Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 273, preaching but not preaching

Chapter 273, preaching but not preaching
Liu Shang felt that he was chasing a sun, just like a fool chasing the sun. He knew it was a waste of effort, but he always wanted to catch up.

"Mister me first. I want to learn martial arts."

At this time, Liu Shang's lips were chapped, his body was weak, and his muscles were swollen, but he still stretched out his hand to the Taoist who was far away in the sky.

Liu Shang felt that he was not a person with perseverance, on the contrary, his perseverance was a bit weak.

Otherwise, there will be no Tongsheng's organ skills training and a make-up exam will be required.

But this time, Liu Shang felt that he couldn't give up, only this time he absolutely couldn't give up.

"I really want to learn martial arts, please."

Of course Li Guo could hear Liu Shang's whispers and pleadings, but there was no fluctuation. He was still driving the paper crane forward, but deliberately kept the running speed at a distance that could catch up.

"Host, you can pass on other methods." The system suggested: "A person's power is limited. To revitalize the Daomen, the Slanting Moon Heavenly Gate, you need more than just the host. It is inevitable to accept and grant the land and establish a sect."

"Teaching the Dharma, yes."

Li Guo paused, and said lightly: "But it should not be passed on lightly. Since he wants to teach the law, he will walk the world in the name of my oblique moon view and Tianmen from now on, representing the face of my oblique moon view. Naturally It needs a test rather than excess.”

At this time, Li Guo turned into the sun, turning Liu Shang into Kuafu who pursued the sun. Of course, Li Guo couldn't let Liu Shang run away to die like this, but hung a fountain of life on him, and his body would be exhausted. The spirit will be oppressed, but it will not die from it.

Let's see how long he can last.

The sound of "preaching" by Huang Tingjing resounds throughout Wuling Island, and the immortals riding on paper cranes fly around all the way, descending the sound of the avenue all the way.

Some people become enlightened because of this, some completely let go of their obsessions because of this, and some completely pick up their obsessions because of this.

There is no wobble, only direction.

At this time, there was a sound of shaking mountains and mountains.

It seemed to come from the deepest part of the earth and reach Li Guo's ears.

"Thank you for preaching the truth."

It was Shen-zin Zi's voice.

"It seems that Shen-zin Zi has also gained a lot of benefits." Li Guo didn't stop chanting the preaching voice, but it became more and more clear.

At this time, while Li Guo was chanting, a large amount of incense merits rushed towards Li Guo
"merit value +1"

"merit value +3"

"merit value +1"

"merit value +4"

The power of the meritorious incense is continuously absorbed.

While Li Guo was chanting, he felt a little regretful and said, "It's a pity that I'm not taking the route of incense and fire gods."

Of course, it's a pity that it's just a joke, and if Li Guo had another chance, he wouldn't choose the path of the incense god, after all, it was too dangerous.

"Ding, may the host recharge all the incense and merit into the system?" The system asked at this moment.

"Oh? Didn't you recharge it by default before and go to you, Brother System?" Li Guo was a little surprised. Ever since he decided not to cultivate with the power of incense and fire, he had recharged it by default.

"Incense fire vow power itself is very poisonous, but if it is not used for cultivation, it can also be used as the raw material for some magic channels and strange secret treasures, which can resist bad luck and curse treasures." The system paused and said: " The 'Secret Treasure' appeared much faster than expected by this system."

First there was the imitation version of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and then there was the out-and-out authentic Seven Arrows Book with Nailheads.

This change in the situation is indeed quite strange.

Li Guo nodded and decided.

"Then save it first"

At this time, Li Guo seemed to be surrounded by green lotuses, with yin and yang, the yin and yang, the sun and the stars.

Merit and vows are with you, and the appearance of the Dharma is manifested, just like the arrival of a real immortal.

People in Wuling believed in Taoism, and they all said that they bowed devoutly as if they were real immortals.

"Xianjun, it's up to you to come next, and teach you the method of breathing in Wuling." Li Guo stopped in mid-air and said with a slight smile.

A voice came from the earth.

"I come?"

Shen-zin Zi's voice was full of doubts: "Is this okay?"

Now Li Guo only preaches, not the Dharma.

Doing either of the two is a great merit, and now giving up the merit of spreading the Dharma to Shen-zin Zi is equivalent to giving up a great opportunity.

Shen-zin Zi paid himself to have gained a lot of enlightenment and benefits from preaching scriptures, it would be unkind to take another chance.

Faced with Shen-zin Zi's "humility", Li Guo has a little more affection for this thousand-year-old turtle fairy who guards Wuling.

How kind is this turtle brother.
At this time, Li Guo didn't hide anything, and said frankly.

"Preaching is not tainted with karma, but if you can teach the Dharma, you will be tainted with more karma."

This is one of the reasons why the law should not be passed on lightly.

Teaching the Dharma is equivalent to his Dharma being tainted with your karma. If he commits crimes in the future, you will have a share in the karma of good and evil.

Li Guo was able to preach to all sentient beings. If he preached to sentient beings, the size of Wuling is equivalent to the size of Japan. If it is calculated according to the crime rate of [-]%.

Li Guo can't stand the cause and effect!

So let Shen-zinzi bear the karma of spreading the Dharma. He is one with all living beings in Wuling, and even bears their bodies, and it is nothing to bear their karma.

Shen-zinko pondered for a moment and said.

"Well, let me do the teaching of the Dharma."

Shen-zin Zi finished speaking.

The ground began to tremble. Some people thought it was an earthquake and hid directly in their houses.

The Wuling earthquake was not a strange thing. As a living creature, Shen-zin Zi would have itches somewhere on her body, or would be sneezed by the waves. Naturally, the whole Wuling Island began to vibrate violently.

However, some people, while evading in a hurry, noticed that there seemed to be some strange law in the ups and downs of the earth.

"Exhale. Exhale. Exhale."

Those people involuntarily began to imitate the movement of the earth, breathing with him.

Shen-zinko's breathing stopped after a few times, and she said to Li Guo: "Now I have taught them the most basic method of breathing, and it is also the simplest method of breathing that I have mastered. Breathing out solar energy, practicing Afterwards, the body can bloom with ripple energy like the sun, and the biggest advantage of this method of breathing is that there will be no blockage in changing the method of awe-inspiring righteousness in the future, and you can directly practice on this method of breathing."

Ordinary cultivation methods have to be dedicated to one discipline, and if you want to change to other methods, you have to pay for the foundation of the cultivation method at your own expense.

This 'Sun Ripple Breathing Method' and 'Cultivation of Immortals' belong to the same top-level basic method, and the rest of the exercises can be directly cultivated on the original basis in the future.

Shen-zin Zi said this to Li Guo on purpose, and it can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect of Li Guo's gift of this opportunity.

Li Guo smiled, and tacitly accepted this breathing method, even if he didn't need it, it would be great to replace it with 'Shenmozhiyi'.

After thanking Shen-zin Zi, Li Guo set his eyes on Liu Shang who was chasing the sun.

At this time, the Sun Chaser was covered in scars, sweating from profuse sweat, chapped lips, and swollen legs, but he still moved forward firmly.

Unyielding, not falling.

Chasing the sun in my heart.
(End of this chapter)

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