Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 328, Advanced Divination Method

Chapter 328, Advanced Divination Method
"I didn't expect it was all a cover"

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes darkened slightly.

The swords clashed, disrupting Fengyun one after another, and they all hit the hundred-eyed centipede.

At the same time, he threw the peach petals bestowed by Shen-zinko behind him.

Immortal Wuling's full blow!
Peach blossoms manifested, and the sky was covered with rain of flowers.

Facing the rain of flowers all over the sky, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression was suffocated, and he could only wave his fists to stop the rain of flowers all over the sky.

Although this blow couldn't hurt Yuanshi Tianzun, it was enough to stop him for a moment.


The sword slashed on the hundred-eyed centipede, and the sound of the shock made people's teeth ache.

But the newly comprehended 'one after another disturbs the wind and clouds' has the inexhaustible power of a thousand swords, the power to hide the sky with one sword, the power of the sword and the sword, and is extremely tyrannical.The sword made a series of cracks on it.

The sword was cutting, and the hundred-eyed centipede's body suddenly showed signs of moving.

The control effect of the talisman was about to be lost.

"Hurry up"

In the blink of an eye, Li Guo's mind moved.

The sky thunder set off the ground fire.

Five thunders hit the top!

This is Li Guo's bottom-pressing stunt, using all his spiritual power in exchange for a powerful blow with all his strength. After entering the golden core stage, even Yuanshi Tianzun dared not step forward to resist this lightning strike.

"I didn't expect him to have such a hole card."

Yuanshi Tianzun's inner anger was completely aroused, and with a big wave of his hand, he flicked away the rain of flowers all over the sky.

The momentum of five thunderbolts has also become, the sky is covered by dark clouds, and the raven swallows the sky. It is almost like punishment from the sky, and the ancient thunder god descends.

A huge sky thunder fell from the sky, directly piercing the centipede, the power of lightning penetrated into its wound, the lightning strike migrated in the body, and broke from the inside!

"You've run out of 'cards' and I still have."

Yuanshi Tianzun saw Li Guo's weakness, and now there is no obstacle to his attack.

Li Guo squinted his eyes and used his sleeves to cover the seriously injured and dying hundred-eyed centipede into his sleeves.

Recite the name of Shen-zin Son inwardly.

Pulling the tortoise shell supernaturally, Li Guo was about to be pulled away.

"Stop running..."

Yuanshi Tianzun narrowed his eyes slightly, manipulating cause and effect with both hands.

In his opinion, Jin Danqi's hooking power can be broken at any time.

However, at this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to feel something in his heart, and a sense of horror lingered in his heart. He looked up at the sky and found that the law of air began to distort.

The concept of 'gravity' changed around him, and the overwhelming pressure made it difficult for him to breathe.

His expression changed again and again, and in the end he looked in Li Guo's direction unwillingly, and sacrificed the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, preparing to ask the baby to turn around, but finally gave up on this idea.

Flying knives are just imitations, and are of little use to monks in the Jindan period.
"You're lucky"

Yuanshi Tianzun's body moved slightly, with a hateful expression, but his body was honest, turning reality into nothingness, and dissipating in the air.

When Li Guo opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in Wuling.

It is still the familiar kiosk, the water pavilion with fragrant tea, and Shen-zinko's small residence has always looked so peaceful and peaceful.

And Shen-zin Zi also noticed Li Guo's arrival, and his figure manifested in front of him.

Looking at Li Guo, Shen-zin Zi let out a 'huh', "Master Li, why are you in such a mess?"

Although Li Guo was not traumatized, his aura was lacking in his body, and coupled with the fact that he had overdrawn the sleeves of the hooked tortoise shell, the corners of his mouth were oozing blood, making him look quite pale and weak.

At this time, Li Guo smiled wryly.

"Don't mention it, I almost didn't run out when I encountered a strong enemy."

"But it also allowed me to capture an enemy monster."

Li Guo used the universe in his sleeves, and the hundred-eyed centipede threw it out.

Looking at the hundred-eyed centipede on the ground, Shen-zinko's eyes showed disgust.

Although they are both different species, Shen-zin Zi is a different species who follow the Taoist orthodox path, and he will be even more disgusted with those who follow the original route, especially the hundred-eyed centipede still has a lot of resentful blood, which makes him even more disgusted.

"Fruit is not good."

"Fellow Daoist Shenzinzi, do you have any interrogation techniques that can help the poor interrogate?" Li Guo asked.

Shen-zinko nodded, as an old guy who has lived for so many years, he always has some means, and tapped his finger lightly on his head.

The surrounding scene began to change.

Li Guo complained silently in his heart, this is much better than Long Wolei's method, they still broadcast it on the public screen.
At this time, Li Guo saw what the hundred-eyed centipede had done before.

After it went to the embassy, ​​its eyes flashed, and these overseas Chinese were all fascinated, and then a short man came out of the ground, and with his big hands covered, these overseas Chinese were all integrated into the ground, but the floor was intact .

That's why there are no traces of presence!

If you think about it from the exercises, it is quite like the legendary "Tu Xingsun".

"It was actually done by people from the Monster Race," Li Guo mused.

The next scene made Li Guo's blood surge even more. Those who died were all killed by Baiyan martial arts, and they set up a maze to lure Huaxia and the United States into a conflict.

"The people from Yaozu and Tianting, are they the ones who want to provoke the relationship between China and America..."

At this time, the body of the centipede couldn't withstand Shen-zinko's supernatural power, it was completely shattered, its body split open, and it died completely. The surrounding scenes also disappeared, turning into a water curtain.

Its body broke out, and several pieces of human corpses ran out, and two of them could even be seen to be young.
Although he was not a Chinese from the perspective of skin color, as a human race, Li Guo still hurt other people, frowning wildly, and burned the corpse with his hands.

"Although China and the United States are in opposition to each other, they are also fighting for the country and the people. This evil monster feeds on people, and the heavens have cooperated with them safely."

The dispute with the United States is a matter of interests.

But with the trolls, it's a complete ass problem, a position problem, which is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of a rational human being.

Could it be that if Heavenly Court still cooperates with it after knowing this position issue, then it is really insane.

"Go back and inform the authorities about this"

After thanking Shen-zinko for a while, Li Guo turned into a bird and flew towards the place with a signal. As for the hundred-eyed centipede, Shen-zinko took care of it himself to show his gratitude for protection. Of course, Shen-zinko did not let Li Guo At a disadvantage, he promised to refine the hundred eyes of the hundred-eyed centipede into a treasure and give it to him.

Finally, when he got close to the shore, Li Guo dialed Luo Yantang with the internal phone after receiving a signal.

After she answered the phone, Li Guo didn't say much, but said concisely.

"I know who is the person who robbed the overseas Chinese and provoked the relationship between us. It is the people from the Heavenly Court and the Yaozu."

Luo Yantang was not sure, but just replied.


Flying like lightning, he turned into a bird and went back to the chaotic area of ​​the Middle East. After arriving, Luo Yantang called again with the internal phone and said.

"Our supercomputer has already calculated the location where the secret treasure will appear. Please, Master Li, go to the designated location and stand by."

The place where the secret treasure appeared was calculated with a supercomputer?
This surprised Li Guo, and blurted out, "Supercomputer?"

It seems that Li Guo is someone who can be trusted, Luo Yantang said after pondering for a moment.

"Yes, supercomputers, the method of 'divination' that I have been telling you before has always been performed by our seven supercomputers in China, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Shake. It was cracked by the combination of light and divination."

"Is there such an operation?"

"The essence of divination is to combine countless possibilities, find out the rules, and then come up with one of them." Luo Yantang paused and said: "Whether technology or metaphysics, they are all tools for human civilization to develop. Li Zhenren, don’t think that science can’t do what metaphysics can do.”

Li Guo could only express his admiration.

It is indeed a stroke of genius to replace numbers with organs.

Moreover, Li Guo does not think that metaphysics is necessarily better than science. For example, Li Guo still needs to "calculate" when doing linear algebra problems, but the computer can give the answer at once, and even his operation method is based on " Mathematics' based.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the way of arithmetic is really like the way of mathematics.

"Then since we have figured out the location." Li Guo wanted to ask if America could figure it out, but Luo Yantang gave the answer instantly.

"Not only did we figure it out, but the United States also figured it out, and they figured it out faster."

Li Guo shut up, the United States is still better in pure 'science'.

"Then we have to go there quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome if the United States is finished."

As he spoke, Li Guo quickened his flying pace and flew towards his destination.

(End of this chapter)

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