Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 272, You and I Are Mortals

Chapter 272, You and I Are Mortals
At this time, Wuling Capital, the capital of Chu City, even if a horse-drawn carriage collides, it will not cause too much disturbance here. Peace will always be the main theme of this Wuling Capital.

Stable, prosperous, calm and happy.

On the side of the street, under a peach blossom tree, at a noodle stall, two young people were eating noodles, chatting with each other.

Liu Shang, and Mr. Liang.

The two were not of the same class, but because they witnessed the so-called "martial arts" together that day, they fell in love with each other and got acquainted with each other.

With pasta and wine, Liu Shang said in a daze: "I still can't forget the power of Mr. Li's punch to stop the car that day."

"Indeed, at that time, I just felt that if a man lives in this world, he should live in this world with the majesty of raising his hand and parking like Mr. Li." Mr. Liang put the delicious fresh shrimp into his mouth, but Said: "It's a pity that after thinking about it carefully, there is always such a gap between reality and dreams. As strong as him, what good is it for me and the family? If I have obtained the title of high official, what can I do even if I learn a thing or two?"

Mr. Liang's eyes were always a little regretful, but he also recognized that the longing for that day was only due to the impulsiveness of a young man, and he admired that dreamlike toughness.

But after thinking for a while, he thought of reality again.

What can learning martial arts and self-cultivation bring?
Bring nothing.

Maybe a horse-drawn carriage can't do anything to Mr. Li, but a horse-drawn carriage can't do it, can a cannon work, can a heavy crossbow work with a machine?Those Truman Secret Treasures are not the same concept as civilian carriages.

After thinking about it, Mr. Liang patted Liu Shang on the shoulder and concluded.

"As the saying goes, all things are low-grade, only organs are high. If you want to get ahead, you still have to rely on mechanism skills. If you work hard at your age, you can still make achievements in mechanism skills."

Mr. Liang tried to persuade this new friend with his "painful words". He could see that Liu Shang was absent-minded these days, as if he had been seduced by Mr. Li, and his mind was full of martial arts.

Going on like this, the waste of mechanism skills is almost inevitable.

Mr. Liang didn't want his friend to 'go astray'.

Hearing Mr. Liang's advice, Liu Shang also knew that he was doing it for his own good, but he still sighed and said, "It's not about the mechanism or my problem. It's just that very... wonderful feeling."

Liu Shang seemed to be remembering, and murmured.

"When I saw my uncle swinging his fist for the first time, I was thinking, I want to be such a person. Although a person like my uncle would be considered a 'good-for-nothing', practice martial arts and self-cultivation until the end , looking after the house, guarding the yard, assisting in hunting, and his job as a yellow dog. But I just want to be such a person, like my uncle, swinging fists and exercising body muscles."

"If that's the case, why are you so stubborn?" Mr. Liang sighed, he couldn't understand Liu Shang's stubbornness.

Liu Shang shook his head and smiled.

"I also resigned myself to my fate, thinking about whether I can work hard to pass the exam as a child mechanism teacher, and spend the rest of my life in my small Taoyuan Village repairing mechanism fishing gear and repairing small mechanism props, working every day at sunrise and sunset. Rest, find a wife who is as ordinary as me, and watch his wife and children warm the kang every day, and live a life similar to other people in Wuling."

"But, this is not the life I want!"

Liu Shang's eyes showed a trace of determination.

"I can accept mediocrity, I can accept mediocrity, I can accept nothing, mediocrity, I once accepted that this is my life but I can't accept it, I can't live myself."

"Everyone is running around for tricks, tricks are everything, and they do similar things every day, so what's the difference between 'I', 'he' and 'you'?" Liu Shang murmured: "If I never showed me the rainbow here, maybe I would be unwilling to accept it, but now I have seen the scenery here, how can I go back?"

I have to say that Liu Shang's words moved Mr. Liang very much.

For a moment, Mr. Liang also had a feeling of youthful impulsiveness, but after the youthful impulsiveness, he thought of his parents who had given him high hopes, and the lady from the famous family who had a marriage contract, and many, many things.

After the young man's impulsiveness, even though there were thousands of words in Mr. Liang's heart, they could only be condensed into one sentence.

"You and I are mortal."

"But I don't want to go on like this. Even if I fail in the end, at least I have chased after it."

Liu Shang ate the last mouthful of noodles, patted his stomach, left the broken spirit stone and turned away, waiting at the gate of Truman, waiting for that 'Mr. Li' to come out.
And Mr. Liang returned to the Trumen, and continued to study mechanism techniques, just like everyone here, maybe for a better life, maybe for hobbies, maybe for the high expectations of his parents.

Mechanism is the eternal theme of Wuling.

Liu Shang is doing simple exercises at the door of Truman, sit-ups, push-ups, these years, even if there is no one to guide martial arts, he still insists on using simple exercises to exercise his body.

Although the effect is not great, it still gave him a body that is not beautiful but definitely has muscles
While Liu Shang was exercising, there was a sudden gust of wind.

The sound of the wind blowing is normal, but in the sound of the wind blowing, there is a trace of other sounds contained in it.

The sound seems to contain the affiliation of the Dao.

"Breathing the hut into the dantian, and the water of the Yuqing Pond irrigates the spiritual root"

In the sky, suddenly a person appeared on a paper crane, with a scripture in his hand, which he recited like a god.

Heaven, Earth, Dao, and Zhiyuan were turned into runes, landed on Wuling, blended into the earth, flowers and creatures here, and everyone looked up, subconsciously feeling the sound of the Dao.

Originally, this scene alarmed the guards of Wuling, but suddenly they did not dare to act rashly because of the news of the clan.

"It's him. It's him. It's him. He came out." Liu Shang murmured, looking at the Taoist man carried by the paper crane, he chased after him fiercely.

The speed of the paper crane is neither fast nor slow, but that is also for the flying speed, but not for the running Liu Shang.

Liu Shang was panting for breath, and was running towards the Taoist who was riding a paper crane.

"Absolutely. Can't give up"

Liu Shang gritted his teeth, sweat permeated his clothes, his head was a little dizzy, his feet were as heavy as lead weights, his muscles were torn, his shoes were broken, and the sharpened sand was washing the soles of his feet. bleeding.

The distance between the Taoist and Liu Shang is always not far or close. If Liu Shang slows down a little, he will be pulled away. Only by running with all his strength and running to the limit can he prevent the figure of the Taoist from disappearing in front of his eyes.

He knew that this was his only hope.

catch up.

for sure.

To catch up.

At this time, in the Chumen palace, Wuling Xianjun felt something in his heart. He felt the running young man, his eyes were in a trance, but he whispered.

"How similar"

"Much like the legend, the Kuafu who ran towards the sun and exhausted all his strength in the end"

(End of this chapter)

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