Nono from another world

Chapter 339 Plasma Fruit

Chapter 339 Plasma Fruit
The most common ones are the old rocks that can be seen everywhere. I don’t know how long these stones have gone through, and each piece looks like a very strong historical atmosphere, as if the landform of this canyon has not changed for decades or even hundreds of years. Same thing.

The two of them had gone deep into the canyon for three or four hundred miles, and at this moment, a sudden change occurred!Nuonuo, who had been walking in the front, suddenly jumped out to the side. Her speed was so incredible that Qing'er couldn't help being startled.

But despite this, Qing'er still jumped back reflexively, and with a swipe of his right hand on his waist, the dagger was unsheathed!

All of this was done in a blink of an eye, but to Qing'er's surprise, after she was on alert, the surrounding area was always quiet, except for the shrill sound of wind and snow, nothing happened.

But Nuonuo still didn't stop after jumping a few meters away. Qing'er was about to ask clearly, but Nuonuo suddenly stopped, and her snow-white right hand popped out, shooting out a pre-cut wooden stick , with a snapping sound, as if something had been hit.

Then Nuonuo walked over quickly, bent down and picked up something. Her injuries were not healed, and her movements seemed to be very difficult.

Then, Nuonuo walked back with a pale face, holding a white thing shaped like a long snake in her hand.

"Fortunately, we were discovered in advance. If this thing was lying in the snow and attacked us suddenly, we might suffer." Nuonuo said, wiping the perspiration from his forehead.

With the help of the round stone, although her skin trauma was almost healed, the three broken bones were still broken, just a little movement, Nuo Nuo would feel pain and sweat all over her body.

Although she had tried her best to endure, under the double torment of fatigue and hunger, she inevitably showed a trace of weakness.

But this is good, with this snake-like thing, they can fill their stomachs a little bit.

After hearing Nuonuo's words, Qing'er finally realized that she had discovered something lurking in the snow, and that's why she made the sudden move just now.

This shocked Qing'er, but also felt sincere admiration for Nuonuo, because she didn't find anything just now.

Nuonuo's perception has become so powerful...

Qing'er sighed silently, unconsciously trusting Nuonuo more and more.

The two began to move forward again, preparing to find a safer place before making plans.

After the incident just now, the speed of the two slowed down a bit. After all, no one knows how many white snakes there are in the snow.

The two of them had traveled tens of miles, when Nuonuo's heart suddenly moved, and at the same time, the boulder hidden in her chest also burst into a burst of dazzling light.

This is the embodiment of medicinal herbs nearby!

According to the guidance of the round stone, Nuonuo saw a spiritual grass under the big rock not far away.This spirit grass is only about three inches high, with a fruit the size of a pigeon's egg growing on the top, and its whole body is as red as blood.

"This is... plasma fruit?"

Qing'er was shocked suddenly and cried out.

Nuonuo didn't know why, so he asked, "What's the matter, is there anything weird about this fruit?"

Qing'er said a little excitedly: "This thing only exists in legends, it's called blood plasma, it is said that only extremely dangerous places can breed one or two plants. And it must use powerful strange beasts as bait, this fruit can It is possible to take shape, and a fruit must grow for at least 300 years!"

"So powerful?" Nuonuo was also a little surprised. In this way, their luck must have been too good, and they could find a plasma fruit just by walking around.Or is it true that this canyon hides so many treasures that things like plasma fruit are almost rotten?

Qing'er was inexplicably excited, her feet accelerated suddenly, and she flew directly towards the blood plasma fruit, the distance of tens of meters was fleeting.

However, just when her hand was about to touch the plasma fruit, Nuonuo's expression suddenly changed, and she shouted loudly: "Slow down, don't touch that fruit!"

Hearing this, Qing'er's pupils shrank suddenly, and all the muscles in her body tensed instantly.In fact, she didn't want this fruit, but she was a little excited when she saw the legendary herb for the first time, so after Nuonuo said these words, an ominous premonition flashed in her heart, and she immediately increased ten times. Two points of vigilance.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened. Qing'er couldn't help but frowned, and said to Nuonuo who had rushed over, "It seems that there is no danger."

Qing'er was talking, at this moment, Nuo Nuo suddenly felt a cold air coming out from under her feet, climbing straight up her spine.

At this time, Nuonuo saw a very strange and terrifying scene. The blood plasma fruit behind Qing'er suddenly stretched out its roots, and quickly moved towards Qing'er who was not far away from it!


Before he had time to think about it, Nuonuo accelerated sharply, and when the roots were about to touch Qing'er, he pushed her away.

However, due to inertia, when Nuonuo pushed Qing'er away, his own body accidentally touched the roots protruding from the plasma fruit.

Almost in the blink of an eye, before Nuonuo even felt any pain, she discovered to her horror that her right arm was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the current speed, it would probably take only a few seconds. Her hand will be completely useless.

"Nuo Nuo!" Qing'er's face was livid, what happened to Nuo Nuo made her feel mixed feelings, if she hadn't acted rashly, Nuo Nuo would not have done such a thing because of saving her!
But now is not the time to blame yourself, if you don't treat Nuonuo, then her life is really in danger!

But this is also the first time for Qing'er to encounter this kind of situation. She tried to cut off the roots of the blood plasma fruit with the short knife in her hand, but found that the roots seemed fragile, but they were very tough, even though she had exerted great strength , these roots remain unmoved.

Just when Qing'er was at a loss, a dazzling yellow light suddenly burst out from Nuonuo's chest, and a black stone jumped out from Nuonuo's chest, and landed directly in front of the plasma fruit.

Immediately afterwards, a miraculous scene appeared, the plasma fruit began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a second or two, the plasma fruit turned into a shriveled withered grass.

Qing'er couldn't help being stunned, the big ups and downs in life were implemented too quickly, she didn't react at all!

It wasn't until Nuonuo's groan came out that Qing'er suddenly woke up, and hurriedly threw herself in front of Nuonuo, asking anxiously, "Is your hand okay?!"

Although the scene just lasted only a few seconds, Nuonuo's right hand was obviously smaller than his left hand, and he looked pale and weak.

Nuonuo smiled bitterly and said: "It's okay, just take a rest. It's just that my right hand may not be able to move for a while, can you help me bring the boulder over?"

Qing'er nodded quickly, and put the boulder that fell on the ground on the palm of Nuonuo's right hand.Then, a pale white light penetrated from the boulder, penetrated directly into the depths of Nuonuo's skin through the pores on his arm.

Nuonuo's body trembled violently, the original pained expression suddenly eased, and the right arm also returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everything was developing in a good direction, which made Qing'er heaved a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, Nuonuo's face suddenly turned red, and an extremely violent energy suddenly came out from the boulder, and began to rampage on Nuonuo.

Qing'er immediately understood, this is the energy in the plasma fruit!The fruit has grown to the size it is now, and it has obviously been hundreds of years. Its own medicinal power is already terrifying, and it is bloodthirsty, so the energy drawn from it is naturally not enough. will be so easily absorbed.

Not to mention that Nuonuo is currently in a very weak period, even if she is very strong, she dare not easily absorb so much energy at once. If this continues, even if Nuonuo does not explode and die, her internal organs will suffer terrible damage harm.

Seeing Nuonuo's painful expression, Qing'er's heart tightened, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand to break Nuonuo's palm, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, she felt a tingling pain, as if she had been struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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