Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 302, Frontier Jedi

Chapter 302, Frontier Jedi

Cause and effect are inevitable, that down-and-out Taoist has a life-and-death relationship with Shen-zin Zi, and now that his descendants are in trouble, he will naturally help him with all his might.

Li Guo thought for a moment, this matter is not difficult, if Shen-zin Zi is not hindered by the distance of Wuling Dharma Body, he can complete this matter by himself.


"Thank you, fellow daoist." Shen-zin Zi bowed slightly to thank him. To Li Guo, it might be just a matter of running errands, but to him, it is a matter of cause and effect, a connection between life and death, which can directly affect his cultivation. territory.

After agreeing, Shen-zin Zi moved her fingers slightly, and a line of cause and effect was connected to Li Guo.

This is the karma between him and that person, connected and handed over, and Li Guo also felt that there was a person in the distant sky that connected him with karma.

As long as you follow the meaning of cause and effect to fly and search, you can find it there.

"This is the Water Spirit Orb."

Now that cause and effect have been inherited, Li Guo has to do this matter, and it doesn’t matter if the benefits are given in advance, then Shen-zinko paused and said: "The treasure of my dharma body still needs to be sacrificed and refined, and you can come to get it later. Bar."

"It's okay."

Li Guo accepted the water spirit bead, and planned to sacrifice it later.

At this moment, my eighty-nine profound arts also initially possessed a 'water phase', and things that turned into water phases were no longer ostentatious.

After some explanations, Li Guo turned into a happy big fish, jumped into the sea, and flew towards the land to feel what the water phase is like, melting the water spirit beads all the way, and turning into a sardine swimming speed It's actually not slower than Chengfeng Yujian!
At this time, when a shark saw Li Guo's sardine, it wanted to open its mouth to bite, but it didn't expect that the sardine flew like a rocket, and the waves brought out directly hit the shark.

Sharks are beaten by the waves, are all sardines that badass now?

In this regard, Li Guo just wanted to say.

There is only one sardine as big as my brother
Swimming with the sea, teasing sharks, and feeling the water, the water spirit beads melted and gradually became mellow. When he reached the shore, Li Guo turned into a dolphin and leaped up, transforming into a man in midair and calling out a flying sword, which was extremely chic.

After shaking off the water from his body, Li Guo flew to the capital with his sword.

Today's Li Guo is a "green card" person, flying into Kyoto is smooth and comfortable.

Descending to the office of the Ninth Division in the capital, Li Guo entered through the door openly, without any hindrance.

At this moment, there is no such eager eyes falling on him. Most people are self-aware. With Li Guo's current cultivation, he is not targeting anyone. Everyone in this office building, everyone yes.
"Really Li, your prestige is impressive, but we are out of luck, and have to answer their questions everywhere." Zhang Tianyang said in a tone of disapproval, but with a smile on his face.

"There's no need to speak bureaucratically with the poor, it's not necessary."

Li Guo laughed.

Then Li Guo talked with Zhang Tianyang about the current situation in Wuling.

After hearing about the current situation in Wuling, Zhang Tianyang's expression became a little serious.

"Need our help?"

Li Guo shook his head.

"No, Wuling Xianjun alone can subdue him with mighty force."

Zhang Tianyang seemed to recall the past, the history of China, and sighed: "History is always surprisingly similar."

Li Guo would like to say that looking at history books, the process of human society itself is a repeater. There is nothing new under the sun.

But Huaxia has passed the most difficult period and is on the road to glory. Zhang Tianyang also hopes that Wuling can get out of this shadow and go hand in hand.

Afterwards, Li Guo was going to go to the place where the Immortal Lord of Wuling connected with Karma to end his karma. After a while of confirmation, Li Guo confirmed that the place of Connected Karma was in XJ, the borderland of China, which bordered the most countries and the hottest area.

After talking to Zhang Tianyang, Li Guo was about to leave, but Zhang Tianyang was surprised.


"Huh?" Li Guo obviously heard a trace of confusion in Zhang Tianyang's words.

"XJ, as the territory of our country, has some places that are slightly special"

special?Li Guo frowned.

Zhang Tianyang did not hide anything, touched his chin, and told some things.

"There are some differences in the concentration of psionic energy around the world. At present, the concentration of psionic energy is the highest in China and India. But in fact, it is not much higher. In short, there are some subtle differences."

"As for China, there are also differences in the concentration of psionic energy. For example, the Pearl River Delta with the highest concentration of psionic energy, of course, the capital city, is not much different from most other regions."

It was inconvenient to tell Li Guo, who is not a pure official, about these confidential information, but now that Li Guo is not what he used to be, some information can still be known.

For example, if the difference in spiritual energy concentration is exposed, it will easily cause price fluctuations in a place, which is equivalent to Zhang Tianyang's inside information about the 'stock market'.

But even if Zhang Tianyang didn't say anything, Li Guo could still perceive the difference in concentration of aura between regions, although the difference was very, very small.
"There is only one place that is quite special, and that is the XJ area in Northwest China." Zhang Tianyang pondered: "According to the data, the concentration of psionic energy in XJ area is [-]%. It is the place with the lowest concentration of psionic energy in all of China."

One percent of the spiritual energy concentration, is this spiritual energy concentration really not the time when the spiritual energy was just beginning to recover?
Li Guo was also a little surprised that the concentration of spiritual energy was so low.

"Haven't you investigated?"

"Of course there has been an investigation. We still have members of the investigation team from the Foreign Affairs Department stationed there to investigate why the concentration of psionic energy is so low." Zhang Tianyang shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, there are no results yet. But for sure, there must be an anomaly there."

"Anomaly." Li Guo whispered: "That is to say, besides the difference in the concentration of spiritual energy, are there other abnormalities?"

Zhang Tianyang nodded.

"As we all know, spiritual recovery and awakening, this kind of life energy brings not only biological changes, but also changes in the plant environment. Grass has begun to grow in the Sahara Desert, and the climate has changed, making it more suitable for human survival. Global warming The trend will change at once, the absorption of carbon dioxide will become sufficient, and the climate will start a virtuous cycle due to spiritual energy.”

This is the good side brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy. Places with extreme climates began to become less extreme and began to become suitable for most creatures to survive.

"However, my Huaxia XJ is still the same as before." Zhang Tianyang changed the subject: "Even, the weather has become even hotter. The surface temperature of TLF has not dropped below 60 degrees Celsius this winter. It has been in an extremely high temperature state."

If the lack of aura makes it a jedi for cultivators, then the extremely high temperature makes it a jedi for humans, and it is no longer suitable for survival.

What the authorities can do is to conduct in-depth investigations, and then guide the people there to gradually move out.

It's not about forcing people to leave their hometowns, but the environment there has become too harsh.
"Winter is fine. If summer comes, I don't know how many people will be overwhelmed." Zhang Tianyang seemed to have a dignified expression.

I heard Zhang Tianyang say that Li Guo kept an eye on him. After obtaining some official identification, Li Guo turned into a golden eagle and left.

Although the golden core period is extraordinary, it can't go in and out of Qingming, cross space, and still needs to fly physically. Li Guo didn't choose to use the flying talisman to turn into a flying sword, but purely turned his body into a raptor, which was faster and less labor-intensive. It can also comprehend the feeling of being transformed into other living beings, and understand by analogy.

XJ, located in the northwest of China, is on the edge.

The former "Silk Road" traveled here, and many legends have been left here, such as Lop Nur, such as the ancient city of Loulan
At the same time, it is also the geographical location of China, a piece of land that borders the most countries.
"Loulan, Lop Nur. If I could go back in time, I really want to go back to the Tang and Han Dynasties and take a look at the prosperous Silk Road."

With emotion, Li Guo turned into a golden eagle and spread its wings, passing through the hot wind and gradually entering the XJ zone.

As soon as he entered here, Li Guo felt a hot wind blocking his body, like a flame coming to him.

"Sure enough, it's hot enough, and the concentration of aura is still so low."

The inner golden core rotates, and the chaotic spiritual energy escapes from the 'world' golden core. Now that the cultivation base has reached the golden core stage, the spiritual energy is self-generated, so there is no need to rely too much on breathing out the spiritual energy to restore the true strength of the mind.

It's just that it's different for those who are below the Golden Core stage.

Cultivating in this Jedi, practitioners will not make progress, and those who are awakened will stagnate.

Well deserved for the name of the modern 'Jedi'.

But Li Guo looked down and found that there were still many people living here, although they were rare, there were some.

Li Guo sighed softly, maybe for those people, hometown will never be replaced, even if hometown becomes a life-severing Jedi
After flying for about an hour, Li Guo came to the place where the karma in his heart was.

(End of this chapter)

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