Nono from another world

Chapter 243 Auction

Chapter 243 Auction

Just as he was thinking, Li Wei's father looked at his watch, turned his head and said to the attendants behind him: "It's almost time, let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he went straight past Nuonuo and the others, headed towards the direction of the box, and left just like that.It was only after walking a few meters that he turned around and smiled at Nuonuo as if he remembered something, "You want to participate in the auction too? Very good, I hope you won't feel bored later."

As soon as the Marquis finished speaking, a ringing bell suddenly came from a distance.

Nuonuo suddenly had a more ominous feeling in her heart, but the Marquis didn't even look at her, but went directly to the box where he was.

The two female servants glanced at each other, and then they forced themselves to smile at them and said, "The auction is about to start, please come with us."

Temporarily putting aside their doubts, Nuonuo and others followed two waitresses to a luxuriously decorated box.After a while, the curtains of the entire building were drawn one by one, and the surroundings suddenly became dark, leaving only the chandelier in the center still on.All of a sudden, the lights and shadows moved, and those delicate utensils and objects became more gorgeous under the light.

Then the people below started to get restless, and Miyou on the side let out a joyful cry: "Has it started?"

Farke nodded and said, "It's about to start."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Nuonuo hesitantly, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Nuonuo knew what Fake was thinking, but if she showed any worries at this time, it would make people suspicious of her, so she just pretended not to notice Fake, but Liuli Minato After getting behind Nuonuo, he whispered, "Nuonuo, you have to be careful, Li Wei's father came here on purpose, I'm afraid it's not just to warn you."

Nuonuo nodded ignorantly, indicating that she was mentally prepared.

At this time, another group of people came up from downstairs, and Nuonuo noticed that An Labei's face was a little uncomfortable, and her eyes were always looking at the group of people. She felt strange and asked him what's the matter, Fake tsk tsk Said strangely: "It seems that today's auction is not easy, Miss Nuonuo, look..."

"What's the matter?" Nuonuo asked, feeling strange in her heart. She only saw a few young people, and didn't find anything strange.

As he spoke, Fake glanced at the people below for Nuonuo, and said softly: "Miss Nuonuo, look, the two young people walking in the front are His Highness the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince."

"Third prince, fourth prince?"

Nuonuo froze for a moment, she really didn't see anything special about those two young people, the only thing that impressed her was that they were really good-looking, and... I don't know if it was an illusion, Nuo Nuo Nuo always felt that these two people looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them.

Just as they were talking, the third and fourth princes went to the box on the first floor.From the outside, this underground auction house seems to occupy a small area, but in fact, the space inside is very large. There are even five floors inside. The closer the place is to the round platform, the more powerful the buyer is, and the status is noble. .

Nuonuo and the others had the opportunity to sit in the box on the third floor because of Fa Ke.

Farke continued: "It seems that there is a good show to watch today, and it may be a rare event in a century."


Just as he was talking, tables and display stands began to be placed on the yuan platform under the box. Looking at it from Nuonuo's current angle, he could just see Li Wei's father.I don't know if he wanted me to see him, but among so many boxes, only his box didn't have a curtain.

Even though the surrounding environment was a bit dim, Enonuo could clearly see the neither yin nor yang expression on his face with his current eyesight.Nuonuo felt more and more that it might not go well in the future, but since they are all here, why don't we wait until the auction is over?

Thinking of this, Nuonuo immediately relaxed and carefully observed the situation below.

The round platform was quickly set up with an auction platform and a display base. A person who looked like a staff member came to the stage to adjust it around, and other people were also helping to arrange it.Although these people were wearing the clothes of attendants, their steps were very steady. Even when they ran up and down, they didn't take a breath. They were obviously not ordinary people.It seems that this auction house is indeed as rumored, with a strong background, otherwise it would not be possible for the imperial capital to exist for such a long time and find so many practitioners as attendants.

Nim told Nuonuo when he was on the road just now that the most special thing about this auction is that no appraiser is recognized, and the test is on eyesight and connections, because most of the things auctioned here cannot be valued, and even There are still many things that no one has seen before, and there is no standard for bidding.For example, the boulder in Nuonuo's hand, she thought it could be sold for 1000 million gold coins, so the starting price was [-] million gold coins, but if others thought it was not worth the price, then he might not even offer [-] million gold coins.

In other words, if you want to shoot something here, you must have a certain level of vision, otherwise you will not know whether the other party is cheating you or you have made a profit.Therefore, the competition in this kind of auction has always been fierce, and the test is a heartbeat.

And the most frightening thing is that this place also buys some strange and worthless things, which make people unable to tell whether they are good or bad. It is impossible to tell whether such things are worthless. The only way Just relying on my own intuition, it can be said that this is a big gamble.

In short, the auction here can be said to be a very insightful event. Anything can happen, and anything can happen.But this time, several important figures including the marquis came, and it was obvious that there was something serious.

Soon, the noise below became louder and the things were almost arranged. A woman in a long white dress walked to the front of the stage, smiled sweetly at the buyers in the box, and continued: "The auction is about to start, please leave the venue, we are about to close the auction venue. Please keep quiet, the attendants will start distributing the auction list and ringing the bell."

The noise from downstairs resounded again. Nuonuo saw people leaving one after another. They were dressed as attendants, and only some personal bodyguards remained in the box. It was obvious that these distinguished guests were very worried about their safety inside.

While Nuonuo was looking around, someone opened the door behind Nuonuo and the others, and then saw a waitress walking in with a tray.The tray was covered with a delicately crafted red cloth, and on top of the red cloth was a hard-covered booklet.

She came straight in front of An Rabe, and suddenly saw Nuonuo, and then Nuonuo saw her face change slightly, and she was stunned.

It took her a long time to react, and she immediately asked, "My lord, is this lady the Miss Nuonuo who came back yesterday?"

Falk looked at her: "What? You've seen the portrait of Nuonuo too? You guessed it right, this is the new genius Nuonuo."

Hearing this, the waitress immediately looked at Nuonuo in horror, it seemed that she had heard about the incident from somewhere.Facing such a man who dared to kill the Marquis's son, the female waitress didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly greeted Nuonuo, but she didn't dare to be too close to Nuonuo, for fear of being known by the Marquis, so as not to be in bad luck. So her smile was so stiff that it looked uglier than crying.

Nuonuo didn't care about it, just smiled and nodded in response, and then let the female servant back down.

Miyou was young and didn't quite understand these things. She felt that the waitress's attitude was very strange, so she asked Nuonuo: "Sister Nuonuo, why do people here treat you so strangely? Could it be that they I don't know if you will be promoted to a full-time investigator soon?"

Nuonuo looked at Miyou, and felt that this goblin was really cute and silly, and couldn't bear to make her worry, so she explained with a smile: "It's nothing, don't think too much about it." As she said that, she had already opened the roster , eagerly read it, but she only turned two pages when her expression changed.

When Nim saw this, he immediately grabbed it and pulled it up. After a straight look, he found that the content of the booklet was not very large, but there were still a full twenty pages.

(End of this chapter)

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