Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 329, Assembly

Chapter 329, Assembly

Under the Egyptian golden pagoda, the charming Miss Su and the strong tiger demon stand under the spectacle.

The pretty Miss Su who was holding an umbrella looked at the Sphinx outside leisurely, and said indifferently.

"Tell me, this sphinx is half a demon and half a human. Can he blend into the demon clan? Or can he blend into the human race?"

"It seems to have integrated into the human race." The middle-aged man on the side said respectfully.

Miss Su shook her head and sighed softly: "No, it can't be integrated into the human race, and it can't be integrated into the demon race. From the perspective of the human race, he is just a cannibal monster, but from the perspective of the demon race, he is absorbed into the human body." traitor."

At this moment, Miss Su caressed the protruding clod of soil on the Sphinx, seeming a little puzzled.

There was silence all around.

There was a faint smell of blood, but Miss Su turned a deaf ear to the smell of blood, and just admired the stone statue to herself.

"Miss, are you hungry?"

An unusually strong green-haired male lion covered in patterns came to Miss Su with a severed human hand in its mouth.

"Not hungry." Miss Su waved her hands lazily, as if she lacked interest.

At this time, there are also beasts and monsters gathered around Miss Su, snakes, insects, mice, ants, birds and beasts.

Among them, they are headed by three demons, one of which is a green-haired lion, one is a nine-headed strange bird, and the other is a huge white elephant.

The green-haired male lion looked around and said doubtfully.

"Why don't you see the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord?"

"Maybe he's dealing with people from Heaven," said the tiger demon.

Ms. Su snorted and said, "The people in the Heavenly Court. Those people are extremely treacherous. They can even betray their positions for the sake of their goals. Don't trust them all."

At this time, everyone is not waiting for the 'Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord' anymore.

The three big monsters in the lead raised their bodies, and the nine-headed insects and birds raised their bodies, carrying the yellow sand for ten miles, with great force, and the huge white elephant ran on the ground. The green-haired lion roared like thunder, its red eyebrows fluttered with fire, and its body was surrounded by boundless hostility, as if the world had turned into a 'killing' appearance.

"Looking forward to the next life, six reincarnations, all living beings will be detached."

At this time, in the Hindu residence, tattered ascetic monks were surrounded by a total of six layers on a piece of yellow sand.

The ascetic monks each represent a layer of the way of reincarnation, and they transform the way of reincarnation with the posture of six circles.

The concept between life and death lingers among the ascetic monks, and the sound of Buddhist scriptures chanting comes out of it, as if telling the suffering of all living beings, telling the beauty of the afterlife, like whispering, like pouring out.

In the middle of the ascetic monks, there is a man with flaming hair, holding a flaming spear, with a proud posture as if he is ignoring all living beings, but silently accepting the blessings of the ascetic monks in the six cycles of reincarnation.

The words of the ascetic monks were turned into runes and carved on the body of the man with flaming hair, making him even more miraculous, like a god coming to the world.

"All living beings suffer."

The headed ascetic monk looked at the man with inflamed hair, clasped his withered hands together, and said calmly: "I still hope to be detached."


American military base.

Everyone was gathered together, mobilized and prepared, as if a big battle was about to break out. The soldiers were wearing protective equipment, holding standard firearms, with resolute and cold expressions, and seemed to have some ways to sacrifice their lives for justice.

The leading officers held the American flag and planted it on the ground like yellow sand.

The scorching sun shone on his face, reflecting his scars.

"Are you afraid of death?"


"If you are afraid, let me come back alive!" The scar-faced officer saluted and said, "Fight for the greatness of America again!"

"Long Live America!"

The aura of the soldiers condensed into an eagle soaring into the sky, even breaking the heat current surrounding this place.

At this moment, in the temporary base, a muscular white man walked out from the inside, holding the American flag in his hand.

His whole body was covered with green flame patterns, and his eyes were black and white, as if they contained endless radiation and heat. The heat of countless nuclear bomb explosions evaporated and solidified in his body.

'Firefist' Phil Palank.

The strongest man created by accident due to an out-of-control nuclear accident.

At this time, Palanque planted the national flag on the ground, like a person carrying a battle flag, he raised his head and said in a hoarse voice.

"Long Live America!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Each country, each person, and each force has its own special abilities.

Everyone gathered and walked in one direction.

Li Guo also joined the crowd and found that all the people on the world list gathered here.

"Has the inner ghost not been cleared yet?" Li Guo asked in surprise, seeing that there were quite a few people.

At this time, Zhu Lanshan on the side seemed to know that Li Guo had doubts, so he said.

"Wait a minute and it's going to be a big battle. It doesn't matter the ghosts in the local list. The important thing is to gather strength and win the secret treasure."

Li Guo frowned. As the saying goes, one must first secure the interior if one wants to fight against the outside world. No matter how you look at it, it is not conducive to action to have an insider follow you.

Of course, this may be because the officials feel that the secret treasure that appears here must be gathered by all living forces to snatch it. Compared with Anne, this secret treasure is more important!
What is it?Let the officials be so coveted, so coveted that they will do whatever it takes.
At this time, Li Guo also saw the two Huaxia Supreme Powers who were hidden.

Zhu Wuxian, who is floating in the air, looks like an ordinary person, but upon closer inspection, his line of cause and effect is blurred, and his legal principles are chaotic. , and also has a military spirit, which can tell why he was born.

Zhu Ziheng beside him was sitting on the sword, still drinking leisurely, as if he was not here to win treasures, but to travel.

"What mission did these two do before?"

Although Li Guo was curious, he didn't ask any questions. He just nodded slightly to greet Zhu Ziheng. The reminiscence can be done after everything is over.

On the other hand, the three of Bai Wuji seemed a little ordinary in the team. Although their strength was on the top list, they were covered up by others.

"Brother, it would be great if you could snatch this secret treasure." Ming Yan muttered.

Gathering together, Li Guo could feel that the causal line here began to become chaotic, the law became sticky, and the weaker creatures died directly from the rapid heartbeat.


Zhu Ziheng accepted the gourd in his hand, his expression became serious.

In the distance, several forces gathered, each occupying a corner, radiating their own pressure.

Li Guo saw the forces of many countries, but did not find the Heavenly Court.

"Heavenly Court is still hiding, I don't know what kind of posture they will come out to win the secret treasure."

At this moment, Zhu Wuxian in military uniform floated forward, with a resolute expression, calmly speaking in authentic Chinese.

"I've heard about all of you a long time ago, and seeing you now is truly a blessing in Zhu's life."

Logically, this kind of 'international occasion' should speak English, and Zhu Wuxian doesn't care if they understand it or not.

Anyway, here and now.

I only speak Chinese!
Karna in India turned a deaf ear, just silently staring at the place where the secret treasure would appear, waiting for the rare treasure to be born.

Only 'Yanquan' Palank responded in English, and said with a slight smile: "I also feel lucky. I never thought that one day, I would be able to stand at this height on behalf of the country and talk to you. It is worthy of being the 'Gravity Master' Zhu Wuxian , just standing here, you can feel your overbearing."

"Don't be overbearing, our original intention will not change. It has always been peaceful development, win-win cooperation, and a common future." Zhu Wuxian said with a smile.

"Then, let's look forward to 'win-win cooperation'." Palanque also smiled back.

Listening to the conversation between the two sides, Li Guo couldn't help but want to complain.

I can't wait to punch out the other party's internal organs, and I can talk and laugh happily, which is worthy of 'politics'.

But at this time, the scene is still peaceful, after all, the secret treasure has not been born, everyone is still restraining themselves, if the secret treasure is born, everyone will inevitably fight to the death.

When the two parties were talking and laughing, the sky was dark, and it seemed that black clouds were overwhelming the city, accompanied by the roar of tigers and wolves, descending from the sky.

Li Guo felt something in his heart, and looked up at each other, but his pupils shrank slightly.

The sky is high with cirrus clouds, and a group of demons and ghosts are actually rolling in!

Zhu Ziheng's expression was slightly stern, and he narrowed his eyes, the rusty sword in his hand was a little uncontrollable.

The Sword of Reincarnation Thousand Hearts, in the sword tomb in Shushan, where the sword has been buried for thousands of years, there are those who protect the family and the country, resist foreign enemies, and slay demons and eliminate demons!
The concept of killing demons and demons seems to be deeply rooted in the hearts of Shushan people.

Looking at the monsters that swept over, Zhu Wuxian was surprisingly calm, with his hands on his back, he said: "The monsters are not my race in this chaotic world. We are human races. We need to put down the butcher knives that are stretched out to each other and fight against the monsters side by side."

No one around responded to Zhu Wuxian, they just looked up at the chaotic monsters that swept over.

The opponent's monsters also swept through like a flood, without words.

There is no need to make declarations to each other, and there is no need to speak harsh words.

When you see each other's appearance, you already know that each other will inevitably fight to the death.

Just at the moment when swords were on the verge of breaking out, the middle of the Siege of the Eight Kingdoms suddenly burst into brilliance, and the red light pierced through the ground and soared into the sky, like a scarlet demon star, trying to tear the earth and the sky apart.

The secret treasure was born!
Taking a closer look, this secret treasure turned out to be a red star meteor, exuding distorted and chaotic rules.

And on top of Xingyun, there is actually a red long sword. Compared with Xingyun exuding chaotic rules, this red long sword is not bound by any rules and principles, just like an ordinary rusty sword, standing on redstone.

However, no one would think that this rusty sword is just an ordinary thing. How can a long sword with a red star meteor as a sheath be ordinary?

"The secret treasure is born!" Li Guo looked at the rusty long sword, only felt that his eyes were blurred, his eyes were washed away by the law above, almost dizzy, Li Guo just wanted to say one thing about it, it was really terrifying.

Faced with this birth secret treasure, Li Guo didn't step forward to fight for it, and barely suppressed his greed.

However, other people are not so rational. After seeing this secret treasure, their greed suddenly arose in their hearts, and they rushed towards that direction, intending to win the secret treasure on the red stone, but they didn't expect that as soon as they approached, they were caught The killing power on this scarlet training demon star's mind collapsed, and he couldn't get back up again.

"Don't look directly at that monster stone, that monster stone will directly destroy your mind." Li Guo hurriedly reminded, but unexpectedly, there was a sudden chaos in Huaxia's team, and someone was injured!
Li Guo turned around and looked, his pupils narrowed slightly: "It's actually him."

the other side.

The monster didn't mean to compete for the secret treasure, but ran directly towards Huaxia's side, grinning, opened its claws, inspired the law, and killed with the aura of elements.

Their purpose is not to fight for treasure, but to kill people!

The White Elephant King aroused a great deal of ice, as if it could freeze even time and space, opened his big hooves, and smashed directly at Zhu Wuxian.

And Zhu Wuxian is still carrying his hands on his back, with a calm expression.

At this moment, the White Elephant King's body stagnated in mid-air.

The Baizhang Dharma Body was shrinking inch by inch.

No matter how he roared, he couldn't resist the gradually shrinking body, and finally, the white elephant king turned into a ball of flesh and blood like a fist.
(End of this chapter)

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