Nono from another world

Chapter 338 Red Zone

Chapter 338 Red Zone
Thinking of this, the strange beast retreated into the cave that had collapsed just now, sat down directly, and began to squint and doze off.It didn't dare to get too close to that gap, the place after that gave it too many bad memories.

So as long as they don't get close to that place, the strange beast has nothing to worry about.

"What happened just now? What is this place?"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Qing'er couldn't help exclaiming.

Right in front of them, a snow-white mountain range went straight up to the sky, and there were two dangerous peaks beside it. From a distance, they looked like two sharp swords.

The main body of the mountain is winding and twisting, dividing the entire Lingshu Mountain into two.

this place...

Nuonuo frowned. This mountain range was obviously part of the Lingshu Mountain Range, but it was different from what they had seen before. Apart from the white snow, there were many strange-looking plants on this mountain range.

In addition, the mountain range looks like a big snow-white dragon from a distance. The two dangerous peaks in the front are the dragon's horns, and the other peaks behind are like parts of the dragon's body and claws. , It is simply uncanny workmanship, which makes people unbelievable that it is formed naturally.

In front of the mountain peak, there is a deep canyon. If you look closely, it looks like a giant dragon's big mouth. It is a vast expanse of whiteness, as if it wants to swallow everything in it.

"I think we may have gotten to a great place."

Nuonuo said hesitantly, because she found that the atmosphere of this place was very strange, as if everything had died, but when she carefully probed out the perception, she found that there was still a lot of life in this place. thing.

"You mean, we've entered...the red zone?"

This thought quickly flashed across Qing'er's mind, and after thinking about it carefully, it was not impossible.Previously, for safety reasons, they purposely set up their camp near the icy lake near the red zone. If it was for some special reason, they might have strayed into the red zone.

However, it was easy to enter this place, but it was obviously not an easy task to get out, not to mention that there was that strange beast chasing after them.


Nuonuo and Qing'er stood there for a while, and found that although the place was lifeless, it didn't seem to be dangerous, which made them feel a little curious.

"I really didn't expect that the most dangerous red area in the legend is so calm." Nuonuo checked the surroundings repeatedly with her senses, and after confirming that there was no danger, she said to Qing'er, "Let's go down and have a look, the strange The beast did not catch up."

Although it was not Nuonuo's original intention to enter this place, since everyone has come here, it would be a pity not to take a look.

"it is good!"

Qing'er replied, facing this frightening place in the legend, her complexion was not very good-looking.

The two went straight to the canyon.

The canyon was completely covered by ice and snow, and as far as the eye could see, nothing could be seen except a vast expanse of whiteness.No matter how high the cultivation base is, people will find it difficult to see things after entering, unless they use their perception ability.

After confirming again that there was no danger around, Nuonuo lit a ray of light, and the faint light radiated immediately, illuminating a very small area.

But soon, the flame was blown out by the wind.

But even so, Nuonuo and Qing'er still see a devastated world.

This canyon is very wide. Judging from the glimpse just now, the canyon is at least several thousand meters wide, which is very different from the actual distance seen from the outside.

In the canyon, there are still many ancient traces, most of which are scattered bones.

Although I just looked at a general idea, the number of these bones has already exceeded the imagination of the two of them. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are many bones!
What is even more chilling is that many of the bones have been weathered, and they will instantly turn into powder with just a light touch.

"Why are there so many bones here?" Qing'er asked suspiciously, and at this time, Nuonuo squatted on the ground and picked up a bone that was still in good condition.

The whole body of this bone was pitch black, half of it was broken, and the remaining part was almost decayed, but when holding it in the hand, one could still feel a terrible breath.

"This should be the bone of an animal, maybe... it's the same creature as that strange beast."

Nuonuo's voice was low, and Qing'er's heart shuddered. Is it the same creature as that strange beast?In other words, there is something like that beast in this valley. If so, wouldn't they be miserable?
Just looking at the number of these bones, we can tell that the number of these creatures is not too small.

"It's really a scary place." Qing'er murmured to herself, faintly feeling that there seemed to be some secrets in Lingshu Mountain, otherwise why did the strange beasts gather in this place where no shit?

Qing'er was amazed, but at this time, Nuonuo had been looking at the bones in her hand, and she raised her head after a long time, and said with some surprise: "Qing'er, you haven't discovered that there is a treasure hidden in these bones. A strange energy?"

There is an unexcavated crystal mine at the foot of Lingshu mountain. If these strange beasts want to gain more power, they will naturally find a way to absorb the energy of the crystal.In this way, they will naturally accumulate powerful energy in their bodies.

Over time, this power is engraved into every part of their bodies.Although these bones are close to decay, the energy contained in them has not dissipated. This is undoubtedly great news for Nuonuo and Qing'er who no longer have crystals to replenish their physical energy.


Qing'er was taken aback for a moment, then immediately took the bone in Nuonuo's hand and began to verify it, and found that it was indeed the case.

"Then in this way, we can borrow the energy in these bones to restore our physical fitness?"

Whether it is Qing'er or Nuonuo, what they lack the most now is crystals. Although it is impossible to practice here so comfortably, and they have to face the possible crisis of wasting, as long as they can recover some of their bodies, this is also true for them. A great thing.

"It's just a pity that the energy contained in these bones is too little. I'm afraid it will take us a long time to fully recover."

Nuonuo couldn't help but let out a long sigh, but Qing'er was a little excited, "It's good to be able to recover some physical strength, so that when we face the enemy, we can at least resist for a while. Then shall we start now?"

"Don't worry, remember that we got a yellow stinky egg before we came? We are not very familiar with this place. If we can't get out, it will be more or less troublesome. It's better to send a signal directly. The Bureau of Investigation should not Because of this incident, we will be disqualified from the competition."

"Also, we have to investigate the situation in this canyon first, otherwise, no matter how much our physical strength recovers, if we encounter something in the end, we probably won't be able to hold on for too long."

Nuonuo poured a basin of cold water, and Qing'er's hope that had just been ignited was extinguished in an instant.

But Nuonuo was right, if they couldn't get out or encountered something like the strange beast just now, no matter how much energy they recovered, it would be useless.

Thinking of this, Qing'er took out the yellow stinky egg from his pocket and crushed it, but what made the faces of the two of them a little ugly was that the stinky egg didn't respond at all, obviously because it had been soaked in water.

In desperation, Nuonuo had no choice but to take out her own body for a try, only to find that the rotten egg in her hand also ended up in the same end.

This means that they have lost contact with the outside world!
This sudden change made both of them a little uneasy, and Qing'er asked with an ugly expression: "What should we do now?"

"The matter has come to this, we can only bite the bullet and move forward." Nuonuo said coldly, looking not in a good mood.

Although Nuonuo's words were somewhat desperate, what she said was not unreasonable. The matter has reached this point, and they can only let nature take its course.

Thinking of this, Qing'er had no choice but to nod.

The two walked all the way, almost losing the concept of time.The sky in this canyon has been covered with a layer of white mist, not only can't see any sunlight, not even a strange beast can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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