Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 280, take them one by one

Chapter 280, Take them all back

"This is indeed your cause and effect, and there needs to be a result." Li Guo nodded and said.

Now that Ye Feng is at the forefront of the local rankings, he is also crowned the title of "General Fu Mo", and now he has the absolute right to speak. This is the benefit of this era. To have the right to speak, one needs to grow into a century-old chaebol equal to the Ye family, so how easy is that?

In today's era, personal strength is as high as the sky, and it is easier to become a strong man than to become a century-old chaebol.

At least today, becoming a strong person will not be blocked by barriers called 'class', and everyone has the opportunity to be like a dragon.

Li Guo didn't bother too much, they met by chance, and after a few chatters, the road was bright, and if they were destined to meet again, they might see each other soon.

Ye Feng said goodbye and walked towards Ye's house, while Li Guo went to the local investigation bureau to look for Zhang Tianyang.

The investigation bureau in the capital is basically where the elite members of the ninth division are located. It is heavily guarded, has a dedicated office building, and uses the highest equipment.

When Li Guo appeared in front of the gate, the fully armed security personnel came out, the bullets were already loaded, and they said vigilantly.

"What's your business?"

"Tell Zhang Tianyang that Pindao brought what he wanted." Li Guo put his hands on his back, and said calmly: "If you want it, come out to see Pindao. Just say it, it's 'Heavenly Sword'."

Heavenly Sword?

The security guard was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't recognize it at first, and then checked, and found that it was the Excalibur that day, so he quickly called to report, and about 5 minutes later, he came out and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhang Tianyang is here. The reception room on the third floor is waiting for you."

"Thank you."

Li Guo smiled and entered the office building. As soon as he entered, he felt several eyes locked on him.

Feeling the locking of these gazes, Li Guo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, not feeling anything, and walked towards the third floor.

Not far behind Li Guo, a man and a woman stared at Li Guo. The man's eyes were full of fighting spirit, while the woman's stared at Li Guo with flickering eyes.

"How about it, can you find out the truth?" The man asked, licking his lips.

After a moment of silence, the woman shook her head.

"No way, he gave me a very strange feeling, as if he was there, but he didn't seem to be there, his body was like an illusion."

"Tsk, so you are troublesome." The man didn't think too much, licked his lips and said, "I'll challenge him directly, fight him, as long as I beat him, I'll be No. 2 on the leaderboard. "

He has long felt aggrieved. Working in the ninth department, he always feels that his own strength cannot be used, and he has no way to become famous in the world. He can only let others be on the list, enjoy the admiration of thousands of people, and receive fame and fortune.

Just when Liu Hailin wanted to step forward for a fight, he couldn't take this step, as if his feet were filled with lead.
will lose.

No matter from which angle or position you hit, you will lose.

When the idea of ​​'battle' arises, the 'battle' is over and he is already the loser.

'Defeat' is a doomed outcome.

He was a little stunned, not knowing what happened to him, and murmured.

"How is this going"

At this time, Li Guo went upstairs generously, with a happy expression, but he was thinking in his heart.

"When he became hostile to me, he was already doomed to lose." Li Guo whispered, pulling a thread of cause and effect beside him.

This can also be regarded as a wonderful use of the karma secret technique, passing the result of 'defeat' to him, and winning without a fight.

At the same time, many people in Section [-] expressed hostility towards Li Guo, but without exception, when they planned to stand up, they felt that the result of 'defeat' had already occurred.

Stop cause and effect before cause and effect arise!
"Ding, the host has comprehended the secret law of cause and effect, please name it."

Why not just call it 'The Crimson King'?
Li Guo complained silently in his heart, and then said.

"Let's call it the 'Secret Method of Karma'. It is simple, popular and easy to understand. However, the practicality of this trick is still open to question."

This trick can only be used by people who are weaker than themselves. If they are stronger than themselves, the so-called causal information will probably inflate their self-confidence, and they will be more fierce when they hit you, so the gain outweighs the loss.

Although it seems that the fashion value is quite high, it will be defeated without a fight.

At this time, Li Guo came to the third floor in a fair manner under the prying eyes of the experts from the ninth division, and met Zhang Tianyang.

When Zhang Tianyang saw Li Guo coming so soon, he was slightly taken aback, and then smiled.

"I thought you would slow down, those bastards didn't shoot you."

"We've done it, and we've got the results."

Li Guo smiled lightly, with a very mysterious expression.

This made Zhang Tianyang slightly taken aback, a little confused.

After that, Zhang Tianyang also decided not to think about these areas he didn't understand. Since Li Guo was able to come up surrounded by those arrogant young men, it meant that something he didn't know must have happened.

And Li Guo didn't say much, and gave the USB flash drive to Zhang Tianyang.

Zhang Tianyang didn't shy away from Li Guo, and directly turned on the computer and inserted the USB drive into it.

"Aren't you shy about being poor?" Li Guo asked with interest.

"Why should I avoid you?"

"This is a state secret, or a secret that needs to be seized by Tianbang mercenaries."

Zhang Tianyang smiled slightly and said, "You can avoid anyone, but you don't have to."


"You have held this USB flash drive for so long. If you wanted to know the contents, you would have opened it and read it yourself." Zhang Tianyang opened the computer program proficiently, and said, "Since you have read it, why don't you hide it?" Looking at it from you, it is tantamount to deception."

"And if you haven't read it, it means that you are not interested in it, or that you are trustworthy. Since you are trustworthy, what's the point of opening it?"

Hearing Zhang Tianyang's candid speech, Li Guo immediately felt a little admired. Although Zhang Tianyang was an old fox, his words were really nice.

At least Li Guo felt very comfortable listening to it - talk more if he can talk.

Zhang Tianyang smiled, continued to focus on the computer, and opened the USB flash drive.

But after opening the USB flash drive, the smile on Zhang Tianyang's face gradually disappeared, and his face was full of seriousness.

"Sure enough, America is very bad."

The content of the USB flash drive is not any confidential technical information, but a map of the land of China, Shushan, Emei, Shaolin.
"With such a complete topographical mapping map, it's no wonder that we have to hire a strong person from the Tianbang to personally accept this blueprint." Zhang Tianyang murmured: "It will be troublesome if it is in the hands of the United States."

If the terrain information falls on the enemy, it means that it can provide them with a lot of strategic deployment
"Fortunately, I was intercepted by you." The more Zhang Tianyang thought about it, the more afraid he became, and he looked at Li Guo with a sincere expression and said, "Thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank, thank the Chinese American if you want to thank him. If he didn't fight for the protection, I'm afraid this mapping map would have been in the hands of the United States, and Pindao just made some small contributions."

However, Li Guo added: "If possible, bring their family back from overseas. They have long wanted to return to the motherland, but they couldn't come back because of some family reasons. Now that the family's funeral is over, it is already There is no way to come back."

Although it is troublesome for overseas Chinese to return to China now, if an existence of Zhang Tianyang's level comes forward, there is still room for manipulation.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang nodded solemnly.

"It's not just them that I will. We will bring back every overseas Chinese who wants to go home."

"You know that in the eyes of people in our Taoist sect, your behavior is not an ordinary promise, but a 'big wish'." Li Guo narrowed his eyes and said, "You have to bear the cause and effect."

Just as Zhang Tianyang made his "big wish", lines of cause and effect gathered on him.

He's not talking shit.

(End of this chapter)

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