Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 252, Silence

Chapter 252, Silence

"I found the body of the flower shop proprietress, and I saw Xiaojie eating the body. I didn't yell or call the police. I chose to help her."

"Xiaojie also went from being wary and loathing at the beginning to cuddling with each other now."

"It turns out that the relationship between people can be so simple. I like her, and she cuddles with me." Wang Jingtian murmured, "I don't need a house or car, I don't need savings, I don't need a nagging mother-in-law, I just need two people to love each other." Just feel it."

"I helped her find blood food, selected lonely old patients in the hospital, and no one would take care of them when they died. It is a relief for them to die. They have been abandoned by their children long ago, and life is pain. I also know through her. The same is true for pure monsters, everyone is not polluted by the vortex of 'society', everyone is pure."

Xiao Ha was terrified when he heard that, knowing that he couldn't be kind, he grinned and prepared to make a surprise attack.

Dogs themselves are a kind of wolf, and their sharp teeth and fangs are definitely not less lethal to people.

And Wang Jingtian said with emotion: "Look, Xiaoha, your behavior just proves the purity of the demon, your loyalty, your bravery, your outstanding IQ and logical ability, one day, the demon will inevitably Instead of man, become the chief of all things Come, come and join us."

Xiao Ha was unmoved, and only grinned in response.

"Xiaoha, you haven't grown up yet, your ability is still an auxiliary ability, and you are no match for an awakened person like me at all."

Wang Jingtian shook his head, his body was gradually wrapped by stone flakes, intending to teach Xiaoha a lesson.

If I can't beat Li Guo, I can't beat you?

Stones cover the whole body, Xiaoha has no other abilities, mainly bites and kills, and it is difficult to break through its defenses.

Taking advantage of Xiaoha's attack, Wang Jingtian rolled over and finally came to the battle group of the five demons, shouting loudly: "Everyone be careful! This is a trick! He first showed you that you are weak, so that you feel that you have a chance to win. Let’s find another chance for Lei Ting to strike and take you down in one fell swoop, just to prevent you from escaping!”

"Hmph, are you underestimating us?"

The cat-faced boy looked at Wang Jingtian viciously and said, his claws were even more ferocious.

This Wang Jingtian is also anxious to see, these monsters are pure, but their IQ can't keep up, they often do things by instinct, they are not as cunning as human beings.

Only Hua Jie's offensive slowed down a little, and his eyes hesitated.

She thinks the same way as other monsters - she thinks she can wait [-]/[-].

But her trust in Wang Jingtian made her want to get out of the battle group.

"Tsk, it's actually exposed." The expression on Li Guo's face, which was struggling to perform, instantly became calm.

But the situation has been set up.

At this time, the bodies of the five monsters were covered with water. When they were holding their swords just now, the aisle fire was turned on, and the entire corridor was filled with water. Then use the "Water Control Art" to let the water flow into their bodies, making them wet all over. ,
To these five transformed monsters, this is just ordinary water flow, and they don't care much about it at all.
The rat-faced monster looked at Li Guo viciously, as if looking at a dead person.

"You can't run away"

"Hmph." Li Guo smiled and said, "You are the ones who died."

Li Guo backhanded the knife and slashed out of the hotel.

The monsters didn't know what Li Guo meant with the knife, and even wanted to laugh at it.

However, the target of this knife is the transformer in this small area. Since there is an industrial factory nearby, the transformer is separated from the civilian use.

"The trick of Chipindao is 'high-voltage electric blasting'."

The transformer was slashed and exploded, and the voltage and current rushed out instantly. Li Guo stretched out his hand to control the lightning with the palm of his hand, and drew the burst of current with a single blow, and inserted it into the ground.

Water can conduct electricity, and this huge high-voltage current flows up the water, directly turning these four monsters into charcoal.

Only Hua Jie escaped the catastrophe because of Wang Jingtian's guidance, but when she saw her dead companion, she still let out a crying sound, looking extremely pitiful.

Wang Jingtian was also dumbfounded, he never thought that the Taoist in front of him would use such a method.
With the least consumption, kill the most enemies.

"How many companions do you have lurking among us humans?" Li Guo pointed at Hua Jie with a long knife and said, "Truthfully recruited, I will spare you."

During the speech, the members of the investigation team who received the notification also came here to participate in the investigation.

After looking at the mess in this place, he couldn't help but take a breath, feeling terrified by the strength of this monster, even if he died, the energy level on his body could still be detected, between Lv3~Lv4.

You must know that even a prefecture-level city can't produce a few strong people of this level. In the investigation team, those of this level are basically the leaders of the investigation team. Beheaded by the knife, four were executed and one was captured alive.

The leader of the investigation team couldn't help looking at Li Guo in awe.

It is worthy of being the top 10 in the land list, and can easily do things that others cannot.

And the leader of the investigation team didn't dare to neglect after admiring him, so he quickly contacted the national scientific research investigation team.

It can be said that the problem of demons taking form and lurking in the world is quite big.

For this reason, he looked at Xiaoha, a member of the 'foreign' investigation team, with a strange look in his eyes. After all, Xiaoha is also considered a demon.
Li Guo felt something, blocked the investigation team leader's sight, and asked, "Have you found anything?"

"Well, visually, they all replaced their identities by killing the original owner's identity." The investigation team leader retracted his gaze and said solemnly: "This is a serious case. Do you know how many such aliens are still there?" lurking among us humans"

Li Guo also felt that the situation was serious and said.

"Is there any way ordinary people can tell them?"

"The internal organs of their bodies are completely different from those of humans, and their blood components are no different from those of animals." The investigation team leader said: "It can be said that except for the appearance of humans, everything else is still animals."

Definitely an incomplete transformation.
I heard Yu Xi mentioned the transformation before, this is the image of the primate incarnation towards the 'human', rather than the simple appearance of becoming a human.

The incarnations of these 'monsters' are really nothing but appearances.

"Even if it's just a form, it's quite terrifying."

While Li Guo was discussing with the leader of the investigation team, there was a burst of abnormal movement, accompanied by heart-piercing wailing and crying.

Li Guo recognized that the wail belonged to Hua Jie, and the cry belonged to Wang Jingtian.

What happened to the side that escorted them?
Li Guo ran quickly, but found that Hua Jie's slender body somehow grew blue evil fires, burning her body and eating away at it bit by bit.

Wang Jingtian wanted to fly to put out the fire, but he was held back by the members of the investigation team next to him. When he saw Li Guo approaching, he could only shout, "Help her, save her."

Hua Jie seemed to be enduring the cruelest torture in the world, the skin on her body was burned off inch by inch.

Li Guo activated the water control technique to put out the fire, not because she wanted to save her, but because she was an important clue, so she saved her life to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, this water control technique was unable to extinguish the evil fire. The evil fire seemed to have no root, but it burned extremely vigorously.

"Damn it, she's the key clue." The leader of the investigation team was also quite anxious. It was useless to use up all the fire extinguishers if he wanted to put out the fire. The power of the evil fire was extremely terrifying.

And Wang Jingtian didn't know where the strength came from, he broke free from the shackles of the members of the investigation team, and threw himself on Hua Jie's body, grabbing her burning green hands.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Hua Jie roared and wanted to push Wang Jingtian away, but was hugged tightly by Wang Jingtian.

The green fire extended from Hua Jie's body to Wang Jingtian's body, and he also burned with it.

Wang Jingtian endured the severe pain, but his eyes were extremely gentle, and he murmured: "In this life, I am a human and you are a demon. We are of different races and standpoints. I abandon everything and want to be with you. Originally, this wish has almost come true. But in the end, it was still a game of chess. I failed to realize my long-cherished wish, and I failed to make a pair of happy mandarin ducks."

"Since we can't be together in life, let's look after death. If we die and become ghosts, then we can't be together"

"I just hope that in the next life, you will be a demon, and I will be a demon, without any barriers, race, religion, belief, and position can be together."

This time Hua Jie didn't struggle anymore and pushed Wang Jingtian away, but just snuggled tightly into Wang Jingtian's arms.

The green fire burned, and the banshee man turned into a desperate mandarin duck, and a wisp of dust and smoke dispersed with the wind.

Li Guo also felt heavy when he watched this scene, but in the end he adjusted his mood and said slowly.

"Now that the clues have been destroyed, Pindao has reason to suspect that it was done by the mastermind behind the scenes."

"Could it have something to do with the urban legends that have been circulating recently?" The investigation team leader swallowed and said, "I heard that there is an urban legend that can make people stronger without anyone knowing it, but if that person wants to If you tell the reason, it will be wiped out."

The leader of the investigation team was naturally referring to Feng Shen Yan Yi.

But Li Guo knew that it wasn't 'Fengshenyanyi' who did it. If it was him, he would definitely be more sensitive, instead of killing her after almost finishing the autopsy report on her accomplice like now.

This is clearly because of getting the wind, knowing it later, and then triggering the burning green fire on Hua Jie's body to silence her.

There must be supernatural means, but they are definitely not as good as the "Fengshen Yanyi" who can perceive and kill across the world.

According to inference, its own strength is probably not as strong as imagined.

After all, if the monster black hand has the strength of the heaven list, he can come to the world physically and subdue him with his strength. He has his own influence in any country, so how can he use this ghostly trick of letting monsters lurk in the world.

In today's world, if you have someone who is a leader in the celestial list, you will have the opportunity to be on the negotiating table. No matter what your country's economy and humanities are, or even if you are alone, with the strength of the celestial list, you can be a country by yourself.

"This matter needs the provincial...even the immediate personnel of the joint investigation team to take action."

The leader of the investigation team was also unambiguous, and directly reported to his superiors. At the same time, he also collected the ashes of the two people who had been burned to ashes by the green fire—of course not to let them rest in the ground, but to investigate the remaining chemical substances and ectoplasm Clues, now he will not let go of any clues.

(End of this chapter)

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