Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 267, Li Dafuyou

Chapter 267, Li Dafuyou

After entering the important place of Truman, Li Guo originally thought that it would be as magnificent as a palace, but he didn't expect that it was very simple here, with a few wisps of incense, elegant incense, quite a bit of the charm of a clean Taoist school.

And under this charm, sometimes there are blueprints in hand and talking to themselves. The slovenly Truman craftsman is excited about his inspiration for mechanism skills. Party A's father is here like a ghost.
Seeing this, Li Guo couldn't help but open his mind. At least on Wuling Island, engineering is no longer synonymous with the poor three generations.

The young man who had just dealt with the matter walked towards Li Guo and asked with cupped hands.

"I'm Yan Zhu, what's your address, sir?"

"Supremacy of Heaven, the surname of the poor Taoist is Li, you can call the poor Taoist Li Zhenren or Mr. Li." Li Guo smiled and said.

Yan Zhu was not surprised that the person in front of him claimed to be a poor Taoist. Li Guo had also discovered that although this Truman was proficient in engineering, he also believed in Taoism. There are also Sanqing offerings.

"Mr. Li, right?"

Yan Zhu seemed to be thinking, and murmured: "It seems that there is no such strange person as you in our Wuling tribe."

Li Guo felt that Yan Zhu was probably thinking that if there was such a strange person, how could the intelligence agency not report it.

Li Guo just smiled at this.

"Of course it's because Pindao is not from Wuling, but came from overseas by accident."

"You came from the sea?!"

Yan Zhu was so frightened that he stood up all of a sudden, his reaction was quite big, and he looked at Li Guo with incredible eyes.

"Of course, Pindao not only came from the outer seas, but the methods he uses now are not innate magical powers, but only with the cultivation of martial arts, can he do such methods."

Stopping the horse with one hand still comes from practicing the so-called martial arts.

Yan Zhu only felt that his world view had been hit hard.

"Wai Hai. No, I need to ask my superiors about this matter."

While speaking, Yan Zhu left in a hurry, a person of his level couldn't handle such a thing.

After Yan Zhu left in a hurry, Li Guo was not in a hurry, and ate tea and fruit snacks alone in the reception room, leisurely and uncomfortably, and began to observe the things inside.

The puppet serving tea and water, Li Guo mused: "It's not as exquisite as the old Qinglong's puppet, it seems that it can't hold the soul, and the technical sophistication is not as good as the Mohism's mechanism and the old Qinglong's mechanism, but it's not as good as killing it The smell is inside."

Although these mechanism dolls do not have any aggressiveness in them, they have some 'killing' flavors.

Perhaps the prototype of these mechanism dolls is a weapon for killing, not a weapon for hiding souls like the Qinglong Mo family.

"Taoism, mechanism technique, what kind of composition is this 'Xanadu'?"

Li Guo took a drink of fruit tea and thought quietly.

On the other side, inside the Tru Clan, Yan Zhu notified all the way, came to the innermost part, and found his direct superior, an old man with white beard and hair, an old face, but piercing eyes.

At this moment, he was flipping through the materials retrieved from various tribes.

"The people live and work in peace and contentment, are full of food and drink, and are rich in resources. It is really beautiful." The old man looked at the sheets of rice paper in his hand, indescribably satisfied and intoxicated.

At this moment, Yan Zhu entered it.

"Why are you in a hurry." The old man looked at Yan Zhu who rushed in hurriedly, but raised his hand slowly, indescribably leisurely.

Yan Zhu hurriedly took a deep breath, calmed down, and then truthfully reported what happened just now.

From an out-of-control carriage in a busy city to a person blocking a carriage with his bare hands.

After listening, the old man's expression was not as calm as before, but replaced by a solemnity visible to the naked eye.

"Where is that man now?"

"In the reception room." After hesitating for a moment, Yan Zhu said: "Yang Zong's family, he said he came from the outer sea, and his strength is so strong, should he report it to the fairy king?"

"Is the fairy?"

Yang Zongjia said after pondering for a moment.

"Leaving aside for the time being, there are actually quite a few strange people and strangers who have emerged in the past two years, but it's not a big problem to be exposed to the public eye now."

"The problem is that he said he came from the sea, or he has the so-called martial arts."

Yan Zhu emphasized the word "outaihai", as if he kept secret about overseas and should not mention it more.

But Yang Zongjia decided.

"Let's go and have a look first and then talk about other things..."

While Li Guo was enjoying the melons and fruits in the reception room, there were bursts of discussions outside. There seemed to be excitement, admiration, and awe in the voices, all kinds of emotions mixed together.

A feather fan towel, an old man with a calm and ethereal spirit and a hint of stability came.

"This is our Yang family." Yan Zhu introduced respectfully.

Li Guo smiled slightly.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, has long admired the Yang family's reputation, Wentao Wulue, mechanical calculations, chess and piano skills, are all top-notch, and deserve to be a perfect person."

He is the "talker" of the Trumen, that is, the "talker" of Wuling's bright face. Although he has no cultivation level, he can be seen to be wise and elegant.

At this time, Yang Zongjia also replied with a smile.

"It's just a trick."

As the "talker" on the bright side, this Yang Zongjia didn't show any arrogance, but showed humility, kindness, and fun to the fullest.

Regardless of whether it is pretended or not, such a demeanor is really admirable.

"A man like Mr. Li is a real man. He can stop the out-of-control horse with his flesh and blood. I really admire him." Yang Zongjia said with emotion.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, it's just a few years of practicing the way of breathing, it's nothing." Li Guo paused with a smile and said, "A person like Pindao can walk all over the open sea, not as good as a dog."

Yang Zongjia's breath was suffocated, and Yan Zhu's jaw even dropped.

A wrestler who can park with his bare hands walks all over the place outside, why is it not as good as the existence of a dog?

Is it that scary?
For a while, Yang Zong's family didn't know how to answer the conversation. They have seen self-deprecating, but not many people belittle themselves like this.

Li Guo also did it on purpose, exaggerating the horror of the outside world, saying "there are a hundred others who can fight like me", so that the other party would not dare to act rashly.

Of course, taking ten thousand steps back, if the other party has any evil intentions, just summon Yu Xi and Dabai to come to this world.

"Oh Outer Sea." After Yang Zongjia calmed down a little, he said slowly: "Mr. Li, it's not that we don't believe you. The Outer Sea is vast and there is nothing at all. Where did you come from and where did you go?" where?"

"Why is there nothing out there?"

At this time, Li Guo smiled proudly.

"There are a lot of things in the outer seas. Are you studying the key techniques of organs on Wuling Island? We also have them, and they are even more amazing."

"Yes." Yang Zongjia said, with a confident and proud tone in his tone: "You mean to say that the outer seas also have important tricks? I'm not bragging. We may not be as good as yours when it comes to the so-called martial arts, but when it comes to tricks, we Wuling thought that he would not lose to others."

Li Guo didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, but took out his domestic mobile phone.

When seeing this small mobile phone, Yang Zong's family was stunned for a moment, never seen such a delicate thing
"This is."

The craftsmen and students of the surrounding institutions also gathered, and couldn't help but look at the 'small box' with the strange logo in Li Guo's hand.

What kind of mystery is in this small box?
"Don't worry."

Li Guo turned on the phone with a smile. When the screen lit up, people were suddenly surprised. Yang Zongjia was even more shocked: "What is this?"

"This is our overseas office. It's called a mobile phone. Its main function is to watch videos, text, and communicate online. The secondary function is to make phone calls." Li Guo said indifferently: "Let me show you our city first before talking about other things." Bar."

Li Guo silently opened the previously downloaded "Star Wars" movie.

Including Yang Zong's family, everyone was attracted by this small mobile phone, and all the contents in it were presented in front of their eyes.

What exactly is this.
Just like that, these people watched the nearly two-hour Star Wars movie without missing a second.

After reading the contents of the mobile phone, Yang Zongjia was silent for a long time, and finally said.

"What you see and hear, don't say it, don't say a word, you know?"


Including Yan Zhu, the people in the Truman family were also shocked. Some people even lost their minds and couldn't accept the reality. They thought it was an illusion caused by the impact of air, so they passed out on the spot.

If these contents are shown to the outside world, how many people will have their faith collapsed? There are lands beyond the open seas, and planets beyond the open seas, and planets, civilizations, and powerful institutions made of steel
Everything is too subversive. Fortunately, most of you here are straight men of science and engineering. They don't have much emotional thinking. Naturally, they know the seriousness of the matter.

"Now, do you believe that Pindao is someone from overseas?" Li Guo said leisurely, his tone neither hurried nor slow.

After a moment of silence, Yang Zongjia didn't know how to respond. He already believed it to [-]%, not to mention whether the shocking Star Wars was true or not, just the so-called 'mobile phone' was not something that Wuling could manufacture.

"Let's go." Yang Zong's family turned around to echo Yan Zhu who was beside him.

"Where are you going?" Yan Zhu was relieved by this call.

"Go invite Xianjun."

(End of this chapter)

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