Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 317, Good and Evil Are Rewarded

Chapter 317, Good and Evil Are Rewarded

When he opened his eyes again, he was already on Wuling Island. In the pavilion outside the mountain, hot tea had been brewed, as if he had expected Li Guo's arrival.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the central pavilion is pleasant and quiet, detached from the outside, contented and unrestrained.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Li Guo couldn't help but enviously said: "It would be great if my Taoist temple could have this style of painting."

Shen-zinko smiled and just made tea quietly.

"Scenery is born from the heart, and goes from the heart. Whatever you yearn for, what will appear around you."

Schrödinger's scene?
Li Guo also felt that there was some truth when he heard it.

The heart scene corresponds, and the exterior scene represents the inner scene.

At this moment, Shen-zin Zi brewed the tea, put it in front of Li Guo, and said, "This time, I thank you for helping me to settle the karma."

The shackles of the mind have been removed, the mind is lively and agile, and the cultivation base has been raised to a higher level.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort." Li Guo said so, but his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what kind of reward Shen-zin Zi would give.

Shen-zin Zi, who is a "veteran" and powerful, naturally wouldn't talk nonsense. At this moment, his palm lightened slightly, and something appeared in his hand.

Things condensed by Shen-zin Zi's body.

It was another bead, crystal clear and blue, just like the color of the sea.

Li Guo complained silently, that he and Zhuzi are really destined.
But soon, the bead was ravaged and formed in his hands, sometimes turning into ooze, and sometimes turning into other things.

Finally, it condensed into a white jade vial.

"This bottle is the 'sea bottle' formed by the condensed essence of my dharma body. When urged by spiritual power, it can summon the true water of the four seas and can be used to extinguish fire-like things. It doesn't work right away."

Li Guo's eyes lit up.

This is a good thing, and its function looks quite similar to the legendary 'Seven Treasure Tree' and 'Five-Color Divine Light'.

Although it can only 'swipe' some yang-phase things, it is also powerful enough to make the opponent's Fabao spiritual weapon useless, which is equivalent to breaking its arm!
At the same time, in modern times, the role of this 'water' has also been infinitely magnified, after all, most subtle things are afraid of water, and this is still the 'true water of the four seas'.
No more hesitation, Li Guo accepted the sea bottle, thinking gloomily, there are sinister things in his arms under his ribs, with a knife in his left hand, a sword in his right, and a sea bottle under his ribs to brush your treasure , and another Suzaku fire fan fanned the flames
Thinking about it makes me happy, and I feel a burst of joy in my heart.

Shen-zin Zi naturally didn't know the many dark thoughts in Li Guo's heart, and only thought that he was curious about obtaining the Lingbao, so she just smiled and said.

"Seeing that the merits and virtues around you are deeply entangled, I am afraid that you have also obtained a lot of opportunities and things in this frontier domain."

Li Guo felt that there was nothing to hide about this, so he explained the matter.

After hearing this, Shen-zinko showed admiration in her eyes: "Admiration, I still can't accurately perceive the exact point of the so-called 'spiritual pulse'."

"It was also a coincidence that Pindao met a natural supernatural person who can perceive spiritual veins."

Li Guo also said frankly that if he hadn't met an awakened person who could perceive the spiritual veins, he might not be able to feel the subtle changes in the spiritual energy in detail.

It's like looking for a broken strand of hair in a large open space. If it's not born with unusual eyesight or good luck, how long will it take to find it?
"When you encounter a coincidence, you must have the strength to grasp the coincidence." Shen-zin Zi smiled and said, "It's like the innate miraculous person who can perceive the spiritual veins. His ability can perceive, but he can't ignite the spiritual veins." , if he has the means to ignite the spirit veins, I am afraid that the merits and vows of this place belong to him."

Li Guo did not refute.

This is life——

When it comes to chance and coincidence and the strength to embrace chance and coincidence, if you don't have the strength, you can only be greedy when you see the chance.

At this time, Li Guo thought of the encounter in the ruins of Loulan, and after sifting through some words, he talked to Shen-zin Zi.
Li Guo narrated the events in the ruins, and at the same time vaguely mentioned the tomb of the ancient god Zhu Rong.

Shen-zinko listened carefully, and said after thinking for a while.

"I don't know much about the secrets of these ancient things."

After hearing this, Li Guo wasn't too surprised. After all, Shen-zin Zi had been practicing at sea, and knew little about the outside world. The person who taught him was also a third-rate Qi practitioner, so it's normal that he didn't know much.

But soon, Shen-zin Zi continued to say: "But if you want to find the secrets of ancient times, you don't need to look for them in this world."

"Don't look for it in this world?" Li Guo frowned.

"Well, although I don't know much, the master also told me some things that were well known in the world. For example, he told me that the place where the ancient powers died is definitely not in this world." Shen-zin Zi said leisurely, It seems to be recalling what the third-rate qi practitioner taught me back then: "This world seems to have a special meaning. If the great power perishes here, there will be 'no bones left', and there will be no chance of survival."

"This world is special, what kind of special is it?" Li Guo seemed to be unable to refute it thoughtfully. Judging from various signs, this world is indeed special. As for how special it is, it is still unknown.

"I don't know what is special about it." Shen-zinko paused and said: "But the master said a lot of interesting things back then, for example, between the world and the world, there are different routes to the same goal. As for the meaning of this sentence, he I don't know too well, this is what the master's master told him, and there is only this sentence."

Same way.

Li Guo thought for a moment, accepted the suggestion, and thanked Shen-zin Zi for his words.

This time I got an important clue - don't look for Zhu Rong's tomb in this world.

Now it is the government that is responsible for exploring the different world, so far, there is no information.

Li Guo thought about it, and went to see what the official direction was when he had time.

Then, after experimenting with Shen-zin Zi on how to use the 'sea bottle', she turned into a bird and turned to leave.

After turning into a bird and leaving, Li Guo returned to Fangcun Mountain.

At this moment, it is also necessary to liquidate the current 'assets'.

"A total of 7000 merit points."

Li Guo looked at the system panel, he had already earned quite a lot of merit points, and he felt like a wealthy local tyrant.

Of course, it's just a feeling. Seven thousand merit points are enough to buy a better skill.

When searching the system page, Li Guo paused and typed the keyword 'karma'.

This time, the 'Yuanshi Tianzun' still gave Li Guo a great sense of oppression. If he was not in the narrow underground palace, there was really nothing he could do about it. The secret of cause and effect was like manipulating the past and playing with the future.

Let's see if the system has any supernatural powers for him. Sure enough, after some searching, Li Guo saw a power.

"Good and evil will be rewarded: the technique manifested by the rules of the ancient gods'laws, linking the target with good and evil karma, good results for you, and evil karma for him."

Li Guo read the description of this exercise carefully, and he knew how it works.

Linking cause and effect, good and evil, the evil karma he planted will eat back at himself, and the good fruit will protect his body, and at the same time cause harm to the users of "Good and evil will be rewarded".

This is a "Seven Injuries Boxing", to see whether the user can withstand his good karma, or the person who has been hit by good and evil will be able to withstand the evil karma he created.

For pure evil, it is a powerful method, and it can be said to be a sure-to-kill method.

However, side effects are not without, it depends on how the user chooses
"The 'Yuanshi Tianzun' played with cause and effect, and his whole body was covered with that thing. If I slashed at him, 'Good and evil will be rewarded', wouldn't I be able to go to heaven?" Li Guo thought in his mind, should he exchange this "good and evil" There is a report' technique.

After thinking for a while, Li Guo decided to exchange for this secret technique.

Not only because this secret art is highly targeted, but also this "good and evil are rewarded" has a sense of overturning "fate".

Although Hades has been destroyed, fate seems to be in the hands of individuals.

But cause and effect are like a thread after all, playing with people's fate, making people feel alive all the time.

Whether it is superfluous or doubtful, after all, pay attention to it.

After thinking about it again and again, Li Guo placed 6000 points of merit on the table for the art of "good and evil will be rewarded".

What appeared in front of Li Guo was not a book, but a rusty iron sword.

The material of this iron sword is mediocre, if it is used against an enemy, it may turn into decay in the second blow.

"This is."

Li Guo caressed the iron sword, of course he didn't think it was the system cheating people, so he pulled out an iron sword with [-] merit points. Well, in fact, at the very beginning, Li Guo really thought that the system had finally done this. Unscrupulous things.

But soon, Li Guo could feel the unusualness of this iron sword.

On this iron sword, there is something called 'meaning', and there is a sense of emptiness that is about to come out.

Different from ordinary exercises, one needs to comprehend the above "meaning" to learn the method of "good and evil will be rewarded".

"I need to comprehend this thing day and night, and then understand the true meaning of 'good and evil are rewarded' from it."

"The host can choose to comprehend the will, or choose to let the system give it directly." The system's tone remained unchanged; "The price of this system's initiation is one-half of the price of the exercise."

Li Guo: "."

As expected of a system, he even thought about the one-stop business of empowerment with the true meaning of exercises.

"Forget it." Li Guo shook his head, the price is too expensive, excuse me, and leave.

And the system added: "The residual true meaning contained in the will of the exercise is limited, and every time the host comprehends the remaining true meaning, it will lose one point. The host needs to comprehend this exercise before the remaining true meaning is exhausted, otherwise he will end up becoming It's no different from scrap iron."

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, there are really many restrictions, and then he also said.

"Don't worry, if you don't realize it before it's finally exhausted, just use your system for small loans."

After getting the iron sword, Li Guo put it on his lap and realized it on the spot.

Consciousness stretches into it, and there is a misty feeling of uncertain fate. If you want to comprehend this technique, you must capture the ethereal "fate" inside and turn "misty" into "destiny".

After realizing it for an unknown amount of time, Li Guo's consciousness was withdrawn from the iron sword.

The first time I realized it, I failed, and failed to turn Piaomiao into doom.

And Li Guo is not surprised, failure is failure, and it is impossible to succeed once.

It would be strange if the spells related to "fate" are so easy to master
"Put it away first"

Li Guo didn't continue to comprehend the true meaning in the iron sword. After putting it away, he turned into a white crane and flew towards Suzaku's palace, intending to hand over the Lingzhu that exploded from Zhu Rong's corpse to Yu Xi.
(End of this chapter)

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