

"It's a joke. It's only natural for you humans to kill and eat us, and it's a heinous crime for us to eat people. Everyone can be punished. How can there be such unfair things in the world, how can there be such bullshit things!"

"It's evil for us to eat people, and it's right for you to eat us, hahaha! It's really like what He said, you human beings are counted as one, and you are all hypocritical garbage!" The mouse-faced youth paused, pointed at Wang Jingtian and said; "Of course he's not."

However, Li Guo just shook his head in the face of the cruel words of the mouse-faced youth.

"Sorry, I never thought about such a question."

"Pindao was born as a human being, so he is naturally on the side of human beings. No matter what grievances you have, or what kind of treatment you have suffered from human beings, Pindao will sympathize with you and hate those who abuse you." A knife swung out, bringing out sparks: "But you can't kill and eat people."

Perhaps from the perspective of a third-party race, this is Chiguoguo's double standard.

But Li Guo is a human being, so he doesn't need to look at it from the perspective of a third-party race, he just needs to look at it from the perspective of a human being.

The mouse-faced youth was astonished, but he did not expect the spirit of the person in front of him to be so determined.

Instead, Wang Jingtian thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to 'abandon the dark and turn to the bright'.

"It is not a crime to stay and fly with demons and evil spirits, but it is a great crime to collude with evil demons."

Although Li Guo looked like a stunned man on his face, his mind was quite calm.

In addition to the cat-faced monster that was killed, there were five other monsters besides Wang Jingtian, and their strength was equivalent to that of the early foundation period. Although there were a lot of them, they could only fight by instinct.

"It is equivalent to the transformation of the cultivation base in the foundation building period so complete, is there a complete breathing skill?"

There are too many doubts.

Who is the 'he' mentioned by the rat-faced youth?
How many monsters live in the city in a human form like this?
How many of them can imitate the human form and lurk in the city?

Li Guo knew that if the matter was involved, it was no small matter, and his heart was calm and agitated, but he did not exert his full strength.

The old man with snake eyes on the side twisted his hands like snake letters, and hit Li Guo with an extremely strange posture.

Li Guo's knife was comparable to his fight.

"Ha, what kind of list is there? There is nothing to be afraid of at all. Sure enough, you humans just like to gain fame."

"We have five, so we have a great advantage. We must kill him and avenge the kitten!" On the other side, the boy with the same cat face exploded all over his body and attacked Li Guo with both paws. Then he cut a few cracks on the beam and column, which was quite terrifying.

Li Guo raised his sword and fought him fifty-fifty.

Several monsters showed their own special abilities, and they used their instincts to the extreme. They all fought [-]-[-] with Li Guo, and there was only one thought in their hearts——

The Taoist in front of us is not strong, we can keep him!

Only Wang Jingtian, while thinking, looked at the '10-[-] open' Li Guo and murmured: "Is it the strength of the top [-] in the local list? Is he really trying to gain fame? No, he just had half-opening with everyone, and now he is with five people." The joint attack is also half to him. He did it on purpose, deliberately showing his flaws and seducing them."

If they had shown absolute strength at the beginning, the five monsters would definitely have evacuated and hidden in the city.

However, if there is a 'five-five split', then the five must want to kill the enemies in front of them first and then quickly!
All of a sudden Wang Jingtian figured everything out, and looked anxiously at Hua Jie who was fighting among them.

What kind of Heavenly Sword is this?
Rao Yiyao couldn't have imagined that the sword is so clear and pure, and the majestic Taoist is so cunning.

"No, you must remind Xiaojie"

Wang Jingtian wanted to go forward to remind the five people, but was stopped by Xiaoha.

At this time, Xiao Ha looked at Wang Jingtian with a disappointed face and said.

"you cheated me."

"I didn't lie to you." Wang Jingtian looked at Xiaoha who was blocking the way, took a deep breath and said, "Maybe, the first time I approached you, maybe it was to take advantage of you, but after that, I really want to give you this." I am a friend, and I sincerely regard you as a friend, I plan to wait for a while, after I really 'die', I will look for you again and let you join us."

"I won't join you." Xiaoha said seriously, "You cannibals."

"Are you a demon? Why are you on the side of humans?" Wang Jingtian said excitedly, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"You're human too, why are you on the demon's side?" Xiaoha asked back, "Do you know how much your friend misses you? Liu Wen almost passed out from drinking because of your affairs that night."

When Liu Wen was mentioned, Wang Jingtian's expression was a bit painful. He had extremely deep emotions for this friend who had been growing up with him and the only true friend.

However, even so, Wang Jingtian's attitude was still decisive and firm.

"Because... demons are very pure, and humans are too impure."

"Your social experience is not deep, so you may not be able to feel these things. As for me, I have lived for dozens of years, and I have seen many things." Wang Jingtian said as if venting: "When I was in school, people with poor grades Even if you are bullied, no one will help you, including the teacher, who will just turn a blind eye and close one eye. One thing more is worse than one thing less. We tried our best to treat the patients, but what we received was the fists of the patients' families and the noise of the patients."

"Willingly destroying nature, killing animals, inequality between men and women, everything shows that human beings are filthy and disgusting"

"Where's your friend?" Xiao Ha was stunned by Wang Jingtian's three views.

But Wang Jingtian shook his head and said: "Yes, he is my friend, but he is not a good person. He is a few dozen years old. Everyone knows what the little nurse in the office has to do with him Younger than his daughter, tell me, isn't he filthy?"

"Nurse, in order to climb high, he got close to him, and he also made it easier for the nurse, giving her the position of head nurse instead of another old nurse with better skills."

"Dean, in order to calm things down, it is clearly not our fault that the medical troubles occurred, and he even asked us to apologize."




"Human beings are sick, really sick. They are too complicated and filthy. I am very desperate for this world." Wang Jingtian murmured: "Until I noticed her one day."

Wang Jingtian's eyes flashed very tenderly.

"I pass by the flower shop every day when I go to work, so I know what kind of person the flower shop owner is. She has only graduated from college for a few years. She has driven in a luxury car and made countless boyfriends and girlfriends. I can learn from her You can see her dirty and unbearable appearance, but that day, she changed."

"She became wild and pure, vigilant like a kitten, not a slut pretending to be innocent"

"With a skeptical attitude, I approached this woman who had expressed affection for me, so I saw the world here."

(End of this chapter)

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