Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 301, One dynasty became famous and the world knows

Chapter 301, once famous all over the world
The small town is quiet and life is pleasant. Li Guo is naturally quiet here, but the world situation is turbulent.

A level 5 expert in Egypt was removed from the second echelon. This ability, appearance, and Egyptian expert who was still in the fog were obliterated in China.

People only know that this hundred-faced man has committed many crimes in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and even the United States, and he is truly 'notorious'.

This is undoubtedly a shocking thing.

After everything was over, senior officials of the United States even personally thanked the powerful Chinese on Twitter for removing a cancer for the world and returning the world to a bright future. The Egyptian authorities also came out to express their gratitude for removing a cancer for their country .

On the surface, the attitudes of the two countries are the same, but behind the scenes, who knows?
At the same time, a name finally appeared in the intelligence agencies of various countries.

'Excalibur beyond Heaven' Li Guo.

China's newly promoted level 5 powerhouse is only 25 years old. Unlike the awakened ones, they really rely on their own cultivation to reach this level.

Although the powerhouses of level 6 have already occupied the top rankings, the powerhouses of level 5 can still suppress one side. If they are in some small countries, they can even become the pillars of existence
No one asked about the annual training.

It got its name once.

The world knows!
After staying in the investigation team for a while, Li Guo silently held the green tortoise shell in his hand. This was the shell of Shen-zin Zi, and he could teleport it to Wuling Island by silently reciting his name.

While reciting the name of Shen-zin Son silently, he felt a sense of "going home". When Li Guo opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in Wuling.

When Li Guo appeared in Wuling, he could smell a faint smell of blood in the air.

Smelling this bloody smell, Li Guo frowned slightly.

For Li Guo's arrival, as the owner of Wuling Island, Shen-zin Zi can naturally sense it. At this time, a young fairy with different eyes appeared beside Li Guo.

"Really Li."

"Friend Shenzinzi." Li Guo raised his head, but he was calm. Now that he is at the Jindan stage, he can talk to Shenzinzi on an equal footing without relying on the breath expansion technique: "The poor Taoist brought you Wuling talents. The samples of metal objects that are needed can be taken by them for research.”

Li Guo stirred up the universe in his sleeve, throwing various metal objects.

Shen-zinko just glanced at these metal objects and said.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to say thank you." Li Guo said with a smile: "The most important thing in cross-strait exchanges is to help each other, get what you need, don't forget each other regardless of wealth."

Shen-zinko nodded, but her expression seemed a little absent-minded.

Seeing Shen-zin Zi's expression, Li Guo thought it might have something to do with the smell of blood in the air, so he asked.

"Friend Shen-zin Zi, why is there a strange smell of blood in the air?"

When Shen-zin Zi heard this, she let out a long sigh.

"My Wuling has been peaceful for a long time, but there were some riots before."

"Riot?" Li Guo frowned.

"Mm." Shen-zinko said softly, "Change and opening up are Wuling's established policies, but some people disagree with the change and opening up, which caused a series of riots."

'Unwilling to reform'

Li Guo chewed on this sentence, and within a moment, he had already vaguely understood something.

Who is unwilling to reform and who is willing to remain unchanged.

Those who have vested interests in Wuling over there
Sure enough, just as Li Guo guessed, Shen-zin Zi said indifferently: "Sure enough, as you said, although Wuling lives and works in peace and contentment, and the people don't have to worry about food and clothing, there are still some nobles from famous families who have achieved more than ordinary people. More resources."

"And those people are afraid that change and opening up will take them away from the good life they have, so there is chaos."

Vested interests.

Always afraid of change.

Even if this change can bring them a better life, they are not willing to take the slightest risk of change.

Li Guo sighed lightly.

"This is human nature"

"That's true." Shen-zinko's expression changed suddenly, and the light in her eyes flickered: "So in this extraordinary time, I can only resort to extraordinary measures."

This is very obvious. Li Guo knew it without looking, and the smell of blood in the air was the proof.

Those who have vested interests in Wuling enjoy a more comfortable life, but they never thought that Wuling is not their final decision.

And Truman.

Above Trumen, there is an absolute master, Wuling Immortal!

You go for those fancy things, and they can make you cease to exist with a single thought.
"Reform is always accompanied by bloodshed, but it is inevitable." Li Guo shook his head. In other words, in places where classes are solidified, breaking down the barriers between classes will always be accompanied by bloodshed and bloodshed. sacrifice.

For thousands of years, the history of countless countries has always proved this point.

At this time, neither Li Guo nor Shen-zin Zi mentioned any further changes, and Yang Zong's family would take care of these chores. The two sat down in a pavilion at random, drinking tea and discussing the truth.

Although Shen-zin Zi has a demon body, he is a true practitioner of Taoism, and Li Guo also feels that he has benefited a lot from discussing the Tao with him.

At the same time, Li Guo also 'inadvertently' revealed that the profound arts he cultivated required the materials of the Six Paths and Five Elements to be integrated into himself to understand the 'truth'.

"Is it something about the five elements?" Shen-zinko rubbed his chin, as if he was remembering, but he made a casual move, but it turned out to be an incomparably mellow drop of water.

As soon as this bead appeared, the surroundings were filled with the true meaning of water, obviously it was a treasure of water.

"The spiritual veins of the heaven and the earth are exhausted, and the treasures do not exist. I have sailed the sea for thousands of years, and the five elements that I have the opportunity to come into contact with are only water elements."

Li Guo appraised silently in his heart that this object is a "water spirit bead". Wearing this object to practice water-type kung fu will get twice the result with half the effort. If eighty-nine profound arts are integrated into this water spirit bead, he can initially obtain the power of water phase and turn into a big fish and water demon marsh Leaping fish can make the power of water phase supernatural power.

Li Guo looked at Shui Lingzhu, swallowed and said.

"Whether this orb can be cut off from love, Pindao can replace it with a golden elixir."

"This thing is not worth a golden elixir, and I don't need it right now." Shen-zin Zi did not lie, his cultivation had reached the bottleneck, and he could no longer simply rely on the elixir to improve his cultivation.

"Nowadays, Pindao doesn't have much growth on him."

Li Guo touched his chin, but he couldn't find anything else that could be exchanged for the water spirit beads.

But at this time Shen-zin Zi shook his head and said.

"I don't need you to give me the golden elixir, I just need you to help me settle a karma. After the karma is over, in addition to this water spirit pearl, I will give you my Dharma body condensed treasure."

Shen-zin Zi's "dharma body" is the giant tortoise carrying Wuling on its back, and those who practice Xuanmen orthodoxy will get rid of their original physical body in the later stage.

It does have the meaning of "emergence" of Taoism and "nirvana" of Buddhism.

"What's the matter?" Li Guo decided to listen to it before deciding whether to agree or not.

At this moment, Shenzinko sighed leisurely and said: "Back then, there were two people who gave me the fate method, one was a public loser and a third-rate magician who laid the foundation for the development of Wuling, and the other was a down-and-out Taoist disciple, he gave me The opportunity to live forever has given me the opportunity to seek immortality and ask questions."

"If anyone has the grace to give me an order, it should be these two people."

Li Guo nodded and said, maybe the two of them couldn't have imagined that Shen-zin Zi could grow into such a giant.

At this moment, Shen-zin Zi spoke leisurely again.

"The Gongshu family who taught me is lonely and has never been able to marry in his life, but the down-and-out Taoist who taught me the Taoist Dharma has a family outside Wuling."

For some reason, Li Guo suddenly complained in his heart, Taoist priests can find their wives, but engineering dogs can't.
Of course, this is just a complaint, but it cannot be said clearly.

But right now, Shen-zin Zi sighed.

"Now, the descendant of the downcast Taoist is connected with me by cause and effect. Recently, on a whim, I feel that he will have a catastrophe. However, I have not yet completely 'Nirvana', and the distance from the body is limited, so I cannot go to help. I just hope that fellow Taoists can help him through this catastrophe on my behalf. .”

(End of this chapter)

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