Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 253, The Immortal on the Street Lamp

Chapter 253, The Immortal on the Street Lamp

Li Guo took Xiaoha back to the hospital and told him about Wang Jingtian's investigation information.

As for the fact that he became a 'human traitor', he didn't say anything about the fact that he was in the world of monsters. He only said that he faked his death and escaped from the world. The doctor who abandoned everything for love.

It can be regarded as leaving Wang Jingtian with the last reputation.

Along the way, Xiao Ha was also a little depressed, his ears drooped, and he was obviously depressed.

Li Guo comforted him.

"Xiaoha, what are you thinking? If you are unhappy, you can listen to me if you are unhappy."

"Wang, I was thinking, at least they are also my kind." Xiao Ha wagged his tail and said, "I thought it would be very happy to meet animals that can also talk, but I was not happy, and even showed myself to them teeth and claws."

Li Guo patted Dabai's hairy head to comfort him.

Today, Dabai is not in a good mood either.

After all, he is loyal to human beings, but he encounters the opposite of human beings, who feed on human blood, and Xiaoha must show his sharp teeth and claws to them.

There is also Wang Jingtian, who is one of the few people who can be called 'friends', but he is also standing on the opposite side, and even died.
Does Xiaoha need to be quiet and think about the problem alone.

"Wang, let me be quiet." Xiaoha still raised his head and said, "I'm wandering in this city for a while, and if I want to go back to Huizhou, I will ask Liu Wen to buy a ticket for me."

Xiao Ha and Liu Wen also became friends through that drink.

Li Guo thought about it and nodded, at this moment Dabai really needed a dog to be quiet.

At this time, Xiaoha raised his head, looked at the moonlight in the lotus pond, the cloudy and sunny, and felt something in his heart, and murmured.

"Sometimes I think, if I were still the dog back then, I wouldn't have to think about so many things, such as joys and sorrows, and ups and downs, it's not as real as a bag of dog food and a bone. They tell me to bite whoever I bite, regardless of my position, right or wrong, just bite anyway.”

"This is growing up, you also need to think about your own problems." Li Guorou said, Xiaoha's identity is quite sensitive.

For the general public, can such an existence as a 'demon' be accepted?

Dogs are friends of human beings, so what about dog monsters?
Finally, Li Guo and Xiao Ha temporarily parted ways in front of the hospital. Xiao Ha walked on this street, looking a bit desolate, but he needed this loneliness.

After Li Guo went to the local investigation team to explain some related matters, he planned to go to Shu to gather with Zhu Ziheng. There was no such thing as bad food in this world, only martial arts swordsman, the way of longevity.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Li Guo couldn't help feeling yearning for him.

Today, Zhu Ziheng in Shushan.

The sword will be a hero, and it will break the golden core.

What will it be like?
Shushan, also called Wawushan, is located in Hongya County, Meishan, Sichuan-Shu Basin.

Originally, this Hongya county was not considered a wealthy city even if it relied on the tourist attraction of Shushan, but now it has become the place where Shushan, the holy land of Jianmen, has become a bustling county. A chance to pay homage to Shushan.

When Li Guo came to this county, he was dressed in a clean Taoist robe, with a restrained demeanor, without a whisk, and with his arms folded like a wandering Taoist.

At this moment, an old man dressed in shabby clothes and looking rather sloppy came over mysteriously and said.

"Brother, are you looking for a chance?"

Li Guo looked at the old man as if he was a guide for outsiders, so he smiled and said, "How did you know?"

"Hahaha, you are wearing a Taoist robe, isn't it just to attract the Taoist grandpa on Shushan Mountain? I have never seen such a trick, the old man has a hundred or eighty." After the old man smiled, it seemed that he had seen through Li Guo. He was happy with his little trick, but he still said: "However, the Taoist grandfathers on Mount Shu are not so easy to be attracted to. Their hearts and eyes are all on the top of their heads, and most people don't even take a look at them. "

"Since that's the case, what should we do?" Li Guo asked with interest.

"Since I have found you, old man, naturally there is a way for you to successfully attract the attention of those Taoist grandfathers in Shushan." The old man seemed to have caught a big fish, his eyes narrowed.

Li Guo looked at the old man and smiled too.

"Well, you have a way, right?"

Yes, I have a solution, so hurry up and ask me, and then pay for it obediently
However, Li Guo changed the subject and said, "Don't worry about this, you can take Pindao to a famous restaurant here to eat and drink, and then talk about it."

The old man's expression was a little surprised. People who came here to seek opportunities in the past, who didn't have a hasty expression, like an impatient first brother, who would be like the Taoist in front of him, who opened his mouth to ask where there is food.

But the old man has already determined that the Taoist priest in front of him is a big fish, so naturally he will not give up, he will bring food and drink with him, anyway, since he is a local, there is no problem at all as a guide!

"That's fine, old man, I'll show you this Sichuan delicacy."

With a big wave of his hand, the old man took Li Guo on a three-wheeled motorcycle and went to the local snack street. Since the snack street was in an alley, cars couldn't get in at all, only the three-wheeled motorcycle could squeeze in.

And the old man who turned into a guide said like a treasure.

"My Sichuan and Sichuan snacks are exquisite, different from the 'fresh' in the south. What I eat in Sichuan and Sichuan is a 'spicy' and a 'spicy'. There are husband and wife lung slices, which are made from beef scalp, beef heart and tongue, etc. , there are jelly noodles, silky in the mouth, spicy and refreshing, Chaoshou Liangpi, Dengying beef, spicy rabbit head, and "

Like a few treasures, the old man told Li Guo which shop was delicious, which shop was spicy, which shop had the most, and which shop was complete.

Li Guo smiled, paid the fare, then came down and crowded in the alleyway, tasting one by one.

"You want a bite too?" Li Guo handed a piece of Dengying Beef to the old man.

"Hey, old man, I'm too old to eat such spicy food." The old man swallowed his saliva in front of the delicious Dengying beef, but he still resisted the temptation. As this person gets old, his body can't help it.

Li Guo shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat snacks. This street was eaten almost all over the place, which surprised the old man and envied him at the same time.

I really have leisure, I really have spare money, and my health is really good.

Li Guo tasted all the specialties in one street.

The old man on the side urged.

"How about it, I've had enough food and drink, should I go to Shushan?"

"No rush." ​​Li Guo smiled and said, "Since you've eaten and drank enough, of course you still have to digest the food after the meal. If you don't digest the food, you will easily gain three catties of meat on your stomach, which is not good for your body. "

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

Why is this Taoist priest so troublesome, but this old man still has to endure, after all, it is hard to find a stunned young man
Li Guo looked at the crowded crowd in this small county and said with emotion.

"There are really enough people."

"Of course, where do you think this is? This is Hongya County." The old man seemed to be proud of his hometown: "But Shushan is backed by Shushan, where there are many talents. It is from the Shushan Sword Gate, and countless people come every day to find the opportunity to go to Shushan Mountain, to join the Shushan Sword Gate, and hope to become a blooming supernova of this era, enter the list of people in the world, and compete with all heroes."

At this time, the old man lowered his tone, and said mysteriously: "And I heard that No. 1 in this place list is about to be promoted to the heaven list, and I am inviting the top 10 people in the place list to compete. Can worship under other strong men?"

"Now this opportunity is in front of you, don't eat and drink"

The old man began to guide Li Guo again, hurry up, the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of life is right in front of you, don't waste your life by eating and drinking.

However, just as he continued to speak, a red banknote appeared in his hand.

Li Guo smiled slightly.

"This is the guide fee for you to guide Pindao to play. The next thing, Pindao can do it by himself."

The old man was stunned, and just about to say something, he found that Li Guo's temperament suddenly changed.

From a young Taoist who was calm and friendly just now, he became a sharp sword that could be unsheathed at any time, fierce as fire, soft as water, bursting like thunder, swift as wind, and heavy as a mountain.

When the temperament burst out, a vacuum circle with a radius of several meters was automatically formed around it, and no one approached the crowded place.

Everyone, including the old man, followed Li Guo's line of sight, only to see a green-robed Taoist standing on top of a street lamp, also ethereal as a fairy.

If it weren't for Li Guo's eye contact, no one would have noticed that 'immortal' suddenly appeared.

At this time, the 'immortal' smiled and said.

"Li Daoyou."

"Friend Ye."

Ye Feng——

Li Guo also smiled.

"Stay safe."


"Let's go."

Li Guo stepped lightly on the ground, and a streamer sword appeared, and the flying sword flew up in the air, and the white robe fluttered like a fairy coming out of the dust.

At this moment, someone in the crowd finally exclaimed.

"Heavenly Excalibur, the top 10 on the earth list, he is the Heavenly Excalibur Li Zhenren!"

When everyone realized it, Li Guo and Ye Feng had gone hand in hand to ride the wind.

Only one place left the crowd in a trance.

It turned out that the real immortal was hidden in the snack street, and no one noticed it.
The old man also seemed to have passed away, holding the banknotes in his hand, and murmured.

"Excalibur, Master Li. Old man, I was deceived and abducted. I didn't expect to meet a real immortal today."

(End of this chapter)

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