Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 351, Wings can't escape

Chapter 351, Wings can't escape

Le Ye couldn't dodge in time, and was hit hard by the gun.

Le Ye was taken aback when he was hit, as if he wasn't as powerful as he imagined?
Although compared to Li Xiaohua's usual moves, they are more powerful, but to Le Ye, they are just a little more powerful. The masters are all ants, especially the iron cloth shirt master!
"It looks bluffing enough, but I didn't expect it to be a silver pewter gun head." Le Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was another thought in it.

Le Ye also covets the Liuhe big spear and Bajiquan inherited from the Li family. This is one of the reasons why he wanted Li Xiaohua for Liansheng.

Back then, Old Ghost Li crossed the sea and came to Hong Kong Island alone, and with his Liuhe gun and Bajiquan, he managed to achieve a Liansheng. Who wouldn't envy him?Who doesn't salivate!

Le Ye thought that he had reached the realm of a master, but he could ask himself whether it was not as good as Li Laogui's arrogance and strength when he crossed the sea alone and conquered the world by himself.

For Old Ghost Li, although Le Ye has resentment and resentment, he still has admiration, longing, and admiration.
That's why he wants Liansheng more, Liangui's Liansheng.

"It seems that there is no hurry to abolish her kung fu, but to question this style of marksmanship."

In the blink of an eye, Le Ye made a decision.

Just when Le Ye was about to fight back, Li Xiaohua flew upside down, spitting blood like a bright red lotus.

This move is powerful, it contains killing intent, it is mysterious and unusual, it is not a move that can be activated by Li Xiaohua's level, now she tried her best to use it, and hit the Grandmaster Tiebushan again, the counter-shock force was transmitted, and Li Xiaohua himself was sent to the ground. hurt.

However, this seemingly stupid move was not the case, Li Xiaohua smiled.

Although she smiled miserably, she still smiled.

Le Ye didn't know why Li Xiaohua smiled at first, but he immediately realized it, and his face changed wildly.

Li Xiaohua has already flown backwards, out of the scope of his work!

The shot just now was not intended to hurt Le Ye, but to pave the way for escape!Use the power of counter-shock to escape!

"This is your escape route." Le Ye's face was gloomy, he was tricked by his cleverness, and he was about to step forward, but Li Xiaohua reached out to grab Jiang Hua, darted around, and dodged and escaped in the city.

Due to its unique complexity, the Walled City is the most suitable for hiding and escaping!

Le Ye did not chase at this time, but directed Liansheng's younger brother to search separately.

"Hmph, run away, where do you think you're going to escape to? Detective Luo's people have already surrounded this place, and it's hard for you to fly."

Li Xiaohua carried Jiang Hua around, spitting blood all the way, the counter-shock force of the blow just now almost caused Li Xiaohua to suffer serious internal injuries, and now he is only doing it with reluctance.

Looking at Jiang Hua who was slumped on his shoulders but looking left and right, Li Xiaohua couldn't help but get angry.

"You street boy, what's the matter with getting Xinliansheng's account books, it's all because you didn't beheaded to death on the spot."

"Ah..." Jiang Hua was a little speechless, but he still muttered: "I'm going to send them to prison, these account books are equivalent to criminal evidence, and they will be easy to use when liquidating in the future."

"Clean up, with whom? Detective Luo? It's almost as if Detective Luo doesn't liquidate you."

Li Xiaohua gave Jiang Hua a blank look, thinking that what he said was quite funny.

"Of course it's not Inspector Luo." Jiang Hua took it for granted, "When the spring breeze of reform blows here, all ghosts and monsters will be liquidated."

Jiang Hua's face was solemn and serious, as if he was telling some truth.

It was quite convincing, and Li Xiaohua couldn't help but be infected, and then he couldn't help but said: "You, like Mr. Li, mentioned that the spring breeze of reform is blowing everywhere."

"Mr. Li?" Jiang Hua's expression changed. He knew that there was another person planning to rescue him. From the conversation between Li Xiaohua and Le Ye just now, Jiang Hua didn't know who would plan to rescue him with Li Xiaohua.

However, after a moment of astonishment, Jiang Hua burst into ecstasy.

Can say that the spring breeze of reform is blowing everywhere.

That must be my hometown!
Section [-] to the rescue!

"So that's it. I said why did you come up with such a reckless idea to save me? It turns out that it was my 'folk' who came."

"It seems that he does know you." A trace of doubt in Li Xiaohua's mind was eliminated.

Jiang Hua's slightly worried face instantly became relaxed, and Li Xiaohua also noticed this change.

It seems that Jiang Hua really has confidence in the 'hometown'.

"Although I knew there would be a 'folk' to save me, I just didn't know he would do it in such a way." Jiang Hua also complained silently.

Infiltrating, rescuing, and retreating are definitely not difficult tasks for Chinese soldiers, especially when they are so far ahead of the times.

He didn't expect that his 'fellow townsman' would directly lead someone to take his son Mang away, so that he could change another person.

It's so real.

"Although I don't know who this is, I'd better thank him first."

"He called himself 'Buddhist Spear Breaking Theory'."

"Buddha Spear Fenshuo? Is it cos Fojian Fenshuo?" Jiang Hua muttered for a while, recalling the people on the list, but he couldn't find this Buddha Spear Fenshuo.

Maybe it's a newly promoted powerhouse, or 'Divine Stories' has been opened to the outside world.

Without letting Jiang Hua and Li Xiaohua think more, the sound of hurried steps came.

It's Xinliansheng's people who have already caught up.

Except for the people from Xinliansheng, everyone else was evacuated. For a while, this sinful and chaotic place became an old city with empty alleys. Sensitive, people with some martial arts cultivation can easily feel it.

"We were outflanked." Jiang Hua, who was carried on Li Xiaohua's shoulders, smiled wryly.

However, at this moment, Li Xiaohua asked rhetorically, "What if I'm not outflanked?"

"Flee away." Jiang Hua took it for granted.

"There are Inspector Luo's people outside. Going outside is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap." Li Xiaohua said lightly, as if things didn't change, it was already a foregone conclusion.

Jiang Hua asked rhetorically, "Since you think it's a foregone conclusion, why do you still run away?"

"Because I don't want to."

"Don't want what?"

"I don't want you to die."

When Li Xiaohua was arrested, he would be forced to marry by Xinliansheng's people, and by the way, Liansheng would be taken back in a justifiable way.

If Jiang Hua was caught, he would really die.

The feelings are straightforward, open and frank, without the slightest burden or shyness.

Jiang Hua was a little taken aback, looked at the heroic woman in front of him, and finally smiled.


"Need not."

(End of this chapter)

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