Nono from another world

Chapter 244 White Strange Beast

Chapter 244 White Strange Beast
The ones in front are all jewelry, all of which come from foreign countries or other worlds. They have certain special functions, such as earrings that can make the skin more hydrated, necklaces that delay aging, etc., which are amazing. But no one can guarantee how effective it will be.However, these things are very exquisitely crafted, and it is obvious that a lot of thought has been spent.

Even if this thing is useless, it can still please the woman you like.And rich people don't care about the money, so these things are still very popular.

The middle part is some top-quality crystals, crystal products and a lot of medicinal herbs.These things are of little use to the upper class, but they are very important things to practitioners, especially those herbs.

Although the empire has a vast area, there are very few rare medicinal herbs, especially the medicinal herbs that are provided to practitioners.For an ordinary cultivator, it is already considered remarkable to be able to eat a few medium-sized herbs in a lifetime, let alone the golden ginseng that Nuonuo absorbed before.

Looking at this auction again, the organizer actually sold several rare medicinal herbs that are rare in the market at one time, such as 200-year-old golden ginseng and 300-year-old Yulin fruit, which are all great tonics.

As long as these medicinal herbs are absorbed, the crystal energy that practitioners can hold will increase a lot. For them, this is simply an excellent way to quickly improve their strength.

However, this is nothing, the end of the album is the highlight of this auction.

A demon pet captured from another world!
In order for the buyers to see it clearly, the organizer also specially asked the artist to draw a picture of the demon pet.

The picture is very large, and it is a white animal that looks like a fox at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a tail on the tail of this white beast, and there is a faint golden light all over its body, except for the eyes. Apart from some ignorance, this beast looks really powerful.

Below are a few lines of handwritten words, which read: The white beast, from another world, has unknown abilities, and has a certain degree of aggression.

Nim frowned rarely, it was the first time she had seen this monster, and for a while, she couldn't tell what it was.

Seeing that Nim's eyes were red and she was frowning tightly, Nuonuo knew that she probably didn't know the origin of the white beast, so she said, "Forget it, this beast is not the goal of our trip. Don't worry too much about it."

Speaking of this, Nuonuo looked at the Marquis on the first floor again, and saw that he was no longer drinking tea leisurely, but was sitting on the sofa in a serious manner, carefully looking at a certain page in the album, looking at the His appearance, there seemed to be something in this album that attracted his attention.

Nuonuo wanted to see clearly, but the distance was too far, and the curtain in front of her somewhat blocked her view, so no matter how wide she opened her eyes, she didn't know what Li Wei's father was looking at.

Just as she was thinking about it, Nuonuo suddenly felt someone pulling her sleeve. Looking back, she saw that girl Miyou was looking at her pitifully, and said with a small mouth, "Sister Nuonuo, can you buy it?" That white beast?"

Hearing this, Nuonuo couldn't help being taken aback, and then thought, the white beast has furry ears, a long big tail, and a pair of eyes that are very watery. It looks pitiful, which is very irritating Lianai naturally captured a little girl like Mi You.

But seeing that the reserve price was [-] gold coins, Nuonuo couldn't help but wryly smiled.

She got a lot of rewards this time, but it was okay to buy some common herbs, but it was a bit difficult to buy this kind of strange beast.After all, the biggest purpose of her visit this time is to learn more. Of course, it would be great if she could get some cheap money. However, such a good thing is obviously not her turn.

"Miyou, we can't afford this beast yet." Nuonuo didn't care that An Labei was still in the box, and she bluntly revealed the plight of their polar branch. This frank attitude made Farke I feel a little stuck on my face.He is very clear why the Polar Branch became what it is now...


"Miyou, if you want this little animal, I'll buy it for you, right?"

Miyou wanted to say something, but a sudden voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a man in a white robe with a lot of gold thread embroidered on it walked in, smiled and said to Mi You: "Mi You, if you like it, I can take a picture of it and give it to you. Already?" After saying this, the man smiled at Fake again, "Master Fake, I heard that you are here, so I wanted to say hello to you, but I came in without your permission. Sorry. By the way, who is this?"

When he said this, he was looking at Nuonuo who was beside Miyou.

Falk stood up and saluted the young man, and said, "Mr. Berg, you are welcome. This is Nuonuo. And these few, they are all investigators of the Polar Branch. Mr. Berg should all Have you seen it?"

After that, Falk turned around and introduced to Nuonuo: "Miss Nuonuo, this is the second young master of the Berg family and a practitioner."

Berg smiled, and said: "So this is the famous Miss Nuonuo, who has been admiring her for a long time!" Then, he nodded slightly and saluted Nuonuo, "I'm really sorry for interrupting suddenly just now, Mi You and I I've known her for many years, and it's rare to see her in the imperial capital, so I couldn't hold back for a while, and please forgive me, Miss Nuonuo."

Although this Berg always speaks with a condescending taste unconsciously, he is generally polite and polite, and Nuonuo doesn't have any ill feelings towards him, and after hearing that he and Miyou have known each other a lot Years, so I'm going to give him a seat.

But Miyou snorted coldly and said: "Sister Nuonuo, don't listen to his nonsense, I don't know him, but when I first came here, I didn't know the place well, so I only stayed at his father's house for a few days That's all."

Hearing this, Berg didn't feel any embarrassment. Instead, he smiled and said, "Miyou has grown up, and I'm always afraid that I'll tell others about the fun things she did before. Miss Nuonuo doesn't have to be polite to me anymore. I still have a few friends over there, I just came to say hello to everyone, and I will go back right away."

After finishing speaking, he nodded at several people, turned around and left the box, and looked along the corridor, he was accompanied by a man and a woman, all dressed exquisitely, and it seemed that their identities were not ordinary.

Nuonuo thought that this Berg man was not bad, but Mi You seemed to dislike him very much, so he asked, "Mi You, you don't seem to like Berg very much?"

"Sister Nuonuo, don't look at his friendly appearance on the surface. In fact, he is full of bad water. Don't be deceived by his appearance." Miyou pouted, and then pulled back after speaking. Nuonuo's sleeve, leaning against her ear and whispering, "By the way, sister Nuonuo, you can't let that white beast fall into the hands of others."

"What do you mean?"

Nuonuo suddenly became interested, thinking that this white strange beast might have something to do with it?
Sure enough, Miyou went on to say: "I'm not sure, I just remember that in my world, there is a legend about this white beast. I heard that it is born to practice like a practitioner, and can freely use the power of crystals. "

Hearing this, Nuonuo couldn't help being taken aback.If this white beast can really practice like a practitioner as Mi You said, wouldn't having such a pet by his side be equivalent to an extra combat power?

This... this is too monstrous!

Thinking of this, Nuonuo looked at the white beast in the album, and his eyes became a little different.

However, if this white beast is really that powerful, how could the people in the auction house not find it?

So, it's not clear yet.

Alabei on the side didn't know what Nuonuo and the others were muttering about, and it was difficult to ask questions because of his face and status, so he had to move a bit to the side tactfully, and looked around uncomfortably.

Fortunately, such an embarrassing moment did not last long, and the following arrangements were in full swing, and arrangements were made soon.After a while, Nuo Nuo saw a few exquisitely crafted crystal plates placed in the middle of the round platform, and inside the plates were the jewelries in the picture album, but because the distance was too far, Nuo Nuo couldn't see them too well. clear.

(End of this chapter)

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