Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 316, South-to-North Air Transfer

Chapter 316, South-to-North Air Transfer

"Death vein."

Li Guo drifted to the place Xue Yiqiang said, closed his eyes and felt, there was no so-called spiritual pulse at all, only felt that the concentration of spiritual energy was quite low.

"Brother System, can you feel it?"

"This system is not an invincible plug-in, dear." The system complained abruptly.

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, the system's complaints were as sharp as ever.

At this moment, Li Guo just looked thoughtfully at the so-called 'death pulse' in front of him.

If you feel it carefully, you can indeed feel a slight difference here. Compared with other places, the concentration of aura is higher, but the increase is negligible, and you can only feel this slight change with the cultivation base of the Jindan stage.

An idea popped up in his mind, and Li Guo asked, "Brother System, is this so-called 'death pulse' because there is no spiritual energy in it?"

"Natural spiritual veins are like springs, connecting to unknown regions. All spiritual energy comes from the same place, and there will never be a theory that a certain place's spiritual energy is exhausted." The system paused and said: "The lack of spiritual veins here is purely due to the existence The temporary dryness caused by the pumping of too much 'spring water' will recover within three to five years."

Sure enough, the 'Zhu Rong' sucked too hard, sucking up all the 'spring water' gushing out of the 'spring eye' here.

"If the spirit veins of heaven and earth are composed like this, then maybe you can try the poor method."

Li Guo was suspended in mid-air, with a slight movement of his fingers, Jin Dan appeared.

Once this golden elixir of chaotic color appeared, it seemed as if the sky and the earth had changed color, being dazzled by its dazzling brilliance, and the sky was shining brightly, coming to the world.

The members of the foreign affairs team of the ninth department at the bottom are like seeing gods and demons. The feeling of being "across the dimension" cannot be described in a few words.

At this time, Li Guo was in mid-air, adjusting the Chaos Golden Elixir in his hand, the spiritual energy inside was self-generated, and the inner world was revealed outside.

The whole area is covered by the inner phase of this 'world' golden elixir.

Above the sky, a spiritual light fell from the sky, turned into a whirlpool, and swallowed spiritual energy from the edge of the region.

It seems that the aura between the heaven and the earth is entangled.

In the south of the border, a series of auras of heaven and earth rushed towards the golden core of the world.

A slight movement, a slight movement.

A little turn, a little turn.

Just like marshmallows, pieces of aura are absorbed like dusk from a place full of aura outside the border of XJ.

"Let's see if Pindao's 'South-to-North Gas Transfer' is successful."

Li Guo stretched out his hands to falsely hold the golden pill, which was wrapped in a huge 'cotton candy'.

At this time, Li Guo lightly threw this ball of aura into the 'death vein' of that place.

Tap and snap your fingers.

The marshmallow aura exploded.

It's like wonderful fireworks.

Exploded to the surrounding.

It also splashed on the "death pulse" that Xue Yiqiang said.

One ring explodes, ring ring explodes.

It's like a chain reaction.
The death vein was also forced to explode by the shock of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gushes out from it.

This piece of 'death pulse' gushes out spiritual energy, driving the 'death pulse' in other places to erupt.
At the border of XJ, in the scorching summer mountain village, there are few people, only a few people still stay in this mountain village, most of them are old people who don't want to leave, and young people who stayed behind to take care of the old people.

In such an environment, the absence of young people means death.
A dark young man was wandering around outside the clay sculptured house.

"Sabik, don't worry, the child will be fine." The dark old man on the side stretched out his withered hand and held the hand of the young man named Sabik.

Under the comfort of the old man, Sabic seemed to be calmer, but his expression was still tense.

"Zhana. Zhana. It's all my fault. I didn't take her away early."

Sabik Humu still had tears in his eyes, and his heart was full of guilt. Because of his own reasons, he didn't send his wife away from this scorching hellish place early.

If she was sent away early, there would be no need to deliver her in such a harsh environment.

Now, it takes two days to leave the village and wait for the next car to arrive, but my wife can't wait two days, she is about to give birth now.
If you want to live, you can only live here, in such a harsh environment.

"Water! Hot water! Get hot water! What are you doing!"

Wen Po, who was in charge of delivering the baby, roared crazily, but the people around her looked around, at a loss for what to do.

There is no clean water anymore.

"Warm water, is there no warm water!?" Wen Po roared again.

There was silence, and everyone stared blankly at Wenpo.

Don't Have
Really gone.
Sabik knew that the only water in the houses of the people left behind in the village had been taken out, but the warm water was still not enough.

Desperation filled Sabic's heart, and buzzing voices filled his ears.

Now, in desperation, Sabik knelt toward the north and murmured.

"Fairy again. If there is a god. Bless my wife and bless my unborn child."

Sabic prayed devoutly, but he didn't know whether he really believed in the truth, or if he wanted a psychological comfort. Maybe doing so would make him feel more at ease.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed, the universe was prehistoric, the map of the universe of stars hung upside down in the sky, and there was an area in the daytime that looked like a polar night.

Like a miracle.

Looking at this miracle, while Sabik's expression was dull, he also felt a breath of life blowing.

This is a wind of life that only belongs to 'spring', and it is completely different from the wind, sandstorm and waves here.

The wind of life carries a hint of coolness.


At this moment, a drop of water fell.

"This is."

Sabic couldn't believe it at all, the water dripping from the tip of his nose.

Flick bang bang bang bang bang.

The sound of water drops hits my ears.

Large beads and small beads fall on a jade plate.

fall to the ground.

bring life.

It is rain.

It is the long-lost rain here.

Everyone knelt down and thanked heaven and earth for the water of life that fell from the sky.

"It's born! The baby is born! It's a big fat boy, very strong. Wow, this is too strong, congratulations, Sabik mother and child are safe!" Wen Po's joyful voice sounded, as if she had witnessed a miracle .

The wind of life, the rain falls, brings life, brings new life.
After hearing all this, Sabik burst into tears.

Bathed in the rain, thank nature, thank the world.

Mother and son are safe.

At this time, Sabic looked at the map of stars hanging upside down in the sky, as if a world appeared in front of the sky.

In the middle of the picture of the stars, there is a Taoist man in plain robes, who looks quite young, but seems to have the supreme power of heaven, ethereal into the sky, as if blending with the upside-down world on the other side of the day.

Like a fairy, like a god.

Seeing the Taoist in plain robes, Sabic felt something, and knelt down on his knees.

With the gift of knocking on the gods.

Kudos to this heavenly Taoist!
At this moment, all the remaining creatures on this piece of land saw the upside-down stars in the sky.

There is also the 'wind of life' flowing from the stars.

Rain, rain, aura, all natural gifts come here.

Under the dual nourishment of rain and spiritual energy, the earth is gradually waking up.

"The concentration of psychic energy is rising, and the temperature is dropping." Xue Yiqiang looked up at the sky in disbelief.

The captain of the scientific expedition team also stroked the ground, knowing that he was alive in this seemingly dead land.

Being revived by the Taoist in front of him!
Looking at the Taoist standing in the air like a god, the captain murmured.

"This is really a fairy."

At the same time, far away in the Gobi desert, in a small tea stall, the young monk felt the rain falling from the sky and the spiritual energy gradually revived by the chain blasting.

Feeling something in his heart, the young monk clasped his hands together and recited lightly.

"My Buddha is merciful, good and good"

At this time, the figure of the young monk is as real as it is illusory, with light and darkness, like birth and death.

The small tea stand and the young and handsome monk seem to blend into this piece of heaven and earth, no longer distinguishing each other.
"Ding, the host changed the Jedi spirit veins, changed the environment, and gained 2000 merit points."

"Congratulations to the host for being awarded the title—Environmental Ambassador."

"Environmental protection ambassador: the true meaning of all things, the way to get close to nature, you can occasionally hear the natural voice of the earth."

System reward settlement, 2000 merit points, plus the existing merit value is also 4000 points, which can be described as quite generous.

But when he saw the title settlement skill, Li Guo felt that it was full of slots.

"What it means to listen to natural sounds."

Li Guo's heart moved slightly, intending to use this title skill to listen to the natural sound of this place.

However, there is no other sound in this place except the sound of raindrops
But he heard a trace of other voices, and a large amount of incense power gathered around him.

In return for the grace of giving the living beings here.

Although Li Guo doesn't cultivate the power of incense, the more of this stuff the better.

After packing everything up, Li Guo turned and left, planning to find a hidden place to send Shen-zin Zi's tortoise shell to Wuling Island.

Just as Li Guo walked away, the captain of the foreign affairs team of the ninth department raised his head and said loudly: "May I ask what the name of the Great Immortal is?"

If such a great merit is left here, if it cannot be recorded, it will be like an eternal night.

Li Guo paused, laughed three times, put his hands on his back, and walked away on the wind, showing a chic look.

"The impoverished Li Guo never left a name for his good deeds."

Climb to the sky on the wind, silently recite the name of the turtle shell, and escape into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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