Nono from another world

Chapter 23 The Little Girl's Determination

Chapter 23 The Little Girl's Determination
After several minutes, Mi You rushed out of the basement in a panic.

"Oops, I didn't find that monster, Sister Nuonuo and the others will be fine... hey?!"

Miyou exclaimed while flying, but just after flying a certain distance, she made an emergency stop, and turned her head in surprise to look at the three Nuonuo standing aside.

"Sister Nuonuo, why are you here? Where's that... monster?" Miyou asked.

At this time, her face was pinched by Nuonuo, and what Miyou said next became vague: "I have been chasing after the sound, but there is nothing in the basement... um... ...Sister, why are you pinching me?"

"You still have the nerve to ask?" Nuonuo said angrily.

Then, she briefly stated the truth of the matter, and then asked: "You rushed out like that, and asked me why I pinched you?"

With that said, Nuonuo continued to pinch twice.

Just pinching was for punishment, but now pinching is because Nuonuo suddenly noticed that the little girl's skin feels really good to the touch, making her a little reluctant to let go.

Miyou was pinched by her, her little head swayed left and right, her pink mouth pouted, very cute.

Although she didn't understand why sister Nuonuo looked at her with a playful smile on her face when she blamed herself, but Miyou didn't think too much at all...

She guessed that this probably meant that sister Nuonuo was not really angry.She really hurts herself!

Thinking of this, Miyou simply hugged Nuonuo's arm, leaned her face all over, rubbed against Nuonuo's palm, and said coquettishly: "Sister Nuonuo, I know I made a mistake, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Nuonuo tensed up all of a sudden, how could a girl be so cute when she was acting like a spoiled child to an older man of the same sex?I didn't know that before!
When she was studying, she saw two beautiful girls in her class holding hands and arms all day long, embracing each other, and kissing each other's cheeks. At that time, she felt very envious and wanted to become a spy among them.

Although this thought is only for a moment, it is fleeting, but... Could it be because of the weird thought at that moment that "dreams come true"!
Nuonuo shivered suddenly.

But no matter what, the feeling brought by this kind of treatment is indeed very strange, with a very evil feeling...

"So, you are a survivor?" Mi You acted coquettishly for a while, then let go of Nuonuo, and looked at the little girl.

The little girl lowered her head, looked at Miyou as if she was peeking, and stepped on the other with one bare foot: "Hmm..."

Sure enough, she was still a little afraid of this investigator from another world...

"Then you saw the monster coming out of the mine?" Mi You asked again.

Nuonuo glanced at Miyou, she was still worrying about how to ask this question just now, she didn't expect Miyou to be so straightforward... But thinking about Miyou's attitude when she saw those corpses, she knew that she was serious about this matter insensitivity.

The little girl froze for a moment, then nodded.

"What did you see?" Mi You asked.

The little girl was silent for a while, and said: "I only saw monsters flying in from the window through the broken glass... Then my mother pushed me into the small maze. I hid inside and heard the screams of my mother and father all the time. It was very big, painful and frightening...then the sound stopped, and I didn't dare to come the time I came out, my parents were gone."

Her voice was very slow, her tone was very flat, and she seemed to be less sad.But Nuonuo saw her little feet constantly moving, and her hands were twisted together.

Obviously, this memory is very bad for her.

"Really? Tell me what that monster looks like." Mi You asked.

At this time, Lucia finally couldn't help but said: "Don't ask, right? This memory must be very painful for her, she is still so young..."

"Will you avenge me?" At this moment, the little girl suddenly asked in a low voice.

Nuonuo looked at her. Under the messy curly hair of the little girl, although there was perturbation on her little face, her eyes were firm.

She already understood the concept of revenge.

"If I can become like my sisters, I will avenge myself when I grow up. However, I don't think I want to wait so long." The little girl said.

Nuonuo looked at her for a while, then touched her head: "We will try our best."

This little girl is powerless to her own destiny, this sense of powerlessness and despair, Nuonuo herself has also experienced it deeply.

But she was saved by Liuli, and now she too can do something for this little girl.

They decided to take the little girl back to the airship.

But while leaving this room, Nuonuo glanced in the direction of the castle, frowned and thought, it's not hard to find this little girl here, but the people from the Yinyue Branch have never found it.

Maybe they didn't think about finding survivors at all.


"The branch chief, the polar branch is so weak, and there will be no news after the only two strong women go in. It seems that they can't be counted on." Van Torn is still stuck in the light of Nuonuo's irony to him. From embarrassment to anger, his thin lips were tightly pressed, appearing to be in a bad mood.

But when talking to Hyena Howson, he didn't dare to show his bad mood.

That woman dared to insinuate him as a coward!Van Turn would like to give that woman a little look, but it depends on what Hyena Howson is going to do.

There was no expression on Hyena Howson's face: "Then what do you think is better now?"

Van Turn carefully searched for the words: "We conserved our strength and did not act rashly. This is a sensible approach. But the girl who has no knowledge and can only talk nonsense instead satirized us. She thought her actions were brave, But that's just sending you to death..."

"Hee hee, you went around, didn't you just want to say that you also want to take action and show that little girl? Fantern, you are such a narrow-minded and impatient idiot." Claire giggled .

"You..." Van Torn's face turned red immediately, apparently being taken into consideration.

"However, the order to stand still for the time being was given by the head of the branch. Aren't you just like that little girl who is also opposing the decision of the head of the branch? You are hopelessly stupid..." Claire spoke without any scruples, Seeing Van Tren's ugly expression, as if she had completely expressed her thoughts, she couldn't stop laughing happily.

Van Turn's face turned pale. He really wanted to stop Claire from continuing to talk, but he knew how scary this woman was... Speaking of which, he was the kind of woman who wanted them to be impressed by him, and at the same time He is also afraid of his own weird attitude, which has something to do with being a partner with Claire.

The terror of this woman made him a little nervous.

Van Turn looked at Hyena Hausen with a guilty conscience, and hesitatingly explained: "Director, I didn't mean that..."

(End of this chapter)

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