Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 261, the loser eats dust

Chapter 261, the loser eats dust

Everyone who saw this was dumbfounded.
Mrs. Xiumei was also covered in cold sweat, and murmured.

"So that's how it is. Use your own hundred acupuncture points and seven orifices to expel the scattered true energy in your body, just like I penetrated through the acupuncture points. He does the opposite."

This is easy to say, but everyone knows how difficult it is to do. This means that he has been able to perfectly control every part of his body, the flesh and muscles, all polished to near perfection.

Li Guo's forehead is sweaty. I heard him say that he was born stupid, so he needed to use the power of his ancestors to break through his innate talent. Now, it seems that this is not born stupid. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a late bloomer.

"I heard that Daoist Zhu is invincible in Shushan, and he is invincible with the 'Samsara Thousand Hearts Sword'. Now it seems that even if he is not in Shushan, he is a well-deserved number one on the list." Ye Feng said with emotion, he can only say that he is far behind.

Li Guo shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist, don't underestimate yourself. Fellow Daoist Zhu has been practicing martial arts for many years, and he has accumulated a lot of knowledge. You have only practiced Taoism for a short time, and it is already quite heaven-defying to be able to catch up."

Ye Feng nodded and said nothing more.

"I'm convinced." On the other side, Master Xiumei held back for a long time and could only say this, because she really didn't know how to describe it.

At this time, Ye Feng and Li Guo looked at each other and wanted to step forward, but the one who stepped forward first was the 'Meteor Sword' Liu Hongtao.

The move Liu Hongtao went up to try was very simple. One sword turned into a hundred swords, which is similar to Qiandaobujin, but Qiandaobujin pays attention to continuous, while Liu Hongtao's sword simply pays attention to 'fast', 'accurate', 'ruthless' '.

Obviously, this fast, accurate and ruthless sword was taken by Zhu Ziheng who was faster, more accurate and more ruthless.


After Liu Hongtao stepped back, Ye Feng stood up and said with a smile, "I'll do it."

"Boy, I still feel like a lifetime ago. When I met some time ago, I was still an unknown junior, and I could only remain unknown behind you, but now I can stand in front of seniors." Ye Feng's words were full of emotion.

Zhu Ziheng smiled slightly, the rusty sword in his hand whistling.

"Everyone has their own destiny, and it is your destiny to be able to grow to this day. In this era, everyone has their own destiny, and talents come out in large numbers, competing for a place in this great world."

After a moment of emotion, Ye Feng also began to focus.

Now that he has grown to this point, he must have the consciousness that comes with this strength.

Forged with the power of a lathe, the long sword was forged countless times, and this time Ye Feng did not use any fancy skills to find Zhu Ziheng's flaws, because Ye Feng knew that Zhu Ziheng's flaws would not be exposed, at least not for him.

If you can't find a flaw, then deal with it grandly.

On Ye Feng's right arm, a phantom appeared, which is another magic weapon of Ye Feng, like a big upside-down bowl with nine fire dragons carved on it.

"This treasure is called 'Nine Dragons Fire Shield', be careful."

Ye Feng provoked the 'Nine Dragon Fire Cover' with his long sword, and it immediately became several times larger, and the nine fire dragons on it came out together, like burning flames, with boundless power.

"Is this the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover?" Li Guo looked at the mighty Nine Dragons Fire Cover, but he didn't expect this to be Ye Feng's trump card.

"It's just an imitation, but it is an imitation of ancient methods, and it should have nothing to do with your modern technology." The voice of the system prompted.

It has nothing to do with modern times, the Kowloon fire cover
Li Guo is thoughtful, it seems that Ye Feng has also obtained some other opportunities while obtaining the inheritance opportunity.

"His luck is really good."

Li Guo squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Feng, only to see that he was driving the divine fire cover, like a god descending from the earth, and there seemed to be fortunes visible to the naked eye like waves, but these fortunes were like a rootless source, one wave after another, as if Some external force is pushing the general.

"But it's like a rootless source."

Ye Feng controlled the Nine Dragon Fire Cover, turned into a fire dragon, and burned everything.

Only then did Zhu Ziheng's face change slightly, and the rusty sword danced lightly, turning into streamers of light, and the sword gas transformed into a dragon, facing the fire dragon.

Ming Yan and Bai Wuji, who were watching the battle not far away, were shocked by the fire of the Nine Dragons. It turned out that this was Ye Feng's real strength.

"I'm still a long way off."

Bai Wuji was hit slightly again, but Ming Yan held his senior brother's hand tightly - to a certain extent, he was countless times stronger than many people present.
The sword energy transformed by Zhu Ziheng's long sword made white 'grids' in the air. From the perspective of the people around him, it was like a mosaic. Zhu Ziheng also made a path under the cover of these 'mosaics' .

For the first time, he didn't meet him head-on.

"Destroy, Fa!"

And Jiulong Shenhuo is not Ye Feng's cover, Ye Feng's hands are ready to go, and the long sword in his hand is full of oppressive sincerity.

He has always practiced the 'Subduing Demons and Exterminating Fa's Mysterious Kung Fu', in which 'Conquering Demons' and 'Destroying Fa' are the main themes of the exercises.

A mighty god of martial arts appeared behind Ye Feng with a phantom, and brought out the sword of destroying magic.

Under the power of this sword, Zhu Ziheng's expression changed, even a little distorted. Seeing this, Li Guo pondered for a moment, and said loudly, "Poverty Dao is here to help you."

Suzaku Yehuo turned into countless swords, one sword after another, the thunder and lightning twisted, and together with Ye Feng, they attacked Zhu Ziheng.

This knife carried the power to kill, it looked as if it was going to kill Zhu Ziheng.

Zhu Ziheng's body became more and more dead and weak, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"It's about to reach the limit, it's almost time, I'm about to press it"

Zhu Ziheng no longer has any strength. Facing a thousand knives, he can no longer raise his sword to resist. Now it is the end
At this moment, he realized something in his heart.

"The so-called cultivation of martial arts, the so-called cultivation of the Tao, the so-called cultivation of immortals, the long road is slow, the loser eats dust, turns into loess and finds a glimmer of life in a desperate situation, that is the Tao."

At the most desperate moment, Zhu Ziheng unleashed the fastest and fiercest sword in his life, and the whole Shu Mountain seemed to resonate with it.

Jianzhong Qianjian moves.

The sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds, and thunderclouds are boiling and rolling.

It is the catastrophe that is coming.

Li Guo saw that Zhu Ziheng had been driven to a desperate situation by this knife, and he realized life and death in his heart. After he was about to break through the golden alchemy entrance, he withdrew the knife and carried it on his hands, elegantly and indifferently, as if nothing had happened, as if the murderous The knife didn't swing out as usual.

Sun Ming stared deeply at Li Guo and said: "It can be retracted freely without harming the body and mind, and he can already be called a great master in the way of the sword."

Li Guo, who didn't know that he had been 'targeted' by a man, just stared at Zhu Ziheng who was about to break through.

The sky thunder turned into all kinds of gunfire and ammunition, pouring towards Zhu Ziheng in a burst, at least [-] revolutions in one breath, the entire Shushan hall was covered by the thunder bullets, and the whole place was like a tragic battlefield.

"It's still a modern catastrophe." Li Guo looked at the bullets of this modern catastrophe. Compared with the thunder catastrophe of the foundation establishment period, it just had a lot more bullets.

Soon, Heavenly Tribulation changed again, this time the change was bigger, turning into the appearance of intercontinental missiles, blasting down one by one.

"Back all."

The elders of Shushan were not vegetarians, so they took away a few young disciples of Shushan. Li Guo and others also showed their magical powers and left the hall. The whole hall was destroyed by the "intercontinental missile" thunder disaster.

At this time, the intercontinental missile thunderbolt dissipated, and the thunderstorm was still twisting and changing. In the end, the thundercloud turned into a cloud of smoke and came directly to the ground.

Jieyun actually turned into human figures one by one. These people dressed in military uniforms and carried spears, turned into boats, and came galloping
And the villain transformed by Jieyun separated from the two sides, and the two confronted each other, as if they were hostile.

Everyone watching this scene was stunned.

"These." Ye Feng's eyes were full of disbelief: "The figures on the two sides are American soldiers and Japanese soldiers during World War II."

The most astonished one was Zhu Ziheng. He was a person who had experienced that era. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain between his brows. In the middle of the battlefield transformed by Lei Jie, the exchange of fire from both sides could directly hurt him.

Not only the physical pain of being shot by the thunder bullets of the exchange of fire between the two sides, but also these people seem to have real souls, fighting each other on the battlefield, hostile to each other, desperate for each other, wanting to go home, want to win, and want to have hope.

This is the second stage of Thunder Tribulation.

At this time, Zhu Ziheng's tribulation happened abnormally, but Ye Feng said again: "I remembered, I have seen this scene. I said why it is so familiar."

"Have you seen this scene? Where is it?" Sun Ming hurriedly asked, he wanted to know every detail of breaking the level.

Mrs. Xiumei also listened attentively.

Ye Feng's expression was not very good-looking, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"World War II, Normandy Logging, I watched the documentary at that time. This catastrophe imitates the battlefield of that year."

(End of this chapter)

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