Nono from another world

Chapter 24 Glass Heart

Chapter 24 Glass Heart

Hyena Howson's face has always been expressionless. Even when Fan Tun showed nervousness and fear, his eyes on Fan Tun still did not change.

His zombie-like reaction was in stark contrast to Fantern's flustered reaction.

"This is because he can control my life and death, but in his eyes, I don't have anything worthy of attention at all..." Van Torn thought wildly in his heart.

"Then act." Hyena Howson suddenly said.

"Huh?" Van Turn showed an unbelievable expression.

Claire still had a smile on her face, but there was a playful look in her eyes.

"I wasn't very interested in the whole thing at first...but now I suddenly have a little interest." Hyena Howson said, pinching his wrists, "I want to see what Reina is going to do."

The reason why he didn't rescue his team members before was because he wasn't very interested in all this... Even Butler Nim would frown if he heard this answer.

Howson was called a hyena because he was a madman who didn't care about human life.Otherwise, with his terrifying record and strength, he would have already surpassed his current status.

He didn't care about the difficulty of the task, and didn't respond to the death of his team members...

If it wasn't for the Yinyue detachment that happened this time, perhaps the Bureau of Investigation wouldn't have sent the weakest branch of the polar region over to give a symbolic rescue.

Even Fantern, a member of the Silver Moon Detachment, couldn't help feeling his scalp tighten, while Claire raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he wasn't surprised by the answer.

"Living is a very boring thing, but fortunately, some interesting things will happen occasionally." Hyena Howson said, a very inconspicuous smile slowly appeared on that expressionless face ...


"Did that guy say that? But this is indeed his style." On the flying boat, after listening to Nim's report, Reina said, shaking her wine glass.

"It's your style to start drinking in broad daylight." Nim replied calmly.

"Hahaha." Lena laughed twice as if she didn't hear it, and then said seriously, "That bastard, I won't let this matter go, I will report it to the investigation bureau immediately..."

"Wait." Nim interrupted her, and then an antenna protruded from her ear. After the antenna flickered for a while, Nim looked at Reina and said, "Silver Moon sent a message saying that they They will also act, but in order not to let us drag them down, they decided to act separately from us and let us do our own thing. If we decide to wait quietly, they have no objection."

"In this case, you, branch chief, won't be able to protest to the Bureau of Investigation," Nim said.

Lena was silent, it was true.

Could it be that they protested to the investigation bureau that they were discriminated against as weak scum?This is the truth, okay...

"The head of the Housen Branch seems to be a troublesome person. After hearing what Nuonuo said, he immediately decided to act, so that the Bureau of Investigation can make sense." Nim said.

"No, he's not thinking about that at all. He just depends on his own preferences. But you are right in saying that he is indeed a troublesome character." Reina said, "For example, generally speaking, people like him People of this status should not care about little girls like Nuonuo, but he is a different kind. Moreover, although he does whatever he wants, he actually has a very fragile glass heart."

As Reina spoke, a teasing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she remembered something from the past.

"In short, he actually cares very much about what anyone says."

Reina's words made Nim, a robot, unable to deal with calculations for a while.

That man, is he a glass heart?
So, when Nuonuo said those words, although he was expressionless, was he already very angry in his heart?
"It's... so surprising." Nim seemed a little speechless.

After Nuonuo and the others returned to the boat, they saw Nim immediately.

Nim looked the little girl up and down... Nuonuo now knew her name, she was Maggie.And Nim's behavior was actually scanning, analyzing, and recording all of Maggie's data.

"Survivor?" Nim quickly came to a conclusion through calculation.

Nuonuo thought a little speechlessly, isn't this kind of thing known at a glance... The attributes of the robot girl are fully exposed at this time.

"Hmm." Maggie also looked at Nim curiously and nodded.

She is curious about everything on the flying ship.For ordinary people in this world, alien spaceships are invisible and intangible. They only occasionally fly over the roofs of houses, casting a huge shadow from the sky.All these ordinary people can see is the bottom of these icy machines.

The people are full of longing for the alien flying ship.

But seeing Maggie's expression, Nuonuo felt a little complicated.

These people and children, the reason why they yearn for flying ships is because these behemoths are defending their existence.They couldn't see the monster because the monster was blocked by the flying ship and the investigators in the dark mine.

But for Maggie, this protection didn't work.

"She is also a witness." Mi You added from the side.

At the same time, Nuonuo took out the nail, handed it to Nim and said, "We found this, it fell from the monster."

"I'll take it for analysis. And you, Maggie, just follow me. You don't need to go through your description, and I won't force you to recall any details." Nim pointed at Nuonuo and Miyou Nodded, "Leave it to me."

It turns out that there is another way... Nuonuo glanced at Mi You, so Mi You didn't intend to question her, but just wanted to make sure that Maggie had relevant memories.

But regarding the simple and heartless part of Miyou, Nuonuo felt that his guess should still be right...

"Oh, by the way, the Yinyue Branch has decided to take action. However, they won't provide us with any information." Nim's gaze paused on Nono.

"Ah..." Rukia showed a look of surprise and disappointment. Her sister is from the Yinyue branch, but the people from the Yinyue branch refused to provide information, "But no matter what, they are willing to act, so It's already good. Nuonuo, thank you for making this happen!"

As Rukia said, she hugged Nuonuo very movedly, rubbing her face against her neck.

This was just a way for girls to express their intimacy without defense, but Nuonuo's whole body tensed up instantly, and then after recovering, he slowly reached out and stroked Rukia's slender back.

A trace of body temperature was conveyed to Nuonuo's palm through the clothes, and a happy smile appeared on Nuonuo's face: "You're welcome..."

If you can get a hug from the little beauty just by talking about it, then Nuonuo would be more than happy to scold Hyena Howson and his group again...

(End of this chapter)

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