Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 350, if you are not crazy, you will not survive

Chapter 350, if you are not crazy, you will not survive

After Li Guo changed his appearance and left, Li Xiaohua escorted Le Shao out.

At this moment, Le Shao has been pulled out of the rag stuffed in his mouth, and he can speak normally, but now Le Shao can't spit ivory out of his dog's mouth, it's nothing more than that set of threatening words.

"I didn't expect you to be so crazy."

"There is a saying in mainland China, that is, if you are not crazy, you will not survive." Li Xiaohua said calmly. Although she grew up on Hong Kong Island, due to her family education, she has always regarded herself as a mainlander.

Le Shao chose to shut up sensibly, the killing intent contained in the six words 'not crazy, not alive' made him shudder.

Crazy, crazy, not only the man is crazy, but the woman in front of him is also crazy.

Li Xiaohua dragged Le Shao to appear in front of Le Ye.

When facing Le Ye, Li Xiaohua was almost out of breath with that monstrous murderous pressure, so he could only secretly exercise his mental skills to adjust his breathing so that he didn't look so flustered and embarrassing.

Le Ye, he is not only the leader of Xinliansheng, Luo Lei's appointed collaborator, but also a great master of martial arts.

Compared to Li Xiaohua, he is so tall that I don't know where he is.

"Xiaohua, I watched you grow up." When Le Ye saw Li Xiaohua escorting Le Shao out, his expression was unusually calm, calm but frightening, like tons of gunpowder stored in it, just a little Sparks can explode: "Now, I am very disappointed in you, I did not expect to do such a thing."

Faced with Le Ye's imposing manner, Li Xiaohua resisted the pressure, took a deep breath and said.

"To each other, after my great-grandfather's death, didn't you also stare at Liansheng?"

"I'm saving Liansheng." Le Ye said lightly: "Back then, Old Ghost Li's decision almost pushed Liansheng into a desperate situation. He suffered from dementia. What can I do to save Liansheng? ?”

Li Xiaohua couldn't refute this point. Even from her point of view, her great-grandfather seemed to be suffering from Alzheimer's, and he did all the seemingly stupid actions.

At this time, Li Xiaohua took a deep breath and said.

"If you want Lend Lease, I can give it to you. You can give it all to you. Why are you aggressive?"

"You said I was aggressive, but did you never think about your great-grandfather being aggressive back then?" Le Ye put his hands behind his back, his eyes were cold: "I have been thinking about it for 10 years, but I still can't figure out why I couldn't get Liansheng's faucet. My niece, You are too old to know what I want, what I want is not Lend Lease's property, but 'Lend Lease'."

This is a matter of heart.

Li Xiaohua didn't want to continue arguing on this matter, so he just took a deep breath.

"Where is the person I want?"


Le Ye pushed a young man out. This young man was covered in bruises and purples all over his body.

Although it looks quite embarrassing, the breath of life is quite stable.

Looking at Jiang Hua, Li Xiaohua suppressed his anxiety even though he felt anxious, and finally said, "Let's exchange."

The two parties approached each other step by step, just like the usual steps of exchanging hostages.

One step, two steps.

The atmosphere is dignified like ice and clean, but the air is full of scorching heat.

Sweat dripped from Li Xiaohua's palms.

The air mechanisms of the two sides began to blend, pull, and climb.

Everyone knows that when the hostage exchange is successful, it is the time when the two sides start to tear their skins apart.

It's already tacit.

At this time, when the two sides approached each other, Le Ye, with his hands on his back, said lightly: "Xiao Nv, I will give you a chance to turn around, come here by yourself, and wait for the auspicious day to marry into my Le family with peace of mind. And put that I will not blame the past if I come out with information about other people.”

That person was referring to Li Guo.

Le Ye already knew from other people that the main force behind the kidnapping was the mysterious master who had just joined Lend Lease.

For that person, whatever Le Ye said, he would be ashamed!
Li Xiaohua took a deep breath and said.

"I'm sorry, Master Le, that man has acted loyally to me. When the time comes, you will kill or kill Li Xiaohua as you please, but if you want to confess him, there is no need to talk about it."

Master Le didn't say much anymore, and when Young Master Le approached within the range of his actions, he drew the approaching Young Master Le with his palms in a 'suction' shape, and placed him behind him at the same time.

Le Shao is already safe!

Seeing this, Li Xiaohua's mood changed wildly, and he raised the red tassel in his hand, stepped forward with a Liuhe spear, picked up a large piece of blue bricks and smashed it towards Le Ye.


Le Ye just let out a cold snort, sputtering his energy, smashing the broken tiles one by one, and at the same time, his palms turned into eagle claws, showing the grand master of Xingyi.

The eagle's talons formed a hook, heading towards Li Xiaohua's yin and yin vital skills, majestic and undisguised.

Fighting is like this, go to the weak point, only against the enemy, there is no difference between men and women!

Li Xiaohua twisted his body, swayed his red tassels, supported the tip of the spear, and stabbed down, the target was also Le Ye's perineum.

Unexpectedly, Le Ye would not dodge or evade the gun.


Li Xiaohua pushed the spear in, but there was no sound of piercing into flesh and blood, instead there was a feeling of gold and iron striking each other.

"The door of my 'iron cloth shirt' is not in the perineum." Le Ye sneered, his fingers turned into sinister claws, trying to capture Li Xiaohua, the reason why he chose to attack with the spear just now was for this reason.

And Li Xiaohua's expression was also extremely solemn.

Even though the iron cloth shirt can exercise the whole body, the perineum is still the most vulnerable part of the human body.

Now that the spear does not break the perineum, it means that his perineum is hard, and other parts of his body will be more indestructible!

With a shot of probing, Li Xiaohua knew that there was nothing to be done, and the gap in strength was too great.

"Waste your kung fu, and be a good Mrs. An Ding in the future, and don't think about these men." Le Ye's brows were ruthless, his hands became dragon's claws, and the tiger leaped.

Li Xiaohua looked at Le Ye, as if he had made up his mind, his whole body was filled with energy, and his spear was full of killing intent!There is also a touch of calm Zen, the two blend, and there is something else in it.

Feeling the fusion of killing intent and Zen, Le Ye choked slightly, the Li family still has this kind of marksmanship?

Out of the vigilance and obedience of the old fox, Le Ye didn't act instinctively, but Li Xiaohua was already ready, and his aura climbed to the limit.

Concentrate killing intent and calm on the tip of the spear.

"Although it is imitating Mr. fur, but it should be able to have a trace of Mister's power."

Li Xiaohua saw Le Ye stifled, knew this was an opportunity, and stabbed the spear in a steady pace.

The gun of killing intent, the gun of tranquility!

(End of this chapter)

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