I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 279 The real competition officially begins

Chapter 279 The real competition officially begins

Hearing Qin Feng's order, Tang Qing glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said, "Don't hold me back."

After finishing speaking, he raised his sword and rushed out first, and Shi Kelang and the two of them looked at each other unhappily when they heard the words, and made a light "spit", and then attacked from both sides respectively. For a while, the three of them appeared The triangle offensive, with three powerful sword intents, attacked Li Jianguo.

Seeing the offensive of the three of them, Li Jianguo frowned solemnly. To be honest, it was a bit difficult for her to deal with Tang Qing alone. Anyway, the other party was No. 1 in the kendo class.

Now there are three people coming, to be honest, she is not sure whether the "puppet beast clothes" can withstand the offensive of the three, if not, then it can only be...
Thinking of this, she took a deep breath, and suddenly, the red beast figure swept out again, stretching out multiple tentacles and attacking the three of them.

Looking at the competition on the stage, Zhang Litian couldn't help but frowned. Everyone could see that Li Jianguo at this moment was obviously a bit weaker than before. After all, the three opponents were not ordinary people. They are all first class, even the actual combat experience is quite rich.

Turning to look at Qin Feng with an indifferent face, he said, "Master Qin, the old man admits that Jianguo's girl has a strong ability to match her physique, but isn't it too harsh for her to fight three against one?"

"Is it severe? I didn't realize it." Qin Feng said with a light smile.

Zhang Litian sighed softly, and said: "The old man knows that you are eager to love, but everything is a process. It's only been a month. It's already a draw with Tang Qing. Why force her?"

"Forcing her?" Qin Feng looked at Zhang Litian suspiciously: "When did I force her?"

"That's not enough?" Zhang Litian pointed to the four figures on the Martial Dao Stage.Qin Feng didn't speak, just shook his head with a light smile.

Seeing Qin Feng's indifferent appearance, Zhang Litian sighed again, and was about to speak, but at this moment, there was a sound of exclamation in the field, and he turned his head subconsciously, and saw Tang Qing with the assistance of the two He had already come to Li Jianguo's side. Seeing this, Zhang Litian gave up his plan to continue persuading Qin Feng, and focused on watching the competition in the arena.

On the Martial Dao Stage, Tang Qing came three feet away from Li Jianguo, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and angrily shouted: "Sword Skill: Spinning Shadow Kill."

Suddenly, the spirit sword in Tang Qing's hand trembled slightly, and with a whistling sound, he jumped forward, and his body spun out.

Li Jianguo looked at Tang Qing's offensive, and his complexion suddenly changed, but the claws of the beast shadow were restrained by TEDA and Shi Kelang at the moment, and he could not withdraw at all. Seeing the sword shadow approaching rapidly, she gritted her teeth, and her pupils changed again Into a strange silver.

"Spiritual explosion."

Suddenly, a strong wave swept out, and the sword shadows all over the sky dissipated as if they had been deserted, but what made people astonished was that this time, Tang Qing did not choose to evade, but went straight to meet him.

Seeing the opponent's actions, Li Jianguo frowned, but at this moment, it was impossible for her to stop, so she gritted her teeth, and the violent mental power rushed directly to the opponent. With a sound of "shua", the mental power directly penetrated the opponent's body, "Tang Qing" was crushed directly.

"Phantom." Li Jianguo blurted out, and immediately, her complexion changed drastically, and her mental power spread out, trying to find out the opponent's body.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind hit from behind, and Li Jianguo subconsciously looked back, only to see sword shadows whizzing all over the sky, she couldn't avoid it at such a short distance, and, with her current strength, she could Unable to use "Spiritual Explosion" continuously, there is no other way but to forcibly resist.

Suddenly, the red beast shadow radiated a faint light again, and at the same time, Tang Qing's offensive also came down.

"Ding. Ding. Ding." The sword shadow fell on the beast shadow like raindrops, and the powerful attack made the beast shadow ripple continuously. After a while, the offensive ended, and there was nothing but a few powerful sword shadows.

Seeing this, Li Jianguo let out a sigh of relief, and finally resisted. Even the onlookers in the audience loosened their clenched fists. The scene just now was too thrilling.

But just when everyone thought it was over, Tang Qing showed a sneer again, and this scene happened to be captured by Li Jianguo, a strong sense of crisis hit his heart, he didn't dare to hesitate, and the spiritual power in his mind surged crazily.

"Unity." Tang Qing shouted suddenly, and then several sword shadows suddenly gathered towards the spirit sword in his hand, and the spirit sword shook sharply, emitting a dazzling green glow. Immediately, he turned hard, only to hear " "Crack" several times, and several cracks appeared in the originally indestructible animal shadow.

"Broken" he yelled again, and suddenly, with a "bang", the red beast shadow directly turned into light spots all over the sky. After breaking the beast shadow, although the green light on the spirit sword dimmed a lot, it did not Stopped, still stabbing towards Li Jianguo.

"Mental Barrier"

The stabbing long sword seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall. After only a moment, the feeling of obstruction disappeared, but this moment was enough for Li Jianguo to deal with it.

The latter slapped the sword body with a palm, and the powerful force directly changed the trajectory of the spirit sword, but even so, Tang Qing touched the ground with one foot, turned around, and at the same time controlled the spirit sword, he used "Shenlong Wagging Tail" , kicked her in the abdomen, and the huge force directly sent her flying, and finally landed on the edge of the Martial Arts Platform.

In the tense competition, even Zhang Litian and others on the martial arts viewing platform breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he turned his head to look at Qin Feng and said, "Shopkeeper Qin, is that enough? , that can't be the opponent of the three, not to mention, that girl has tried her best."

"Jade can't be cut, it can't be used." Qin Feng said with a light smile, and then he looked at Zhang Litian with deep meaning, and said narrowly: "Besides, who told you that she tried her best?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Zhang Litian and the others looked at him in surprise. What do you mean?In that kind of competition, could it be that the opponent still retains his strength?
Qin Feng sneered, turned his eyes back to the martial arts viewing platform, and said to himself: "If you think that the "Kuimo Holy Physique" is only capable of this, then you are very wrong. Just watch, the next step is The real fight."

As if to confirm his words, on the martial arts platform, Li Jianguo slowly got up, except for his slightly pale face, there was nothing unusual. After all, Tang Qing's kick was not a joke.

Looking at the three of them calmly, he said slowly: "Sure enough, with my current ability, it's still a little bit reluctant to control the first form to fight the three of you."

Hearing her words, except for Qin Feng, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at each other in disbelief.

"Sure enough, there is another move." Tang Qing and the three of them looked very solemn. It was so difficult to fight just now, and the ghost knows what they will face next.

Twisting his neck, Li Jianguo suddenly sneered, and the runes on the spirit sword slowly lit up. In just a moment, all the runes were activated. Suddenly, runes rushed out one by one and gathered towards the ground. Suddenly, a mysterious The formation appeared in front of everyone, and a strange monster puppet also slowly emerged, exuding a cold aura, judging from its appearance, it was exactly the same as the previous beast shadow.

When everything was ready, Li Jianguo came to the puppet monster, patted it lightly, and said with a sneer, "Let's continue."

As soon as the words fell, two red flames burned in the eyes of the puppet monster, and it roared to the sky.

 Thanks to Nancheng Nan, for the reward of 2100 book coins, and thanks to Xuemu Xiaosheng for the reward of 1000 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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