Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 287, what is family

Chapter 287, what is family

On the roof of the towering building, Li Guo and Ye Feng served a piece of grilled fish, accompanied by beer, facing the howling cold wind, which did not have a desolate flavor.

It made Li Guo think of a line of lyrics - the cold rain slapped randomly on the face, and now it is cold wind, it seems that there is not much difference.

At this moment, Ye Feng sighed like a confused young man.

"I went home and learned what happened back then. It wasn't my father or my grandfather who did it, but my biological father's wife, in order to preserve the eldest son's orthodox inheritance rights."

"Very cliche plot."

Li Guo silently guessed in his heart that the next plot is probably that the son of the regular wife is actually a standard trash
However, Li Guo guessed wrong.

"My half-brother is not an ignorant young man. In fact, even if I go home, the eldest brother probably has the right to inherit." Ye Feng looked helpless, with a demeanor Xiao Suo: "However, because of the so-called 'insurance', his regular wife wants to get rid of our mother and son, for fear that we will go back and compete with them for power."



The overlapping of these affixes is quite unpleasant.

For some unreasonable reasons, the life of an innocent mother was arranged, and a child lost his family.

Li Guo looked at Ye Feng with a confused face, but didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ye Feng drank another half bottle of wine and said blankly.

"Reverend Li, tell me, is wealth really that alluring? It turns every living person into a ghost."

"You can think of financial power as a kind of 'superpower'." Li Guo said indifferently: "Many people, in order to obtain powerful abilities, also change from human beings to ghosts, which is a reason."

This is the case for those who have obtained evil cultivation techniques and cultivated. In the face of benefits, it is not surprising that some people will turn into ghosts on the spot.

"That's true."

Ye Feng sighed and said: "Now, they want me to return to my family. For this reason, they also punished my cheap father's regular wife, expelled me from the house and sent them to the police, but I am still thinking. They haven't looked for me for so many years, but they came to look for me today after I entered the land list. What does this mean? It means that they don't need to look for me for many years when there is no use value. When I have use value Then came to look for me? And the so-called regular wife, will they stop punishing her if I don’t come back?”

At this time, Ye Feng poured the wine down his throat, saying that he didn't care about the thoughts of his family members, but in fact he still cared a lot.

The bitter wine hurts in the throat and heart, and Ye Feng is in such a state at this moment.

This is someone else's family matter, so it's inconvenient for Li Guo to say more, just drink with him.

"The so-called life." Ye Feng sighed at this time: "After seven days, that banquet, shall I go or not?"

Banquet in seven days?

Li Guo raised his brows and said, "You mean, a banquet where the rich and the awakened have a handover of interests?"

"Friend Daoist, you know this."

Ye Feng was a little surprised, but still nodded and said: "Indeed, after seven days, the Ye family hopes that I can attend the banquet."

"This is muddy water."

"It's really muddy water."

Ye Feng sighed.

Li Guo knew that Ye Feng's heart was in chaos at this time, and he couldn't break free from the bondage, so he finally thought for a moment and said.

"Ye Daoyou, you need to ask your heart about this matter."

"Ask your heart?" Ye Feng raised his head and said, with a glimmer of hope on his face, hoping that Li Guo could give him advice.

"You feel in your heart that the Ye family is ashamed of you and your mother, but you are longing for your family in your heart, so you hesitate." Li Guo paused and said: "First of all, you have to define what is called 'family'."

"The Ye family is your blood relatives. From a traditional point of view, they are indeed your family members. But from a poor point of view, they only have the grace of 'giving birth' to you, but not the grace of 'raising' you."

"As far as you are concerned, the mother who raised you is your family, and the old Taoist Tong Gua of Yiqingguan is your family, and you need to ask your heart whether they are right or not."

"Do you believe in your heart? Is the connection between blood relatives more important, or the kinship connection that has been with you for a long time?"

The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. Li Guo's words made Ye Feng a little enlightened, and most of the chaos disappeared before his eyes.

The reason why he started to tangle here is because he had no father or mother since he was a child, and it was just a desire in his heart, but he never thought that the love of his parents had already been invested in him.

The mother who held herself in her arms and was not hit by a car, the Tong Gua old Taoist who raised and educated herself, the old Taoist who was reluctant to eat pork head and always kept it for herself, the one who loved chicken legs but always ate chicken head of the old Taoist priest.

"I see. I am obsessed with the obsession deep in my heart. I always feel lonely and alone. I have no father or mother since I was a child. Compared with others, I am much lacking. In fact, my way is not alone."

All the chaos in Ye Feng's eyes dissipated, all obsessions in his heart disappeared, and he whispered.

"The Ye family only gives me the grace of flesh and blood. I will just find an opportunity to repay the grace of flesh and blood. There is still a real father who needs to be filial. My master"

"Of course." Li Guo smiled and said, it seems that Ye Feng figured it out by himself at this time.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to get a picture, and I believed in my inner attachment."

Ye Feng returned to his calm appearance, and smiled.

"Thank you fellow daoist for calling."

"It's not really a call." Li Guo shook his head and said, "It's you who figured it out."


But at this time, Ye Feng's face became serious.

"So, I'm going to the handover banquet of the 'new and old wealthy families'."

"Did you decide to take this muddy water?" Li Guo laughed.

"It's not to go to muddy water." Ye Feng's eyes were clear, without any confusion, and he said: "This time I went to supervise on behalf of the government, and it does not represent the party of the awakened ones, nor the party of the old wealthy businessmen. neutral."

If Ye Feng, who hadn't figured it out before, the phrase 'absolutely neutral' might be watery, but now he says it with full confidence.

Neutrality is neutrality, and no one should mess with things.

At this time, Ye Feng shook his head again and said: "And I always feel that something will happen at the handover banquet of the old and new nobles this time."

Li Guo frowned, but he took it to heart.

The "whim" or sixth sense of a cultivator is much stronger than that of a human being, especially a person like Ye Feng who is burdened with great luck. If he feels that something happens, then something must happen.

Combined with the mysterious shrine that summons foreign objects from outside the sky, it almost feels like a storm is coming.

After reminiscing with Ye Feng, Li Guo wandered around eating and drinking for the next few days, maybe because he ate and drank too much, and those local wealthy families did not stare at him, only a few were still following closely behind.

Li Guo couldn't laugh or cry, and shook them off after a few twists and turns.

"How afraid are these wealthy families that I will join in here and rob them of their jobs?"

Unlike the boss of Ali Baba, Li Guo really doesn’t like Qian Ronghua
Staying in the capital is purely because of the cause and effect of the shrine.

On the other hand, Lie Fuqing got the news, and it didn't take long to investigate the news about the shrine.

Li Guo went to the local investigation bureau, and is currently following this case as a coordinator of the civil investigation team. Lie Fuqing himself came out and followed Li Guo and said: "Realist Li, there is already news about the shrine. According to our My brother’s investigation was brought by a Vietnamese, who brought it to me in the name of selling folk collections to someone in the capital. At present, the Vietnamese seems to have evaporated from the world, and I can’t find it.”

The 'Eye of the Sky' can't be found at the foot of the capital, so the disappearance of the world is probably a literal meaning, and [-]% of it has been wiped out by the mysterious existence that took away the shrine.

At this time, Lie Fuqing said again.

"However, according to the investigation results of the police brothers, the Vietnamese brought a total of three shrines."

"Three shrines. Where are the other two?" Li Guo was puzzled and at the same time affirmed that there must be a bigger conspiracy behind this shrine.

"I don't know where it is, I only know that the other two shrines are in the capital." Lie Fuqing said with a serious expression: "If this shrine is used to deal with big people, the consequences will be disastrous."

"You probably don't need to worry about that."

However, Li Guo said consolingly: "In the final analysis, this evil thing outside the sky is just an evil thing. It can be used to curse people, but it can't be used to curse people with great luck. Now that the great world is coming, the power of luck is rolling. If you want to use evil things A person who influences the world is no different from a praying man's arms."

In the capital of China, the dragon veins are rolling, and the territory of a great country is protected by the spirit veins of the century-old real dragon. How can it be interfered by evil things that day?
That is to say, even if they are doing something, it probably has nothing to do with the adults. If we talk about the recent major events in the capital, there is only the handover banquet of the new and old nobles that will be held recently.

Li Guo told Lie Fuqing his opinion.

After hearing this, Lie Fuqing breathed a sigh of relief. In terms of "metaphysics", he still expressed his trust in Li Guo, the "authority".

But even wanting to make trouble at the handover banquet of the wealthy families is not a trivial matter.

"No matter how many things we can investigate. After all, the monitoring cannot fully cover." Lie Fuqing pondered: "At present, what we can do is to intensify the investigation."

At this moment, Lie Fuqing seemed to muster up his courage, and looked at Li Guo with a bit of embarrassment.

"Really Li, I have a heartless request."

"How?" Li Guo frowned.

"Can you go to the handover banquet?" Lie Fuqing said, "I have also seen the method of the human-faced spider last time. I am afraid that our ordinary ability users cannot do harm to it."

The human-faced spider is outside the dimension, but it can affect reality through special means. It is equivalent to that he can affect you, but you cannot affect him. This kind of strange ability is helpless for most capable people. Lie Fuqing has to pay for it. The strength is there, but it is still powerless to face such cotton enemies.

Li Guo finally understood that Lie Fuqing wanted him to go to the handover banquet to protect the people present, if the person who used the extraterrestrial evil was still there, he could only use the power to cut off cause and effect to protect the people present.

"What about the handover banquet? I didn't expect to let me join in at the end." Li Guo didn't know what to do with his expression at this time.

At the beginning, I promised not to get involved in this muddy water, but I didn't expect to get involved after being tossed.

At this moment, Lie Fuqing cupped his hands and begged again: "Really Li, as long as you go to the handover banquet, no matter whether this weird shrine has anything to do with the banquet or not, I will remember you as the first meritorious service after the matter is over."

First success?

After hearing this, Li Guo said in surprise.

"Do you know the concept of the first merit in this matter?"

Generally speaking, the investigation team will not give the first credit for these major incidents to non-staff personnel. After all, in comparison, this credit is the capital for promotion for the people in the investigation team, while for people outside the investigation team , this first achievement is just an honor, it doesn't have much practical effect... Maybe there are tens of thousands of rewards?
"Of course I know." Lie Fuqing said solemnly, "But as the leader of the investigation team, I must put the safety of the people first. As citizens of the People's Republic of China, as residents of the capital, I have to protect them well. If this merit is exchanged for you to attend the banquet, then so what if I don't want this merit?"

"Besides, Master Li, there is nothing wrong with you taking this credit. If it wasn't for you, the clue would have been broken by Yang Jingwei. Even if you don't go to the handover banquet, I can't take the credit."

Li Guo looked at Lie Fuqing's upright and upright face with Chinese characters, and immediately felt good about him, and he also knew why he was able to become the leader of the investigation team in an important place in the capital. I can.

Sometimes it is precisely because of the existence of these people that many people feel that this country, this era, is full of hope and future.
(End of this chapter)

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