Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 289, Involuntary

Chapter 289, Involuntary

The momentum burst out, and no one refuted it, even Ye Chengguo did not refute it.

Li Guo looked at Yang Suliu, and re-examined this young man in his heart. From this point of view, he really had two brushes.

At this time, Yang Suliu was still chasing after the victory, and joked: "By the way, why didn't you see Qilin from your Ye family today? That hot newcomer 'General Fumo'?"

This scene directly hurt Ye Chengguo's heart, and also hurt the heart of a middle-aged man beside Ye Chengguo.

The middle-aged man said with a gloomy face.

"It is inconvenient for him to attend today."

"I'm afraid it's not that it's inconvenient to attend, but that I don't want to attend." Yang Suliu grabbed the napkin, wiped off the sauce from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Ye Li, it's really useless for a man to do what you do. His own son is about to be killed." After killing her, we can still live in peace with her for nearly 20 years. If it wasn't for the return of the demon general, I'm afraid Mrs. Zun will appear at this banquet and receive guests with you. I heard Mrs. Zun was in the detention center recently Did you have a good life? Did you ask about your experience? Maybe you can learn more about it, hahahaha!"

Yang Suliu's attitude was extremely arrogant.

Ye Li's right hand clenched tightly, and the nails pricked the palm to bleed.
At this time, it was Ye Chengguo who put his hand on Ye Li's shoulder to comfort him, and at the same time, squinted at Yang Suliu and said.

"Boy, you are crazy."

"But I have the capital to be crazy." Yang Suliu said calmly, opening the folding fan like a prodigal son.

"Your madness stems from your inferiority complex and from your past. This old man can understand you. Maybe the years will polish your edges and corners, and maybe you will understand one thing in the future." Ye Chengguo said after taking a deep look at Yang Suliu :"People in the arena involuntarily."

"People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, it's because you are not strong enough." Yang Suliu put away the folding fan and carried it on his hands, and said calmly: "Times have changed, old man Ye."

As he said that, Yang Suliu condensed a delicate ice dragon in his hand, circling and dancing in the circle, as if to show off his own strength.

In fact, he does have the capital to show off his strength. There are many elemental ability users, but there are very few elemental ability users who control the elements so exquisitely.

The study of his own body has reached a subtle level, which shows that he not only suffers all the time, but also has a relatively deep study of his own abilities!

Looking at this delicate and flying ice dragon, Ye Chengguo's eyes showed a hint of envy.

It is because of the power of this little ice dragon to interfere with nature with human beings that they had to cede their shares.

"Times have changed."

Everyone whispered this sentence in their hearts.

Some have become the darlings of the times, while others have become victims of the times.

At this moment, Ye Chengguo's closed eyes finally opened slowly.

"Then let's start. Everyone's appeals and equity needs can be spread out to talk about today's handover banquet. That's the meaning of it."

"Father." Ye Li looked at his father, just like looking at this old dragon.

He felt that the Ye family might lose, might lose to national policy, might lose to history, might lose to younger generations, might also lose to other competing peers, but he never expected that they would lose to the so-called 'super power 'On the hand.

Those monsters who have powerful power to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and can fight against hot weapons with their flesh and blood.

"Don't worry about it." Ye Chengguo patted Ye Li's shoulder, and said lightly: "Isn't this just because people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes? We still can't fully control the business all over the country, how can we control the general trend sweeping the world? "

Then, some ability users made appeals.

How much business, how much equity, how much land to get, and as a price, the awakened ones can become their friends in a status similar to "Guests" - this kind of friend is forced and necessary.

In the days to come, families without the support of powerful awakened ones will inevitably decline
"Feng'er didn't come today, it seems that he still hasn't forgiven us." Ye Chengguo's tone was a little regretful. Sun's failure to come for such an important matter would be a big blow to people.

At this time, Ye Li seemed to be laughing at himself: "Yes, it has something to do with my trash. I can't even control my wife. I'm sorry for Feng'er."


Ye Chengguo was sitting high on the steps, his eyes were slightly closed, he was thinking about something, with his stooped body, the black Tang suit, and the dragon's head crutches hitting the floor, he was thinking about something, waiting for something.
At this moment, Ye Feng was inspecting something around the compound where the handover banquet was held with two members of the investigation team.

He did come to this handover banquet—but this time he came to investigate the anomalies in this place.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Ye Feng asked the members of the investigation team on the side.

The members of the investigation team looked about 25 years old, and they were excellent students in archeology at Capital University. Like Ye Si, they were civilian members assisting the investigation team—so-called temporary workers.

The archeology expert pushed his thick black-rimmed glasses, and then said: "Wait a minute, my ability is still being retrieved. Mr. Ye, your intuition is correct. There are indeed strange things around here."

Ye Feng also mobilized resources to investigate because he felt that there was something abnormal around this place on a whim.

At this moment, the archeology expert seemed to have discovered something, suddenly quickened his pace, stopped under a towering tree, and at the same time pushed away the sand covering the roots of the tree.

Some strange symbols were actually written on the roots under the sand with special chalk.

Looking at these symbols, Ye Feng felt nauseated and retched for a moment.

"What is this?" Ye Feng frowned as he looked at the symbol.

The archeology expert pushed aside the silt and murmured, "It's a hieroglyphic script from the ancient Sumerian language. Wait a minute. I haven't learned these scripts before. I want my professor to translate them."

The top student took a photo of the text and sent it back to his professor.

The waiting time was very long, and through the nausea and vomiting just now, Ye Feng could almost be sure that it was something bad.

After 5 minutes, the professor sent back the message.

'Praise be, Atrak Nakya. '

At the banquet, everyone was trading.

In essence, this act of ceding wealth is in exchange for the platform of the powerful awakened ones. If it is said how sad the loss of these things will make those wealthy families, it would not be so.

Their loss and sadness are more because this symbolizes that the era of wealth dominance has passed. In the past, the rich could really do whatever they wanted, but now they are equivalent to being shackled.

"It just gave them a feeling of cession and humiliation." Lie Fuqing sipped his Coca-Cola and said, "However, these people do have too many things in their hands, and some people are almost covered with one hand in small cities God, basically no one can control it."

"So the authorities should also tacitly approve of the behavior of these awakened people."

A word came to Li Guo's mind, check and balance.

The awakened groups represented by Yang Suliu are used to check and balance these old powerful families.

"However, who can guarantee that these people will become 'dragons' after mastering a large amount of wealth and means of production?"

Li Guo's expression was indifferent, seeing the salivating expressions on the faces of these 'braves', he didn't know what to say.

They are indeed checking and balancing these old-fashioned wealthy families now, but what if they become like those old-fashioned wealthy families?
Lie Fuqing took a sip of the bird's nest soup, and said with a vague mouth.

"Then let the new 'braves' check and balance them."

At this moment, Ye Chengguo stood up, said that he was not feeling well, and resigned from the banquet.

No one thought there was anything wrong with this. Ye Chengguo was already too old, nearly 88 years old, and being able to handle so many things already showed that his body was quite strong.

Just as he was stepping back, everyone could see a hint of twilight, which meant that Ye Chengguo had stepped down from the stage.
At this time, Yang Suliu stepped forward generously, stood in Ye Chengguo's position, and said with a narrow smile: "Then, old man Ye, go slowly, don't fall..."

Ye Chengguo didn't say much, and entered the inner courtyard with Ye Li's support.

(End of this chapter)

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