Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 288, Farewell My Concubine

Chapter 288, Farewell My Concubine

It's snowing in winter, and the end of the year is approaching.

The street corners began to be decorated with lights and festoons, and preparations began to get rid of the old and welcome the new year.

To remove the old and welcome the new, not only the city, but also the wealthy businessmen and gentry.

The times have changed, the old nobles have withdrawn from this era, and the upstarts represented by supernatural powers will completely enter the stage of profit sharing.

The place where the banquet was held, the Ye family's century-old courtyard, looked very simple. The whole banquet was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the melon and fruit wedding candy looked like an ordinary New Year's banquet, and it was a little festive.

Li Guo and Lie Fuqing came to the banquet, but they didn't say the reason - after all, the leader of the capital investigation team, can you not allow people to come in?

And Li Guo entered the banquet as a fellow of Lie Fuqing.

After entering, Lie Fuqing was shocked in his heart, and whispered.

"How much do you think it would cost to buy such a compound in this place?"

"Several hundred million." Li Guo said with a smile, but his heart wasn't too shocked. After all, Slanting Moon View Fangcun Mountain is so grander than this place that I don't know where it is. How can I even look at this courtyard house.

"Tsk tsk." It took a long time for Lie Fuqing to recover from the shock, and muttered, "The pigeon cage for my 30-year mortgage is probably not as big as the toilet here."

"Otherwise, why would those people have to sharpen their heads and squeeze in here?"

Li Guo said lightly, as if seeing through all the prosperity and wealth, Lie Fuqing couldn't help admiring him. The Taoist in front of him is not only powerful, but also has such a high level of cultivation.

At this moment, those members of the supernatural family entered the courtyard proudly.

Among them was the flirtatious son Yang Suliu.

After Yang Suliu saw that Li Guo had also come, he came over and said with interest.

"Hey, isn't this our famous 'Heavenly Excalibur' Master Li? I've been looking forward to it for a long time, everyone, come and see! This is the Heavenly Excalibur! It's so powerful."

Many gazes came to him, but Li Guo ignored it indifferently, and said with a smile, "Now that the poor are here, so what?"

"Well, I just want to know if Master Li is interested in a piece of land in a certain place and wants to come here to get a share?" Yang Suliu looked at Li Guo playfully.

At this time, Li Guo walked in without looking back.

"Nothing to do with you."

If he really didn't give any face, Yang Suliu's face turned gloomy in an instant, but in the end, he returned to his original state at the speed of light, and said with a smile: "Really Li, don't be too crazy. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. You are just one person, and we are A group of people, collective power, is always stronger than an individual.”

Li Guo ignored it, pretending he didn't hear it.

"He's a nuisance."

After entering the banquet with Lie Fuqing, Li Guo said from the bottom of his heart, he never thought that such a person could be the top of the supernatural family today.

And Lie Fuqing also nodded with deep empathy: "This guy is really annoying, he looks arrogant and inflated, but that's just what he shows."

"Oh?" Li Guo was puzzled. Could it be that there is something inside the appearance?
"I heard some internal news from the department mentioned that one of the leaders of this supernatural family is actually quite calm, and his arrogance and expansion are just to paralyze others." Lie Fuqing explained: "And he can be elected The leader of the supernatural family was pushed to the position of one of the leaders of the supernatural family because he made a great contribution, which directly proved his loyalty to the country and his strength."

Li Guo was a little surprised, originally thought that this Yang Suliu got his current position through some backdoor deal.

From this point of view, he does have two brushes.
"Sure enough, you can't take it lightly. You underestimate the heroes of the world just by meeting once."

Li Guo looked at himself and found that he had indeed underestimated Yang Suliu, and had always regarded him as an 'upstart' type of person just now.

His arrogant appearance really deceived himself!
After regaining his attention to Yang Suliu, Li Guo began to look around, but found a gaze on himself.

Li Guoxin felt a little bit about this, but when he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man with a frown and a trace of flame burning at the corners of his lips. His elemental abilities directly manifested in his appearance.

Burning God Yan Zhang Wei.

He also came.

At this time, the middle-aged man with a Chinese face and no anger or prestige nodded slightly to Li Guo, and then he generously entered the banquet and stood beside the Liu family.

Standing in line on the spot.

The Liu family is a real estate tycoon in northern Guangdong. They control 60% of the real estate development there. They are real land tycoons. They have stood in China for decades. At the same time, they also control the local sand and soil business and hold a whole monopoly line.
"It seems that this 'Fentian Shenyan' is really interested in which piece of land." Lie Fuqing said with interest, the number one on the land list went to stand in line before the banquet started.

Of course, it doesn't have much impact on the situation.

The Liu family has the first place on the list—but the supernatural family has many places on the list. To some extent, he is even the representative of the interests of most awakened people.

A mantis arm can't stop a car, not even a bigger mantis arm like Zhang Wei!
Apart from the Liu family, powerful families like the Ye family, Wang family, and Zhao family all have more or less awakened people standing beside them, and some even have Shaolin monks standing beside them, which looks rather funny.

Even the seemingly noble monks are not exempt from vulgarity.

But on Yang Suliu's side, they are the awakened members of the entire staff. Their aura blended together and directly suppressed the other aristocratic families present. The power of the collective is stronger than the power of the individual—at least it is the case under the heaven list. .

"When you all come to my Ye family's family banquet, the old man only feels that it is full of splendor."

At this time, Ye Chengguo walked out of the house in a Tang suit, looking quite majestic.

"The family banquet hasn't started yet, everyone, let's watch my small Beijing opera first." Ye Chengguo waved his hands, and a Beijing opera troupe came out.

Not to mention the decline of Beijing opera nowadays, at least young people today don’t know much about it. Most of the time it’s the relationship that they happened to glance at when they were watching TV when they were children.

A few people in thick clothes and costumes, with heavy makeup on their faces, came out to sing this Peking opera opera, "Farewell My Concubine", expressing the feeling of a hero's end.

"Tsk, this song Farewell My Concubine is really suitable for today's atmosphere." Lie Fuqing carefully tasted the expensive tea that he could not drink at the banquet and said: "Aren't today's powerful families the overlords who are at the end of their lives? And aren't the awakened ones who are surrounded by the besieged from all sides?"

The atmosphere was arranged very delicately and complemented each other, it seemed as if Ye Chengguo was accepting his fate to everyone, and when he recognized his identity as the 'overlord of the end', it was already like the setting sun.

And this Peking Opera also sang the section of the hero's end in a miserable way, like a cuckoo weeping blood, which really has a bit of the charm of Master Mei Lanfang back then.

"The end of a hero." Yang Suliu, who was fanning a folding fan beside him, snorted and said, "It seems that this old man is not so stubborn. He still has a bit of self-knowledge. He knows that the times are changing and it is no longer his time."

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach!
A song of Farewell My Concubine ignited the atmosphere in the arena. Those who were ignited included those from powerful families and those who were awakened.

The aristocratic families were depressed, and they were replaced by Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, while the awakened people headed by Yang Suliu were in high spirits, with a kind of heroic feeling of singing as a turned serf.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!
Ye Chengguo's expression was normal, neither happy nor sad, turning a deaf ear to the change in the atmosphere in front of him.

Finally, a drama ended.

"Everyone, how is the old man's opera?" Ye Chengguo said lightly.

For a while, no one answered Ye Chengguo, but soon there was a burst of applause.

It was Yang Suliu, who was clapping his hands vigorously, and said with a gratified expression.

"Okay, okay, of course, this song is very suitable for today's situation. There is a saying how to say that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years!"

Two seemingly irrelevant verses are connected together, but there is some truth to it.

Yang Suliu clapped vigorously, and his applause echoed throughout the compound.

Finally, Yang Suliu slowly put away his hands and said with emotion.

"Okay, I'm not playing around. The next thing is that we, the back waves, push you, the front waves."

"Why are you so anxious?" Ye Chengguo shook his head and said, as if he was still attached to the wealth in his hands.

"Old man Ye, it's fine to sit on this seat once, so why miss it so much." Yang Suliu squinted his eyes, tilted his head and said, "Your Ye family has been domineering for so many years, do you still want to continue to do so?"

Yang Suliu's words embarrassed the rich people present, and their faces were extremely ugly. This 'tyrannical' scolded not only Ye Chengguo, but also the people around him.

At this time, Ye Chengguo said calmly.

"Domineering? My Ye family is a well-behaved businessman, so how can I be so domineering?"

"Hahahahahaha!" Yang Suliu suddenly patted his thigh without any image, laughing until tears came out.

But when he laughed, he seemed to have an aura. He laughed heartily, but the people around him didn't dare to laugh with him, and the rich people didn't dare to laugh with him either.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I have been professionally trained, and I can't laugh easily unless I can't help it"

After Yang Suliu laughed wildly for a while, his expression became calm in an instant, and the speed of this face change was comparable to that of Sichuan opera.

"Deep earthquake, 182 people died this year due to truck dump truck accidents, Hangzhou, 102 people, Qingzhou, 87 people."

Yang Su read out the lists that appeared in Dafang one by one without any mistakes. These lists seemed to be engraved deeply in his heart.

"Among them, the speeding and overloading of the dump truck is the direct cause of most of them." Yang Suliu said indifferently: "You can overload 50 tons of load per ton. Who do you think gave them the courage?"

"This has nothing to do with me." Ye Chengguo said calmly.

"Huh, it has nothing to do with you? As we all know, your Ye family is engaged in sand and soil business and real estate business. Its business fields are all over the north and south of the river, Guangdong District, Hangzhou District, Dongbai District. I didn't work anywhere back then, so why don't I know about you guys? What a nasty thing, it’s clearly because the traffic police’s fine is much lower than the profit of overloading, so you overloaded unscrupulously and killed someone? You just lose money, continue to overload after paying, and continue to transport those overloaded goods.” Yang Suliu seemed to sneer. Said: "In the eyes of capitalists, there is no life of a fart. The life of a fart is just a string of banknotes that can be compensated at will. These are just the tip of the iceberg. I don't say anything more, you know it yourself." .”

"That's what my subordinates did, and it has nothing to do with me." Ye Chengguo said lightly, still acting as if it had nothing to do with him.

Yang Suliu was taken aback when he heard this, and then clicked his tongue.

"As expected of a powerful man who has stood for many years, in terms of appearance, I am far behind."

Hearing Yang Suliu's sarcasm, Ye Chengguo was not shaken at all, but said: "Do you think that the so-called businessman is my family? Do you think that I am the only one who is involved in a group? If everything is my Ye family Nevermind, we're already exhausted."

Ye Chengguo seemed to be mocking Yang Suliu for not understanding business, even if he sat in this position, he would not be able to manage this wealth.

"Old man Ye, do you know there is a saying that if you want to inherit the crown, you must bear its weight." Yang Suliu turned a deaf ear to it, and said in a deep voice, "In this position, if you allow your subordinates to do evil unscrupulously, it is a crime and karma." Do you know that everything has a cause and effect? ​​Among those who died because of an overloaded dump truck, you have a share of cause and effect! People who died because of your neglect, because of the 'minutiae' that you high-ranking people don't care about , you have a share of the blood debt above."

At this time, Yang Suliu casually pulled a roasted pigeon on the banquet table in front of him, and the exquisite food was directly sent into his mouth to bite, and the red sauce oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Well, this pigeon is really fragrant and it smells like blood."

(End of this chapter)

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