Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 254, enlightenment

Chapter 254, enlightenment

Today's Ye Feng has completely lost the immaturity and youthfulness of the past, just like a real fairy, with long hair and shawl, like a fairy in the dust.

This style of painting also made Li Guo happy for a while, indicating that he did not follow Tao Yuanxin's path. If he had been using Tao Yuanxin's insights, Ye Feng should have the style of a brash man in iron armor, not what he is now.

Li Guo laughed.


"It's just a little insight." Of course, Ye Feng knew what Li Guo was congratulating, but he just smiled: "From now on, I also know that the road to immortality is long and difficult. I almost used Tao Yuanxin's insight a few times."

"But you still persisted, didn't you?"

Li Guo said with a smile, Ye Feng's mental state and cultivation level have not dropped if he can persevere in the face of the temptation to reach the sky in one step, and judging from his aura, he should have gained some opportunities again.

Ye Feng accepted Li Guo's compliment, and said immediately.

"This trip to Sichuan and Shu can also be regarded as watching Zhu Daoyou's sword break through the golden elixir, so as to supplement his own path."

"That's why the poor Taoists came here." Li Guo paused and said, "However, there is still a small gap between the Wupo road and our Dao Po road. Those who learn from others live, and those who resemble others die."

Before going to Mount Shu with Ye Feng, the two first exchanged their martial arts paths. Eighty-nine Xuangong and Miefa Xuangong are from the same source, and the exchange of paths between the two is beneficial to each other.

Different from 'Yuan Hong' Xiu's transformation system's non-phase magic art, the focus of Fa Mie Xuan Gong is not on the body, nor on change, but on evolution.

A vellus hair, derived flesh and blood life, incarnates tens of millions.

At this time, Ye Feng performed a flesh and blood evolution for Li Guo. He picked up a swift's tail feather that had fallen from the roadside, and blew on it, and the tail feather turned into an adult swift, just like a real life. Generally, amazing.

"The incarnate Swift doesn't have self-awareness, it's just my avatar, and what it sees is the same as what I see." Ye Feng controlled the flexible flying Swift, and said with a smile: "But after leaving me beyond a certain range, This swift cannot survive and turns into a haze of flesh and blood."

Saying that, the swift flew high, and after reaching a certain height, the swift, like water without roots, lost its life support and turned into a wisp of dust and smoke, which did not exist in the world.

Different from the scene in 'Penglai', the mummified Taoist in 'Penglai' is really a derivation of life with a breath, directly turning the process of life into a breath, and those lives still have complete soul consciousness.

But even so, this supernatural skill of Ye Feng has a supernatural power that ordinary people can't compare to. The ability to develop Swift in one breath is simply a magical skill as an investigation tool.
"I'm still far away." Ye Feng said with emotion: "At present, I can only evolve these small creatures. If they are bigger, my spiritual power will not be able to support them at all."

"The fairy road is long, no matter how far you go, there is a path under your feet."

Li Guo smiled and said.

Between talking and laughing, it has already landed at the gate of Shushan Mountain.

Today the Taoist guarding the mountain is actually Bai Wuji.

At this time, the young swordsman seemed to be integrated with the mountain gate, the mountain gate was him, and he was the mountain gate.

This surprised Li Guo a little.

"It seems that Bai Wuji's swordsmanship has expanded a lot now."

The door is the place of entry and exit, and it is a pass, which is equivalent to a 'weak point'.

In the past, Bai Wuji's swordsmanship was relentless and sharp, even if he had a 'door', he would not care about it, he would only go forward, if the steadfast momentum was broken, it would be easy to fall short.

It is rare for him to realize this now.


Li Guo didn't hide his voice, Bai Wuji heard it too, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Li Guo and Ye Feng, and said calmly.

"Really Li."

There was still an 'arrogance' in the tone, but there was no arrogant arrogance, but more aloof arrogance.

"I've heard that Jianzi Bai Wuji's swordsmanship is superb, now that I can see it, he really deserves his reputation," Ye Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Bai Wuji also looked at Ye Feng and said.

"This fellow Taoist is also entering the mountain?"


Holding the Qingfeng long sword in his hand, Bai Wuji said: "Uncle Master wants to break through the barrier, and the sword leads the masters of the same generation. Shushan will not accept outsiders for the time being."

But Ye Feng just smiled and said.

"Although I haven't entered the list, I'm not bad at myself. If I'm an expert of my generation, would I be the one?"

Bai Wuji stared at Ye Feng with burning eyes.

These days, there are ten or eight people who claim to be so, but none of them can take every move he makes.

With such strength, do you want to go to the glory of Zhu Ziheng's sword breaking through the heaven?
Even if Ye Feng was brought by Li Guo, Bai Wuji's attitude was quite obvious.

If you want to pass, pass me first.

If you can't even beat the people in the list, don't even think about passing.

Even if the enemy wins, don't think about it if the victory is not beautiful. This time is to stop some cats and dogs who claim to be unknown but have strength.

Of course Ye Feng understood Bai Wuji's thoughts, so he didn't refute much, but slowly took out the long sword in his hand.

Looking at the long sword, Bai Wuji asked unexpectedly, "An official?"

Ye Feng's saber is Baosteel No. 1125, which is quite rare. It is the ultimate product of Baosteel series. Even if it is official, few people own it.

This time, Bai Wuji believed that Ye Feng had real skills, and that without real skills, he was not worthy of this saber, and the hand holding the Qingfeng long sword in his hand became much more cautious and tight.

Ye Feng shook the long sword in his hand and said with a smile: "It's an official person."



Ye Feng was the guest, and he slashed out with a sword first, carrying the blue true energy.

The strength is not considered strong, but the way of the sword is extremely delicate, and it just happened to cut towards Bai Wuji's 'gate'.

This sword really caught Bai Wuji by surprise, the originally fearless sword instantly turned into a defensive defense.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, holding the sword in one hand, the path of the sword was ethereal, every sword, every blow followed Bai Wuji's door and pierced and slashed.

Bai Wuji, who was originally good at attacking, could only retreat to the defense in a moment of embarrassment, and the sword path was completely forced to use his hands and feet.

"Is it enough?"

In the end, Ye Feng gave Bai Wuji enough face, and when he saw that he was messing up the way of the sword, he withdrew his hand and put the sword back into its sheath.

Bai Wuji said after a moment of silence.


Bai Wuji could tell that Ye Feng didn't use all his strength, not to mention he didn't use three points of his strength, it was a complete technical victory.

"Acceptance." Ye Feng clapped his hands, and the flying bird hovering in the sky turned into dust and smoke. This flying bird is the 'eye' derived from Ye Feng's flesh and blood.

When playing against Bai Wuji, it is equivalent to opening a full field of vision, and naturally knows where Bai Wuji's cover is.

Looking at the scene of Li Guo and Ye Feng going up the mountain, Bai Wuji felt a little frustrated in his heart. As a swordsman, he was number one on the list and enjoyed the scenery a lot.

But now he is being hung up and beaten by two people of similar age.
Bai Wuji murmured.

"I'm still a long way off."

After a period of setbacks, Bai Wuji's fighting spirit became stronger.

"My 'door' is still too obvious."

Meditate and meditate, and then practice enlightenment.

The road is underfoot.

Li Guo and Ye Feng walked together, walking along the way to have a look, it can be regarded as a quick tour, to see the scenery of Shushan Mountain.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Ye has made a lot of achievements in the 'Appearance of the Holy Spirit'."

"Each each other."

Li Guo and Ye Feng looked at each other and laughed three times.

Just now, Ye Feng's performance is really quite the demeanor of a young man, and his personality is a little bit out of character.

Li Guo and Ye Feng walked up Shushan quickly.

Shushan is deserted and deserted, and it seems that Shushan has not changed its strategy of recruiting disciples.

To be gifted is to be gifted, to be untalented is to be untalented.

"Supreme God."

The person in charge of the reception was a beautiful female crown, she looked quite beautiful, and she was not very old, at most around 16 years old, her expression was very cold, Li Guo even took a second look, this female crown always gives people a kind of " Hidden sword in the body' feeling.

And this young junior sister invited Li Guo to sit in the side hall, and Zhu Ziheng would come to meet him later.

Soon, Zhu Ziheng came out of the practice room, with white hair and a childlike face, with a rusty sword on his back and a gourd hanging around his waist, he looked quite chic and elegant.

Zhu Ziheng, the sword god, no longer had the sense of sword energy soaring to the sky before, but instead had a kind of back-to-basics thickness, and even some inexplicable incense.

He is about to break through the golden core stage.

Li Guo cupped his hands.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, you will break through the Heavenly Dao."

"It's just that I have inherited the opportunity of the seniors." Zhu Ziheng smiled slightly: "The wish that the senior comrades in arms failed to fulfill, let me fulfill it on my behalf. Let's take a look at the road ahead."

Li Guo suddenly realized, no wonder this body smelled of incense, it turned out that it was the remnant sword and rusty sword in the sword mound in Shushan who were helping him.

They died defending their home and country, they are warriors, but at the same time they are also swordsmen.

It would be a pity to be a swordsman who was not born in this era of revival of spiritual energy and the blooming of a hundred flowers. He died with such obsession and turned into a remnant of the place.

And this lingering remnant is finally blooming now, attached to Zhu Ziheng.

Defending the family and defending the country is Zhu Ziheng's "way" to see where Tongtianqian goes.

His path is quite clear.

In the face of Ye Feng, Zhu Ziheng also knew each other, after all, they were exploring Penglai together.

Li Guo also knew that he and Ye Feng were among the most powerful fighters on the list who came relatively soon, and everyone else was still on the way. When the reception started, everyone would meet with swords.

"I didn't expect him to be surrounded by such a heavy dragon spirit of national destiny, faintly compatible with national destiny and human nature." Ye Feng looked at Zhu Ziheng's back and said with emotion: "This is the first time I have seen his swordplay like this."

"Protect the country and the country and punish the evil, the Taoist law will naturally eliminate the demons, learn the dragon slaying skills, and protect the country and the world."

Li Guo described Zhu Ziheng's way in two or three words, and said: "This is the way of fellow Taoist Zhu."

When Zhu Ziheng came again, the three of them sat down and discussed the Tao. Zhu Ziheng's martial arts and swordsmanship were also beneficial on the way of cultivation. Everyone had a good time as a guest and host. While chatting, Zhu Ziheng even set out drinks, and the three of them sang to each other. Take the sword as the song.

At this time, Li Guo also knew that Zhu Ziheng's personality was not as cold as it looked on the outside, but in fact, this personality was an introverted habit when he was young. After getting acquainted with each other, his impression will be much better.

After singing to wine, Zhu Ziheng finally left and returned to the practice room, intending to polish himself and prepare for the banquet of golden elixir.

Li Guoze and Ye Feng stayed on the top of Shushan Mountain. Outside the mountain is a beautiful scenery, facing the moon and clouds, as beautiful as in a mountain painting.

On the mountain, Li Guo breathed out his spiritual energy, raised his sword on a whim, and practiced "one sword hides the sky" and "a thousand swords are endless".

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Li Guo feels that the comprehension gained from practicing sword and sword skills on Mount Shu is even faster than practicing on Fangcun Mountain.

It may be because Shushan is a "sacred place of the sword gate" and has received the power of incense, so this mountain has gradually gained the function of assisting the cultivation of swords.

Holding the sword in his hand, Li Guo said with emotion.

"Sure enough, there are so many wonders in the world."

While cultivating, Li Guo could faintly feel that there is a hidden space in the thousand knives. Although it is a skill of swords and swords, it seems that there is a strange connection between them.

It seems that after practicing and comprehending at the same time, other 'methods' can be derived from this sword technique and saber technique
This comprehension is one night.

(End of this chapter)

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