Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 256 So scary, so scary!

Chapter 256 So scary, so scary!
"It is said that there are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the coquettish for hundreds of years." The black-haired elder said, "I like to study classical scriptures very much, so I know that even in its heyday, Shushan was not like this." There are a lot of kendo geniuses, each with their own talents, and now, these little guys in front of us, although they have not yet fully grown up, but when it comes to their talent characteristics, they are all figures who can rank among the top leaders in Shushan in the past dynasties, but now they are blowouts. Appearing in this era, isn't it just that there are talents coming out from generation to generation, and if you want to count romance, do you still look at the present?"

Li Guo remembered the conclusion he got when he listened to Yang Boyong's speech.

Compared with the ancient times, the awakened ones of today present a crushing trend in both quantity and quality. Now it seems that not only the awakened ones have such a posture, but even the warriors are the same.

The world is like this, talents come forth in large numbers, why do we fight for the top?
Li Guo didn't think too much, and continued to focus on the battle situation in front of him.

Sure enough, Mingxuan was the better one, with skillful strength, and the fact that he spent much more time practicing martial arts than his younger brother, so he won.

"Mingxuan, come find me after the end." The black-haired elder said flatly.

Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. It seemed that he had been chosen.

Ming Xinzi, who was not selected, was not depressed either.

Seeing this, Li Guo smiled and said.

"Nephew Ming Xinzi, Pindao has quite a bit of insight into your swordplay."

Ming Xinzi was a little surprised. He didn't show any disrespect to the young man in front of him who was not much older than himself. After all, he was on the judging panel, so he must have two brushes.

"The boy is all ears."

"Your way of swordsmanship is to observe the movement of the 'jack' to integrate into the muscles of martial arts and swordsmanship. In the final analysis, this is just a technique of exerting strength. What should I do with the power? What if I encounter someone as skillful as Ming Xuan?"

After what Li Guo said, Ming Xinzi couldn't refute, and his little mouth pouted, like a child who had been sprayed by an elder - he was a child in the first place.

But then, Li Guo changed the subject and said with a smile.

"However, Nephew Mingxinzi, your body structure is wonderful, and your muscle control is even subtle. This is your essential ability. In addition to observing the 'jack', can you also observe the 'lithography machine' and 'hydraulic clamp'" Turbine engine'."

Following what Li Guo said, Ming Xinzi seemed to have some understanding.
"like this."

In Li Guo's hand, the fire has appeared, and he secretly used the Eight or Nine Mysterious Techniques, a layer of texture appeared on the muscles of his arms, but the inside was already red, looking like a turbocharged engine, ready to go.

The Flowing Fire Sword stabbed directly, directly blasting the granite rock in front of it.

"Look, it's like this. If you don't move, it's enough. If you move, it's amazing." Li Guo withdrew his fire while everyone was stunned, and continued to laugh: "Your body is very malleable. Pindao suggests that you can cultivate some things that can increase your body size." Flexibility in physical or kung fu techniques, maximizing the use of your physical strength, taking a different path from others, and using your body to control your sword is also a broad road."

Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, as if a road appeared in front of Ming Xinzi's eyes.

At this time, the little Taoist immediately knelt down and kowtowed, giving such advice was like a teacher's kindness!

Li Guo also smiled lightly, he deserved this kneeling.

At this time, the disciples in the audience also had an understanding of Li Guo.

Being able to stand on the judges' platform shows that you are capable and can be called a famous artist, but being able to talk, laugh and give advice is not something that can be explained by the word famous.

"I thought you, Master Li, were only good at swordsmanship, but I didn't expect you to have insights into the matter of protecting the body. I admire you." The black-haired elder said with emotion, feeling ashamed.

He could see the path of Ming Xinzi's cultivation, but he couldn't give exact instructions and demonstrations because of his own limitations in martial arts.

"There are talents from generation to generation. Those of us who are seniors, naturally we can't fall behind, and we must give some pointers to the younger generations."

Li Guo said with a light smile, immersed in the atmosphere of 'senior expert', he was secretly refreshed.

If you can talk, just say a little more--

After Li Guo, a special guest, guided the way, all the disciples in Shushan no longer doubted Li Guo's eyes, but were eager to try and show off.

Even if you can't get the elder's advice, it's great to get this advice!
At this time, among these inner disciples, a delicate female crown stood out.

This girl's female crown is exactly the student from Shushan who received Li Guo and Ye Feng yesterday. Unlike the well-behaved one who poured tea and handed water yesterday, this delicate girl holds a long sword and looks like a heroic swordsman. Her demeanor is not inferior to Bai Wu avoid.

"You should have met yesterday, how do you feel?" Zhu Ziheng asked with a smile on the side.

How does it feel?I feel that the way of pouring tea and handing water is quite cute.

Of course, Li Guo wouldn't say that, but said flatly, "Not bad."

Seeing Li Guo's clear-cut look, the black-haired elder once again sighed, "It's worthy of the Heavenly Sword, and Mingyan's sharpness is not obvious on weekdays. It can be seen that it is extraordinary, it is really terrifying.

"Little girl Mingyan, a disciple of Shushan for three generations."

Ming Yan's voice was soft and bitter, and when she pulled out the long sword in her hand, the sharpness reached its peak.

Li Guo faintly saw a phantom of a small sword glowing beside her, like a heart sword.

Seeing this, Li Guo finally realized.

This little junior sister Mingyan is born with a sword heart, just like Bai Wuji, except that Bai Wuji's sword is sharp and extremely sharp, while little junior sister Mingyan's sword is restrained and does not come out. So, it's amazing.

Of course, Li Guo's expression did not fluctuate, and he still had an expression of "the poor have already seen through it".

Ming Yan's sword lingered among the fellow apprentices, and finally, the sword turned suddenly and stopped on the judge's platform.

"Ming Yan wants to ask this senior brother to enlighten him."

Where the sword pointed was Ye Feng, and everyone looked at Ye Feng in astonishment.

Ye Feng expressed his head full of question marks, why would he be challenged?Obviously just quietly being a judge.

The black-haired elder was puzzled at first, but after hearing the reminder from the elder next to him, he finally seemed to understand, and whispered to Li Guo and Ye Feng.

"She and my nephew Wuji are in love with each other. They are childhood sweethearts. Maybe it's because she heard that fellow Taoist Mo Yuan broke into the gate of the mountain and taught nephew Wuji a lesson. She is not poor in her heart and wants to vent her anger for her lover."

"Is this the old magic version?"

Ye Feng couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this reason, but he was not angry.

If a woman doesn't give way to a man, who said that a woman can't vent her anger for a man?

On the contrary, Ye Feng still appreciates it a little, because his mother is also such a woman.

Ye Feng smiled, unfolded his movements and fell down.

However, after falling, Ming Yan said frankly: "I'm sorry."

"Oh? Why are you sorry?" Ye Feng asked with interest.

"Little sister challenged you to be an arrogance. You are a guest of Shushan, and I am a junior of Shushan. This time I am very rude." Ming Yan shook his long sword and said calmly: "But little sister heard last night that Senior Brother Bai was defeated for no reason. For you, your heart is not smooth, your body is not smooth, your body and mind are not smooth, and your sword is not sharp. For the sake of the sword in my heart, I have to challenge you. As for how to apologize afterwards, my sister will be punished voluntarily."

To be frank and frank, I made it clear that because the man is upset about being beaten, I want to beat you back first.

In fact, from the point of view of others, Bai Wuji's defeat was indeed 'unclear', the way of the sword was completely seen through, and he was only looking for the door, and he was defeated without even using his spiritual power and true energy moves. It can be called aggrieved by punching cotton.

Li Guo on the stage was also impressed by Ming Yan's magnanimous girl. She had to say that she looked much cuter and magnanimous than Bai Wuji. In this love relationship, Ming Yan was likely to be the attacker, and Bai Wuji was the victim.
Li Guo's face was solemn and unpredictable. People around him felt that this "Heavenly Sword" was thinking about the path of victory and defeat between the two, but they never thought that Li Guo's mind was full of those plots of love between children. I have already made up a series of plots of the domineering strong woman series.
"I didn't expect that the sword god didn't challenge him, but he would be challenged by his junior first." After laughing at himself, Ye Feng drew his long sword out of its sheath, and said, "I've said my ugly words before, but my strength is not weak."

Saying 'not weak' is already very euphemistic. After all, he and 'Heavenly Excalibur' came to participate in the Banquet of Sword God Breaking Alchemy. How could a junior be able to challenge it?

"Little sister didn't want to defeat you." Ming Yan said frankly: "I just want to give Senior Brother Bai a sigh of relief."

Ye Feng smiled helplessly, took out a few feathers from his bosom, blew lightly, and these feathers turned into swifts.

The people who watched this scene were stunned for a while, blowing their hair and turning into a swift, is it an awakened person?
Isn't it a warrior?
Not right either.
Finally, someone recognized him. It was a middle-aged man from the party branch. He lost his voice and said, "It's him! Ye Feng, who got the high-dimensional life body inheritance in Penglai! He disappeared later, and there are rumors that he joined the official department."

"It turned out to be him. He was quite hot on the Internet before, why didn't he remember it just now?"

The black-haired elder murmured, with an indescribably shocked expression on his face.

"Because I forgot." Li Guo said lightly, with his back to the black-haired elder, his Taoist robe fluttering, as if he was telling the truth of heaven and earth.

"Forget. Forget love, forget yourself, forget sword, forget people." The black-haired elder seemed to be struck by the word 'forget' like a lightning strike.

Except for Zhu Ziheng, several elders were touched by this 'forgetting'.

Li Guo himself just complained about the sadness on the faces of the public, no wonder others forget it when they see it.
"Be careful."

Ye Feng's expression was calm, and he slashed with a sword, but his brows were furrowed, thinking inwardly.

For a swordsman, she has too many flaws, basically no part of her body is leaked.

But as there were many flaws, Ye Feng didn't know where to start.

"The sword is me, and I am the sword."

Ming Yan has majestic eyes and steady steps.

As if to say.



At this time, Ming Yan finally turned into a sharp sword, and Li Guo could see that this girl's path was completely different from Bai Wuji's. It is "Hua Jian", who is also a natural sword heart, but has taken two completely different paths.

No sword, no self, invincible.

My body and mind turn into swords, so what if my whole body is full of flaws, all kinds of changes, I only take one stab——

Ye Feng's face changed when he saw the flying sword of selflessness, but after all, he was still a monk in the foundation establishment period, and his mind was slightly disturbed.

The swifts that had just turned into hairs immediately turned their heads, their bodies burst open, and flesh and internal organs were scattered everywhere.

The blood splashed directly on Ming Yan's eyes.

Blindfolded with blood, the sword of Wujian Wuwu Wuwu was deflected a little, and brushed against Ye Feng's side.

This sword cut a white mark on Ye Feng's skin, which was faintly bloodshot.

After unleashing a sword, Ming Yan's energy and energy were exhausted, and she looked a little smaller.

"I lost."

Mingyan's face was pale, with a look of regret, and it took a lot of energy to cast this decisive sword.

Even if this seemingly horrific killing sword hit Ye Feng, it would be nothing more than a point of success. If it was a life-and-death fight, there would be no chance.

However, this is a duel, and it is quite remarkable that this sword can kill Ye Feng, the 'senior'.

"Your cultivation base is not enough. If your cultivation base is sufficient, the sword is stronger, and you can see things with spiritual vision, I am afraid that I will be the one who loses."

Ye Feng smiled wryly, feeling even more deeply about the existence of 'genius'.

I relied on Tao Yuanxin's comprehension to jump into this realm, and the little girl in front of me probably could open up her own path without relying on anyone's comprehension.

It's really scary.
(End of this chapter)

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