Chapter 281 A Tail

At the door of Qin Feng's classroom, Tang Qing and the others stood respectfully, while Xia Kuandi and the others sat in the gazebo not far away.

Suddenly, a sound of "squeaky" came from the side, and the eyes of the three of them subconsciously glanced over. They saw a young girl wiping a mighty puppet with a handkerchief at the moment, as if she felt someone was watching. , the girl stopped what she was doing, and turned her head to look at the three of them with a "swish".

At the same time, the three of them immediately looked back and looked straight ahead. Seeing this, the girl snorted coldly and muttered: "A group of disciples."

When the three of them heard the words, the corners of their eyes trembled. How could they become apprentices just by looking at them?Besides, what they are looking at is the puppet beast, whoever looks at you is just being sentimental.

Of course, the three of them would never be brave enough to say this, otherwise, they would definitely be hunted down by Li Jianguo's entire campus.

After a while, Qin Feng walked out of the classroom with a smile on his face, came to the three of them, and asked, "How do you feel?"

When asked by the other party, the three of them felt a burst of sadness in their hearts, how is it?What can I do?It must be very uncomfortable. Three big men teamed up to beat a woman, but they only persisted for about half an hour before being wiped out by the group.

What made them even more desperate was that the three of them were defeated by a tail of a puppet beast. Tang Qing was okay, at least he blocked one blow. No, for a moment, they actually had the urge to cry, the three geniuses in the kendo class were defeated by a tail, God, please help us.

Seeing the faces of the three people as if they had eaten flies, Qin Feng knew that the other party was not feeling well, and said with a smile: "Okay, none of you are from those ivory towers, so I don't care about the hypocritical words of coaxing children." I said, man, you have to lose."

Afterwards, he took out several books and six bottles of potions from behind him, gave them to the three of them respectively, and said, "Although you cannot be accepted into the class, but in view of your outstanding performance, this kendo comprehension and pills are rewards for you."

Of course, these things must be the rewards given by the system. After all, this is also a test to be carried out in conjunction with the task. The books are the three levels of kendo comprehension: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.

In the past, the shops only sold elementary grades, but just now, Qin Feng exchanged the right to sell intermediate and advanced perceptions in the classroom.

The three of them took it as if they had found a treasure, looked at the item in their hands excitedly, and then bowed deeply to Qin Feng. They had already seen the efficacy of the pill before, and such a serious injury was in such a short period of time. It recovered within a short period of time, it was simply a miracle medicine.

But what excites them the most is the three books on swordsmanship. From their point of view, this must be the swordsmanship experience written by Qin Feng himself. How can they not be moved by giving such a precious thing to them directly and unconditionally? A great gift.

"Okay, this is what you got because of it, practice hard, stand up wherever you fall, and don't fall twice in the same pit."

The three of them looked at each other solemnly, and said respectfully, "I would like to respect Teacher Qin's teaching."

Qin Feng looked at the backs of the three leaving with a chuckle. After a moment, he took a deep breath and said to himself: "On Earth, I should go to school and be a part-time teacher, am I very talented?"

Afterwards, he laughed at himself and said, "I just don't know if teaching others how to play games at school will be hacked to death by their parents, haha."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards Xia Luodie and the others, came to the gazebo, found a seat and sat down, chatting with everyone for a while, suddenly, he asked Xia Yu, "Any news? "

Xia Yu shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the words, and said, "Not yet, even my father sent people out to look for it after learning about it, and there is no news so far."

Qin Feng nodded depressedly: "Thank you, the Great, for me."

Xia Yu chuckled, and said boldly: "We are all friends, why bother to be so alien."

Qin Feng chuckled lightly when he heard this, and stared at the teacup on the table in a daze.

"If you don't want Shopkeeper Qin, don't leave. It's not bad to stay in my Royal Academy to educate people." Zhang Litian suggested while stroking his beard with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm not that carefree, I'd better go back and be my shopkeeper." Qin Feng chuckled, and continued: "You all know the purpose of my coming out this time, and now I only found one, so, I It is necessary to find another person with a special physique."

Hearing Qin Feng's explanation, Xia Yu and the others were fine, after all, they knew something about the mystery of the former, but Zhang Litian was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and asked curiously: "I wonder why shopkeeper Qin is looking for such people? "

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled lightly and shook his head, pretending to be mysterious and said: "The heavenly secret must not be revealed."

Seeing this, Zhang Litian smiled indifferently, and no one asked any more questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and from Qin Feng teaching Li Jianguo how to practice, he could see that the other party did not have any malicious intentions.

"Forget it, I'm going to leave in two days. If you get any news like this, just let me know as soon as possible." Qin Feng said helplessly.

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard the words, Xia Ruodie's face was full of reluctance, Xia Yu and the others also had different complexions, but the most exaggerated one was Li Jianguo, the "evil."

Her eyes were red, and she looked at Qin Feng with tears in her eyes, and then she started to cry, choked up and said: "Master, you can't go, what should I do if you leave, you can't leave me alone. "

Qin Feng squinted at the other party's miserable appearance, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lungs. Why does this sound so strange?Disgusted: "It's not that I'm dead, why are you crying like this? If you have time, you can come to Longlin Lake to find me. It's just a waste of time. Damn."

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Li Jianguo was also a little embarrassed, and sobbed, "I didn't mean that, I just couldn't bear you, and I hope you can live a long life, 1 years."

The more Qin Feng heard it, the weirder it became. There was no problem before, but why did he add the sentence "Live for 1 years" at the end?What has become of this Nima?Afraid that the other party would say something more shocking again, he interrupted directly? "All right, all right, stop talking, I'll take your wish."

Everyone was still a little bit sad when they heard the news that Qin Feng was leaving, but after Li Jianguo made such a fuss, their mood immediately improved a lot.

"Why don't shopkeeper Qin wait patiently for another two days, maybe there will be news back in the near future. After all, Father's methods are much better than mine." Xia Yu suggested.

Qin Feng frowned when he heard this, and tapped on the stone table lightly, as if thinking again.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Xia Yu continued: "I have been waiting for such a long time, so I am not in a hurry for these two days."

"That's right, Master, you've been training me since you came here. You're about to leave before I've fulfilled my filial piety as a disciple. You must give me a chance to show off." Li Jianguo said expectantly.

When Qin Feng heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched again, and he slandered: You frankly say a few words, which is the greatest filial piety, those who are familiar with it know that you are showing filial piety, but those who are unfamiliar, think that you have enmity with me.

After glancing at the expectant eyes of everyone, Qin Feng finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll just wait for two days."

(End of this chapter)

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