Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 330, The Inner Ghost Appears

Chapter 330, The Inner Ghost Appears

The monsters did not expect that Zhu Wuxian, the number one in China, was so powerful that he killed the White Elephant Demon King in one face-to-face.

Although he is the weakest of the three great demons, no matter how weak he is, he still looks like a demon king!
Looking at that figure, the green-faced lion king actually felt a little timid in his heart.

"Why did he kill the White Elephant King first? Does he know that the White Elephant King is the weakest among us?"

"He seems to know that we are going to besiege him, so he holds the most powerful moves in his hands and destroys our weakest one first. Do we have traitors here?"

"Why, why does he seem to know our plan? Why is he so strong? Isn't he just in the 'Yuanying' state? The blow just now has the meaning of opening up the world."

The green-faced lion king really saw that the white elephant king was crushed to death.
At this time, the sharp-eyed green-faced lion king discovered that there was a small gray seal on Zhu Wuxian's hand, although it couldn't be seen as true or false, it was indeed entwined with the principles of heaven and earth.

It's a secret treasure!
No wonder he was able to kill the White Elephant King in one fell swoop!
"Damn it," the blue-faced Lion King had a ferocious expression, but his demeanor was timid. He could only exert 12 points of strength because of gathering people, but now because of this timidity, he could only exert 8 points of strength.

If you step forward with eight percent strength, you will surely die without a place to die!
"You are already surrounded by me, so just arrest them." Zhu Wuxian floated in the air with a small seal in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court, as the judge of your court. standard."

"Food is also worthy of judging me?"

The green-faced lion king seemed to be enraged by the insult, and his body turned into a prototype, a hundred-foot-high lion, with green phosphorous fire wrapped around his body, which looked quite terrifying.

However, on the other side, the sound of the little monsters falling together sounded, their bodies were festered and sores, and their seven orifices were bleeding, it looked extremely terrifying.

The green-faced lion king turned around to look, only to see that it was America's 'Flame Fist' approaching step by step.

He didn't need to shoot, just walked on the road simply, like a god of death, bringing endless radioactive substances, destroying the enemy from the cellular level.

The green-faced lion king said ferociously.

"You didn't go to grab the secret treasure."

From the point of view of the location, America was the closest to the secret treasure just now. I didn't expect that 'Flame Fist' would not seize the secret treasure, instead of seeking far away, it would kill them instead.

"Our interests with Huaxia are a matter of interest." Phil Palank said calmly, not at all like the god of death who brought a devastating disaster: "It is a matter of position with you, and racial conflicts are irreconcilable. Besides, compared to the so-called Babes, your bodies are worth more to us in America."

The United States believes in science and admires science. Although they are interested in "metaphysical things", they are not as precious as "demons" biological samples.

Compared with studying the rusty sword on the red rock, people in the United States are more keen to cut the big demon king in front of them into pieces, and study this magical life form from the level of DNA.

All of a sudden, the demon kings who wanted to launch a thunderous raid were surrounded by siege!
It seems that from being besieged to being besieged!
The demon kings are not fools either, the plan to weaken human power has already failed, the Nine-Headed Insect immediately roared and told the little demons to retreat.

The direction of retreat is the side of the strong Egyptian.

'Isis' holding the staff of the water god turned a deaf ear to the attack of the monsters and let them leave from this breakthrough.

The demons have long been associated with Egypt. After all, so many demons gather on their land, it is impossible for the Egyptian authorities not to know that they have already reached an exchange of benefits.

On the other side, the Indian 'Karna' did not fight side by side with China and the United States, but attacked the secret treasure long sword, holding a fire-tipped spear, and a big sun hung behind him, like the god of the sun, blocking In front of him, no matter whether it was a human or a demon, he shot them to death and turned them into thick smoke.

Just when he was about to pick up the Rusty Sword, there were Yin-Yang Talismans descending from the sky behind him, causing a thunderstorm.

The one-year-old Japanese Onmyoji is staring at this "Sun God" holding a spear.

The battle was intense for a while.

While fighting with the gods, I am not idle here.

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Li Guo frowned slightly, looking at the man who looked like a golden giant ape in front of him, his expression was indescribably heavy.

At this time, this "homelander" with a good image and a good reputation actually raised his butcher's knife to his compatriots. Thanks to Zhu Lanshan's mind, he helped that person with the meaning of Tai Chi, so he was not killed by Zu Yuxuan. succeed.

With tears in Zu Yuxuan's eyes, he kept whispering.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I can't. I really can't fight him"

On the other side, something happened to Bangziguo's team. A level 5 powerhouse suddenly exploded, causing heavy casualties in the team. And that powerhouse Li Guo had seen before was none other than Jin Xiyao, the 'Evil Ghost Face'.

At this time, this strong man was also like Zu Yuxuan, with tears in his eyes, saying sorry, while waving butcher knives at the compatriots in the team, the scene looked very strange.

"I didn't expect that either."

Zhu Lanshan sighed, looking at the people of the motherland, they also couldn't believe that he was a rebel.

If it weren't for his "yin and yang two qi" to have the function of predicting danger, otherwise he would be in the way of the motherland.

"I'm really sorry, I don't want to, I really don't want to." Zu Yuxuan apologized with tears streaming down his face, but his hands were not slow, his whole body was full of blood, and he waved towards his compatriots around him.

The 'Yin Water Snake' closest to him turned into a long python, entangled him life and death.

And Zu Yuxuan was full of red blood, as if he wanted to fight for his life. For a while, his hair turned red, and his strength was infinitely close to the Golden Core Stage. .

The people of the motherland are overdrawing their lives to gain strength in order to fight against their compatriots.

On the other side, a leisurely voice came.

"Fellow Ancestor, it's not enough. You need more power. You need more."

Turning around to look, I saw a middle-aged man with squinting eyes and a smile.

It was the 'Shen Gongbao' of the court that day.

This voice seemed to stimulate Zu Yuxuan's body. Under the words, he broke through the limit again and burned his life.

At this time, Shen Gongbao crushed the palm of his hand, and a drop of blood shot out.

Zu Yuxuan saw the drop of blood flying towards him, and immediately opened his eyes wide, catching the blood with his mouth like a hungry tiger rushing for food.

After drinking the blood, Zu Yuxuan's expression was high, as if he had escaped into the bliss of a demon.

Compared with the blood and tears streaming down his eyes, that blissful expression looked so creepy.
(End of this chapter)

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