Nono from another world

Chapter 20 Investigation

Chapter 20 Investigation
After coming out of the castle, Miyou was still following Nuonuo, her eyes wide open, she stared at Nuonuo without blinking, and she was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth.

Even Nim kept turning her head to stare at Nuonuo in a rare way, but of course her body was still facing the front and continued walking.

Nuonuo's scalp was numb from the two girls staring at each other, and finally couldn't help but said: "You guys are watching the way." Especially Nim, although he knew that she was a robot, but when he saw a cute girl turn her head Turning to [-] degrees, and still looking straight at himself, it's very scary.

Miyou rushed to Nuonuo at once, looked her in the eyes closely, and asked, "Sister Nuonuo, how did you have the courage to talk to Hyena Howson like that? You don't seem to be afraid at all!"

not afraid?Nuonuo showed a forced smile.

Do you want to say that you just breathed a sigh of relief, and your palms are full of sweat?
However, it was also because she was sure that Hyena Hausen would not do anything, and Reina Branch Chief could not sit back and watch her be attacked, so she jumped out to say such words in a moment of enthusiasm.

Among other things, even Nim next to him will do it when the time comes.Nuonuo doesn't believe that this maid robot is really a harmless butler, otherwise, how could the branch chief Leina send her here with confidence?
Of course, there is no need to tell Miyou and the others these details.

Seeing Miyou and Rukia looking at him with adoring eyes, the otaku soul in Nuonuo's body was very beneficial.

That's right, that's how it is. After becoming a national idol, there will be many girls who will regard themselves as their longing goals!At that time, whether it is a pat on the head or a hug, it will be taken for granted as a kind of closeness and encouragement, and no one will say that she is taking advantage of the female fans... Thinking about it, I feel looking forward to it!

"I think Sister Nuonuo's words are very reasonable..." Rukia expressed her opinion in a low voice with a scared expression.

If it weren't for the good hearing of everyone present, her voice might have been dissipated in the wind...

"Now we can only let the head of the Reina branch to negotiate. It is impossible for him not to give face to the head of the Reina branch." Nim said.

give face?Didn't he take that woman one by one?

Nuonuo thought for a while, lowered his voice, and asked curiously: "Could it be that there is a story between Hyena Hausen and Head Reina?"

Nim glanced at her, thought for a while and said, "'s sort of."

No way... No matter what Nuonuo thinks, he feels that the styles and appearance of these two people are very different, and it is not surprising that they are the kind of people who will never meet.

What kind of story can there be between these two people?
But it seems that Hyena Howson's attitude towards Reina's branch chief is not very good...

"I'll go back and report the situation first. You can look around in the village. Since there are traces of monsters appearing and killing people in the castle, there should be traces of monsters in other places. Based on these traces, we may be able to judge the possible number of monsters, and Some of their characteristics. But be careful, there may be monsters lingering in the village." Nim said.

Nuonuo and the others nodded.

Splitting up is just right.

This village is not too small, and it looks very fresh and pastoral. The road paved with stone slabs can only accommodate two carriages. There are fences and gardens on both sides, and you can see the fields not far away.

"If nothing happened, this place should be very beautiful, just as beautiful as my hometown." Rukia said with emotion.

"That's right, it's close to the mine, so the people here are very prosperous. In the past, as long as there was a mine opened, there would be a town or even a small city next to it. But now, everyone can move if they can. A few places are deserted. There are also people who are reluctant to move, such as the people in this village."

"But after this incident, I think other villages that didn't want to move will also be shaken." Mi You agreed.

"That's why the Foreign World Investigation Bureau will hide the truth." Nuonuo said.If the truth is not covered up and the outsiders are told that the village retreated smoothly, then maybe it will cause panic.

"Oh, I see!"

"There are still such associations... Sister Nuonuo is really amazing."

Being praised so much by these two lolis, Nuonuo was really speechless.

After all, she is also a human being in two lifetimes, so it is normal to think of such things... But in front of these two innocent little girls, she can also be admired like this.

Nuonuo felt a little embarrassed.

She reached out and pinched the faces of the two little girls: "So if you don't understand anything in the future, just ask my sister."

Little Lolita's skin is smooth...

Nuonuo was reluctant to feel it for a while, and then let go of her hand.

Seeing the shy and obedient expressions of the two little girls, Nuonuo felt a slight sense of guilt in his heart.

Even if you have a girl's body, shouldn't you do this?cough cough...

"However, it's scary here." Rukia glanced around and said.

There were only the three of them on the street, and the sound of their footsteps could be clearly heard. It should have been a lively village, but now it was quiet.

As Rukia said, she couldn't help but moved to Nuonuo's side, and reached out to hold her hand.

Nuonuo was shocked, and the guilt just now dissipated.This is Loli's little hand!However, she took the initiative to hold her!
Moreover, isn't it what I should do to protect the scared little loli?
"Are you afraid?" Nuonuo looked at Miyou with a hint of expectation.

However, as soon as he turned to Miyou's direction, Nuonuo was a little surprised to find that the sky was empty, and there was no sign of Miyou at all.

She hurriedly looked around, only to realize that Miyou had flown far away, and was looking inward from the window of a house in front of her.

When Nuonuo found her, Miyou turned her head and shouted at them: "Here is a bit of a monster's stump!" Miyou looked very excited, "Sister Nim said nothing?" Wrong, I can really find some information about the monster. Ah, it’s a pity that it’s not a head or something, that would be more intuitive. Come here quickly!”


Countless black lines suddenly appeared on Nuonuo's head.

It seems that Rukia is the only person who can take advantage of the attribute of "timidity"...

As for Miyou, in addition to her instinctive sense of awe when facing the strong, she may be much bolder than Nuonuo when dealing with monsters.

Well, not maybe...

As soon as Nuonuo heard the word monster, he immediately thought of the scene when he fell into the mine and was attacked by the miner monster.

She never wanted to experience that feeling of despair again.

Thinking of this, Nuonuo took out the crystal silently, then touched the big sword on his back with his backhand, and glanced at the battle suit he was wearing.

I am no longer the weak scum that I was before.

(End of this chapter)

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