I open a black shop in another world

Chapter 280 The end of the fight

Chapter 280 The end of the fight
Following the scream of the puppet beast, a wave of sound spread from the Martial Dao Stage, sweeping up a cloud of dust, and glanced at the three of them without emotion.

For a moment, the three of Tang Qing felt their hairs stand on end, and subconsciously took a step back with a look of guard. Even the students who were watching looked at the puppet beast that came out of the blue with surprise.

Zhang Litian looked at the sudden change in surprise, and after a while, he sighed quietly, shook his head and said, "I never thought there would be such a move."

Qin Feng chuckled lightly when he heard this, and said, "Do you still feel that I'm persecuting her?"

Zhang Litian shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "When the old man didn't say anything, let's continue watching the competition."

"What should I do?" Shi Kelang swallowed in horror, and said to Tang Qing: "This iron bump is not a joke. Even the three of us may not be able to handle this posture."

"This is troublesome," Taida said.

Tang Qing's face was also extremely solemn: Is this the real strength of the opponent?It really wasn't something they could resist, but it was obviously not reconciled to let him admit defeat like this. Immediately, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "How long can you stop that puppet beast?"

Shi Kelang and TEDA looked at each other cautiously, thought for a while, and finally shook their heads firmly, saying: "I don't know."

Originally, Tang Qing's face was very solemn, but when he heard what the two said, he looked at them in disbelief, wondering how long he would think?Is it fun to play tricks?Suddenly, he had an urge to beat them up first.

"We really don't know." Seeing Tang Qing's appearance, the two were also very helpless, and explained: "Her fighting style is very evil, and this is the first time we have encountered this kind of puppet beast, and it has no characteristics at all." Understood, what do you want us to say?"

It seems that this is really the case. At this point, Tang Qing was a little helpless, and asked: "Can you hold back the puppet beast for half a cup of tea? Then I can concentrate on dealing with Li Jianguo. As long as she is defeated, the puppet beast will be defeated." It's like a decoration."

The two nodded, this is a way, said: "Are you sure?"

"No." Tang Qing didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Why don't you try if you are willing?"

The two looked at each other in surprise, weren't they as confident as they both said?But after hearing the second half of the sentence, they were all silent. Although they knew they were invincible, they would give up without trying. Who would be willing!

"All right, give me a word." Tang Qing urged.

To be honest, the two of them are not sure, but they don't believe it. If they can't even delay this time with their strength, it would be a bit ridiculous. They nodded and gritted their teeth: "No problem, even if you die. You hold on."

"Yes." Immediately, Tang Qing took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, and said: "In this case, let's start."

As soon as the last word fell, Tang Qing rushed out like a cheetah. At the same time, the puppet beast that was originally stationary also moved. Seeing this, Shi Kelang and TEDA did not dare to neglect, and also dodged Come out, take the initiative to meet the puppet beast, and create enough time for Tang Qing.

Seeing that the puppet beast was blocked, Tang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly rushed towards Li Jianguo, who looked at him motionless.

When he was still a few feet away from the opponent, he leaped into the air and shouted angrily, "Three Ultimate Slashes of Thunder."

For a while, everyone present felt that the spiritual power around Tang Qing became agitated, frantically converging towards the sword body, and as the spiritual power continued to condense, traces of electric arcs slowly formed, and finally turned into thunder lights, sending out "呵"呲" sound.

At the beginning, he relied on this move to leapfrog and kill two thugs. At the same stage, no one had ever forced him to use this trick.

Looking at Li Jianguo coldly, he snorted coldly and was about to strike out, but at this moment, a heavy sense of oppression came from behind him, and he turned his head suddenly. When he saw the puppet beast rushing towards him, his whole body felt People were obviously taken aback, what about Shi Kelang and the others.

He glanced around from the corner of the eye, and in the next second, he found two human-shaped craters outside the arena. The surrounding colleges all looked shocked, as if they saw something incredible.

what's the situation?He promised that he would fight for half a cup of tea with his life, how long will it be?The two were directly killed?

Seeing the puppet beast getting closer, Tang Qing didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. He directly changed the target of the sword skill he was going to use against Li Jianguo, turned around and swung it at the puppet beast that was rushing fast.

Suddenly, the violent spiritual power, accompanied by the dazzling thunder light, turned into three strong sword qi and rushed towards the puppet beast, but the latter seemed to have not seen it, and the speed did not slow down. Its tail was like a magic whip, with terrifying strength Dao flung it over. Seeing this, Tang Qing dared not be careless, and hurriedly raised his sword to resist.



Two loud noises sounded, and the double attacks arrived basically at the same time. The powerful force directly knocked Tang Qing into the air. A puppet beast that splashes dust all over the sky.

Until now, he finally understood why the two of Shi Kelang lost so quickly. The blow just now seemed random, but its strength was terrifying. At this moment, his hands were still a little numb and trembling.

"Did it succeed?" Tang Qing was blocked by the smoke and dust. He couldn't see the situation clearly, and he didn't dare to check it rashly. He could only be careful and wait for the dust to dissipate.

The onlookers also looked nervous, and no one whispered to each other, waiting quietly.

"call out"

Suddenly, a slight sound came out from the smoke, and then, two transparent energies rushed out, followed by a domineering black shadow.

"What?" Seeing the puppet beast appearing in front of him unscathed, Tang Qing was taken aback immediately. He knew very well how powerful the "Three Swords of Thunder" was. No kidding, even a sixth-order monster He was confident that he was seriously injured, but such a powerful attack did not leave a trace on his body. For a moment, he felt that his brain was a little short-circuited.

The situation in front of him didn't allow him to think too much. Seeing the strength coming at a high speed, he swung his sword directly to block it, but at this moment, a strange scene happened. The strength that was originally coming in a straight line seemed to be controlled. Suddenly a parabola came, flew to both sides, and bypassed behind him.

Just about to turn around to resist, but the puppet beast has also approached at this moment, and the slender "magic whip" struck again with a piercing sound of piercing the air. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back. For a while, Tang Qing didn't know what to do Break this deadlock.

Seeing that he was about to be hit, at this moment, Qin Feng's indifferent voice suddenly sounded: "It's ok, let's stop here."

With the sound of his voice, the two streams of energy dissipated instantly, and the puppet beast also stopped, and retreated to Li Jianguo's side, like a loyal guard. Seeing this, Tang Qing let out a heavy breath, but then, a wave Frustration hits my heart, so I lost!
(End of this chapter)

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