Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 279, Entering Beijing this time is only for karma

Chapter 279, Entering Beijing this time is only for karma
When the list was announced, these old ladies and grandfathers stared wide-eyed, like parents waiting for the results of the college entrance examination.

Everyone here is more concerned about the person list than the place list.

After all, for most people, the ground list seems to be "superior" enough, not as down-to-earth as the human list and the yellow list. This type of topic is discussed more on the Internet or in military forums.

"This time the list has changed a lot. Two people have been removed from the list." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "They are Shushan Bai Wuji and Buddhist Liu Chengkong."

"Sure enough, it may not be good to be old when you are young."

"They went down and my son's ranking went up, hee hee."

"Great, great."

There were bursts of joyous laughter, as if it was Chinese New Year—oh no, this is Chinese New Year, and it’s almost the end of the new year now.

At this moment, the system asked in confusion, "Are they laughing wildly? Why?"

"Because for some people, watching people fall from the clouds is also a pleasure." Li Guo shook his head, expressing his disapproval of this so-called 'fun'.

However, at this time, the middle-aged man turned the offensive and said with a smile.

"These two leaders have been promoted to the earth list, and of course they are not in the list of people. Bai Wuji realized his own way in Shushan and broke through the innate realm with one stroke. Now the 'Jianzi' should get rid of the 'Zizi'. In the name of ', it has become a well-deserved 'peerless sword', and Liu Chengkong also sat in Hanshan Temple and comprehended it, and finally comprehended the Tathagata's Dharma, which also broke the innate realm. It is rumored that there was a phantom of the Tathagata Buddha hidden in Hanshan Temple that day , It is very spectacular, this young man who is newly promoted to Buddhism has also got rid of the name of "Buddhist" and officially has the name of "Empty City"."

Middle-aged people are a little bit bad. After saying this, those old ladies and grandfathers who were originally happy as if they were celebrating the New Year suddenly became like eggplants beaten by Shuang, as if they were mourning.

But most people just want to have fun, it doesn't matter who is on the people list and who is on the place list.

At this time, the middle-aged man introduced the land list, 'Peerless Sword' Bai Wuji was on the 33rd place, and 'Little Tathagata' Master Kongcheng was on the 34th place.

"One person was removed from the land list this time." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "That is Zhu Ziheng, the leader of our China land list."

These old ladies and grandfathers are not stupid anymore, who knows if this guy will turn the offensive again.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man looked a little regretful after seeing the old people in front of him not responding, but he still said.

"Zhu Ziheng has been honored on the celestial list, and is now No.10 in the celestial list. A few days ago, Zhu Wu, the number one powerhouse in China, has already fought against him, and it is confirmed that he has broken through Lv5 and is stronger than the average Lv5. He is the well-deserved 'Thousand Hearts Sword God'."

"At the same time, there is also a rookie on the list, named 'General Fumo' Ye Feng, who perfectly combines science and metaphysics." The middle-aged man paused and said: "Of course, the most eye-catching thing is today No.2 on the list, 'Sword Beyond Heaven' Li Guoli is real."

"At the time of Zhu Ziheng's breakthrough, he was attacked by Lv5 in the Middle East, but retreated completely, and forced him to escape in hiding. Judging from his age and strength, given time, he might be able to be like Zhu Ziheng. Break through Lv5 and become the pillar of my Huaxia"

What the middle-aged man said was roughly the same as what Jiang Hengwei said before.

The person list changed, the place list changed, Zhu Ziheng broke through the golden core, and there was more information such as Zhu Ziheng and Zhu Wuxian's fight. The two had once fought against each other, but they didn't know the result. In the confrontation between nuclear bombs, it is better for ordinary people to retreat
On the other side of the alley, there was a person who was still listening to the middle-aged man announcing the changes in the list of secrets.

The young man in a Taoist robe has a more intense clean and dusty smell.

Only then did Li Guo realize why he walked into this alley involuntarily.

"Friend Ye."

"Li Daoyou."

Li Guo and Ye Feng looked at each other and smiled—as expected, the iron that attracts each other is at work.

"Li Daoyou, last time I heard that you were attacked by a strong man from Tianbang, I was very worried. Seeing that you are fine now, I am relieved." Ye Feng smiled slightly, without any trace of fireworks on his body.

Li Guo found that Ye Feng was closer to the way of "extraordinary" than his own "entering the world of mortals", transcending the world of mortals and cutting off all cause and effect.

There are no mistakes in the road, and they are all made by people, and Li Guo will not express any opinions.

"It's just using some small means to escape, it's nothing to worry about." After shaking his head, Li Guo said with a serious expression: "It's just that I didn't expect you to bear the title of 'General Fumo' now, and you have inherited a letter from Tao Yuan." cause and effect."

After a moment of daze, Ye Feng smiled wryly.

"There's nothing I can do about it. After all, it's a nickname given to me by the authorities."

"It was inserted by the official." Li Guo pondered, did the official do it on purpose?

Thinking about it carefully, his title also has a deep meaning.

The word "Tianwai" in "Tianwai Shenjian" was also officially qualified at the beginning, and it also coincides with the attribute of "Tianwai" from the Oblique Moon Temple.

Is it a coincidence, or what.
"No matter what, I will only call myself 'Mo Yuan Zhenren' when I walk in the world, and I will not use the title of 'General Fumo'." Ye Feng said jokingly: "If I go on with the name of General Fumo If so, if I really become the second Tao Yuanxin in the future, the loss outweighs the gain."

Li Guo didn't say much.

Ever since Ye Feng accepted Tao Yuanxin's inheritance, everything about him has been moving towards Tao Yuanxin.

All cause and effect are like silk threads.

"Pindao is just reminding you." Li Guo paused and said, "Don't become a slave to fate."

"A slave to fate?"

Ye Feng chewed this sentence carefully, then nodded solemnly.

"I will."

Li Guo decided to put aside this topic, and then said with a smile: "Brother Ye, what are you doing here in the capital?"

Although the stand-in messengers and immortal cultivators will attract each other, it is only within a certain range. Ye Feng probably came to this capital because of some important business.

At this time, Ye Feng's eyes had less of the fairy smell, and more complex emotions and fireworks, making him look more like a person than a fairy.

"I... came here only for karma." Ye Feng sighed leisurely: "About, the karma of my physical name"

Li Guo was stunned for a moment, and understood why Ye Feng came here.

He came to find the 'family' who gave him his name, the Ye family who suspected of killing his mother and giving him life
"Genesis of a wealthy family"

(End of this chapter)

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