Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 262, those who enter Taoism with martial arts

Chapter 262, those who enter Taoism with martial arts

This scene made people feel horrified. This catastrophe actually reappeared in the past battlefield.

The Normandy landing was one of the most tragic battles in the world, and there were countless resentments and distractions in it. The huge power directly overwhelmed Zhu Ziheng, and even affected some outsiders. Some Shushan disciples fainted and cried because they couldn't bear the evil thoughts emanating from inside.

Li Guo took a deep breath and stabilized his mind.

Just at this time, the thunder light flashed, the Shushan Sword Tomb shook, and all the broken and rusted swords appeared, and they gathered in the sky of Shushan Mountain.

Thousands of swords hang in the air, the scene is extremely huge, and the people who watch it are shocked, especially for those who have never seen the Samsara Thousand Heart Sword, such scenes are like a miracle.

At this time, Zhu Ziheng's voice sounded. At this moment, he knelt on one knee, supported by a rusted sword. He looked like he was at the end of his strength, but his eyes were peaceful.

"The former old man was also very immersed in the fruits of the past, but the past is the past, remember the past and look forward to the future."

"The old man also knows the pain of war. It is because of knowing the pain of war that he has to become stronger. He can deter the strong and keep our country peaceful."

To survive through struggle, the world situation is now more stable than before World War II because of the "nuclear bomb" this big killer.

Peace brought by the killer.

Zhu Ziheng also wanted to be such a killer.

Seek the peace of a country with the sword of killing.

"This is his 'heart way'." Li Guo looked at Zhu Ziheng and pondered.

At this time, the "Normandy Logging" transformed by the Heavenly Tribulation has dissipated. Among the ruins exploded by the Thunder Calamity, there is only one standing in it, and the Shushan Thousand Swords surrounded Zhu Ziheng like a guardian.

Zhu Ziheng's breath gradually became weak, and finally he lost his breath like a dead person.

he died?

When his aura completely dissipated, a huge spiritual power burst out from his body, the true spirit burst out, and finally condensed into one body.

A simple, round and unpretentious golden pill.

"Using martial arts to enter the Tao. He succeeded." Ye Feng looked at the golden elixir floating in the sky, and felt fascinated. Zhu Ziheng succeeded in using martial arts to enter the Tao. From then on, he became an "immortal cultivator" like him and Li Guo.

Stepping into the immortal way with martial arts, the avenue is facing the sky, and the same goal is achieved by different routes.

At this time, the thousands of rusty swords floating in the sky all returned to the golden elixirs, and exquisite 'sword patterns' appeared on the original simple and unadorned golden elixirs.

With Jindan as the tomb, a thousand swords from Shushan were buried.

Zhu Ziheng, Jin Dancheng.

Transcending the calamity and transforming the elixir, the clouds of thousands of miles are full of rays of light. All the believers in the whole Sichuan and Sichuan call the gods and Buddhas to appear holy. Only a few people know that this is the golden elixir of transforming the calamity.

The number one in the local list is still the first in that local list, but the strength and the second place in the local list are no longer on the same level, and he is extraordinary from then on.

At this time, except for Li Guo and Ye Feng, everyone stared blankly at the middle-aged man in the sky.

Zhu Ziheng's image changed from an old man to a middle-aged man, with less vigor and more elegance and easy-going.

But Li Guo and Ye Feng were not so shocked, because they knew that the so-called Jindan directly broke away from the life level of "fan", and lived for a thousand years, so what's the shock of mere rejuvenation?
At this time, Jin Dan was hovering on Zhu Ziheng's palm, and Zhu Ziheng smiled slightly.

"This is the elixir that I transformed through the catastrophe, named 'Thousand Swords and One Heart Pill', and it is the embodiment of the path chosen by the old man. From now on, the old man will be able to lead them all the way forward."

Due to the fact that his realm was not yet stable, Zhu Ziheng's movements seemed to be distorted by the power of heaven and earth.

Everyone gasped, they could distort the world with every move, with such strength, they could be on the celestial list. One must know that the current celestial list is also dominated by people with Lv5 abilities.

No one would think that Zhu Ziheng's strength is weaker than those of Lv5.
"Congratulations, Mr. Zhu has become extraordinary from now on." Sun Ming looked at Zhu Ziheng enviously, and his senses as a warrior told him that Zhu Ziheng has now surpassed human beings and is already extraordinary in essence.

Of course, there is more motivation than envy, which shows that someone has walked this road, and it is still a smooth road.

"The so-called extraordinary is just an illusion. If you really want to be detached, if you really want to go down this 'road', there is still a long way to go."

At this time, Zhu Ziheng looked at Jin Dan carefully, but said with some regret.

"For some reason, I always feel that there is something missing from my golden core. What is this little thing?"

Li Guo could find that the golden core was covered with sword patterns, but something was missing in the middle.

Although the golden elixir is complete, it is not perfect, a trace is missing.

As for what this trace is, maybe only Zhu Ziheng himself knows, or maybe Zhu Ziheng himself doesn't know what this trace of regret is.

"There is a deficiency in the way of heaven, it is not good to be too perfect." Li Guo comforted with a smile.

Zhu Ziheng smiled, now the Golden Elixir has been completed, whether it is comfort or advice, in short, it is a foregone conclusion.

Zhu Lanshan is the first person since the new China to break the innate martial arts, and Zhu Ziheng is the first person to enter the Jindan through martial arts since the real new China.

"Congratulations." People from the party branch and officials also came to congratulate, their eyes full of joy.

They couldn't understand half a sentence of Jindan Foundation, martial arts, etc., but they knew that from then on Zhu Ziheng's level was Lv5. The strong man has become China's 'nuclear bomb', the bargaining chip.

It is the great fortune of Shushan and the great fortune of the country
After the congratulations, the official person also left in a hurry, reporting this 'major event' and sending back the video taken by Du Jie just now.

At this time, Ye Feng also planned to leave. After watching the catastrophe just now, he felt something in his heart, and after watching the catastrophe and thunder, he felt enlightened.

"Fellow Daoist is very talented," Zhu Ziheng said with a smile, cupping his hands.

"I'm ashamed to say that in the past, I was also innately dull, and I haven't rediscovered martial arts." Ye Feng smiled and said, "I don't know if the inheritance of 'Penglai' opened up my luck. It has never stopped, and even the cultivation aptitude has improved a lot, sometimes you will feel something in your heart when you watch every word and deed, let alone watch the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention, Li Guo reminded Ye Feng looking at the passive luck like a surging river.

"Ye Daoyou, chance is a good thing, but there may be other causes and effects involved"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded.

"I will be careful."

After Ye Feng left, Li Guo also bid farewell, and before leaving, he handed a letter to Mrs. Xiumei.

Mrs. Xiumei was a little stunned, but Li Guo reminded: "Master, you can open this letter after you go back to the mountain."

Although she didn't know the reason for the letter, Mrs. Xiumei nodded her head, and she also turned and left, leaving with a seven-point disappointment that she hadn't seen a netizen and a three-point understanding after watching the catastrophe.

Everyone gradually left, while Li Guo went down the mountain and disappeared in a certain corner of the street.
After the end, Li Guo planned to leave Xishu, and handed over the USB flash drive in his hand to Zhang Tianyang. This was obtained from the "nail" of Xishu. to the most trusted person.

And Zhang Tianyang is an official who deserves a lot of beatings, but Li Guo trusts him very much, so it must be right to hand him over to him.

(End of this chapter)

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