Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 266, Irregular horse riding, mother tears 2 lines

Chapter 266, the horses are not standardized, and the mother tears two lines
After some driving, the 'Hazy Car' finally landed in the so-called 'Chu City'. After arriving in Chu City, the spirit stones of the 'Hazy Car' were exhausted, so it was necessary to come to the 'Trumen' to get special spirit stones. Fill the hazy car.

This energy control further cuts off the possibility of hazy cars going overseas.

Compared with the tribal villages, this city of Chu looks quite magnificent. It suddenly changed from the painting style of rural farmhouses to an exquisite ancient city with tile-roofed houses and brick buildings. Compared with the tribes that rely on fishing, they are a bit richer, and they also have the business of walking wooden dogs and birds from time to time.
Seeing the shocked look in Li Guo's eyes, Mr. Liang completely branded the person in front of him as a country bumpkin. He was afraid that he came from Chu City, who had lost all his fortune. However, as a famous clan, his expression still had to show calmness and proper expression. Demeanor: "This is my capital city of Wuling, Chucheng, and in front of it is the Chumen area that only I and other Chumen reserve disciples can enter."

At the end of the street, there was an avenue guarded by several people. These people were wearing black goldfish suits, with machine crossbow guns in their hands, and a spirit stone on it as a driving source.

"The green hills will not change, and the green waters will flow forever. We will meet again by fate." Mr. Liang smiled slightly, but without looking back, he strode towards the streets belonging to Trumen.

Only people from the Chumen family or those who are prepared to enter the Chumen street can enter. When Mr. Liang walked towards this block swaggeringly, the surrounding nobles in fine clothes showed envious expressions.

As the capital of Wuling, Chu City is superior to others, and in Chu City, people from the Chu Clan are even more superior.
"The class distinctions in Utopian society are so obvious..." Li Guo muttered, but suddenly saw a horse-drawn carriage galloping towards Truman's block without braking at all.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shang on the side was stunned for a moment, then immediately grabbed Li Guo and said anxiously.

"Brother Li, be careful, this horse is out of control."

Li Guo stared coldly at the galloping horse-drawn carriage. Although even the most delicate and subtle things might get out of control, the current horse-drawn carriage is definitely not out of control internally.

The horse-drawn carriage knocked over many people along the way, but the person on the horse was a young man who looked about 18 years old. He looked at Truman's neighborhood with a cold and gloomy expression, and murmured while driving.

"Why should the son of a farmer be a farmer, and the son of a hunter must be a hunter? Why can the son of a high-ranking official enjoy so much without learning mechanical skills? Our society and our world are false. Why is Wuling the world? In my heart, everything in Wuling is fake, there is a world outside of Wuling, there is everything outside of Wuling!"

The young man frantically drove the horse-drawn carriage into Truman's territory, and the guard seemed to relax because he hadn't seen anything for a long time, and it took him a while to react, and hurriedly assembled the aura ballista in his hand.

But it's not as good as it is.

"Young master, run!"

The gray-clothed old servant saw the out-of-control Liuma, and pushed Mr. Liang away with all his might.

And Mr. Liang seemed to be frightened stupid, he was pushed away and did not move, his mind was full of revolving doors before death.

Mr. Liang knew what would happen if he was hit by an out-of-control flowing horse. The scene must be extremely cruel.
Just when Mr. Liang was yelling that he was done, a figure came to him faster than Liuma.

The white-robed Taoist, like a god descending to earth, has a picturesque temperament. He only stretched out his hand, and the flowing horse bumped into him.
Originally, Mr. Liang thought that the Taoist in front of him was finished, but that was not the case. The Taoist stopped the flowing horse with one hand.

No matter how the young man on the Liuma moved, the Liuma would not move an inch.

Li Guo just said lightly.

"Heavenly Supreme, you need to be cautious when driving, and the horses are irregular, and your mother will cry."

Mr. Liang's expression was dumbfounded, and the expressions of the people around him were all dumbfounded.

With one hand, he stopped the out-of-control Liuma.
Is this still a human?
"Ah." The young man who was driving the out-of-control Liuma was even more limp on the ground, looking at Li Guo's expression as if he had seen a ghost.


Li Guo shook his hands heavily, and the wooden flowing horse was torn in half, and then turned into sawdust flying in the sky, and finally stopped.

Young Master Liang looked at this scene with a dull expression, and finally remembered that sentence.

I've been training my body since I was a child, practicing martial arts.
"This is the warrior?"

The same shocked in the heart, and Liu Shang, seeing Li Guo's actions, the heart was shocked.

This... is the warrior?
The teenager who was driving a horse-drawn carriage on a rampage was quickly arrested and tied up with a rope.

At this time, the guards of the Truman Gate came to their senses, and hurriedly asked Li Guo.

"Well, may I ask what is the name of this knight?"

"The poor Taoist's surname is Li." Li Guo smiled and said, his expression was light and calm, like a quiet Taoist, not at all like the murderer who tore the Liuma just now.

This made the guard feel that he hadn't fully reacted from the shock, which completely violated his common sense.

It is often said that human beings have limits. In order to go beyond this limit, they invented mechanisms to assist themselves. These devices can exert power beyond ordinary people's imagination, but he did not expect that this power beyond imagination was just seen by a person who looks like The young man with the weak crown was torn by hand.
Human beings are harder and more powerful than mechanical creations. If human beings can be so strong, then why use mechanical creations.

The Truman guard couldn't help but look at Li Guo's whole body, thinking in his heart, could it be some crazy mechanism artist who transformed the whole body of human beings into mechanical creations in order to go beyond the limit?
At this time, Li Guo interrupted his wild thoughts and smiled.

"Don't look at it, Pindao's body is as fake as the original one, and has not been modified by any mechanism."

"Koke hasn't been transformed by mechanism creations, how can he have such a huge power?" Mr. Liang said in amazement, what happened just now has almost subverted his world view.

Li Guo smiled and said.

"Didn't Pindao say that? He has been training his body since he was a child, practicing spiritual methods, and practicing real martial arts. If he succeeds in cultivation, he can even shake mountains and rivers with one punch, grow a hundred feet tall, stand upright, and do everything possible."

If Li Guo said that before, everyone would just think that it was someone talking nonsense after drinking, just bragging about it.

The Truman guard suddenly had an idea, patted his head and said, "Oh, that's it, you are born with supernatural power."

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched. How could this be interpreted as inborn supernatural power, even if he was born with supernatural power, he could single-handedly stop a speeding vehicle?Can you tear the flowing horse with skillful strength and smash it into pieces with precision?

It seems that their understanding of 'Wu' is really superficial and backward, the concentration of aura here is in vain, and the performance I just performed is in vain
Li Guo couldn't help sighing, "Yi Jin Ye Xing, Yi Jin Ye Xing."
However, on Wuling Island, there must be someone who can understand it. Judging from the concentration of aura combined with the atmosphere of suppressing martial arts and promoting literature, this place must have suffered from the losses of extraordinary people.
After a while, a classic literati figure wearing long sleeves and a long crown, a young man who looked about 35 years old hurried out from the inside. After inspecting the scene, he murmured: "Sin! Call the medical officer to help these people deal with it."

The guard on the other side nodded and went in to call for someone, while the guard who had just talked to Li Guo whispered something in the young man's ear.

I don't know if I don't say it, but I was really shocked when I said it. The young man looked at Li Guo with dubious eyes for a while, but he couldn't believe it when he saw the cracked carriage on the ground.

After calming down a bit, the young man came over and cupped his hands.

"I heard that Mister came from afar, why don't you come to my Trumen to clean up the dust first?"

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable...of course it is possible."

Li Guo nodded and said, turned around and looked at the messy street, and sighed.

The Truman people in charge of law enforcement are still in a hurry. They can solve the problem very well in the face of accidents, but now it is not an accident, but an accident caused by human beings.

Utopia seems perfect, but it is not perfect.

After entering the Trumen, Li Guo also breathed a sigh of relief. Before that, he was still thinking about what to use as if to enter the Trumen, whether he should just stun this 'Mr. It is considered the most aboveboard method to mix in by flickering.

After Li Guo entered the Trumen, Liu Shang stared blankly at Li Guo's back at the door.

"Is this the beauty of self-cultivation?"

Liu Shang always feels that the door to a new world is opening in front of him.

How to surpass human beings?

Human beings have limits. The people of Trumen and Wuling are all thinking about using mechanisms to surpass the limits of human beings. Some crazy people even said that they should stop being human, abandon their bodies, and use organs to replace their bodies so that they can get beyond.

But Liu Shang was still puzzled.

Could it be that a pure physical body, a pure human being is not enough?

Before, he had no answer.

Now, he has an answer.

On the other side, Mr. Liang looked at Li Guo who was chatting and laughing happily with the master of Trumen, but his heart was full of mixed feelings, and a sour mood gushed out of it.

Yan Zhu, the backbone of Chumen who just went out to deal with affairs, has made a lot of achievements in the field of government and culture. He is a true literary and artistic talent. The idol in the young master's heart, the goal he has always wanted to catch up with, intends to make achievements in literature and art, and become a great talent today.

Now there seems to be some slight deviation in the goal in his heart. Just now, the one-handed stop car, towering like a giant mountain, is firmly engraved on his heart.
(End of this chapter)

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