Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 268 How about my Wuling?

Chapter 268 How about my Wuling?

At this time, Yang Zong's family and Yan Zhu came to a closed room. There was an altar in the room, enshrining the statue of a young god, Fengshen Lang Jun, with strange eyes, extremely miraculous.

"Everyone in the world knows that our Wuling country is peaceful and the people are safe. There are abundant supplies. In winter, no one is hungry and there is enough food and meat. Everyone is happy, and the family is safe and peaceful." Someone is keeping this side safe."

Yang Zong's family came to the altar, took out a stick of incense and lit it, and put it on the desk.

Said in a very serious tone.

"Please, Wuling Immortal."

Yan Zhu, who was protecting the Dharma at the side, was also breathing slightly stagnant, and his little heart was beating wildly. He had never invited the Immortal Lord of Wuling.

Everyone in the world is ignorant, only a few smart people think about it and know what is the power that makes Wuling fertile all the year round, with sufficient food and clothing, the population continues to grow, the land also continues to grow, and food resources are never lacking. How is this a small island? The state that the country should have.

"How many years has it been since I invited the Immortal Lord of Wuling?" Yan Zhu murmured.

"I don't know, maybe it was 50 years ago. 50 years ago, I invited the immortal king." Yang Zong's family closed their eyes as if recalling: "There was a clan rebellion in those days, and they killed and wounded others indiscriminately with mechanical props. Fortunately, the immortal king appeared and stopped it in time. Disaster happened."

"How old is Xianjun?" Yan Zhu couldn't believe it.

"I don't know, maybe it has existed since the birth of Wuling."

While Yang Zong's family was talking with Yan Zhu, the incense burned abruptly, forming a circle around Yang Zong's family.

At this moment, Yang Zongjia's eyes darkened, and his body consciousness appeared in another place.

There is a small opening in front, as if there is light, Yang Zongjia enters through the entrance, it is very narrow at first, and then it is easy to understand, after walking dozens of steps, it suddenly becomes clear.

Warm and peaceful, there is a beautiful field of mulberry and bamboo in front of it, and there is a hut standing in front of it, surrounded by peach blossoms, and the mountains are pink, so beautiful.

At this time, Yang Zong's family calmed down a little and said respectfully.

"I invite the Immortal Lord of Wuling."

"What do you want me to do?"

There was a young Taoist, dressed in a peach-blossom-colored robe, with a very handsome appearance, but his eyes were red and blue, and his head was dizzy.

The young Taoist held peach blossom wine in his hand, and was extremely lazy in the peach blossom garden, as if he was not interested in anything.

"There is a person who said he came from the outer sea." Yang Zong's family expressed respect, and told the details of what happened just now, and told the Wuling Immortal Monarch in front of him.

At this time, Wuling Xianjun looked a little lazy before he became serious.

"A person came from the outer sea? It's strange, is my formation broken?" Wuling Xianjun made fingers with one hand and squeezed out the mantra, but he murmured: "No, the formation is not broken, why is there another one who came from here?" Did it break in from outside?"

Yang Zong's family was taken aback suddenly, could it be that more than one entered from the outer sea?
But why doesn't he, the apparent manager of Wuling, know about this?
Immortal Wuling didn't want what Yang Zong's family thought, but just said.

"Okay, you go back first, and I will follow." Wuling Xianjun waved his hand, and Yang Zong's family felt dizzy. After a while, they had already returned to the room dedicated to Wuling Xianjun.

Yan Zhuzheng on the side murmured with a stunned expression: "Zong family, you seemed to be dead just now, you didn't move at all."

"That's because I just met in the state of primordial spirit. After a while, Xianjun will come down"

Before Yang Zong's family finished speaking, a beautiful and picturesque Taoist appeared in the secret room.

Yan Zhu was already numb, he couldn't help being shocked.
At this time, Wuling Xianjun carried his hands on his back and said lightly.

"Let's go and meet this guest from 'Wai Hai'."

In the reception room, Li Guo, a guest from 'outside sea', has already gotten along well with the straight men who are engineering students here, and his engineering knowledge is easy to talk to - at any rate, he is a mechanical dog who has just graduated, and his professional knowledge has not been forgotten.

Feeling the shocking gazes of these people, Li Guo finally understood why those modern people who were reincarnated in the past used modern knowledge to pretend to be cool.
When these engineering dogs got together, Li Guo understood that there were also civil servants in Wuling, but the civil servants had never been well received by others. This really explained what it means to learn literature with a dead end, and to be number one in science and engineering.

I also learned that the daily increasing population and inexhaustible resources here can be called a paradise on earth.
Just when Li Guo was asking, he felt a sense of pressure coming from a distance. Li Guo felt it, raised his head, and stopped talking to these engineering dogs.

"You all go back first."

The voice of Yang Zong's family sounded, and the engineers of Truman's mechanism finally left the reception room reluctantly.

The door opened, and the pink robe was dissatisfied with the Wuling Immortal Lord. He walked slowly, with his hands on his back, like a monarch sitting high above the nine heavens, and like a ruthless immortal.

Every step he takes, there will be a layer of oppressive force coming towards Li Guo.

One level after another, one step stronger than one step.

I don't know if it was distributed on purpose or he had such a big oppression in one line and one step.

Li Guo is relaxed on the surface, but in his heart he is calculating the opponent's strength. If estimated by the realm, the opponent's cultivation is at least as high as Jindan.

"Sure enough, it's the cultivation base of the Golden Core stage."

I am afraid that only the cultivation base of Jindan stage can grasp the rules of heaven and earth, create something out of nothing, maintain the resources of this island, and the four seasons are like spring, and can suppress this place with one person, and keep the people here safe for thousands of years.

The nature of human beings is to fight, no matter how stable a place is, there may always be chaos, but there is no chaos in Wuling, probably because the Wuling Golden Elixir suppressed the chaos when it was in its infancy.

Li Guo is already mentally prepared. He has confronted Lv5 head-on before, so he won't be too afraid of the Golden Core Stage in his heart.

As the saying goes, you don't lose if you lose, even if you lose, keep smiling.

At this time, Li Guo had already silently made the record of strange beasts in mountains and seas. If there was any change in this Jindanqi, he would summon Yu Xi to come. This time was different from the last sudden attack, and he had enough time to react.

Of course, in the face of this Jindanqi's oppression, Li Guo had to uphold the principle of not losing the battle, standing up, as if he was not affected by the coercion at all, and bowed his hands.

"I've heard about Taohuayuan Forest and Wuling Fairyland for a long time, but I didn't expect that there really is a Jindan fairy sitting in town..."

Yang Zong's family and Yan Zhu at the side all felt that Bei'er had a face, and looked at his own Wuling Xianjun, he changed his posture as soon as he showed up, and became cowardly and obedient.
But Yang Zong's family hadn't finished thinking, suddenly felt dizzy, and suddenly felt a kind of spiritual shock and throbbing.

Li Guo secretly used the title skill.

Expansion technique, let's go--

The coercion stronger than that of the Jindan stage was directly crushed out.

When Li Guo used the breath expansion technique, the pupils of Wuling Xianjun in front of him shrank slightly, and the calmness on his face that no one in the world cares about finally changed, and he was shocked.

"His actually at the Golden Core stage, and he is stronger than me. What is going on in the world outside now? In just a hundred years, he has reached the Golden Core stage."

Li Guo didn't move too much when releasing the aura of the Golden Core Realm, this move was just to express a meaning to the Wuling Immortal in front of him.

I didn't come here with malice, but I also have the cultivation base of Jindan stage (although it's a fake), so I'm definitely not afraid of a battle.

Sure enough, when showing reciprocal conversation capital (although it was pretended), Wuling Xianjun on the opposite side spoke first, and said slowly: "Don't blame me for being presumptuous, it is really someone who has evil intentions a few days ago Breaking into Wuling with the intention of causing chaos made me dislike people from the outside world."

Wuling Xianjun apologized first, which meant that he gave up his strong and active position.

Yang Zongjia, who is good at speaking, gasped again, looking at the people in the open sea in front of them as if they were looking at ghosts and gods, which meant that Wuling Xianjun recognized the gesture of equal communication.

You must know that the important techniques of Wuling organs are like chickens and dogs to Xianjun, and it can be said that they are the absolute masters here.

At this moment, the Immortal of Wuling regained his blooming aura, and Li Guo did the same. He turned off the breath expansion technique, and now he looks like an ordinary monk in the foundation building period.

"Is it a breath-holding technique for walking in the rivers and lakes?" Wuling Xianjun thought in his heart, and then he opened his mouth and said, "Now the outside world is the Qing Dynasty or what?"

Wuling Xianjun expressed this time because he wanted to express that he was not ignorant of the outside world.

I also know the Qing Dynasty.

Li Guo smiled and said.

"The Qing Dynasty is dead."

"Sure enough, it's the rise and fall of the dynasty." Wuling Xianjun didn't have much fluctuations in this, and said: "I haven't been out for a long time, what is the name of the dynasty now?"

"Today... it shouldn't be called Dynasty, it's called the Republic, the People's Republic of China." Li Guo said with a smile.


Wuling Xianjun seemed to be chewing on these three words, and then said nothing more. How the dynasties outside changed did not change to him, a native of Wuling.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. Why did you come to my Wuling?"

"Pindao was attacked by a powerful enemy, so he tore up the teleportation talisman and teleported into Wuling by coincidence." Li Guo said frankly: "It was not intentional."

The Immortal of Wuling nodded, the maze he had spent a hundred years arranging could not be discovered even at the Jindan stage, unless it was just a coincidence.

The two fell into silence for a while, and neither of them asked questions first.

Li Guo immediately saw that this Wuling lord wanted something from him. With a turn of his eyes, he turned passive into active and was not in a hurry, drinking this Wuling specialty, peach blossom clear tea.

After an unknown amount of time, Immortal Wuling finally spoke, speaking slowly.

"What do you think of me, Wuling?"

"Okay." Li Guo shook his head after a pause, "But it's not good either."

(End of this chapter)

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