Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 255, there are talents from generation to generation, and this generation has a lot of talen

Chapter 255, there are talents from generation to generation, and this generation has a lot of talents
In the early morning of the next day, the purple air came from the east, and the rooster crowed with a loud voice that resounded across the mountain.

Li Guo slowly opened his eyes, holding Liuguang and Yehuo in his hands, he cut out a wonderful trajectory.

"Sure enough, there is no connection between the sword hidden space and the thousand swords. These two martial arts can be comprehended together."

"Brother System, what do you think?"

"This system is only responsible for producing martial arts, not for teaching and explaining martial arts, dear."

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched. He originally thought Brother System would praise him more or less, but he didn't expect the answer to be so painless, which was extremely disappointing.

Will boasting kill you brother system?
After being hurt by the poisonous tongue, Li Guo went to wash up, and saw Ye Feng standing on the cliff with one foot, breathing out spiritual energy.

"Brother Ye, you are also very diligent." Li Guo smiled and said.

"Since the start is slower than others, it is natural to need to work hard to make up for it." Ye Feng stopped the independent behavior of the golden rooster, took a few steps, and came down from the top of the cliff, acting like an ape.

He also realized something.

Li Guo couldn't help complaining, isn't this guy's understanding too strong?
"What's more, Li Daoyou is more diligent than me. I have been practicing swordsmanship and swordsmanship all night last night. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, the magical breath of swords and swords can seep into my spiritual thoughts across the room. , It’s really extremely mysterious.” Ye Feng was a little helpless, although spying on martial arts is a big taboo, the problem is that the martial arts practiced by Li Guo came over to let him perceive
Li Guo paused, a little embarrassed, the one who co-authored the disturbance was himself.

But for people in the foundation building period, sleep itself is like a dispensable thing.

After Ye Feng and Li Guo got up, they met several Shushan disciples, and they could feel that their spirits were a little high, and there was a qualitative change from the day before.

This made Li Guo a little curious, what happened, and the spirit of the disciples of Shushan was so high.

Out of curiosity, Li Guo asked a Shushan elder who was passing by. Li Guo had the impression that he was playing backgammon with another elder last time.
"Why are the disciples of Shushan so high-spirited today?"

The Shushan elder looked at Li Guo and smiled.

"Today, my disciples from Shushan, the disciples from the inner sect, are competing, of course, everyone is excited."

Although there are few disciples in Shushan, there are still some internal competitions. For example, disciples in the sect are now exercising sword skills, and one of the competition mechanisms is to compete.

Unlike Bai Wuji, who is born with a genius like Jian Xin, Bai Wuji can learn this way without the guidance of a master, and no one else has such talent like him.

Since there is no talent for self-study, a good teacher is needed. If you stand out in the competition among the inner disciples, you can join the elders and get one-on-one special teaching. Although Shushan's teaching policy They have always been free-ranging, allowing them to develop their personalities, but with the guidance and correction of seniors, they can naturally avoid many detours.

It is an opportunity to worship Shushan and become a disciple of Shushan, and it is also a chance to become a disciple of Shushan to worship the elders.

Those who go down the mountain seek the opportunity to go up the mountain, and people on the mountain seek the opportunity to be an elder.

Li Guo couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, no matter when this competition between people will not be left behind.
"Senior brother Zhu still has some time to go, why don't you wait to come and see my Shushan inner sect competition, and see how the young people are doing?" the elder suggested.

Li Guo and Ye Feng couldn't help but look at each other and smiled awkwardly.

It seems that we are also young people.

Neither Li Guo nor Ye Feng refused, so they went over to watch the battle after a while, to see how the Shushan talent's swordsmanship was.

On the way to Yanwutai, Ye Feng smiled and said: "Really Li also feels that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, so I want to give advice to the younger generation."

Li Guo just thinks it feels good to watch the performance of the "junior" in the attitude of the "senior"
Of course, Wei Guangzheng said: "Huaxia is full of talents. As seniors, we naturally want to give some small help to younger generations."

It's still a familiar place, and it's still a familiar Martial arts field. The last time I came to watch the exchange meeting of hundreds of schools, it was also held here.

There is a small stand surrounded by tables, covered with red cloth, and there is a whole row of Yibao mineral water.

It seems that there is the 'judge's seat'.

And in the judging panel, there were a few middle-aged men and women with completely different painting styles. Among the people wearing Taoist robes and long sleeves, the suits and leather shoes they wore were simply a group of pure streamers.
At this time, Ye Feng said with a serious expression.

"Aren't they Shushan disciples? They are also on the judges' table, and they seem to be masters too! From the breath, they don't have the slightest bit of strength. They should have cultivated to the point of returning to the original."

"No." The elder who escorted Ye Feng and Li Guo said with a light smile, "They are ordinary people stationed in the Shushan Party branch."

Li Guo and Ye Feng were stunned for a while, they had nothing to say, they never expected the answer to be this, especially Ye Feng, who felt his face was a little hot
At this point, the banner is pulled up.

'In the 3rd Shushan Inner School Competition, friendship is the first, and the competition is the second. We will continue to strive for the construction of the characteristic socialist Shushan Sword School'

Li Guo and Ye Feng didn't say much, they came to the judging panel and were judging with the seven elders and members of the party branch. Zhu Ziheng also attended the inner sect competition today, so he was not in a hurry to polish his body and mind.

The Shushan disciples who were not far away were also a little curious, why there were two more young people of the same age as himself and others on the judging panel.


Next, the people from the party branch spoke first. After reading the draft, they had nothing to do.

The person in charge of the presiding was a rather plump elder with real authority. Although his cultivation base was low, he could be seen to be very tactful.

"Inner sect disciples, the competition will be conducted by drawing lots. Remember, the friendship between teachers and sects is the first, and the score is the second. Remember?"

This time it is a competition, but it is actually more like showing your own potential and characteristics. The elders will not accept someone as a disciple just because the current strength is stronger. Whoever is stronger at the current stage can only show that he has been practicing martial arts for a long time. Just a little bit.

Diligence, talent, and characteristics are all under consideration.

"Ming Xinzi, brother Mingxuan please enlighten me." A child who looked about 13 years old got up and pointed a wooden sword at a gentle young man about 20 years old.

The Wen Run youth smiled slightly and said, "Junior Brother Ming Xinzi, be careful."

Draw out the long sword, the green edge is like light.

"Why would one use a wooden sword and the other an iron sword? Wouldn't it be dangerous?" The middle-aged man in the party branch wondered. In his opinion, this is really unfair, not to mention that one is a junior and the other is a senior. .

One of the elders explained lightly.

"What kind of sword is used by what kind of person? For some people, wooden swords may cause more damage than iron swords."

The only sword, the wooden sword in Ming Xinzi's hand, has come out.

When the wooden sword came out, the solid wooden sword was not visible at the beginning of the fight, but when the sword was confronted, the wooden sword seemed to be pressed down with a huge force.

"This is." Ye Feng looked at the sword path and his pupils shrank slightly.

Zhu Ziheng seemed to be a little proud of Ye Feng's reaction, and said with a smile: "There is no mediocrity among my Shushan disciples, everyone has their own sword and their own talent for swordsmanship, and this Mingxinzi 'enlightened' out My own sword, like the top of a thousand, exerts force, four or two strokes of a thousand catties, and I am better at concentrating power on one point."

Ming Xinzi's father owns an auto repair shop, and he often visited the auto repair shop when he was a child, watching how the jack exerts force.

Over time, he 'understood', as if he knew it from birth.

He knew how to use a sword and how to exert force in the way of a jack.

Compared with his senior brother who has practiced martial arts for many years, his strength at the age of a weak crown is much more conceited, even worse, so he uses a solid wooden sword instead of an iron sword for training—the iron sword is brittle and cannot withstand his exertion method, and the heavy iron sword is too heavy, and he is too young to use it, so he chooses a solid wooden sword as a consumable.

But Mingxuan is not a vegetarian either. The left-handed sword he uses has a weird way of swordplay. Unlike the gentle posture just now, his expression and swordplay have become full of fierceness. Every time he makes a move, it is aimed at the vital point. Go to the dark place.

One sword is released, one sword is retracted, the move is fast, and the move is also fast.

Compared with a swordsman, he is more like an assassin who can't get away with one blow.

Ye Feng was stunned for a while, and it really opened his eyes.

"I didn't expect that just this fight would open my eyes. It really is a generation of talented people."

"No." One of the black-haired elders with a childlike face denied Ye Feng's words, and said with emotion: "It's not that there are talents in the country, but the talents in the country are all coming out of this generation."

(End of this chapter)

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