Nono from another world

Chapter 21 Footsteps behind

Chapter 21 Footsteps behind
"Sister Nuonuo..." Lukia hid behind Nuonuo, pinching the corner of her clothes in great fear, and trembling with her short staff in one hand.

This is a two-story private house, and it feels very old when you enter it. The floors are all solid wood, and there is a creaking sound when you step on it.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the messy situation inside the house, with all kinds of furnishings broken and thrown everywhere.There was also a huge claw mark on the wall. Nuo Nuo inspected it visually and felt a burst of shock.

The claw marks were more than one meter long. If a person was caught, the end would definitely be torn to pieces in an instant.In addition, there are many red paw prints on the ceiling, and the crimson color can be seen as blood.

This kind of situation makes people can't help but imagine the scene in the house at that time, and how desperate and painful the people who were killed were.Nuonuo himself had a deep understanding of that feeling of despair.

Rukia obviously also thought of her elder sister Alice. Although she is also a crystal adaptor, she had studied in the academy before, and this was the first time she had come into contact with the real investigator world.It was only then that she realized that Alice had been fighting such monsters all along.

Now that Alice is missing, just thinking that her petite body might be torn apart by these giant claws...

Just as Rukia was trembling all over, Nuonuo's hand suddenly turned around and grabbed her palm: "It's okay, calm down."

Rukia suddenly woke up. She looked at Nuonuo's back, bit her lip, and held back her tears.

Yes, calm down, Alice must be insisting that she needs her own help.At this time, the thing to do is to collect as much information as possible.

Rukia followed Nuonuo, and the two walked around the first floor before going upstairs.

In this empty house, the sound of them stepping on the wooden steps when they went upstairs was so harsh that Nuonuo felt a little hairy listening to this sound, not to mention the timid Rukia, she almost wished she could The whole body is attached to Nuonuo.

What Mi You said was found in a bedroom on the second floor, the door was already open, and Nuonuo and Nuo Nuo almost fainted from the strong smell of blood as soon as they walked to the door.

On the ground, on the walls, and on the bed, there was clotted blood all over.

Especially on the ground, you can still see a pair of hands firmly grasping the ground, and then the nails forcibly scratched ten bloodstains on the ground.

The scene was extremely tragic.

"This person must have fought the monster to the death, but unfortunately it was useless." Mi You had already flown in through the window, sniffed in mid-air, and said.

"All this blood belongs to one person?" Nuonuo was a little shocked.

"Yes. I can smell it." Mi You said.

Nuonuo noticed that she had taken out the "magic wand", and the flower-shaped end was emitting a faint light.

It should be the use of psionic energy to improve the ability of smell...

Nuonuo guessed.

"Besides, there's this man's weapon here." Mi You walked around to the other side of the bed, pointing to something in the pool of blood.

This thing had already condensed with blood, Nuonuo walked over to take a look, and frowned immediately.What kind of weapon is this? It's just a chair leg... How dare you use this kind of thing to deal with such a monster when you are not at the moment of extreme fear and despair.

Thinking about it, the scene is bloody.

"Where is the clue you found?" Nuonuo asked.

Miyou flew to another corner, pointed to the ground and said, "This."

Nuonuo walked over, and suddenly her pupils shrank.

On the ground, there was also a large pool of blood, and in the pool of blood, there was a black nail.

Nuonuo carefully took the nail out of the congealed plasma. The nail was just a cut-off nail. It was as stiff as steel in the hand, and the tip was very sharp. Although it was just a broken nail, it was already as long as Nuonuo's palm. It's hard to imagine how long the whole nail can be.

"It was left by the monster, but it doesn't look like it was broken due to fighting with this person, it may have been damaged in the first place." Mi You said.

Nuonuo nodded, agreeing with this statement.There is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between ordinary people and this kind of monster. It is impossible to break the monster's nails.

But looking at the scene here, Nuonuo couldn't say that the monster's fingernail happened to be broken here, and then they found it, it was a kind of luck.

"In this way, we at least know that this kind of monster is a type that relies purely on physical strength, which is the power department in the monster classification stipulated by the Bureau of Investigation. In addition, there are monsters of the psionic department and special department. However, they are for us We are monsters, but to them, we are just food from another world." Mi You said.

"Then what is the mutant miner monster I met back then?" Nuonuo felt that it might be more appropriate to call it the agility department.

"That kind..." Rukia interjected timidly, "The college has taught that it is actually because of the mutation in the crystal mine, and the human beings infected with radiation, they are usually regarded as the first batch. Food eaten by monsters from another world...they are pitiful."

Nuonuo's brows twitched, thinking for a long time that he was almost killed by the food...

But being a miner in this world is indeed a very risky job, much more dangerous than on Earth.

"Then we'll send this nail back to the ship..."

Nono said.

At this moment, Rukia suddenly trembled all over, turned around and looked outside the door and said, "Yes, there is a voice!"


Before Nuonuo could react, Miyou's figure had already brushed past her and rushed out of the door.

She must have heard the voice earlier than Rukia, so she acted very fast.By the time Nuonuo yelled "Wait", Miyou had already rushed out of the door.

"I'll be careful! You guys leave first!" Miyou's voice came from the corridor outside the door far away.

When Nuonuo hurriedly chased to the door, Nuonuo was no longer in the corridor.

"Damn!" Nuonuo slapped the door hard.

In the empty village, in the completely silent house, a voice suddenly appeared, it is very likely that it is a monster still in this village!

Such a monster might not be something that Miyou could deal with at all.

Could it be that the little girl is relying on herself to be able to fly?
In such a cramped and narrow space, there is a meow to be able to fly!

Nuonuo became anxious all of a sudden, she turned her head and said to Rukia: "You leave the window and go to the flying boat for help, I'll go and have a look."

"Ah? Sister Nuonuo..." Lucia stretched out her hand, but she didn't have time to grab Nuonuo. She saw Nuonuo's figure rushing out of the door like a gust of wind, with a look of surprise on her face, "It's so fast..."

But after Nuonuo also chased her out, in the blink of an eye, Lucia found that she was the only one left in the room, and there was blood all over the floor.

An indescribable sense of fear suddenly enveloped her mind, and Rukia trembled all over with fright, but she didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only call out in a trembling voice: "Sister Nuonuo, wait Wait, wait for me..."

Fear made her forget Nuonuo's instructions just now, and she chased after her...

(End of this chapter)

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